Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Mele Kalikimaka-The Festivus


Mele Kalikimaka everybody!

The end of the year is here and I wish nothing but the best to everyone. Money, health, love… the usual things that we’re all seem to be missing time and time again…

What are my plans for this festive occasion? Glad you ask!

Same old same old…my chilanga banda and me are headed to 3 Amigos…. Our Mexican local restaurant; and you can bet your ass I will be having several bulldog drinks before my food and one as a good night drink…

For Christmas day, we have gotten the girls some presents base on their like now and their mom is keeping them at her house; apparently she will be here early to put them under the tree… me?? Oooh my friend me is a whole other thing…. Santa came early for me….ooooh did Santa outdid himself for me….But words are not enough take a look below… 

Wireless!! (now is charging my Ipad)

MP3/Radio/Light show boom box!!! Gad, there was a world out there that existed while I was rotting away here in my cubicle….

So in a nut shell, my year was full of ups and downs like everybody’s but it ended in a positive boom box…

Here’s hoping the best for everyone out there….

May the force be with you..

Monday, December 14, 2015

Bermudas in Drcember?!


Good to see the old place, nothing has changed except me. I don't take shit anymore from anyone.... So today when I was told "no" I said: "You have no power over me; not anymore." Yeah we had good times but now I march solo!

I know it's drastic but it's my life and if I want to see the new Star Wars movie, by golly I will! I don't care if you don't understand Chewie, I do and that's what stay in your little world I'm going to a galaxy far far away...

Take care people....

PS The title, oh yeah I almost forgot. I went to see my Neurologist and while waiting this guy came in wearing bermudas... It's freaking December for crying out loud... who does shit like this?!.... Oh yeah, I picked up scotch drinking too...

Monday, November 30, 2015

I'm not the same anymore


I know, I know: “What happened to you?!”

Well not much really, I still don’t know what I do with my days to be honest. I guess I just kinda gave up on the 5 years of blogging… happens to the best of us…So why am I writing? Well it’s part of my contract; nah I just have to practice my fingers so I will not lose their use.

Let’s see…..mmmm….

Well winter is coming and I hope it will be a merciful one so that I will be able to go out more often….what else, what else…?

AH! I picked up drinking! Manly drinking, Mad Men drinking; scotch! Yeah I bought 3 liquor bottles 2 weeks ago, vodka, tequila and scotch. I told my crazy lunatic partner in crime, my oldest kid, that I was going to start drinking and she was rooting for me yesterday. So I open my scotch bottle and took a sip… dear lord, when did I started to hate booze?! It is the worst idea I ever had! I wanted to puke, I remember my dad taking a whiskey glass filing it halfway and drinking it while working on his car…Am I a wuss or has alcohol become stronger?! …

Next vodka….

Sunday, November 15, 2015



Good day all…..

So, you know how I’m like a “go with the flow” type of person, right? Well yesterday I drafted my first ever “where do I see myself in 5 years” plan. And it looks like I could make it happen. It requires a bit of work on my part but eventually it is my next logical step.

The Plan

Basically, I will finish paying my credit card debt in 2 ½ years at which point I will start the process through someone I know to move to Mexico.

That’s the plan; don’t look for any other points… I mean my girls will be adults by then and, hopefully, I will still have my income coming in, so going down to Mexico will benefit me because of the lack of snow and the exchange rate benefits my salary…. Funny enough, it was my girls’ mom that implanted the seeds of such a dream….it will probably be the last time I’ll fly…

So I got a plan….let see the Universe destroy this too…

Take care folks

PS Funny how Mexicans want come here but I want t go there....

Saturday, November 14, 2015

I could kick her ass...

Hello! (…from the other side…I got Adele in my head, stupid daughters)

Good day y’all… France, my prayers are with you.

So, big UFC fight coming tonight: Rousey vs Holm….oh yeah! I have always like MMA from the UFC, before it was hip. I was ordering fights way back when GSP was an unknown kid and this fight I have ordered is because one of my kid is really into Rousey; and who knows, maybe she’ll snap and start fighting her life away…go kid go!

Following that thought, I went to my local watering hole to stock on supplies for tonight: chips, beer, salsa, cheese dip…the essentials. I have to probably cancel my night service because the fight is a10PM and it is going till 2AM…so I will be a zombie tomorrow morning…. So off I go and here is hoping there is some accidental nudity tonight..

Take care folks…

Friday, November 13, 2015

I heard the news today...


Folk, good day; hope your Friday the 13th isn’t going all Jason Voorhees on you.

By Sergio Martinez – 
Well here in my neck of the woods is the same old same old. I think the biggest news are the impending strikes by service workers: teachers, government employees etc… and Montreal is dumping 8 billion, yes billion, litters of raw sewage into the ST-Laurent river because of a construction addition or modification to their sewage system (?). Apparently is not going to have a major impact on the environment according to scientists. Shit happens I guess.

As for the strike, I am siding with the strikers because the same people that are denying the workers the desire increase in the salaries want to vote a salary increase for themselves (politicians), going from $88k to $130+K; I don’t find that’s fair.

And that folks is what is happening in my little corner of the world……

Take care

Saturday, October 24, 2015

Letting go is hard to do


WTH people, some people have a tuff time letting go….People, let go; life goes on, don’t wait for something that is no longer there. Summer is over, give it up…

Snow, what snow?!
I have gone out yesterday and today and I have observed that some people, including myself, are having problems moving on; I gave up my sandals today. Yesterday I saw the UPS man still wearing Bermudas; and it was -2! Today I saw a guy; it’s always guys for some reason, in a Ford Mustang cabriolet with the roof down!! 

Two things could be happening here, either they are nuts or I’m getting too old for this shit….

Later…see you after my nap…

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

H1N1 revisited


Well I was (still am) debating the issue that I had H1N1 and that I had gone to the hospital and gotten Tamiflu, the anti-viral medicine given cases like that. My oldest and her mother are saying otherwise and I have hit my blog to find a trace of such incident and I have Dec 23 2010…wow I have been blogging since then! Obviously you go through the emotional ups and downs, back then my oldest was 12 and I was still hitched with someone that I held in the highest of all places… well shit happens and we moved on.

But for the record, I did find a clue of when it happened but these bitches won’t be happy with it………

The search continues…..

Sunday, October 18, 2015

The sunny side of me



I know, I know…”What’s wrong with you?”….Well I’ll tell you what the beeping hell is wrong with me!

One of the rare times that I see my team in action on cable and some idiot, like always, is ringing at my door. "Who is it and why" are not valid questions. You see when you live in a building full of retards, yes I said the “R” word so sue me, they have friends who are also retards and will ring the first apartment on the buzzing board so that they can be let into the building… today I lost it and went out through my private entrance and gave a piece of my mind to the idiot who was ringing my door; I told him to call his friend and ask what freaking door to ring, and I didn’t care he did not know how to speak English, French or Spanish! Learn the ways of western society you demented person and tell your friends about the senile guy who lives in the apartment with the white door……..and likes to watch football on Sundays; prick head

Take care….

PS Stupid Redskins, they don’t know how to play football…..

Friday, October 16, 2015

Moody Friday


Maybe I am program to be in a bitchy mood on Fridays, but today is another one of those days when I want to kill everybody and their mother. Why? I don’t know, I just want to start fights left and right, just analyzing my “life” and it sucks…. A rotten hand my brother called it and it seems that it fit my existence perfectly. The worst of it all is that I still believe it is going to get better; that it is going to change and it is not.

Started by me being diagnosed with high blood pressure (hereditary), follow by MS, get divorced because of my MS and now I am waiting for the other shoe to fall….maybe I’ll get decapitated, who knows… All I am saying is step away from the Chuck today, he is cranky…..


PS Must fight urge to slap my doctor when she comes...

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

I saw a star.....she was bright....


Guys, guys, I saw God today… seriously…

The Von Stâr
There are losers and then there are losers… I am the second type of loser. Why? Well because in one of her pictures she claims that “if she calls you a loser she probably likes you”. I am not that lucky…Guys this kid is a potential super model… She even has a circle on top of the letter “a”; something like “å”. How hot is that? Her gene pool is flawless, she has a “Von” in her family name, I got a “G” and that’s it! I cannot even tell her thanks for liking my post because of her privacy settings on FB; even if I could what do I tell her “…I……not worthy…thank you your majesty.” With a name like hers she is bound for royalty.

Well that’s my 15 minutes of having been touched by a star of some sort….


PS Ah please, don't tell me you don't go and check who liked your Well I do....

Solitude oubliée


Me voici entrain de te dire je t’aime. Je voudrais et je pourrais passer une vie avec toi. Tu es la dernière image de ma journée, la dernière pensée qui passe par ma tête; la première respiration qui prend mon être. Aujourd’hui je me sens faible en pensant à toi, que fais-tu? Penses-tu à moi encore? Moi. Je t’assure, je ne t’ai pas oublié; tu es là où tu m’as quitté voilà déjà quelques années.

Peut-être maintenant que le tout a changé ont pourras enfin essayer à nouveau….

Allez, donne nous une chance….


Sunday, October 11, 2015

Vacuum fiasco


Here I was thinking I had nothing to write about when suddenly it hit me: “Little J’s mom stiffed us!”

Julie, my kids mom, bought a vacuum cleaner from her and apparently it was top of the line and shit, but now my oldest is trying to use it and it's a fiasco! Apparently nothing works! And she’s asking me all sorts of questions on how that demonic thing works…. I don’t know how it works; I didn’t graduate in vacuum specialist… Call your aunt, get your money back….better yet, get a broom!

I swear everyone here thinks that I know everything…


PS I do know everything but I keep it to myself..

PS PS Suggestion to J's mom, maybe provide a course on how to use a vacuum would be good...

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Thanksgiving Canada 2015


Good day all. About to celebrate Thanksgivings Canada/Mexico…. The mother of my kids, her mom, her sister and electric magnetic guy are coming over for some Mexican food that they prepared… I guess I’m thankful for that…

See you soon…

PS and to my nemesis, can’t wait to see you so we can discuss the terms of your surrender to me…

PS PS Don’t mind my gibber jabber folks, I’m loco in the cabeza..

Friday, October 9, 2015 Française.


Je suis comme un mourant qui divague ses derniers mots avant de s’enfuir, comme un clochard qui cherche les rues pour trouver un endroit où se reposer la nuit. Tu me manque et je ne sais pas comment te trouver. Aujourd’hui j’ai prié au Dieu du ciel, aux étoiles de l’Univers que tu sois dans ma vie. Je sais que j’avance notre rencontre et que peut-être cet enfonce me trahira à la fin. Mais tu vois, je sens que le temps presse et je songe à tes caresses où je trouverais un abri.

Voilà, c’était ma note il faut maintenant que je quitte car tu es surement un mythe qui garde mon cœur au chaud….


What now?!


Ladies and gentlemen, I feel that the Universe is pushing me in a new direction that I have written about it here in the past: A book!

Early this week I was having breakfast with Julie and the phone rang; area code 802, that’s funny. I told her to pick up the line to see who it was. I overheard her say the word book and she had this “wtf” look in her eyes. Once she hanged the phone I asked her what was the call about. She told me that it was this person asking if I had finished my book. WTH?!.... The only thing I can think of here is that a long long time ago I filled up a questionnaire about what I was hoping for in life and I put “write a book”… now I feel it is my duty to write a book…

I wish that the Universe would send clear signals, like “ok this stage of your life you have to write a book…”, but no it always has to be encrypted…

Stupid Universe

Take care folks…

PS I guess sharing articles or blogging doesn't cut it for the Universe...

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Carlos the tapu person


Happy to see you all…

So yeah, what’s up with me and people?... it’s like they will get close to me but then suddenly and without warning stop talking to me. Do I smell bad? Some wicked e-BO? Am I repulsive? I really wish they could be upfront with me and tell me that they’re only planning to say “Hi”, talk about the weather and then move on…

I have noticed this the past week where I have basically been very charming, like I am usually, but then it’s like everyone but me is bi-polar and won't give me the time of day! I think this is the main reason I don’t have friends, I basically am a passing distraction that may or may not return into some one’s line of site…

By this post I probably offended half the Internet population and will be shun by you and your Amish parents….

Take care folks…

PS Granted, I am somewhat of an asshole but even they will not accept me into their groups…

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Lettre à un fantôme


Je m’ennuis de vous, je m’ennuis de toi…

Ça fait une éternité que je ne t’ai pas écrit en français; tu me manque et je ne sais pas comment te le dire, comment te le faire savoir. Maintenant que je suis seul à nouveau, je vois tes photos, je relie tes lettres et puis je pense à toi. Tu es un fantôme qui ne m’a jamais quitté, que même si je t’ai repoussé au fond d’un abime d’où j’ai cru que tu resterais oublié, tu commences à remonter petit à petit dans la surface de ce qui est denenue ma vie aujourd’hui.

C’est fous come on reste encré aux choses du passé que nous croyons disparues….


Thursday, October 1, 2015

Survivor or scorpion candy or exlax


Did I tell you what Julie and my kid brought me back from their trip to L.A via Dallas? Lollipops…Lollipops with a scorpion in them!... Survivor time! After a meeting I will shortly have with a CLSC person, I will chow down on a scorpion or two to see what’s the whole “Yuck” thing about eating bugs. I don’t think much of it really except that they are probably crunchy. Can’t wait to taste them..

Can you see it?

I will let you know of the aftermath…..

PS My kid told me not to eat too it is not because I'm diabetic but because they seem to act like a laxative...

PS PS,,,, Yess! some of my favorite words: RE-SCHEDULE!!! ... tasting time!

Wednesday, September 30, 2015

A serious post...really...


Good day all

I just read a NY Times opinion by Prof Margot Mifflin regarding her personal opinion on accepting death and learning how to do it properly. No, I am not in a somber mood nor am I dying. Is just that for some reason death has always s fascinated me, its origins, its aftermath whatever it may be, the repercussion of it. Perhaps because I am weird, because my brain has been wired differently than the general population but I know that everything, and I do mean everything, has an expiration date. Everything! Stars, plants, animals, people, relationships, you name it and it will “die”; it's just a matter of time.

Granted we do not know if plants, animals or any other “thing” goes through the same agony as humans do or even if they have the same void that exists when we lose some one. What Margot Mifflin is touching in her article is the fact that her mother’s death seems to have been perfect and how, in a weird way, she left an example of how to properly die.

You can find Margot Mifflin’s opinion here.

Take care folks

Monday, September 28, 2015

The moon and it's magic


Did you see that moon last night? Gorgeous! I caught a break because the person who puts me in bed had never seen something of that nature… something that the creator had made. She’s a JW, s she was mesmerized and I felt like a professor explaining what was happening…. She on her side was talking on how everything was perfect and how she sometimes felt lonely…. Yeah, I tried to by step the comments but she was throwing as a way to test the waters; I did not bite….I’m okay how I am right now, maybe one day, but not now; not yet…..

Well the night was magical….

Friday, September 25, 2015

One of those going to hell post...


So yeah, I am a firm believer that sometimes the Universe is trying to send you a message. Well, today it was religion.I know nobody listens to me; I don’t care about it: been there, done that. But it was weird and I couldn’t keep it dark, I had to share it with my cynically incline daughter who had a good laugh. 

I told her that as the guy who got me up from bed opened the door and there was the lady that keeps giving me pornography books  (like if she was stalking me)… religious books… she even asked my name so that she and her church group could pray for my salvation… weird, I would have thought that the big guy would have known me already.. But that wasn’t the only sign, no sireee bob, I got a friend request on FB and I not caring who she or he was  accepted it without hesitation. I started to get religious stuff from this person and well, I felt bad. I feel bad because I have to be nice to these people; they mean well. They are not going to convert me, I am a cynical bastard who does not believe in religion; I believe in something bigger than me, I just don’t know what..

Any hoot, I wish them well…

PS… the other sign was my mother informing me that pope Francis was coming over for lunch tomorrow and to give her the prize for the most charitable person in the world…. The woman has done her time on Earth and now her head has left her…. God bless her…

PS PS... just in case Francis comes, I better tidy up...

Thursday, September 24, 2015

L.A. stories...


A North America night cap for you…..

Well one of my kids and her mother are in L.A. today, they call me from the car of Julie’s uncle and they were stuck in traffic for over an hour…ouch… And here I was thinking of moving to California, nu beeping way…. I prefer the snow…They went to a quinciañera’s party and let me tell, Mexicans are locos in the cabeza my friend. Julie’s cousin tabbed up a pretty penny for the event here’s hoping they have fun. I know that my kid and Julie will find their stay quite brief since they will be back by Sunday.

Any hoot, just wanted to shoot the breeze before they put me to bed….That reminds me, I need to cancel my Sunday’s getting up since I will be doing breakfast with Julie’s mom and her granddaughter…I know what you’re thinking: FREE BREAKFAAAST! Yessssir, I am thinking the same..

Good night folks….

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Days like that day...


Top of whatever to you….

Life is grand, can’t complain except…..

No really not much going on lately and if there is, I am missing it.

Last week I had the Friday of hell. Since every day now I have somebody from the CLSC that gives me a bath, clothe me and sits me at around 10AM, I was surprise that it was 11:30 and nobody had shown his/her face. Well the bath guy came at around 12:00PM just as the bathroom on the main floor was giving shit; literally! If anybody on this floor was flushing their toilette, it was coming out through my bathroom stall…. My oldest and her mom were doing a fine job of containing that shit; again, literally. 

Needless to say that calls were made left and right and I told my guy just to dress me up and go, there was no need for his services that day….what a way to start the celebrations of September 19, 39 years in this country that started out promising but somewhere along the line in went south like there is no tomorrow; but I’m fine….

Adios folks…

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Life can and will get worse


No, I am not a happy camper! Here I was ready to post on my blog my two cents on growing up and how my oldest is doing her transition in a very educated manner when I decided to click yes on a Chrome question and POOF! System reboots, lost all my cookies in Chrome and in real life, no more save data or useless passwords…!!!.... I hate my life!

Take care

Saturday, September 12, 2015

The retarded Dorito...

Hello…and yeah, I wrote that title!

Before you start gong all politically correct on me hear me out….

Those are not my words, no; those are the words of a 14 year old interchanging comments with her older sister in the bathroom walls. Remember that I had blogged about how they were putting graffiti on the bathroom walls prior to their mother putting an end to it? Well, that picture was sent to me as proof that the kids are running amuck upstairs without the presence of an adult.

Which leads me to part “B” of my story; subletting that room

I presented the plan and the viable candidates to fit the scenario; told them the usual mumbo-jumbo on how anywhere from four to five hundred dollars a month would help us go out to the movies or restaurants more often… the usual bullshit… the kids were opposed to such shenanigan ideas, they did not agree with someone that wouldn’t fit with their lifestyle, the hoarding type, to come into this house. If anybody was going to move into this house, it had to be family; for respect to their mother I will omit more details on this matter... it was my turn to throw a tantrum: “NOooooooo” No way, no how I said!

So we have agreed to keep the Status Quo for right now pending them moving out or me dying….

Stupid kids….

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

The Lake house revisited....


…bitches be crazy…. My kids that is….

Why I am stating this fact to you (because it is a fact)? Well, have you ever heard or saw the movie “The Lake House” with Keanu and Sandra, yeah where they interchange messages via a mailbox?

 Well my kids were doing this until yesterday when their mother went into the bathroom, yes the bathroom, and saw the messages that were being interchanged back and forth between them! They were turning the bathroom into a public one were you usually find messages such as “For a good time call…” they were admonished and told that this wasn't the proper thing to do…. So they bypass the rules by putting a book in the bathroom were they can silently communicate their thoughts and insults to each other and whomever uses the bathroom can have a good chuckle while doing their thing…

Kids, they will always amuse me…

Take care folks..

Monday, September 7, 2015

Labor day in a shell


Happy Labor day folks….

Today here in my neck of the woods is a “scratch your ass and vegetate” type of day. Everything is closed! I know you could do outside shit like ride a bike or go play catch or plan an indoor activity like pin the tail on the donkey…. Yeah well, outside is super-hot I am talking nobody is out there type of hot, and inside there isn’t much happening either… sooooo

I watched old movies in the Movie Network Encore, kinda like some classical movie channel
in the USA. I saw Robin Hood Prince of thieves with Kevin Costner and right now we just ordered Chinese food with my girls compliments of their mother….YAY! Can’t wait to taste the peanut butter sauce raviolis…..

Happy AFL-CIO to everyone…

Friday, September 4, 2015

Danger is my middle name....sort of...


Happy Friday folks….

So yeah, I briefly, very briefly, touched the subject of being saved from the flames of fire that broke out last Sunday.. Tragic story really!

It was hell people, hell!
On Sunday I was taking the sun outside when suddenly a couple of trees in front of my domus (and pretty close to it) caught fire and I did the heroic thing to wonder off to the neighbors besides the fiery flames and warn them. Needless to say they were not there but by the time I was turning back I was engulfed by the fire. Dam, I said to myself. Hope the girls are okay and that they know that even if their dad won’t make it home today, he loves them very much.. So I brazed for the worst and just then the hand of the big guy spread water over the fire saving me to tell this story. It was really this big guy with a humungous bucket of water that was able to put off the fire…..

I made it folks…..

PS okay, so it was a couple of bushes that caught fire…… still, I almost died, almost.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Wanting to believe...

Hellooooo and WTF?!

What is wrong with me that people need to push their religion on me constantly?!

Yesterday while resting in the sun a lady came over and asked me if I spoke English, after affirmatively answering she asked me if I believed in God. I told her I did believe in a god and she told me that I should join her church because shit was happening there; alright she didn’t say shit but miracles. She started by telling me how her sister was in a wheelchair and now she could walk. When she saw that I was skeptical she told me that she had been in a wheelchair too and now she could also walk……!!!???...I told her I was impressed and asked her what was her ailment…..Silence is all she could mustard… needless to say that today she didn’t even say hello when I saw her… 

and here I was ready to be saved and give thanks from having been saved from the fire….(I’ll tell you that story some other time)

Cya later folks…

Saturday, August 22, 2015

It was just one of those nights....


I’m back, had an awesome time ready to tackle life again.

So, activity wise there isn’t much I can say, I mean, been there done that type of vacation. What I did emphasize more on this time was on being more social, saying “Hello” more often and listening to what people were talking about. The old Chuck wouldn’t have done that, the old Chuck would have node and smile…. Times change people, times change,

One of the biggest things that I noticed was that when you are single/separated/divorced you kinda get hit on by people that are out of your league; senior league! I told Julie, I will call her Julie from now on because “Ex” has a negative connotation to it and we’re pretty much BFFs, (again) I told Julie that I hated her for what she had done because all that needed to happen was for somebody to find out I was available again and the shit would hit the fan; it did!! I had a bunch of old ladies on wheelchairs hitting on me, scout's honor folks. There was this one that wanted me to sing a song with her and she f_cked it up royally; and it is my favourite song of all times. Now I cannot listen to it anymore…. Why me God, why me!!!!...

I was frame I tell ya, frame!
Then, there was the time that I was frame! Somebody had left a bag on my side of the room and a camp monitor opened it just to find, surprise surprise, 3 condoms! WTF folks, W T F!....they were not mine, most of the camp monitors are under 18 so it would be illegal; and for the record, they were too small…

So it was that type of summer camp…. I wanna go back….sigh

PS I know that you guys are probably going "Yeah Yeah, you were frame *wink*" because of the messy bed and the girl holding the condoms, but the bed was like that because I threw my dirty clothes on it and the girl is a don't "Yeah yeah" me....

Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Where dreams are replenished...


Now that the dust has settled…

So, my last post before hitting the road!

Camp 2014
I have been there 3 out of 3 times, in theory if I’ve been there once I am not supposed to attend it anymore; unless people approached refuse to go. Leads me to ask the question: People, WTF??? It is completely free! Free food, free activities, you got people that take care of you at the drop of a dime, so why not go?? I cherish the week I get off from my daily routine, I am extremely grateful for every second that I spend there contemplating nature and its beauty. Plus the camp fires are always fun….. So get off your butt, metaphorically, and come to the camp; maybe we’ll meet each other there….

Yay Camp!

PS Mind you, it might also be that the texts that I send to post my candidature for camp are so profound that they have no choice but to request my presence…  I rock!

Monday, August 10, 2015

The winds of change


I know, it’s been a while but shit happens; so let’s move on…

When you cross the threshold of the door in a couple of weeks, I don’t want to see you anymore. I don’t want to know anything about you I, will cut all ties with your family, your friends, anybody remotely associated with you. When referring about me do not use the term “my ex-husband” as it would imply that I once knew you and we had some sort of relationship with you. I now consider you a spot on a white blanket that must be bleached out….

No, you are dead to me……

Although it sounds quite a lot like our last discussion, divorce/separation isn’t what I thought was going to be. I don’t know if my food, coffee, yogurt was spiked that night but when I woke up in the morning I was a different man…

I was ready to stay friend with her and not just for the sake of our kids. No, I somehow was in a Zen state and remembered that before having kids we were friends; and good ones I may add, so I wasn’t going to ruin that.

At this point we seem to be at peace with each other ….

And it’s time for summer camp…Yay!

Friday, April 24, 2015

The week in a nut shell...


Good day all and what the hell people, what the hell…

Yesterday I went to get a fuckoscopy regarding my bladder and its constant blockage. Apparently everything is fine; I just have a large prostate but it is healthy the urologist said. It took me 3 hours of transportation to go to the hospital 20 minutes away. He wanted me to see on the screen what was going on but I told him that I was good, didn’t need to see the inside of my body…yuck…

That biatch….

This week also my oldest came home all huff and puff asking permission if her friend could come over because they had a crisis… apparently somebody had hacked their FB account and was posting stuff that they had said about this guy or other and how blah blah blah… I really didn't give a fuck about it, teenage drama crap who needs it. I just asked if I needed to get the cops or homeland security involved to which she answer no so I got out of the house so they could pow-wow in peace….

A bridge to sell

And today that I didn’t want to do anything because of the crappy day we are having (seems that spring and summer bypassed us to let winter settle in again) the whole “You won something free…” world is calling! WTF!?! How many times can my number be selected as a winner of facial, trips, hotel accommodations in one week!? Thank God I don’t trust anyone (ask my nephew Miguel from Mexico) so I don’t get swindle out of my stash of cash….except by my bitter half…..

Take care amigos…..