Sunday, April 30, 2017

Soup stories....yuck...


I think I have to change my greeting “Hello” as it reminds me of Adele song “Hello from the other side”; maybe just jump into my post. I don’t know…

So yesterday, thanks to my kids mom's hard work, we celebrated the one year anniversary of my mother passing away by eating her favourite food, Pancita(tripe soup)….yuck! My kids like it, their mom likes it, all of freaking Latin America likes it….except a small bastion still resist this “heavenly” soup…. Stomach lining soup! YUCK!!!!! Why??? They drink this thing as it was a godsend...My mother while pregnant with me would have this day and night with champagne so yesterday to honour her memory, I did the same...kinda. My kids mom saw my distress at drinking the soup so she suggested I made tacos with the stomach lining meat and drink the soup on its own. BEST IDEA EVER! It was good, I think that it is the part of seeing the gelatinous meat in water that makes me go “puke” but put it in a taco and the repulsiveness disappears!

Thanks for the tip….

Take care mortals….

PS I think that putting anything in a taco make everything better...

Monday, April 24, 2017

Shmoozing my life away...


Good whatever to you people and what the “F” Mother Nature?????

Yesterday I was wearing Bermudas and a T-shirt, today I got a sweater on, blue jeans pants and shoes; and it still freaking cold out there! Why??? This is all meshuggina….

Tomorrow I will be doing something I haven’t done in awhile` and I don’t know why. I will be going to a Mormon temple for some activity of some sort; why I have no clue. I mean, yes I have a clue but it is nonsense and highly -extremely highly- improbable. I am not a religious person, yet I’m doing everything to fall in their ranks; even reading their scriptures...and I say, they're kinda violent to some I have no clue where this is going to end up...go with the flow I guess….

Ooo look, the sun is poking out, gotta run folks.

Bye people...

Saturday, April 22, 2017

The space between...


Happy Saturday folks….

I went to the supermarket already, my kid wanted bagels and OJ with lots of pulp….it is the best OJ out there. I know that one of my brothers doesn’t like pulp, he’s a big wuss. But back to my story, so off I went to buy the bear necessities in life; the story is not the buying stuff but coming back; there’s where I have a story to tell.

That's how far...
So coming back I am riding back on a rather lonely street when suddenly, there is a car coming my way (I drive counter traffic to make sure I have a fighting chance). The guy or girl is driving at normal speed, ’bout 30 km/hr -18miles/hr, but once he/she/it sees me….S L O W S to a crawl and goes into the opposite lane to make sure there is sufficient space between the car and me! WTF??!! Just because I’m in a wheelchair does not mean I have slow reflexes, physically or mentally. No!!! I can still drive pretty well, I can make circles around myself! This is not the first person that takes evasive action at the sight of my chair, lots of people leave me the road to myself. This also happens a lot in the supermarket aisles too, I guess people are just being nice to me….God bless them all…

Adios folks...

PS...stupid kid and her tip rules...
PS PS...Maybe I smell....uuummm...

Friday, April 21, 2017

From the sinner's corner....


Greetings fellow humans…So what’s up with my life?

Weeellll…. I have been holding a meeting with Mormons again. It’s not about the religion and stuff, it’s just that they send me a knockout of a sister missionary and she could be the one that could break my icy walls down and make me start selling flowers in the airports. I’m gonna go and see them this Tuesday for some church activity; you know what it means right? Yes, cheesecake! Even she told me to bring my appetite and my Mormon book with me. She does not know who she’s messing with… I love cheesecake! Plus, she claims, in a way, that she used to be a caregiver before being a missionary, so she has my full and undivided attention. The thing is that she’s religious and I am not.

I have been honest with her and told her that I just don’t feel it. She tells me to read the Book of Mormons and pray, that eventually, I will find the way. I don’t know, I like my coffee pretty much to give it up because some people believe it is a drug(she’s a drug)….got news for them, next year pot is legal in Canada; guess who already pre-ordered a batch of special brownies?

I think my blog will take a turn for the mellow….

Bye folks...

PS I wish I was normal....

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Another empty headed decision....


Legacy…..what is a legacy? If we go with a google search: “a gift by will especially of money or other personal property...” Could be anything really….A lesson to which your descendants will do something they do and can pinpoint the origins to you….anything. Now, this question takes a bigger place in your mind as you get closer to kick the bucket….”What am I leaving behind for them to have an easier life than the one I had?” Well. just yesterday I found out my answer.

Anybody that knows Mr. Carlos Guzman knows that when he makes big purchases, he is the one who always buys the “Extended warranty”. Yes, I will dish out the extra cash (or advise someone to purchase) on the extended warranty; just in case. Friends, family, and foes often laugh at me and my ignorance on purchasing such an item. Well, I have been vindicated several times and yesterday was another one of those times.

The tale of the defective dryer!

My oldest was drying clothes yesterday when I suddenly started to smell a plastic rubber smell. Then suddenly, smoke filled the house! FUCK, FIRE! Relax, no, there was no fire. It was smoke coming from the dryer. My night guy was here so he took a sec to inspect the machine and said it was toasted….better get a new one! Fuck, just when I thought that my next free check was going towards the purchase of a drone….. Going down through memory lane I remembered that I had bought a warranty on that sucker so I call the store who informed me that “YES, It’s under warranty!” So they gave me the necessary info and phone number to call for a service call on the dryer!!....

There it is, this is my legacy: Always buy extended warranty; it works!

True story folks, I just got about another year’s worth of drying clothes because ignorant me bought a stupid warranty...