Friday, February 27, 2015

Who knew we white folks were good.


How are you doing?

Well February coming to a close and with that Black History month. About that…

Throughout my life, I was brought up thinking that black people came to this continent because the needed of some people for cheap labor; free labor to be exact. They were slaves which basically meant that they could do anything with them for $0 dollars. Now it seems that I got it all wrong, we are turning history around. Apparently some black people came on their own wanting to make a better life for themselves. Commercials on TV are basically saying: "it wasn't that bad!"

They fought along the side of whites to eliminate other people not wanted by them. It was only the last hundred years or so that they became slaves. How does that work? Do you think that they ask a black doctor if he wanted to work for free? Not only that, but that they would beat the living shit out of them if they didn’t complete the task quickly and efficiently. I'm confused here. Were they slaves or weren’t they slaves? I guess every generation changes, I'll bet the Canadians will be saying that the Chinese people really were friends of ours back in the days when the train tracks were being built..

All I say is the more it goes, the more it gets fucked up!

Happy March people!

Thursday, February 19, 2015

POW! Right in the kisser....


How are we today?

I know, I've been very quiet. You know that there's a reason for it, I had absolutely nothing to say. But now the end is near, I’m talking about February, I wanted say hi to you guys. Not only that but there several things that have happened that I wanted to talk to you about.

Like yesterday, I got stuck in the snow three times on my way to my daughters meeting with her teachers. Then coming back on the bus there was the ultimate "go fuck yourself boss" message over the radio waves. I mean, this is the type a thing you want to do when leaving work for the last time. The guy (bus driver) lost it and he just wanted everybody to know that he wasn't going to be taking shit anymore, so he quit; while telling the boss to fuck himself. There was radio silence for a while after that… kudos bus driver guy, kudos…

Then today my daughter tells me that her friend's dad beat the shit out of a guy who was cruising my daughter's friend's mom. Apparently the cops came here and I missed it all! That's my life story, I miss things. Other than that I've been a happy camper all this time…

 Here's hoping that March will be better than February!

Oh yeah, I also turned 47 this month, sooooo I’m getting pretty old.

Take care folks!

PS Plus I've been watching The Bachelor and hopping that one day they will pick me as the unhappy widow bachelor who's family all died in a tragic diving expedition... eaten by sharks... sob....sob...