Tuesday, January 22, 2019

2019 With a vengeance...


Happy belated New Year!

Sorry, I took a while to write a post, but in my defense: I was lazy!

There isn’t much to write about, snow is on the floor so me going out? Meh, not happening! But the last outing I did was to my wheelchair people, and they gave me the news that come this Spring/Summer I’m getting a new wheelchair! YAY me!

Apparently, there is a golden rule to which the government is adamant about: when there aren’t more parts available for the chair, it must be replaced with a new one. So, I am getting a new wheelchair because parts aren’t available for my chair. So, YAY again. New technology, new tilt mechanism, new and improved restrictions :( ....

Other that?! Nothing extremely bored out of my skull…..

Anyways, happy 2019 to you all!