Wednesday, February 29, 2012

And then the light bulb went on!


What an interesting genealogy afternoon! So if you don’t like this subject, step away from this blog. It's about to get personal...

I have found the last registration I was missing from my grandmother’ sister, Esperanza. Well it was interesting because she was registered by someone other than my great-grandmother, but the document states that she was the daughter of my great-grandmother and she didn’t (my great-grandmother) registered her because she didn’t know how to write!!!! I will now change paragraph to explain my theory in which all comes full circle and my mother’s usage of her memory to tell facts gets vindicated…

WTF???  My great-grandmother didn’t know how to write??? She registered 3 kids before Esperanza! She knew how to write!! (Switching to speech recognition. This is too complicated for me to type)…

Where was I?...  Yes!  My great-grandmother didn’t know how to write... As I was saying my great-grandmother registered her other kids, so why not this one?  I’ll tell you why and this is where my mother gets her vindication…She (my great-grandmother) was DEAD!

A while back I had asked my mother when my great-grandmother had passed away, she immediately told me, without hesitation that my great-grandmother passed away in 1907; when my grandmother was only seven years old.  I obviously kept on digging and with time I got a picture of her grave (great-grandmother), with a different date: 1915 to be exact.  My mother and I had our first generation fight!  She told me that my grandmother had never lied to her, I’d told her that memory was easily distorted…  She then confirmed with her cousin that there was an accident with the graves and some of them had erroneous dates…  I wasn’t having any of this; it was obvious to me that she was in the wrong… Not a very nice thing to do, trying to destroy somebody’s memory, shame on me! Now I feel really crappy because my mother’s use of her memory is outstanding and I apologize for ever having doubted her, she’s really accurate when it comes to her history…

Now here’s my theory:

I believed that my great-grandmother passed away while giving birth (or after) to her daughter Esperanza.  It was a lady named Dolores Castro who registered my grand-aunt in 1908 and she uses the excuse that my great-grandmother didn’t know how to write because she was already dead…  Dolores Castro was the aunt of Esperanza's future husband, Manuel Farfan.

Esperanza, Toño, Amparo

It was a very productive afternoon for me, a very productive month!  See you next month…

My life while the toilet is flushed


Bath time finished and all is back to normal…

I have made reservations for my bus tomorrow and I am hopping for the best; my bath lady also was enthusiastic about the batting average of the weatherman this year….not to good!

And that was my half an hour of talking to someone…When my bath people leave, my sister-in-law leaves and all telephone calls are finished, I am alone with my thoughts in this room with a view….and now I’m starting to lose fate on the modifications of my place…. As a bonus, I’m getting a rash on my hand that the bath lady suggested I have my nurse look at it….Plus and this is a big one, I can hear the guy up there when he pisses and flushes the toilet….I need a life…sigh!

Later days folks, later days…

PS I almost forgot, happy birthday for people born on February 29th!  Happy leap year...

Freaking Universe


-          “Good morning Chu…”
-          “…”
Shut the F_UP voice!  At this Point I don’t know who to be pissed off more with, the weatherman or the building inspector!...

Yesterday I got an e-mail from the building inspector informing me that all the work I did electronically was to no avail!  The minister of some crap or other wants to have legitimate papers and not electronic crap so that he might unlock the door to the vault of cash.  So the building inspector sent me the documents that I have to fill up and mail them back to him…  Freaking old geezer, doesn’t he know this is the 21st century?  Doesn’t he know I want to save a tree?  He probably drives on old beat up V8 pickup truck!

But wait!...  My day gets better!  Tomorrow I’m supposed to have a meeting with the organizer of the China trip for my daughter.  Is it going to happen?  I don’t know!  There are all sorts of alerts for tomorrow’s weather!  We got a severe depression coming our way and we are about to get dumped with snow, lots of freaking snow!  I’m talking anywhere between 15 cm and 25 centimeters…  This is going to make it a bit complicated for me seeing that the meeting will be held at 6:00 PM and I don’t think they’re going to clean a pathway for my wheelchair.

So as you can see Voice I’m a mixed bag of emotions right now, I don’t think I’ll be going out anywhere tomorrow but then again the weatherman always has it wrong; it might be more snow or it might be a gorgeous day…

Any hoot, back to waiting for my bath people!  Have a good one folks…

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Arrivederci populous


Life's a battle and then you die....just go with the caption for Pete's sake!

Well the sick one is eating Pizza Pockets and she has no fever…that was another total story from her grandma that yelled me out because I hadn’t taken her temperature….the kid was cold and the thermogizmo proved it! 96.9f or close to 37c…take a chill pill this, someone going to rat me out.. ‘s ok, I got the MS cape to keep me safe!...

I’m about to go to the CLSC for the vaccines my daughter needs for China… Ouch it’s going to hurt! I mean $100.00 dollars doesn’t grow on trees, oh, yeaaaah…it will probably hurt her also. But she wanted to go to China….actually she didn’t, it was her freak of a mother that want….okay, I wanted her to go also;I always had a thing for Asian girls….but they didn’t like me…Nobody likes me!!!! …okay movie aficionados, what movie was I referring there to??  

We’ll always have Paris….

Is it Friday yet?


Be bewy bewy quiet, my youngest is here!! I am actually typing away my blog as I don’t want her to hear me dictate what I think of the whole situation…. I don’t know who to blame, the school or her. Earlier on I got a call from her school asking me to send somebody because she had puked her brains off! Oh no, not on this day!! You see folks her mother is out of town cleaning a house about an 1 away from here…so I had to call my sister-in-law to pick her up… when she came in, she looked fine; no fever and still thinking with her stomach. I asked her what happened and she told me she had vominated (as my oldest used to say) in the bathroom and the school had sent her back!! WTF??!! In the space of 2 months she has been sent home 3 times!!! 3!!! Either I have the sickest kid in the world, the best con artist you have ever seen or the school is full of inept people that have no other solution but to send kids home when they can’t take care of them!! I really don’t know because the last couple of meetings I have had with them, they haven’t impress me much; and in their defence my kid has pulled some lame stories that I can smell a mile away but the parents and school staff can’t… Having cancer on the knee comes to mind… Oy vey! I must have been somebody bad in another lifetime..

Take care folks!

PS Apparently the Internet is good for whatever she had...

Fighting for my dreams


Good day to you people…

Well it’s a beautiful day out there, the sun is shining, temperatures are not bad and I’m about to have my bath given to me by a girl.  Apparently all that brouhaha last week regarding my bath was due to changes that were being tested out by the CLSC.  But this week everything’s back to normal, Monday I had a girl replacing my usual guy because he’s on vacation, today and tomorrow I am back with my usual girl and Thursday it will be my usual person…  And I think he will have stories for me about his date with the e-chick that emailed him….can’t wait for that!!

And a dream crushing continues!  My mother called me yesterday telling me why I had never told her about my dreams of being a garbage personnel…  She didn’t believe them!  I’d told her that I did want to work with garbage but the occasion never presented itself and therefore I took something else…  Like history or computers…  I just didn’t tell her because I once had told her that I wanted to be a philosopher to what she replied “Oh!  You want to be I shit eater!”…  So garbage personnel dream was out of the question.  But that’s not all, this morning I read a comment on my blog accusing me of being a liar…  That I always wanted to be a trucker, a pilot and/or a priest!  A pilot or a priest is affirmative, but a trucker?!  I’d don’t remember this!  Obviously my garbage men dreams were never going to be exposed while I was a kid.  I couldn’t!  What would normal people think of me?!  An underachiever?!  A dreamless person?!  No!  Ms. C’s kid was going to be somebody!  Little did I know that the universe was going to throw me a curve ball that would put an end to my garbage career…  Damn I’m good!

Take care folks, and thanks for listening!

PS Anybody else wants to tackle my dreams??

Monday, February 27, 2012

Things that happen in my building,,,


Sorry about that…

I just finished having my bath, I know I thought the person that was coming before was my bath lady, it wasn’t; it wasn’t even for here!  But I promise I will make it up to you on this post…

What I’m about to write, dictate, are events that happen yesterday.  Yesterday was a cleaning day here at my house and my wife was going gun ho cleaning my place and the building.  Remember that she’s one of the people that takes care of this place, so she has to earn her salary; and she did.  So she decided to clean the elevator, a job that took her about an hour…  She also went up to the washing machines to put some clothe in the machines.  So she cleaned the elevator and then came down to get some clothe to wash…  When going back via the elevator she discovered that the job she had just finished doing had been messed up by somebody that squirted Gatorade all over the elevator…!!...  She was pissed off and decided to go and see the other administrator of the place.  Well on the way down the guy saw somebody that has two kids and he accused his kids of deliberately destroying the job my wife had done…  Why did he do that?!  All hell broke loose, all you could hear was screaming in the halls!  The guy even tried to raise his voice with my wife but she wasn’t having any of that, so the guy apologized and kept on yelling to the other administrator of the building.  The administrator told him that they were going to look at the security cameras to find out who did the job …Long story short, my wife had to do the job all over again.  Then she went shopping for some food for the house…  It didn't end there people!  Later on there was more screaming out in the halls, apparently they had found out who the culprit was and they were chastising him…

It was the highlight of my Sunday…only in my place...

A brief post to start the week


Good week folks...

Had an excellent weekend, snowed in my place doing didly squat! Now I'm about to get my bath and concentrate on the week that lies ahead: vaccine for my oldest tomorrow and final meeting on Thursday regarding the China trip. Summer is coming real fast, in a couple of weeks my wife will be gone for a week to meet her nephew and at the end of March, my eldest is off to China coming back until April; April is basically Summer for us...please don't spoil it Mother Nature....bath time!!!

Take care!

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Inner sanctum


Good Sunday to you all…

Today is a cold day today, just like the state of my relationship…sigh…. I thought she was ready to hear it, I thought that she would understand where I was coming from… She didn’t and I felt disappointed! I told her my most sacred secret that I had, the last bastion of my intimacy had come down and she didn’t like what she heard… A secret not even my family knew was about to be exposed to her; she should have felt special, she should have understood me and comprehend my state of mind! Well she didn’t and now I will share this with you, perhaps you understand me….

You know how we all have secret dream jobs we would like to do?! Well I have one, had one… I know some of you dream of being astronauts, doctors, lawyers, rock stars, movie stars…..well I always wanted to…. drive a garbage truck; work with garbage in a garbage dump!! Yeah, this has been my dream job ever since I can remember. But we all have some one that pushes us to do lame jobs such as a computer technician!... Some of the people I worked with will be shocked of what I wanted to do, some will understand the little quirks I had back when I used to work and others will shake their heads in disbelief of what they are reading here today… Don’t judge me, everyone is different and the world is a special place because of this… Il faut du monde pour faire un monde… That’s my motto! To me it means you need different folks to make a world….I just wish I wasn’t ostracised because of my dreams…

Take care folks!

PS all of this came out of us watching Toy Story 3 and the beautiful garbage scene at the end of the movie….

PS PS BTW, she forbade me telling the girls about my special dream for fear of making them underachievers….what a witch!!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Mother nature sucks


Happy Saturday and Sunday people…

Well mother freaking nature played a cruel joke on us yesterday! It was getting to be like spring ‘round here and yesterday she decided to show us who’s in charge  of the weather and we got 10+ centimeter of the white stuff dumped on us, in fact it’s still snowing as I write! Put my going out anywhere on hold for a while I wanted to go out to the mall and buy some food for a special breakfast/lunch today….not happening!! I think I’ll either go to an electronic store or a computer store tomorrow, I want to buy either a web cam or a desk for my computer…but we’ll see what I feel like later on the day…

Have a great weekend people….

Friday, February 24, 2012

Reminiscing my memories


Aaah fiddle sticks! Put on my music and what songs plays first?! A French song, her song!! The song that reminds me of her…..

Well I decided I’m going to go out when my girls come, gonna go and buy some food to have my wife or kids cook a special meal…AND, And, and we’re going to watch yet another movie of Edward vs Jacob: The girl gets pregnant with bats! I don’t know the name of the movie but it’s the one after New Moon or Eclipse, the one with the metrosexual vampires and the silly wolves…not like the real vampires: Lestat, Louis, Akasha…now there’s some leat we didn’t pay for the movie, my brother lend it to us and he said it’s crappy!

” She says, "It's only in my head. She says, "Shhh....I know it's only in my head. But the girl on the car in the parking lot Says: "Man, you should try to take a shot Can't you see my walls are crumbling."  Then she looks up at the building And says she's thinking of jumping. She says she's tired of life; She must be tired of something. Round here she's always on my mind. Round here, hey man, I got lots of time. Round here we're never sent to bed early and nobody makes us wait. Round here we stay up very very late" 


Happy weekend people!

You have to love family


Well today is a déjà-vu of yesterday, nothing much going on! My youngest nephew came with his mom to sell chocolates…I bought some and they will be delivered in March just in time for Easter…I bought some orange flavors one and a collection of little dogs that reminded me of Olivia.

I’ve been doing genealogy research on my father side… a bit more complicated since the man really didn’t open much to us.  He was a distant man and my mother didn’t exactly helped either we were her kids and nobody was going to take them away. I admit there’s nothing much on that side, one of my father’s half uncles was a church martyr killed in 1977 by a group of men who were link to a relative of ours…Nice family, no? The name of the priest was Rutilio Grande and I believe he married my folks back in 1962; he can be looked up on the Internet as well as the man responsible for his death Jose Alberto Medrano….both relatives of mine…I know, I’m a pretty fucked  up guy…

Take care folks!

Cheessy puffs


Good day to you…

Well that little shit is closer to China more than ever!! Yesterday she got her visa valid for 30 days and we have to attend a final meeting in a couple of weeks….You go and have fun kiddo!

On the Mythbuster side of things, we were discussing with my eldest the theory that little J’s mom advanced at last Taco-mania when offered some cheesy puffs: “Aaah, take them away from me! They’re nothing more than plastic and gasoline! I saw it on YouTube.” Ah yes, YouTube that place that has become like a god to some people….. little J’s mom is no exception…So yesterday I was having some plastic and gasoline, cheesy puffs, when my daughter and I decided to test the theory that would confirm little J’s mom theory or commit her to the funny farm… The results were mind boggling!!! The freaking cheessy puffs are actually fire repellant!!  Seriously!! Every time we would tried to burn the things, It would turn off the matches!! Wow!! I think there should be an investigation into this, maybe little J’s mom should be rewarded with some R&R at the local nut farm….way to go Mexican lady, electromagnetic guru guy has a winner here!!

Take care folks!

PS funny, she didn’t eat any but she didn’t mind little J and his dad pig out on them…I guess they’re fire proof people…

Thursday, February 23, 2012

A curved from the Universe


Well finally some phone action!

My occupational therapist called me back to informed me she didn’t know how long  it would take the building inspector to emit a certificate so that I could start with the work on my place; she told me to wait for him to give signs of life, I just hope I can construct for this summer!

On that free money I’m supposed to get from the CLSC, once again it was some news I didn’t expect to hear: “Check will be posted March 31st”……WTF?!!! In my head I already used that money!!! She told me it would be a couple of weeks!? Now she tells me that my wife would have gone and comeback from her trip and my daughter will be somewhere in China before I see the cash?!! This is just like when I was promised something when I was a kid and they made me wait!! No fair!! L

Take care folks!

Days like today, sigh!


I was napping my head off, sorry. You see it’s been a quiet day today: no phone ringing, no emails (!!!), no things to take care off…no anything to pursue! So I had my bath, ate my meals on wheels and started to see a program called “Brad Meltzers’ Decoded” about getting to the bottom of 2012 and Morpheus found me…Then I woke up noticed that we ran out of bread and I was all exited because I was going to go out again and…no chance! There was bread in the fridge, so I took it out to defrost…. And that has been my adternoon…oh I also sent an email to the guy for the modifications of my place and my occupational therapist, they haven’t gotten back to me yet, what a boring day it has beem…

Take care folks!

A bleah type of day


Good day to you all…

It’s a beautiful day out there today, it doesn’t matter that the weather people foresaw a crappy/snowy day; the sun is out and I’m having a Kit Kat! Really! I was having some chocolate now (2 bars only) to celebrate…er…Macedonian independence from Mongolia!...(watch me get it right for once…)

Well everybody left, the dog is napping and I am waiting for my bath while my head is working on what am I supposed to do today; I should really take notes but I like my brain to exercise a bit. I think I’ll call my occupational therapist and bug her a bit….

It’s going to be slow today, so don’t expect miracles from my blog..

Take care!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Where did the day went?


Yup, stepped outside to enjoy the weather, shop for the essentials, milk, eggs, cheese, lotto tickets, condoms…er..TMI….TMI…I didn’t get condoms, but I did get lotto tickets and I got $2.00 dollars…YAaay! When I came back, I decided to stay outside for a while; change ideas a bit. Well it would seem that someone up there didn’t like the idea because it stared to drizzle and get cold!... So I told my daughter to put me back inside and to insert my rent increase into my scan….I forgot to tell you, when I was going out the owner handed me the letter that all tenants in Quebec must either sign or evacuate the apartment on July 1st. I had no choice but to sign; my place is about to be modified, I hate moving and I would like my girls to be in a stable situation  –schools,  friends-, so my rent got upgraded….sucks!!

When the shock of the increase wore off, I did some digging regarding the new school of my eldest and found out I will be able to take her for her exam…Once again I forgot to mention, God willing and if she passes the exam, , my oldest will be attending a private school next year…follow by her sister 1 year from now…..  I didn’t know how she was going to attend the exam but I just found out that I will be able to take her….

This was my afternoon people, doesn’t get more exciting than this!

Sometimes you win and sometimes you win!


Well I got my bath done by a beaut….aaah fuck! It was my Thursday guy who came and was all exited because he got email from 2 ladies…You go desperate guy, you go…. I kn…WHO THE FUCK IS Heinrich Rudolf Hertz's??!!! Every time I open my browser I keep seeing Google reminders that it’s his 155th birthday…hold on, I’ll check…oh he  conclusively prove the existence of electromagnetic waves…okay Hertz, I get it….Happy birthday to you electromagnetic guru god!.....back to my post…

Well it was a bloodless war people! Just when I thought I was going to scream to somebody, this nice lady picked up the phone at Bell and actually heard my story…I gave her the proof that I had stating that some dude in Mississauga had signed for the equipment and she credited me the money they were charging me…The only difference is that I went through the French option and not the English one, plus the person on the other side of the phone sounded local compare to when somebody in a foreign country is doing the customer service…so I’m all ruffled up with out a fight here!!! I should have screamed at somebody! I should have cursed!! I feel emotionally drained…

HEY!!? My daughter is here!! I’ll go scream at her and tell her off!!

PS I know that I'd said I was going totalk about MS, but why talk? I am living it baby!!'s just that it kinda brings me down if I think about it too much, I'll just go with the flow..

PS PS I will go out there and enjoy the spring like the shopping mall!

Morning story


Good hump day people….

How ’bout that weather? Well it’s crappy here today, raining, hail, lightning… okay it’s only raining and it feels more and more like Spring!... so much so that my oldest daughter took the day off because she’s “sick”. I told her that I think that between her and her sister it has become a competition…

-“You miss school once, I’m allowed to miss it too!”

Well this morning I have the taste of blood on my mouth! I’m going to war against Bell, I got proof that they got the parcels they claim I have so fuck’em…with a capital F!! But before that I will have my bath by my usual…I don’t know who!! They have been throwing me different persons lately, so I don’t know who is coming… girl, guy, 2 girls, 2 guys or like it happened yesterday: 1 guy/1 girl!! So the day still young and I will throw caution to the wind and enjoy people playing with my body….

Take care!

PS… Next post will deal a bit with MS and whatever shenanigans  I get myself into...porno time!...

Tuesday, February 21, 2012



Well it’s been a geleogical afternoon, got some information on my grand-aunt and did some research on her to confirm what they told me, I haven’t yet but my mom wasn’t much off to the numbers they gave me…way to go mom!!

My dog is getting groomed and my youngest came back already…my head is wobbling down and mt hands are shots….gotta love MS!

I bid you farewell people! Till we meet again…

Pocket pooling my way through life


You know, I was expecting complaints about my last post from The Bachelor Fans, Bible belt people or my wife and sister-in-law because I like Courtney to win The Bachelor. Surprise, surprise….My older brother had an opinion!!

-          “WTF?? He liked Kacie B too?!”

No, no voice…nothing like that! Nice to see you’re still there, you look good. But back to my brother. The man is a University graduate with 2 degrees and he’s a practicing lawyer who’s hourly rate is about $175 dollars/hour.  I know, pocket change for some of you out there but when he speaks the family listens. He was insinuating that I didn’t know what pocket pool was….really?!... I invented pocket pool!! Who was caught naked while playing with the maid’s daughter when he was 5 years old? ME! Who had affairs with married women? ME! And who got shot on the we-we while playing cops and robbers? Me! So I do know what pocket pool is?!!! I don’t like to mislead the masses and therefore research everything I write. I am known as honest Chuck by many and pocket pool Jim by others…scratch that…I know what pocket pool is…. 

Take care masses!

PS Plus I googled it to make sure….

I really, really need a life...


Good day to you all…

Please say it ain't so!?
Well, those of you who have followed my blog know that I am a fervent follower of many reality TV shows… Survivor, Bob the something hunter (forgot the name of that one), Billy the procrastinator (forgot that one too…the mind is the first thing to go) and obviously The Bitchalor…shows how much I think of them compare to some people who believe they'er the real McCoy…

Like take last night in the bachelor show, I predicted the end of the show by just seeing the interactions between the mom/the dad of the candidate (Kacie B) and the bachelor dude… seriously?! The girl has “pelos en el mico” (er..translation for she’s old enough) why does it matter what the parents think or say?! And I’m pretty sure this is what got the “K” girl eliminated yesterday… hold please……

Sorry it was bath time….where was I? Ah yes…mico thing…The mother saying she has a beef with her daughter moving in with the guy is what made the guy think twice about fornicating that bible belt babe….  Has  the freaking 21st century arrived to Tennessee?!! I’m pretty sure she (the mother of Kacy) played pocket pool with her husband when she was young…. Please…! Well I’m not bitching anymore because she left a big gap for my girl Courtney… I know, most of bachelor fans thinks she’s fake, bipolar, hollow,  untrustworthy and she’s the devil in disguise…..does it matter??!..She’s freaking hot!!! She’s a model!!! (a hand model I don’t know..)…she seems to be EASY going…perhaps 3rd base with a good bottle of wine…and the guy is a wine maker sooooo a match made in heaven…. 

And the most important reason for her to win: It’s not REAL!!!

Take care folks!

PS and don’t get me started on Bob and Billy…I got a ton of shit to say about them…

Monday, February 20, 2012

The glass is half empty this week


Remember how last week I was happy that money was coming in left and right? Well this week is opposite week! All the money that was given to me by the universe is now being taken away from me! It is ridiculous!!  I will fight this one…

I got a letter from Bell Canada telling me I owe them…..$1900 dollars!! Apparently I didn’t send the equipment back!! My wife sent the equipment back so long ago that I even threw away the receipt of them going back….then it gets better Mazda called back and that $50 sollaes oil change has now been upgraded to $435.00!!! The car needed an air filter, my wife asked for an alignment…that black ice incident that my wife, once again, had….a new tired rod, that’s $50  what kills it is the labor $150 dollars, plus the gift that keeps on giving requires an oil transmission exchange, the guy said that if I plan to keep the car I should do it…WTF do you think I am made of, gold?! Of course I wanna keep the car!! But this job will have to wait till next time I change the oil!!!

All of this for a car I have never been in… L

The blog whisperer


Hope all is going well…

Well one of my daughters is TKO today and didn’t attend school because she has a cold…..That cold sounded far stronger before she had to get ready for school; now it’s just some giggling while playing with toys…and you know what’s spooky??!  Whe talks to herself and answers back!!! Whatever happened to playing silently or with a friend?! Look at me I used to play with Patricia, the maid’s daughter…..let’s leave it at that….let’s just say that sex games started real early in the Guzman household…..and I wouldn’t like history to repeat itself…..

The dog’s groomer called me up to see how my life was going and to see if she could drop by for a cup of Joe tomorrow….right….it’s all in my head..she called because it’s time for Olivia to get beautiful again, so she’s dropping by tomorrow to groomed Olivia before my wife goes off to Mexico and my oldest goes Shanghai on me… It’s going to be a busy year people!

…I rehabilitate blogs, I train people…I am….

The blog whisperer…

PS You like that, no?! pretty Milanish on my part…I'm so getting my ass sued...

Dethroning a king


Good day people….

What a weekend people! It was another Taco mania event! The tacos were flying left and right, there was also beans, pico de gallo (a rough guacamole with big chunks of avocado), beer, wine (red and white), rice pudding, shit it was an orgy!!....gad I can’t believe I hate the whole things….!

And like an Animal Planet show were they depict the alpha lion being dethrone by much younger lions, so does this sad event occurs at these taco events. That little electromagnetic guy can sure gobble down whatever is thrown his way!! It’s like an Iron Chef match where we’re battling out to see who’s the pig who’ll reign supreme….he’s close, very close….. It doesn’t matter that I, being more experience, play with his head telling him how he is going to hell because the food we’re about to swallow down isn’t kosher and how fat an unattractive his wife will find him, dumping him for a younger model who eats alfalfa….No! The guy will one day sit proud on top of the food chain, basking in all his fat….er…glory looking out for potential contenders to his crown… go electromagnetic guru dude, you go….

I need an Alka-Seltzer….

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Taco Sunday


Happy Sunday….

Whata beautiful Sunday! Spring like weather, sunny day and my youngest blasting MC Mario on her juke box…can’t Sundays get any better than this???

Oh yes they can!!!

On the tube we’re recording The Dog Whisperer and little J’s coming over with his brother in a couple of hours… Better hide some stuff, the kid is in that destructive age that men children reach when they’re about 2 and keep on going late into their teen’s; poor little J’s mom, she got 2 boys…

Well got to run, I need some vitamin D before everybody gets here, plus I got to reflect on what I’m going to write tomorrow after seeing the lost episodes of The Dog whisperer: Cesar gets bit…

Take care and happy Sunday!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Social weekend


Good weekend folks…

Today and tomorrow we are expecting guests to drop by our place…Today is and old friend of my mother who I haven’t seen since when I was in my late teens, early twenties and tomorrow we are going to be seeing little J’s family, my mother-in-law and my wife’s youngest sister;, It’s going to be another taco fest! 

Happy weekend! 

Friday, February 17, 2012

My past is complicated


It’s been a busy genealogy day!  Ever since I found my grandmother’s registration and other things, I’ve been hitting the Internet like there’s no tomorrow.  It seems that wherever I throw a stone I hit a relative!  Found out today my great-grand uncles and I also found out that the brother of my grandmother was actually born, and this is according to the Mormons, in 1886!  I think the people who wrote this must have been drinking a bit too much that day because that would make him 13 years older than my grandmother…  I wonder what my Cousins is going to think of that…

Besides doing the genealogy thing, I’ve been tilting back and forth trying to save my ass.  It’s one of those days where my hands are useless and my ass is hurting!  So I hope you’ll understand that I keep this post short and sweet, and if I don’t post any more this day it’s because I’m taking it easy…  But I haven’t forgotten you!

Take care people!

Fun size


Good day world….

Yesterday I went on an impromptu outing to the shopping center…hang on…  Sorry about that, I had to switch to voice recognition; my hands are shot.  So where was I?  Yes, the trip to the shopping mall.  When my little one came back from school I asked her to dress me up so I could go to the shopping center and post some mail.  So off I went and when I came back there were messages on my answering device telling me that they had tried to contact me on my cell but it didn’t work.  WTF?!  So I looked at my phone and it had no reception.  So instead of wasting my time trying to fix it I called technical support so I could fix the problem right away; logical, no?  Well they had me open the phone, actually my oldest daughter opened the phone took out the sim card and put it back; still not working.  So the guy told me I had to go to a local store to get a new sim…  Aahh fudge!  I have to plan an outing with the bus and everything; this sucks!  So I tried turning off the phone and turning it back on when I suddenly saw a message.  I couldn’t read it that well, I guess my glaucoma is kicking in, so I called my oldest daughter and asked her what it said:  “sim card not inserted”……!!!……  WTF man!  Seriously!?  And you go to high school?!  I spent over an hour on the phone with a technical guy who got insulted because I called him mam.  The guy had a high pitch voice, I really thought he was a girl but that’s not the point here, the fact is that the card wasn’t inserted properly…I wasted an hour on the phone with a guy who was insulted when all I had to do was powered down the cell phone and turn it on again…

And that folks, was my afternoon with the vertical challenged girl or as she likes to be called: the fun size girl…  Just like her aunt, little J’s mom…

Take care folks!

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Understanding Nemo


Arghh! Just when I thought my “problematic” daughter was doing better I get a call from school. They are informing me that she cries for everything, gets pain all the time but she doesn’t know how to explain what is wrong, a real walking mystery that can’t be deciffer… Case in point, she forgot her shoes today and even if her teacher said it was ok, she started to cry…then she went to English course and she started to cry because she had belly pains and she couldn’t explain much to her teacher….. pisses me off that these teachers are supposed to be top notch specialist that are supposed to be able to take care of problems like this yet they don’t understand what is wrong….it brings me down…so much for finding my past, got to take care of the future….

C ya tomorrow!

Having one of those orgasmic revelations


Nothing like a refreshing bath, given by 2 guys and assisted by a nurse who wants to check how your ass and we-we are doing…Well apparently they (whoever they are) are using too much cream on my genitals….she actually washed the cream off herself…you know!...I really should be writing a porno something, because that’s what I feel my life has become… a big porno drama with gals and guys touching me left and right.. I lost all inhibition; everything is “as a matter of fact” to me. I remember I used to be shy about my body but now, I get naked at the drop of a dime and they can touch me anywhere… if I have more or less it really doesn’t matter, baby I was born this way….

Now onto my genealogy search…closing into the holy grail of family secrets…. Well not really the grail but the sister of my grandmother and any other family fact I can dig. Yesterday’s find on my grandmother’s name and date of birth rattle the structure of some family members who like me were told that my grandmother was born in December when she didn’t.. Why did my grandmother lie?! Was she a fugitive? Did she win the lottery? Was she an alien hiding on Earth?? Lots of questios folks… lots!

Take care!

PS where else but in my blog will you read about a nurse playing with my we-we and my continuous search for my past… you gotta love the Picayune! 

There you are...


Good some…no! Great something to you!

After all this time for something tangible to prove my grandmother’s existence I finally got it!! And my sources in El Salvador were right! My grandmother was born the 25th of July and registered in August; as far as I can tell her registration number is 538. Thanks to her complete name I was able to find her….

Somehow I can breathe better….

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Digging facts in Ahuachapan


I’d don’t care if this speech recognition application sucks but I have to use it because this post is definitely juicy!

You know how I stated that I had gotten some juicy genealogy news in my PS at the end of my last post?!  Well I did!  And I share some of the news with my mother who wasn’t really pleased with the whole thing, so I told her half-truths because if I was to tell her that some of the dates that I got from my country were completely off by days, months, freaking years!  The people in El Salvador gave me enough information for me to snoop some more.

I finally got my mother’s birthday right and my grandmother’s birthday.  They were not off by much: my mother was off by one day and my grandmother was off by six months.  My grandmother was born in 1899 not in the month of December like we were told all of these years but in the month of July!  She was born on the 25th of July to be exact, a whole six months away from the date we were given: 18 of December!  I even know the name of her godmother and, to no surprise in my part, she was a “natural” daughter; meaning her dad didn’t recognize her as iegitimate daughter.  Nonetheless she took her father’s name and I don’t know why.  As for my mother, all the dates she has given me in the past can now be ignore as I know the exact date when she was born and who her godparents were…

There’s more about that family, exact names, godparents, christening dates, marriage dates and proper dates of when they were born.  I have put them on my genealogy tree but I will not burden you with those facts as they are irrelevant to my life…

Take care folks!

PS  To my immediate family, please know that I haven’t told my mother all the truth about this so I would be careful when talking to her…



My bath lady wasn’t here today; it was my Thursday guy with an apprentice… A Spanish speaking one… A Cuban guy who’s been living in Canada for only 3 years!! This is more awkward than having an old school mate as a bath person…don’t laugh, I have often fantasise about such a meeting…it goes pretty well… but back to my Cuban guy...

His French was the broken type with a heavy Latino accent. What do you want?! I’ve been here 36 years my French is borderline Euro-Quebecker type, nobody can put their finger where it is from. I think that what made it more confusing/strange was that he kept speaking Spanish to me…..No hablo Spanish dude!! He kept on telling me about how bad the situation in my country was, I kept on stating that I wasn’t aware because I hadn’t gone back to my country in 14 years….it was a weird situation….

But wait! At around 11AM (30 minutes after they had left), walks into my place my regular bath lady!! What gives I asked her… She told me she was going to give me my bath. Been there, done that I said! I explained to her what had happened and she was baffled by the whole situation. She didn’t understood what had happened! I told her that if she wanted she could get me naked again and washed me again…well she thought about it for a sec but then decline politely… She just said she was going to find out what had happened.. Sounds like a fight to me…I hope somebody tells me something…

Take care! 

ps  Boy did I get some genealogical info today from my country. I sugar coated it to my mother but I don't think she likes being corrected...Tell you a bit more on my next post

Speech rec dilema


Good day folks…

So how was your VD yesterday? I had online takeout and I’m having a couple of slices today for lunch. It was a quiet evening, watched TV and went to sleep….

I’ve been looking at the speech recognition software and it has gotten crappy reviews. Apparently the version I had before was really solid, version 9, but the latest version, v 11, is a total piece of Beta software with customer service getting a black eye. Apparently it’s not worth it, so at the end I just may buy a good microphone and a high definition web cam.. and I will train the speech rec program that comes with W7…then again, I think I need a new desk!

…bath time…

Awkward moments my friends, awkward moments… I wonder what’s more awkward, living them or blogging about them….. I’ll post them later

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Romantic takeout


It’s about freaking time!! Chuck decided to start ordering his takeout food online!! I have reached the 21st century…a bit late but I got here. Before I used to call and place my order but today I felt adventurous and decided to order online pizza…wonder if it tastes the same?? (Just kidding, I know it doesn’t)..

I have to go and buy DNS (Dragon Naturally Speaking), my hands are gone once again; typing and using Windows 7 speech recognition is not an option! I think I’ll go this weekend, I got enough cash to purchase the software and a new microphone…happy birth day to me!

In the mean time I wish you all a safe valentine and I am preparing to feast on some pizza, fries and lava cakes. Oh yeah, and some cheesy breads….It’s as romantic as it gets when you’ve been married for a while and you have kids….

Happy St-Valentines

Musical interlude


Well here I was R&Ring when a bunch of ladies waltz into my place singing their heads off!! Yeah! They even brought me a chocolate and some flowers..What a surprise!! Actually it was my sister-in-law’s quartet who my oldest brother paid to come and sing for me… 2 of them were not to happy to see my dog but that’s because they seem to be cat people….but bless their heart, it did put a positive spin in my hazy/lazy afternoon….Thanks to my brother, his wife, his daughters, his daughter-in-law and their dog Zelda for providing  me with this afternoon’s entertainment, also thank you all for my birthday gift….I told you that I would have something to write about….

Take care
Take care!

Castle and me


Happy St-Valentine’s North America/Europe and where ever else is celebrated…..

Still in the cash high from yesterday, pinching myself to make sure it wasn’t a dream. The sad news is that even if I pinch myself I couldn’t feel…at least in some parts of my body.

Well half my day is done…had my breakfast, saw the news Canadian and Mexican, got my vitamin D, had my bath and I started to see my new favorite show Castle; love the show. Got to start planning my tax papers to submit them to the corresponding governments and wait for them to tell me that they don’t owe me anything but I don’t either,  kinda miss the days when they would send me a big fat check….

I tell ya what…I’ll go back to seeing Castle and perhaps nap a little and maybe I’ll have some news for you in the afternoon about  something…anything…on about how I haven’t gotten the money yetn and it’s already gone!

Take care!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Happy go lucky


And…wham! There is something cuckoo with my life today!  Just as I finish posting my last note about how everything is working fine for me lately, the phone rings!….CLSC on the line cleaning out there financial closet and they came knocking on my door. They told me that they knew about the modification grant, they were going to be sending someone for that, they also knew about the money that I go concerning my bed rest allocation –a totalitarian State, I love this place- and then they told me they were going over their 2011-2012 budget and they wanted to know if it was okay for them to send some economical help my way…..

No thanks I said….Yeah right!!  If someone asks if you need cash you always answer “YES”! Apparently they had some extra cash that was available to me and they wanted to make sure I was ok with it….Could I use the extra cash??  DUH! There’s a question! They only told me that I must prove that I used the cash towards my MS…I always wanted sex therapy by a professional and now I can afford about 25 session with one….man, the Universe is getting it done right today!

Uff...I'm tired! I wonder why?! Oh yes! I just shared my room, nay my bed wit a couple of sex therapy even brought me money goes far!

Take care folks!

PS  for those that really believe there were 2 sex professionals here...relax, it's a couple of granny's who used to work with me... 

The Universe is getting it done


…be still my beating heart…Signed, emailed, delivered!! The papers that will change my life have been sent off to the inspector so that he can provide the certificate for modifications to my place. Yay!! Now a couple of more days and I will get the grant needed.

It was long but worth it!

So this afternoon a couple of old colleagues of mine will be dropping to visit me and see how life is treating me; stoic! There is no change in my life, in my health, in my everyday. It’s a good thing I guess, I could be deteriorating into oblivion but the Universe has other plans for; let’s play along for a while…At least they are going to be bringing me the best coffee in the planet Tim Hortons…hope there’s a donut with I t too..

Take care folks!

The end is near


A glorious day to you and yours…

I’m in a happy mood this morning while waiting for my bath guy. I got an email from the building inspector that puts me centimeters away from realizing my freedom….A couple of signatures and I will be able to get the grant that will allow me to modify this place and allow me to go out at “will”! It is the time that I’ve been waiting for 4 years!! In the immortal words of that freedom movements: “free at last, free at last…” and need I add about freaking time free at last!

Thus the reason I have a smile on my face today….That and the constant psychotic mood I suffer from, but hey, I’m okay!

Later gente!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Friday, February 10, 2012

It has been cooked


Food is done! Hands and me created the perfect gastronomical feast, I should have been a cook. By saying hands I am referring To my oldest daughter that by doing what I tell her is fairly fast catching the cooking bug and often asks why her mother can cook like this. I obviously tell her that her mother is a great cook but she is not refined like me….I border on the metrosexual side…yeah, they call me Chuck the disable Metro Sexual guy….

Happy clubbing young Turks!

Out and about


Just went to buy the ingredients that will be needed for the chicken and side dish today…looking good…I also purchased lottery tickets, again, and I already made my money…$10.00 plus a mystery gift that can only be discovered by the lottery dealer…dare I dream a gazillion dollars?? Be still my beating heart…

This afternoon my wife will purchase what she needs for tomorrows molleton. I think only my little brother will be dropping by with his family; it’s ok, more molletes for me!

I will let you know how the chicken turns out and if the dish it’s worth making for your family or not.

Happy Friday!

PS I saw the wife of an old colleague at the supermarket, she told my wife that I looked good for a dying man…must have been my sunglasses I bought myself..I look good!...

Fried chicken Friday


Good day folks…

It’s FRIDAY! Nothing wrong with a weekend closer to Spring…The girls don’t have school today and the sounds upstairs are kinda weird; usually it’s quiet and Olivia is napping her ass off…So what am I doing today?

Here’s the scoop…Today it’s my brother’s bday and he is turning 1 year and 2 days younger than me, so happy birthday to him! Also, we have, ever so gently, been told that there’s a frosted chicken with our names in the kitchen. That if it happens that the chicken gets cooked, doesn’t matter what style, it would be good…This is where I come in! I will be the director of this gastronomical event, I already have the recipe I will use…it will be the mother of all chickens! Mouaaa!..

I’ve been fighting with the girls over Internet usage. A couple of days left and we, actually they, are borederline our monthly quota of 120Gb of usage. My wife uses the net to play FB games, my oldest is hooked into Asian soapoperas and the little one is a Youtube fanatic…I of course blog in a very efficient manner, first I write my post in Word, then I spell check it and make adjustments and finally I upload the post and distribute it to the masses….I think I may have to upgrade speed and bandwith…..not to mention pesos…

Take care folks!

Thursday, February 9, 2012

What a day


Sorry about that, all hell is breaking lose here!  My bath guy came and he got me spic and span, but the nurse was nowhere to be found.  So the guy sit me back on the chair and as he’s leaving the nurse comes in.  Well the guy didn’t help her put me on the bed, so the nurse asked me if I could tilt for her…  No sweat, I’ve done it before.  So she’s changing my dressing and the phone rang, can’t take the call right now.  The nurse left and I saw on the phone to see who had called, my youngest daughter’s school and my wife tried to call me too…  F_me, this must be something really important!  I tried calling them both but neither one of them was answering…  So I waited, then the school called me back; my daughter was feeling sick and they had talked to the mother who was going to bring her back home.  Good to know this, what type of father arm I?  But that’s not all…

The inspector for the building, the guy who’s going to give me the OK to construct an automatic door, started to e-mail me in a blitzkrieg kinda way asking for documents that I had somewhere and he needed them to give me the OK.  Well I got all the documents except one…  The municipal taxes from the landlord!  Ah fuck…..  I don’t know if they want to give such papers!  But the guy was nice enough to ask me for their phone number so he can talk to them direct.  As we speak he’s probably trying to get those papers so that I can have the OK to modify my place…

Take care people!

My ass is sick


Good day to you al…

I am currently waiting for the nurse and my bath guy, not in that order, to come over and provide me with their services. The nurse will have to examin my buttocks since it was reported to me that I have another bruised and they can’t understand it because I have The nec plus ultra of cushions…It’s freaking air!! I’m sitting in a cloud!! I’m the problem!! Well the cushion is not working!! So the nurse will have to check my ass, again, I hope she doesn’t blow it like last time….


PS my hands are shot so I better get the microphone...

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

The tequila nap


Must have been the tequila…I just got up and that because my daughter wanted to go to her friend’s house so she woke me up. Last thing I remember was a show about a mega project that was/is being done in South Korea to promote itself for the Olympic bids of 2020…it’s an underwater tunnel/bridge that a Hollandaise company is doing…I remember saying to myself that it was nice then I guess the tequila took effect until my daughter bugged me…It was an AWSOME birthday….at 44 any additional year I’m on this earth is a bonus. I got a washing machine that junked out on me after 5 years of usage, so me being 44, half broken AND  still in working order is a P L U S!

Take care and see you next year!

PS plus one lottery ticket is a losing cause...3 left...

Birthday afternoon


Had my bath, had some empanadas (little cakes filled with whatever), went out to the shopping mall to purchase my lottery tickets –I even told the guy it was my birthday so he could give me winning tickets-, I am back home ready to eat a Kit Kat and I took a Patron tequila shot to forget about life for a while…okay it was like a sip so I will probably be inspired to write but that’s about it…maybe I’ll take one a bit later to forget I exist inside this place I call home and nowhere else…deep shit! I told you te tequila would help my inspiration….. So I am here got some other essentials for my everyday, soap, deodorant, mouthwash and I’m pretty sure I forgot something I just don’t know what…

I am planning what I am going to buy with the money I got so far and a webcam comes up number one in my list…but I also have recognition software and maybe something else…Futures shop (electronic store) has so many tantalizing gadgets the verdict still out…lots of people have wished me a happy birthday, also lots of automated places, even Google has redone my personal page…plus I got a free meal to a place I will probably never go from the local Virgin radio station….

Thank you all again…

Positivism is an addictive thing


Great day people....

First of all thanks to all that wished me an early birthday wish and a special luv you to those that took the day off to celebrate my youngest daughter; she would stay home the whole week if she could!

Anything special for today? Well it's a nice day out there so later on I will go and play the lottery,again, to see if I get lucky. Plus I discovered this new scratch game that got me hook "Gagnant à vie", translates to "Winner for life". It's a cool game, I already made $4.00 dollars, okay they're gonne now because I played them again but if I was to win the biggest prize I would be getting $1000.00 dollars a week for life (or 20 years) whatever comes to an end first....I wouldn't be rich but I would be contempt....Plus it's my birthday I would consider this a good omen with walking next in line.....

Take care people and thanks for reading...specially Russia and France....

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Kudos to tomorrow


Got back from the CMR, got new feet rest, got new tilting mechanism, got my lotto ticket for tomorrow as I believe the universe owes  me one and there's no better day to pay it then tomorrow...I am ready to recieve my 44th birthday tomorrow...everything is perfect, well not as perfect as I would want it to, but I'm okay with it.

Take care folks!

Smiling is an art


Good day to you...

Got my bath already and my meal on wheels should be arriving at around 11:20AM so I will grab a quick bite then head off to the CMR where they will fix my chair just in time for our national birthday!!! Yesterday my oldest had a small incident on the ski sloppe, the beginner level one. She claims she fell trying to avoid a small bump; she tumbled down the hill and bruised her face, her body and now she looks like Mick Jagger....but she had fun...

Well that's my morning post...see you when I'm back folks!

Monday, February 6, 2012



My ass is killing me but the day is almost over and boy will I be happy when I'll be transferred  to bed...I didn't know how much this tilting device was useful...

I got my first part of my supplies delivered and Wednesday I will get the second part then I will be set until April....aaah spring....

Take care!

Monday in a broken chair


Good Monday earthlings...

When it rains, it's monsoon season! Remember I briefly talked about my chair being broken and how I was going to call the CMR for them to send some one and fix it? Well I call, the mechanic that fixes this type of issues on the road is not working this week; I have to bring it in tomorrow for them to fix everything at the same sucks! I am currently posting on my mobile device because I cannot tilt properly to use my computer....

Just dropping by to say "hi"...

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Sunday from my bed


Good Sunday folks...

Currently in bed waiting for 5 PM for the pizza celebration..and I have to call the chair people so that they can come and fix it tomorrow and I will then go and visit them on Tuesday. I was kidding about the name of my blog, I changed it for the weekend and I will change it back tomorrow, right now I don't have the patient to type on my iPod..

I'm still breathing...

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Breaking up it's hard


I am ALIVE, 

I think the people at the CMR lied to me when it comes to the "winterization" of my wheelchair. I got stuck in the snow!! Thank God I had my daughter with she didn't get me unstuck, but she had a cell that I could use if I needed to call someone daughter was pretty useless...The person I have to say "thank you" to is a Latin lady that was passing by there and asked me if I needed help, I immediately said "Si" with a capital "S". I am not putting any other nationality down but Latin girls can do shit and a half when they need to. The woman was probably 5foot"2 170 pounds and she was able to push a combined weight of about 650 pounds out of the snow "bank" I was stuck in. Thank you lady, if ever you need help, don't come looking for me as there's nothing I can do...

But wait, there's more!!

As I got home from my shopping expedition, right outside my patio door, I tilted all the way back to relax my buttocks; and what do you think happened? The tilting mechanism broke!! I was at a 50 degree angle out in the cold!! Once again my girl was there and she couldn't help, she could panic -and she did- and look on as her dad maneuver himself to an acceptable angle were he could drive and get inside his place...

What a day...and it's only Saturday...

Silver star Picayune #1


Happy weekend folks…

So what are my plans for this sunny weekend?! Well, it’s nice enough for me to step outside, go to the supermarket, and purchase some premium fries and a grade “A“ steak and have my version of Steak & Frites…I think I will buy some brewskies and potatoes chips as the occasion calls for it tomorrow…Go Redskins!

I already stared my day doing something out of the ordinary…I was watching TCM…The Crappy Movies channel…okay not crappy but some pretty old films play here and I really don’t consider these movies but apparently they are classics…I saw parts of the movie “Of Human Bondage” (1934) with Betty Davis and I laugh at the way acting took place back in those days….the only thing I am thankful for is that I have decided to modify my channel listing and eliminate pupu caca channels such as this one….nothing personal, just business…

Happy weekend!

PS maybe I’m just getting old and grumpy…Oh yeah, Thanks to the film I am now changing the name of the blog...check it out

Friday, February 3, 2012

Everything gets tied at the end of the week


How are you doing?

Well we’re having a pizza thing tomorrow to celebrate my nephew’s birthday (I told you we were having a lot of birthdays this month)…  It will be held at my place so that I may participate on the festivities, after that it will be my birthday, then my brother and last but not least my sister in law.  With whatever money I get, I will probably buy a camera for my computer so that I’ve made up with my girl when she goes to China…  Jesus Christ!!

While writing this post I received, in the space of 15 minutes, four calls!  The phone hasn’t ring once this afternoon and now I got four calls about different things…  My supplies, my bath guy is not coming Monday but a girl will take his place, my supplies again and to finish it off my wife…  It was one call after the other, it completely cut off my inspiration…

Take care folks!

Dripping my hopes away


Good Friday good folks….

(fuck me)…hang on…

Sorry about that, just as I was starting my post my door was knocked on by one of the building’s administrators (the other one is my wife).  You see we have been without water in one of the bathrooms, so I finally got somebody over here to look that the problem.  To be honest it probably took more time for him to get his winter apparel off than to fix the problem!  He went into the bathroom, made a couple of noises and the faucet started to work again…  Magic I guess…

I was looking at some old photos, melancholy mixed with boredom and a touch of frustration vis-à-vis my incapacity in finding any proof, vestige, that demonstrate the existence of my ancestors.  I have gotten the odd remark about them but there’s nothing tangible at City Hall to attest that they were born there, that confirms they existed.  At this point there is no evidence that establishes the existence of my family on this earth, for all I know they are aliens from outer space…

Take care folks!

PS I still have to call my country this afternoon and find out about some other things…  I’ll do a wrap up on the whole case, including some facts that will shock some members of my family…

From my bed


Good day folks...

I've bee up since 4:30 this morning, I couldn't sleep anymore. It's like my mind woke up in planning mode...

What was I planning? Well remember that trip I want to take to New York for New Year's day? I was mauling over the dates, hotel's room and other stuff to make my trip easier for us. I know it's still far away and I don't even know if it's going to happen, but I can tell you that my brain is working on it already...

Take care folks!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

In bed with you guys


I am posting from my bed while my chair charges...I need it for this weekend, apparently it's going to be a beautiful one....I can smell spring..... Hey only 6 days before my birthday...I'm going to be 30 finally....ok, not really, if it was true things would be different...way different!

My daughters are going over to a snow carnival to have fun this weekend and I will be asking my better half to do a steak & frites dish I saw in a show...that's part of my life now, copy/pasting recipes on my One Note book...finally know what that application is good for...

Any hoot people, have a good day!

Could be worst


People, what I’m about to say should stay between you, me and these four walls.

The new nurse just gave me a blow!

-          “All right Chuck, you the man!”

Wait!  It’s not what you’re thinking!  The nurse came to my house, changed the catheter and then preceded to put on like a band aid in the upper ass region…  Where my back ends and my ass begins there is a beginning of a wound and before it gets worse to nurses are using a patch…  Another joyful event of MS…  But let’s move on!  So I turned to my right side and the nurse began by cleaning the wound, all is fine and dandy until I felt a small breeze; with time it began to felt stronger..  I was baffled, I turned my head towards the nurse and what do I see?!  The nurse blowing air towards my ass region!  Seriously!  I felt ashamed; all I could think of was…  “I hope I don’t fart in her direction”

Things I must endure with this illness are sometimes laughable…

Take care folks!