Monday, March 5, 2018

The power of the chair...


Good afternoon people, happy first week of March!

As the title implies, this wheelchair has powers of all sorts.

I went to Maxi(my closest supermarket) and was buying stuff for my place. When I was on my way to pay/, this clueless customer cut me off to beat me to the cash register without paying attention, I almost ran her over. I yell out at her in a polite manner “Careful!” She looked back and gave me this look as if I was to blame. I went into berserk mode and told her “what!? Your fault...bitch” I swear if I was a walker she would have probably slapped my face off, but since I was in a wheelchair she just took it like an adult and moved on. She was being looked on by the other people in the store like if she was a common criminal. She basically bowed out of my lane and disappeared back into the store to “buy” more stuff…

It’s good to be the king…

Take care folks!

Thursday, March 1, 2018

History in a pic


How’s is life treating you so far?

Our humble beginnings
Gals/guys…. I am thrilled! I woke up this morning to an SMS from my brother with an old photograph attachment of when my folks got married. This was a pic that my brothers and I had never seen before; EPIC! I know, you people are going “Dude, that’s lame” Well, I have always been hooked on archeology, anthropology, genealogy, biology, pornography… anything ending with a “Y”... Getting this pic is priceless to us because when we left our country we left everything over there, including pictures, memories, everything… we started from scratch here in Canada! So any vestige that we get from our country connects us to our past, and I am the official tracker of it.

It was my cousin who sent the photograph to my oldest bro, and he in return shared it with the brothers….and now me, big mouth Chuck, is sharing it with you whimsical creatures...So I am an excited as a pig in the mud….

Take care folks…

PS Thank you cousin ‘M’, it is much appreciated on our part. Keep the old pics coming…….