Monday, October 28, 2019


Hello, y'all...

Three more days and vamoose!

November, I feel that life is rushing past me so fast it's not even funny. So, I been hearing a shitload of romantic music and feeling extremely's like a cockroach dies I will hold a funeral. I have never felt this way, I guess there is a first time for everything...

Did I tell you I am going to move?

Well, yes; but not yet. Seeing that everyone has left i am in a 5 and a half flat....meaning 3 rooms, living room, kitchen and bathroom....2 bathrooms. As I mentioned briefly yesterday, I will be moving near my brother's place where,  i think, will be spending my lasts days...yay!

Back to the river of beliefs....

Can't wait to see what's behind door number 3


Good day to you all, happy last week of October....2  moths before 2019 finishes and I can't wait to see what's behind door number 3!

How is my life?

Living the dream folks, new life,m new woman...happy happy, joy joy. that person that was so miserable a couple of years ago because his wife did not love him and left him? Gone! I am a new me today folks!!! it is true that life changes in a second, one moment you're in a dark place, the next you need glasses it's so fucking bright! Well? I am there and I am super happy... I hope this happens to you too...

and that's the way the cookie crumbles...

Have a great day an a happy winter/summer...

Friday, October 25, 2019

October and everything after

Good day folks!

How are you doing?

So, October’s almost finished. And I haven't blogged for the longest time I guess, but I have time now.

This is my life now people:

As of today, I am now leaving alone!
It is a change, there are pros and cons for it. I don't see much TV, I quit the group on Facebook which took a lot of my time and now I'm basically lost... And winter's coming! We all know that I won't be able to go out most of the winter and I'll have to wait until next march to be able to go out there. Also, I have applied to the government for a low rent housing unit near my brother's place, about an hour away from here. It will take some time for them to accept me.

Besides that, my October was a normal one and I'm now also I said waiting for hell to come by me…

And that has been my October in a nutshell!

Here's hoping you guys had a good one and that your winter will be a fabulous one!