Thursday, August 4, 2011

Voodoo type of shit


My ex-boss
Boy what a hectic afternoon! I had to put some order in my e-life this afternoon and I had to go over all the networks I belong to, Facebook, twitter, I just joined one but I forgot its name, a ton of places, lots of faces that I had to drop from my exciting life. I know, I know, people are going to be e-mailing me asking why but I decided to be gay, relax you Homo sapiens guys you, gay as in happier. There were some networks were I had people that were more depressed than me, this cannot be. If somebody's going to be depressed  on this blog, it will be me! My blog, my depression, my life... Get your your own!

Seriously, I had to clean room because there were a lot of people who really don't interact with my life, not that a lot of you do, but I'm starting to reevaluate what a social network is all about. I remember!!! The last network I just joined moments ago was work related, somebody wanted me to join this network regarding what type of work I do, my experience, needless to say as work experience I had put "voodoo type of shit" so I had to edited to sound professional, I mean nobody's going to hire a guy who does that type of stuff... Then again who's going to hire me? Disable, can't move his hands, smells a bit and he's really good I don't want to be hired...

Take care folks!

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