Sunday, June 29, 2014

World cup 2014


Game day today!! Mexico goes against Holland and, not that I want them to, Mexico is bound to lose… I have prepare everything to make the game a fun event for the people here, win or lose; heck I even showed my daughter how to make piƱa coladas from scratch. Took a bit of practice but I survived the taste testing phase, in fact, I slept like a baby yesterday….So if they win, everybody’s happy; and if they lose, also. That reminds me, I have to step outside for more pineapple juice and coconut milk…

Happy game day folks..

Thursday, June 19, 2014

Vacation blues...


So yeah, what the hell!?

My wife took off on vacation with the girls, I schedule one of my persons to come and get me up at 9:15; she gets me up at 9:13, I’m going in my head “great, breakfast time!”…. immediately after she got me up, my bath guy comes in at 9:17… needless to say I just had breakfast and I am now waiting for a nurse to come and change my wound dressing… it’s a wound deal with it….

The nurse just came and changed my dressing… it was a male vacation nurse. I have never seen him before and they follow instruction on their computer to the letter. So lots of questions and completely undressed me to check how my ass was doing…. I hate vacations…. Now I am off to buy a cool hat…

Take care folks