Wednesday, August 17, 2011

And then there was life


Good day folks, hope you're having a wonderful day.

Well I called the CLSC this morning and my occupational therapist is nowhere to be found. This creates a problem to all the things I wanted to do this morning, I wanted to solve the issue of my brace for my leg and I wanted to ask what had happened with the plan for the modifications to my place. So at this point I'll have to wait until she either comes back from vacation or she stops hiding from me. I still have one more issue that I could tackle, I can call the CMR and find out what the hell is the problem!

Hey, we were tallying up the costs of what the new school year was going to bring, I think we stopped at $2500 dollars...Then we just went to bed while I ponder which kidney I was going to sell to make ends meet... Kidding, but school is getting expensive, even if it's public school and apparently were not supposed to pay anything... Yeah, in what freaking world! Obviously, this is just the first big expense, after this there is Christmas! Ho ho ho! I swear I should become a Jehovah's Witness...

Take care folks!

PS I think I will go out for a stroll... You know, change my state of mind.

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