Sunday, April 17, 2016

Working 9 to 5

Hello good folks…

Hope you are all having an awesome day.

So yesterday I attended a photo session where the main model was….ME! Yeah, I basically “modeled” my face to the instructions dictated by my bath/artist guy and let me tell you, models have it rough.  I mean the guy was all: “smile with your eyes, shake your head side to side, don’t look at me but look at me.”. It was energy consuming but the guy was happy with the results and said that I had done a fine job for a first time model. Well, I was happy and the copies he left me were pretty sweet… I guess I’ll make a portfolio and start working it…

Bye bye people! Enjoy your day!

Saturday, April 9, 2016

The Universe is talking...Shhh!


READY for the shot!

I’ve planning this photo shoot with my bath/artist guy that has kinda pushed me this way with his enthusiastic words….so Fuck it! I only live once…Today I completed the ensemble he will be shooting me with; it is going to be awesome, can’t wait…. I will post pictures.

Other than that I told you about my unexpected lunch date with that kind women and earlier this week I got other kind words from my nurse. Yeah, my nurse! There was this new bath person that came while the nurse was getting ready to leave and the nurse turn to her and said to her “careful with him, he is silk” Again, I took it as if I was a very kind person, but it could also mean: He’s a softy, wuss… so I took it positively…. And today at the store it was another day of people being extremely nice… and I don’t’ mean the sales ladies, I mean all the women who were going out of their way to talk to the cripple guy and smile with me....things are happening I can see them going on and I cannot stop them.

This wheelchair has powers beyond my comprehension.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Selling flowers


I have gotten myself in a pickle again…

Last big MS group meeting I came back on a “power high” that I was going to help the cause and eventually become president. Well, that was like 2 weeks ago and I had come down to my original self of an asshole again; but I had forgotten that there was an email I had sent the society informing them that I had time on my hands and that they could count on me for any financial drive they might be having…Guess what? They took me seriously and asked me to go and sell carnations in May… It’s to raise funds for the association. I will be sitting at a table smiling and asking people as they pass by if they want to buy a carnation, a pen, a bracelet, a hot date with me…

I will become president one day and I will rule with an iron fist…

So mote it be…

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Panic at the mall


Good day y’all!

You are not going to believe me but frigid temperatures hit the region again! We got -7c and today when I went to buy food at the local shopping store, I bundled up like if it was winter! Big jacket, gloves, hat, I went winterized; apparently all week will be like this. At the end of my shopping we passed and got us some Subway…end of a perfect weekend where I got a new mike, a new tie and I got hit on by some one at the mall yesterday... YEAH!

Yesterday while returning my bowtie because it wasn’t long enough, it was size 18 and I needed size 22, I got a flirt at the food court! I bought a fajita dish and needed to transport it to a table, the young lady cashier offered to bring the plate over to a table when suddenly another young lady grabbed the plate and said that she would bring it over to a table. I said thanks and I thought that was it, but it wasn’t! The girl sat me down at her table and then began to chat me up. She asked me if I was “married or happy” I told her happy and it was like I had just switched on “Turbo” mode. We talked about different things I told her my age and everything negative about me, but even then she left with the line: “You are intoxicating” I think that’s good, right?! I mean, I did not fart or smell bad, so I took it as her good deed of the day because she was young and she was very pretty…

Maybe she has daddy issues I dunno, all in all it was a good weekend…

Take care folks.

Saturday, April 2, 2016

On a Saturday like today...

How are you doing? 

Well, I went shopping today and I bought a whole bunch of stuff…  Actually, I’ve just exchanged my bowtie for a tie, bought a USB port multiplier(?!) and as a bonus I bought myself a microphone!  Why?  Well, I want to start live meetings on FB and perhaps start re-doing podcast… Remember when I did a couple of web videos? I use a headset and stuff? Well now I got this stand alone mike and it seems to be working pretty damn good; maybe I’ll buy Dragon Naturally Speaking 13 but it is not compatible with Windows 10 that's what I read. We’ll see….And I can only hope that seeing that I worked at that place for about 10 years until they pushed me into this wheelchair with all their dangerous crap no one else could do, maybe a copy of such application might drop out of a truck and find its way here...*hint* Nuance people *hint*...

On a sadder note, it appears that out of all the members of my mom's family, she is the last one standing…. Her oldest sister just passed away, now of the original Aviles clan, she’s the last one standing… RIP Teresa de Jesus del Socorro… She was 88.

Happier days...

That’s it for me folks, have a good one…