Thursday, September 14, 2017

Tick tock!


Well, as promised, here I am!

Another beautiful day in never never land; feels like Summer but as a true Canuck, I know this is just a dream. Winter is coming…..

Getting cloth off will be fun!
It seems that the local clinic is changing the rules. They are going to send me documents providing information on where to buy “Adaptive clothing”. As a preventive measure to protect their employees, they will be requiring that people using their services start wearing this type of clothing. I fully understand where they are coming from, but it is a shocker to people like me that still move when getting help from the auxiliaries. It also hurts the pocket as I have no clue on how much these type of apparels are. And I must admit, it kinda brings me down as I feel my inevitable death closer and closer; I was just starting to have fun.

What a world....what a world...what a world...what a world....

Adios muchachos….

PS,,,, I needed new clothes anyways...

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Cockamamy Recital


Happy middle of September……

I know, I know: “What gives asshole? Why haven’t you posted?” Right? 

Well, it has been one sunny day after the other and my ADHD kicks in quite unexpectedly. But now, we are really coming to the end of things and I will write more as so my hands don’t forget how to type.
I'm the good looking one...

So, did I tell you that I had a Taco bash with my brothers a couple of weeks ago? Yeah, my future partner in crime really knows how to cook and they were impressed. Needles to say that when the evening was over, they took all the leftover food; they took my breakfast and lunch the mother fuckers!!

Any hoot, just a small note to reassure you that I am not dead yet!!

Adios people…...