Friday, August 27, 2010



So next week is when my kids go back to school. They're not exactly thrilled about it and as a parent I have to promote this thing. In one way I am happy, some peace and quiet will do me good, but the girls are quiet by nature; in another I am sad I'm loosing them. With every year that goes by the become bigger and wiser until they won't need their Dada anymore.

My oldest is going to high school and she's thrilled about it. New World, new freedom, new friends, new everything. This is the one I call my right hand man, anything I need she does it with an extremely patient for a teenage kid. Her mother complains about how much she has changed but I tell her that with me she has not. And I keep on telling her that it's just a phase the once she gets to be 18 or something like that she's going to return to her roots and be the best friend she ever had.

My youngest is going to fourth-grade and she will be attending school on her own finally. She's eager about that but she really never liked school anyways. I call her my shadow because everything that I was afraid of, everything I had a question on, it seems she got it. This one's not really into Dada, she will help me but it will be a bit more difficult. But I know she still loves me in her own special way.

So I will miss them but I'm happy that they're growing and one day they will become the women that I want them to be, that they want to the.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Don't X my number


Today I will touch a rather sad event that people that work with the clinically ill have to face once in a while.

Yesterday I had a worker from the CLSC come over and give me a bath. Don't be surprised, just like you take showers every day I also have baths provided by the CLSC. Back to the point, so yesterday I had somebody come over and I noticed a change in his attitude. I asked him what was wrong, at the beginning he was hesitant. But as I kept on insisting, he divulged the reason of his melancholy.

A patient of his, only 20 years old, had passed away last week. This person was suffering from cerebral palsy. The worker had been taking care of him for the last five years. Apparently last Friday this person was going to start eating with his mouth; he had been fed through a tube for the last five years. Last week the worker got to this persons place and the father of this person came and greet the worker and informed him that his son had passed away. The stress of trying something new, in this case eating food through his mouth, was too much and the person had a heart attack.

Then I recalled a story of when I first started to get this type of help. I had a person come over and give me a bath when I remember he took a black book. This book was full of phone numbers and names and some of them had been crossed over with an X. I asked him if these were patients that had been taken away from his list. He gave me somber look and told me that these were patients that had passed away at some point.

Like all of you, I also have a tendency to forget the feelings of the person opposite to me. I take them for granted. I am nice with these people, but I will often ignore what they are talking to me about. It's like in my head I will just be going "yes, yes, yes... No, no, no..." Without caring what they are actually saying. I think I am a very impersonal person, I think I do this to protect myself but I am somehow hurting the other person.

Well starting next bath I promised to be more attentive to the other person's feelings. I will start to listen to what they have to say. I will do this so that when they X me they will have a good memory of me.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Do you want my autograph?


I've been meaning to talk about this for a while now and today is the day I'm going to do it. Ever since I've been in a wheelchair and I been getting services from the CLSC and the CMR, I been getting one compliments on my persona.

"Mr. Guzman, you have very nice legs."

Why thank you very much, I always say. This has been going for several times and today it happened again at the CMR.

"Mr. Guzman, you have very nice legs."

This time I said thank you and told the lady that she wasn't the first that complemented my legs. She kept on insisting that my legs were really nice. I told her that I wish I would have had these type of compliments back when I was walking but now it was kind of late. What was I going to do? Become a leg model or something? My wife told me once that she did like my legs, that compared to my brothers they were the right proportion. At this point I'm getting compliments from all the occupational therapists, nurses, helpers, a whole bunch of people!

I'd don't know what to think of this, should I really hit a model agency? Tell them that I got sexy legs and that I can pose for them if they wanted to, or become a leg double. I can see myself doing stunt doubles for Sylvester Stallone, Bruce Willis, Brad Pitt... I could get good money for this!

I hope my wife doesn't get jealous, these people don't mean anything to me sweetheart. They just want my body, they want to use me and abuse me. So you shouldn't worry about it. Really, what should I do in case one of them hits on me? If she tells me that she can give me better toys if I go with her, a 4x4 wheelchair, six bath a day, a luxury lift that will get me up in the sky so fast is not even funny. Or the optimal thingamajig: a hospital bed that will not crack or make funny noises when being use?

I don't know, things like this can make the heart be troubled. But while I wait for that person to make a pass at me I'll just blog about how good I have it.

There's some sick people out there...wackos!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Hump day


Another day another blog.

Well that trip that my wife and daughters were thinking of taking to Mexico at the end of September seems is not going to happen. The airliner that flew direct to Mexico city and then Acapulco seems to be on strike and slowly disintegrating into bankruptcy. Plan B. is that they most likely will go somewhere either Cancun or Cuba at the beginning of next year. I know my wife did save some money on her credit card so most likely she will keep on saving and use it early next year for that minivacation.

I am sorry for her brother, he wanted to see her and my girls. But it's kismet, it wasn't meant to happen. I know a lot about kismet, it bit me on the ass when I was going to Miami eons of years ago. Another one of my turbulent fables. Give me a couple of drinks and I'll tell you when go to be a sentence I was going to be a priest.

So I got a new project in my life, I will start creating my family tree. I got pictures of my parents, grandparents and my great grandparents. It's going to be an interesting document to work on. Once complete I shall make copies for my brothers so that they might share it with their sons and daughters.

Stuff and NDM 1


Well my oldest daughter is coming back today, I wonder how it went? I hope she had lots of fun and and that somehow this made her grow up a bit inside of her. Now I have to tackle my youngest one going to camp next year.

Did you guys hear, apparently there's a new freaking super bug on the works! Is no longer the h1n1 but the ndm1. Apparently there were 2 Canadian cases reported, one in Canada and one in India. The one in Canada was successfully treated but the one in India was not so lucky. I ain't kidding about this you can read on it in the globe and mail. I'd know I guess I worry a lot about the future, about my kids, about everything. My brother came over and we were discussing the end of the world. We came to the conclusion that it's going to be nature itself that is going to do us in. Overpopulation, lack of resources, human monstrosity towards each other or just basically a super virus. I think the end of the world is my favorite subject, but I also like the past and astronomy.

But while we wait for the end of the world I'll just blog some more!

So this week I have another two appointments with the CMR. One is for my chair and the other one is so that they can help me adjust my settings here so that I may be able to work longer on the computer. Next week is the biggy one, the neurologist. After that I don't have any appointments until I don't know when.

Great! My keyboard is not working, speech recognition 1 hardware 0.

Friday, August 13, 2010

End of a week


Another end of a week and school is getting closer every day. My girls are getting bigger and wiser.

So this was really a slow week, then again they all are. The lady from the CMR came to help me with Dragon NaturallySpeaking, first meeting was all about what I was able to do with this thing. Next meeting she will come with different things to teach me on Dragon, I think by the time she comes back I will be able to do many more things than her. She was impressed by all I can do with this application. But she did give me some hints on how to improve the usage of DNS.

Tomorrow is going to be a humid day so I guess the barbecue at my brothers house is off limits. I will blog tomorrow more than usual seeing that my daughters will be out of the house and my wife will be working all day. I don't know what I'm going to blog about.

I'm thinking of moving next year, I'm kind of fed up of being on two floors and not knowing one of them. Maybe I'll pay the extra bucks and get a better place, border luxury loft. I know for a couple of places in Brossard, I have to be careful because I need to stay within th the local CLSC borders. Otherwise they will take away my bed and other toys. Me moving is not an easy task I have to organize everything so they can move the things before I move.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Kids and adults


I got my appointment yesterday for the chair. Next week they want to see me to determine if it's worth me getting ahead thing so I can move the chair, I don't even know what it's called. They will also do other adjustments on the wheelchair maybe they will just adjust sensibility on the control. I'm telling you, I look more like Robocop every day.

So what else is new with my life? Not a lot! Today I'm going to see that soccer game between Spain and Mexico, this is a rare occasion when I want Spain to win. Maybe it's just because I want to go against my wife and my pro-Mexican daughters. Also my youngest brother's coming over soon and we will talk a bit about the English Premier league starting soon and how his Manchester United will rule the league again.

Just finished eating lunch it was good, one of the rare times that I have a hot meal courtesy of my mother. I will now wait until three o'clock to see the game between Spain and Mexico.Lunch was uneventful except for the small argument that my brother and I had over the room of one of my daughters.

One of my daughters has a very peculear character, ever since she was a little baby. She's a very meticulous child with her room and her toys. Every time that my brothers kids come over, the two small ones act like kids meaning they mess up the rooms up there. I obviously don't care but one of my kid does. If she's not here and my nephews come over the first question she will ask is if there was anybody that went up to her room. So this time she was going to work with her mother and started to complain about my nephews how they were going to mess up her room when she leaves. So my wife locked the door of her room so that my nephews wouldn't be able to go in. They came in and the small ones started to cry out loud, their father got upset about how when my daughters go over to his house he doesn't have stupid rules. I agreed with him but told him that my daughter was a special case. She's not a spoiled brat, she's being followed by psychiatrist because besides her being meticulous, she has other problems. For her time doesn't exist, she's very antisocial, she's extremely afraid, in a nutshell she has all the agnts that her father and mother have and then some.

I love my nephews to death but I also love my daughter. I would do anything to protect her just as my brother will do anything to protect his kids. I must admit I was upset with my daughter because my nephews contrary to her are very laid back and they're nice kids. But I know that what she's going through is medical, she doesn't understand. For her this is normal behavior, there is nothing wrong with her.

Love you baby, I'm here for you always.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Another one for the books


Another week in the life of Chuck. This week plans are very limited, on Friday I'll have somebody over to teach me more about Dragon NaturallySpeaking.

Well this week I'm feeling a little bit worst, my right hand is completely gone; well almost. I thought I might let you know so that you understand why my blogs are shorter and further apart.

As I said, I hope the meeting on Friday will be productive and allow me to be more efficient with Windows commands.

So for this weekend my brother is organizing another barbecue at his house. I don't know if I'm going to attend seeing that it's going to be humid again. Sucks to be me, I know. But it could be worse or so I have heard.

I sent a little note to my oldest daughter today just to let her know that we miss her and that we are hoping she's having fun. As a news flash, my youngest daughter told me that she's willing to go to summer camp next year. Don't know about that, she will only be 10 and she's my little one I protect her more I guess. But maybe it's time she starts spreading her wings. Let's see what the future holds.

My wife is following my blog, I have to be careful with what I put on it. Last post she wasn't happy with the fact that I had purchased a ring worth $2000 when I haven't given her something like that. Excuse me?!? What about the new car? Remember? zoom zoom? Yeah, you just forgot, right! Need I remind you the trip to Acapulco we took back in 2002? And the cherry on top, the kids!

2002, yeah it's been a long time since we traveled together somewhere tropical. That was a heck of a trip! A luxury hotel, with two individual suites. Each one had its own pool, heated pool. Then we went to the market to have breakfast because at the hotel they were charging you an arm and a leg for breakfast. They had these gorgeous swimming pools and breakfast every morning came to your room. Then we went to the beach and my daughter got her hair braided. las Brisas Hotel, I think that was one of my last wishes I fulfill that year.

Any hoot, that's my blog of the day. Have a good day everybody!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Remembering the past


I was going out just right now to buy some groceries when my wife opened the door and swoosh humidity. I knew I wasn't able to go to Maxi, I wouldn't have been able to make it back home afterwards. So I started to blog.

Yesterday was a beautiful day, I spent the day at my brothers celebrating my nephews birthday. It was kind of breezy but the Sun was warming up. At the end of the get-together he brought up some old vinyl records from the good old days when we would listen to the same music. What a flashback! I got to admit they're in pretty good shape and wonder if they are worth something on eBay. Then my older brother and youngest brother started debating who knew more about music, who introduced that music into the family and how come my kids don't know anything about these groups.
I admit, my nephews new everything about them. Including which one was the favorite song of their father.

Yes my kids don't know much about my past, they don't know what I'd like, they don't know how I was, they're pretty much in the dark about lots of things of my past life. Yet when we get together there is always talk about: "do you remember when Chuck did this?". I admit I had a very turbulent life, I did many things that my other brothers did not. I was the nutzoid who con his mother into buying an $800 synthesizer at RadioShack. I was the one who bought $200 pair of sneakers from Shaquille O'Neal. I was the one who bought a $2000 engagement ring and gave it to the "love of his life" just two weeks into their relationship. Ask me where is she now? Definitely not here! I married the woman who knocked her out of her place.

Yeah, my life was really turbulent. I always wanted my kids to have a fresh start. I wanted that when they grow up they would be like white canvases where they're going to draw their life and not mine. I want them to say that they did have a father who did crazy things with his life and that he loved them very much.

Friday, August 6, 2010

second-class citizen


Yesterday I went to the CMR to check out the new RT 64. Plus how my cell phone is coming to be included install on my chair also. I'm starting to look like Robocop, all mechanize everything. They are also looking into ways of making the computer more accessible to me. They will be coming over in two weeks to discuss my desk and other stuff.

I also have to point visit their other department because I'm having problems with my chair. Not really my chair, but rather me. I'm getting worst every and they have to make adjustments to it to make it easier for me to drive it. I found out today when I went to the shopping mall with my daughters.

The shopping mall is stone thrown away and before I was able to go and come back at my will. But today, I had extreme problems trying to make my chair go frontward my hand was too tired. It's days like today where you realize that you are really sick and that life really sucks. I know I know I should be thankful for being alive right? It's true but it doesn't change that it is you that has to adapt to the situation: adapt your chair, adapt your bed, adapt your transportation...

I can't recall when it was the last time I was able to sit on my own car and drive with my daughters and my wife somewhere, when I wanted. Or the last time I slept in the same bed as my wife. When was the last time I ate on my own and did have to be afraid of choking.

Now I have to rely on the time that people have on their hands that they can spare. I understand that everybody has a life to do in this world and I am not complaining about them. But rather about me that has become a burden on them, I feel I'm stealing time away from them, Their family. Time to feed Carlos, time to get Carlos up, time to schedule the bus for Carlos, time to put Carlos to bed... It is frustrating.

I once didn't understand why people diagnosed with MS would take their life or ask someone to do it for them. As I dig deeper into my illness I began to understand them more. I don't think I will suicide I got too much to live for, but it is really hard and depressing having to live a life that no longer belongs to you.

I have become a second-class citizen.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

EOS part one


Sooner or later I'll have to read on Dragon, there's a lot commands that I don't know yet and I'm sure it's going to make it easier for me.

So I woke this morning and read the electronic copy of the Globe and Mail, what do I find? That the new MS cure is not what it was promised to be. Makes you wonder if what they are reporting is kosher or not. I mean the pharmaceutical industry could be involved, the operation wouldn't suit them at all. They rather sell you drugs and make a huge profit than find a cure for the illness. But that's just me talking, I come up with all these theories that probably don't even exist. Anyways, I was bummed out not that the cure was going to solve my problems. Apparently the operation only works for people that are at the beginning of the disease. So the angi-whatchamacallit was not going to solve my problems.

On another note, my daughter is getting ready to go to summer camp. Now I have to come up with stuff to do with the other one so she doesn't feel bored out of her skull.

aaaagh! I just lost a full paragraph of information I had dictated to this thing! I'm not going to redo that. It was a paragraph explaining how I got to where I am .

So what am I to do now?

I'll blog about something else. I know what I'll talk about, my week off from the crew! Maybe I already talked about this. Yeah my better half and little ones will be off to my brother-in-law's wedding for a whole week. Which means I get to have the house for myself for five days. I have to organize some wild parties with hot chicks and all! Maybe will go upstairs and get it on, wait a sec?!? I can't go upstairs! My place has two floors and I don't know the upper one. Apparently it is a woman's heaven with no guys stuff around. They can keep it messy as much as they want! But I tell you one thing, if one day I'm able to walk again I will creep upstairs and surprised them. Oh yeah baby!

Monday, August 2, 2010

expiration date


Well my looser brother came by and we started to debate the end of the world. Apparently he heard that in the year 3000 and something the earth will be too close to the sun and we will all fry. Honestly? 2182 or 3002 I don't give a hoot! My time and those that I love time will be over. I don't think I'm immortal but I do believe I will get to die at a very old age. I joke about it with my wife telling her that wouldn't it be funny that the guy in a wheelchair with blood pressure problems, diabetic problems and MS will be the last one standing. She agrees that it will be hilarious.

What I heard was that the sun was slowly getting bigger and bigger and that one day it will engulf Earth. Okay I will stop talking about the end of the world but when you have time on your hands there's just so much you can think about. I mean I don't want to have people committing suicide left and right, I can also blog about the birds and bees. But then I will get a whole bunch of comments on how sick I am and deserve to be put away in a mental institution.

I just wanted to update you on how we will all finish one day, okay not us but them. So they better get a move on to colonize other planets before this one ends. It would be such a shame to have done all this work for nothing.

We all have an expiration date, we just have to learn to live with it and make the most of this life.

We're doomed


Another day another blog. What will I talk to about today? Remember one of my earlier posts, when I talked about the end of the World theories? Well there's going to be another one coming up, fortunately I don't think it will affect us your sons, daughters or great-grandchildren.

Apparently the world's going to end in 2182! Yeah! There seems there's an asteroid heading our way and that it will probably hit us. You don't believe me? Here see for yourself 2182 .

Told you so, and when 2182 passes by there's going to be another theory about how a giant tomato will come and collide with us. Why is it that men wants the world to end? It's like were not happy and were trying to find an end to this thing. But maybe they're right, I think the only way this planet is going to end is if something astrological happens. I mean all the Mayan, the third coming of Christ, Nostradamus and all that mumbo-jumbo will probably never happen. But an asteroid hitting Earth will probably happen in the future and perhaps an alien invasion also. These are all mathematical possible and therefore could happen, but some guy predicting that in the future the earth is going to end in the year 2012 on December 21: I don't think so.

But isn't it amazing how fast news gets to you now? I mean the person whose late here is me. I got this article 4 days ago but I finally came up with the idea to blog about it now. I get these things on twitter from a local DJ. I like twitter, you read different things from many people around the world that are living life just like you. I got a couple of famous people that are following my tweets, not that they are really reading them but I have them as followers. They basically have their accounts to promote themselves. And then there's Facebook, which keeps your "friends" up-to-date with your life. I also get news the old-fashioned way, I hear them on TV, I hear them on the radio, I don't read newspapers anymore because once you read the newspaper, you're getting old news. So I think I'm quite up to date with the news, if someone gets his head smashed somewhere in the world and the news is going to sell, I'll probably get it on my TV worst-case scenario I'll see it on YouTube.

Enough about the end of the world! Let's blog about something else. I don't want to blog about my MS and how it's getting worse and worse and worse. I think my depressed peri0od paassed already and every day I am finding out more services that I can get. Did you know that I can actually get a sex therapist to come to my house and get it on? Yeah! I use her services three times a week because the other two it's usually a guy that comes over and I don't do that... Just kidding.

Look, it's true that I'm getting worst but I'm getting help left and right. You wouldn't believe what a babe magnet the wheelchair is, I'm getting smiles from the most beautiful woman out there. Super babes are actually holding doors for me and talking to me. I'm guessing it's just a matter of time before someone will come and snatch me up, I will have to tell them that I am already happily married but I have a couple of loser brothers that may want to. I have to be careful with my wording here, I don't make the food and I don't want to get poisoned.

I know I'm not much to look at but mathematically there still a chance.

Sunday, August 1, 2010



The title says it all, this is my second blog today and am really really impressed by the software that Nuance sent me. I am actually in a rerested position in my wheelchair dictating to the computer, and I know that there will be very few mistakes that I need to correct afterwards but I can keep on doing this for hours if I wanted to.

I really have to get in touch with Nuance to let them know how good this application is, I worked with another product of their software line but it didn't do much recognition it was just saying the name and the call was transfered to that person. This one has left me really perplex because of its speed and its accuracy.

Not to mention that I'm actually dictating to the computer and it recognizes almost everything! So blogging will be such a breeze! The only thing is that you have to remember to put ",.!?" Or any other punctuation that you need to add to the text. Kudos to the scientists that developed this thing I am extremely impressed.

I think tomorrow I can come up with other ideas for my blogging and perhaps learn more on how to control the computer with the software.

Anyways I'm not selling anything here, I just wanted to let you know that I am extremely impressed with this application and I hope that I can learn more about it so I can become a Dragon NaturallySpeaking software expert and help other people that are going through what I went through.

Correction time!

August 1st 2010


This is my first blog of August 2010. Dragon NaturallySpeaking is much better at speech recognition then the Vista one. I still have to learn commands for it but so far so good. I did have to select that I had a Latin accent to it but all this time I've been lied to by people telling me that I have no accent, liars!

So how is your weekend going so far? It's been two beautiful days without humidity and perfect temperatures. But apparently this week coming there's going to be rain and humidity all over the place. I love this application, you don't know how fast I'm talking and is recognizing everything. Nuance rules!

So yesterday at the party I felt like an old geezer. My niece invited some of her friends and they are all in their 17s 18s and they all hang in their own little group. I'm telling you this application really rules I am actually further away not even seen the screen and relaxing in my wheelchair. So where was I? Oh yes I was talking about my niece and her friends. Sooner or later they will stop talking to us thinking that we are old geezers and we don't understand them. I know that this is true for my daughters already, they ignore me except when they need something. It's amazing I wonder how many mistakes I made so far with this application.

For being a first with voice recognition from another company, it has been a very very nice interaction between the computer and myself. The only thing is that I can think as fast as I talk! Okay let's check how many this takes I have done so far.

I am amazed! There wasn't many mistakes done by the application, and as I understand it will learn more as I talked with more. I will really try to understand them to learn the commands that I have to use to go around my desktop and start doing other things. I know how to check my mail now and how to create me a, it is easier then with my old application. I guess I'll be able to blog as fast as I used to do.

As a summary of my blog, my nephews and nieces are getting older and hopefully wiser and they are not talking to us adults. Also the new speech recognition application by nuance is really really cool.