Thursday, July 29, 2010

Update one


Today is their day when I’ll start trying video blog. I’ll just have to freshen up a bit and in the afternoon I will record my first video that I will post on my blog. It’s going to be a short one just to let people know that I am still alive.

Well it didn't work really, I tried uploading the video but I was unsuccessful.

I went to the meeting with the CMR and they showed me all the sorts of gadgets that could make my life much easier but some of them are not cover by the Québec government. On I know is that when you go to that place you feel like you're in heaven but when you come out its back to hell. The only good thing they suggested was that I reinstall Dragon software, I did and it's working much much better. I think I will have to go directly to the blog and start posting right away instead of going to a Word document and copy paste my blog.

Yesterday I went to my nieces birthday party and I had fun, I saw people I hadn't seen in ages. Funny enough these folks have MS too, so it was like to disable party with wheelchairs all over. This is going much faster than with my old speech recognition system.

Next week I have an appointment again because last time we didn't have enough time to complete everything. Well this is my update for now, I will post more often knowing that I can do it faster and better than with my old speech recognition.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Brilliant idea


Good morning! Well my house is bird free and I can do speech recognition as much as I want. So my plans for this week are an appointment with specialist regarding my desk. Apparently my current one is not acceptable. Saturday I will be attending the party of my oldest niece, it will be a pool party.

Today is another hot day outside, I will be going out to buy some milk and stuff, and I will be coming right back to the air conditioning room. The girls will be going to swimming pool and then they have skating classes. Did I tell you my youngest one wants to play a hockey? Yeah! That’s why she’s learning how to skate. The other one couldn’t care less; she’s too cool to skate.

The ms front: Saskatchewan is moving frontward in this field, while in the rest of Canada medical bureaucracy still reigns. I’d don’t know if I’ll ever get out of this wheelchair, I’m kind of getting used to it now. Before I had hope in the medical world but now I know that they’re intertwine with the pharmaceutical one. I’d don’t think they want to find a cure yet.

As I mentioned already, this Friday I will be shown different desks adapted for me. But they can only suggest, I would have to pay them out of my own wallet. The government doesn’t cover that, they will cover a $10,000 wheelchair, but not a 200 or 300 dollar desk.

OK, I’ll let you go because it I just had a brilliant idea: video blogs! I got a video camera that I can connect to the computer and video blog myself. But all have to get my daughter to plug the camera in the back of the computer.

Friday, July 23, 2010

Au revoir beeping birds!


Today is supposed to be another hot and humid day, man I hate those freaking birds! Every time I start doing my blog they start chirping plus the A/C, not a very friendly speech recognition area.

So what type of week did I have so far? Well is being very very quiet, beside the birds, got connected with someone in Facebook. A second generation cousin that I knew when I was a little boy. We started to talk and this person provided me with some very old pictures. I got some of my great grandparents when they were young. These pictures must be at least 100 years and some physical familiarities started to appear. My great grandfather looks a lot like a nephew of mine. Also, I got in touch with a person who I think is also a second generation cousin, but I have to confirm it with my mother.

Shhh! You hear that? That’s the sound of silence. The birds are quiet; I think they sense their final goodbye. But let me backtrack so that you can understand the story.

Back in late June, early July my mother in law got a new apartment. The landlord even told her that she would get a month of free rent. But he came back and told her that he wanted to fix the floors, the bathroom, the kitchen… etc. So that was the free month. She moved in to my place telling me that she would be here for a couple weeks. I agreed to that. She also came with a couple of birds and a whole bunch of plants. At the beginning I didn’t mind the birds, even their chirping was adorable.

But after a while of hearing this it became unbearable! Even my daughters were fed up. So the beeping birds’ leaving is OK with me. I think the only good bird is accompanied with a side order of French fries and barbecue sauce. Au revoir beeping birds!

Monday, July 12, 2010

minor update


I’ve just finished appointment with the people that are going to change my life. They have a gadget that will control my telephone, my TV, my lights and my phone. But it’s going to take about five months. I also have to go and see them in two weeks to look for furniture that might help me.
Today is Friday, it’s still a humid day! Tomorrow is going to rain and Sunday it’s going to be beautiful. There is a barbecue planned in honour of my older brother. I am planning to attend it. Also it will be the World Cup final, go Holland!
So Spain won. I told you it was fixed. Enough of soccer!

Well is going to be another hot week in Brossard, apparently will be hitting 39° this week. But I’ll be mostly inside with the AC. I had fun yesterday at the barbecue of my brother, too bad that Spain won. We were also celebrating the this is birthday of my older brother. We’re getting old…Sigh….

Today my girls are at a swimming pool, hope they are having fun. They are growing up so fast, it’s not even funny.

I’d better copy this and paste it before it gets too late. Not much to say today, take care.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Heat wave


How are you? Yet another blog with speech recognition. Here’s the latest development:

I got my hands on Dragon speech recognition, I install it and tried to work with it, but it was a bit too much complicated for me. It is a very powerful application, but it needs time to configure and I don’t have the energy for it. I would like to thanks Eric as well as Marc for having sent the application to me.

On another note, What a heat wave! Plus 40°all week long. It didn’t help my ms, I was in front of a fan all day long! So what happened next? Mom to the rescue! Since I have ms I have been surrounded by angels. Whenever I need something it happens. My mother call me out of the blue and told me I needed A/C.” but mom, I got no money “. She told me she would buy it for me, so if told her there were special for $100. Nonsense! I will give you a good one. Next thing you know I’ve got a 10,000 BTU unit with remote control. I’m freaking cold here!

Tomorrow the CMR will be coming over to see how they can improve my life. They’ll get me gadgets for my remote controls: TV, telephone, speech recognition for my computer (they don’t know I’ve beat them to it). Maybe I can get them to give me a 55 inch LCD TV.

Well after 55 minutes Spain and Germany still nil nil, but I think Spain is playing better. My loyalty is very very vague when it comes to these countries. Ever since I can remember my mother has told me that my that that that that ancestors were Spanish on one side and German Jewish on the other. It is true that you do not meet a Salvadorian that is 6 foot 2 and white. I think I would have to join the national oceanographic genome project to see where I come from. At the end it really doesn’t matter we all come from from Africa anyways. But I do have a beef against Spain. once doing customer support for a Spanish Company the guy told me I was a colon. Translated it means as settler but in a bad way. I really don’t like Spaniards, then again I don’t like Italians, French or Argentineans. I guess it has to do with soccer. OK back to the game. What a surprise, Spain won. Germany had the best tournament and Spain fuck all and at the end they go to the semi-finals. Conspiracy theory, the World Cup is fixed! This year is Holland or Spain. One day Fifa is going to kill me for having found out about it. room will croon

Monday, July 5, 2010

Life updated


How are you? Sorry I haven’t been blogging but I broke my first headset and I had to get a new one. I am still waiting for the Nuance application (dragon), apparently DHL shipped it to the wrong place.

Well I’ve been seen soccer again and I think the refereeing has been fake. I think that Mexico should have gone farther and Paraguay should have advanced.

I’ve been falling asleep late watching movies and waking up in the middle of the night. I have then wander off and go back to sleep 2 hours later. This is the time I often think of my life in my daughters growing up.

My oldest and one is turning into a little lady. She knows everything there is to know about life. Her parents don’t know anything about anything. Last time she bought three sizes of jeans just to piss her mother off, five, seven, and nine. I’ve talked to her and explained to her that logically it made no sense, nine was bigger than seven or five. She understood and gave five back! Her grandmother thought it was us but then she went out with her and understood the problem.

My youngest has a nasty character, with her you have to fly straight. She doesn’t tolerate jokes and you always have to tell her the truth. Sooner than later she will be imitating her older sister.

My wife and I will be outnumbered!