Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Summer camp blues


Good something to you people!

I don't want to be the bearer of bad news but it appears to me that it's feeling more like autumn every day, today we woke up to a temperature of about 15°C, this is considered parky already. It will perhaps get warmer during the day but our morning temperatures lead me to believe that in a couple of months I will be cocooned inside again. Canada, you've got to love the weather!

I assume the girls are having a ball at their summer camp, it's not exactly a Timbits type of camp where everything was luxury, but I assume the MS society also has their fun stuff. My oldest daughter apparently noticed this from the beginning, the bus that was taking them was a normal school bus, the one that Tim Hortons put at the disposition of the kids, was a luxury bus with music, movies on board and they even had a small snack provided to them in the bus. The one they went to basically told them that they needed to eat something before getting on the bus because there was no snack or beverages that were going to be served. As long as they don't have to sleep in sleeping tents all this freaking time...

Take care people!

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