Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Time flies


How are you all?

So I went to McDs yesterday and was pleasantly surprised that they have added electric doors.  Meaning I was able to go into the restaurant and order a frosty treat.  The manager was actually rather nice to me and told me to let him know if I needed anything extra. Also, I went to Montreal’s casino on Saturday night.  I hadn’t been there in awhile and let’s just say it was an interesting evening…I went to bed at 4:30AM....

This Saturday my brothers and I will be having breakfast to celebrate the birthday of our mother who passed away about a month ago.

Hope you’re having a wonderful day….

They care folks

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Half a task completed


Good day to you all, hope it’s a wonderful one…

So, why am I writing today?? Well, my oldest is officially an adult!! I am making plans about what to do with another empty room people!  I have one more to go and then I will fly solo again! OMG! It will be 21 years since I took on the role of dad and ran with it…. Now I’ll be downgrading, slowly but surely, to a small apartment in Italy where I will be having breakfast interrasse  overlooking the ocean…Can’t wait for that to happen…. Only 2 more years!!

But enough about my dreams…

So my most serious kid is all grown up, I am happy for her and wish her nothing but the best. This is my right-hand man when it comes to life; very serious, very centered girl. Her mom and I did a good job on kid number 1; let us wait on kid number 2: The Artist….

See you soon folks…And a big handshake to my kid....kidding, love you baby, I am and have always been proud of you; love you Mimon and Happy Birthday

PS This weekend we will drink and go to the casino…maybe I’ll get lucky…

Monday, May 16, 2016

Bulldozing my life


Happy to meet, sorry to part, happy to meet again...

So how have you been doing?

I have been trapped to my building surroundings since they are, and by “they” I mean the city, revamping my sidewalk; so the street is off limits. I don’t mind, we’ve been having crappy weather; today it was freaking snowing!! I say they have about a week of work, they have been working quite fast and efficiently; I cannot complain.

Other than that, not much; my life is stoic as a rock. I am happy that for next week they are announcing high-temperature weather, Magali will probably be dealing with the installation of the A/Cs here; meaning close windows again. Also, I will be waiting for news on the summer camp thing at the end of this month; hopefully, I get selected, otherwise, I will have to raise the dough to go there….

Fingers crossed!

Sunday, May 1, 2016

On the road of life...


Happy to see you all…

It has been a while and I do not apologize since all the time I could have been writing my blog, I spend it outside driving around like crazy on my wheelchair; we have had fantastic weather and well, I took advantage. The other reason that has just happened is that my mom passed away and I have been keeping low…and there will be more silent time as my temp license on MS-Word expires today and I will not have access to this program…

Any hoot, just passing by to give you a little update…