Thursday, July 11, 2019

That forgetting, embellishing, lying machine...


I know 2nd post this week...are you dying?

Well, it’s raining and I feel emotional...maybe since I joined the group has made me soft and an emotional fruitcake. I cannot bear this feeling, I am at a loss of words. I want to interact with the group, but I have to force myself and they need cheering up. How are you guys? Me, I feel trapped!

I don’t know if like I want to scream, cry, kill myself….everything bad, I am feeling it today. I mean, it’s this life? Just breath and roll around like an ant? Yeah my brother is right I was given a rotten hand and it sucks! Freaking Universe had given me a normal life and “BOOM!” takes it all away from me. I should have never survived my death!

Thanks for listening...

Wednesday, July 10, 2019

Dear Abby


Happy July!

Just came back from a stroll and maybe I shouldn't have gone; humidity and MS don’t go well together.

So, I’ve been posting memes (a lot) on this group of people wi0th emotional and all sorts in general… And I love it. What am I doing there? It’s like I don’t know but by making them feel better (I hope) they are making me feel better. I can say that I see things differently than before, more positive outlook; I am happy and in love…with me!

I guess the studies are right, it seems happiness starts at 50.

Happy trails folks…

Ps….short I know but I’m dying