Wednesday, September 12, 2018

A new job


Hope you had a happy hump day!

Do I really look like a bum looking for handouts? Listen to my story before you answer…

It has happened twice were somebody approaches me and tries to give me their change to help my cause.

I have a cause!?

It happened last year when I went to purchase something or other; a lady stretched her hand to me and asked me what charity she was giving money to. I refused her money and told her I was waiting for my bus. Well, it happened again! Yup, this past weekend I went to see a movie, “The Nun”, and afterward while waiting for my bus, again, this guy started walking towards me and speaking the words  ”Here you go buddy”. I immediately told him that I wasn’t asking for money, that I was waiting for my bus; the guy just laughed his head off and apologized for the mistake.


Do I inspire people to feel empathy toward me? Is this what my life will be like? If it’s so, then I better start organizing myself; I mean get 5 and up denominations instead of pocket change.

I have to come up with a plan

So long people and remember, give money to the fat guy on the wheelchair!!

PS. Come to think of it, I was given money by those kids on bikes so that’s 3 times such incidents have happened. All of them while waiting….I see a pattern here.

Sunday, September 2, 2018

September morn


Hi folks! Good Sunday September 2018 and, me lleva la chingada…..(life sucks!)!

Why does it suck?

I was just got up because my service was just given to me! It pisses me off when I lose half a day. I lost at least 4 hours of...of...rain today. It is one of the rare days this summer when we get water coming down on us. This summer was a beautiful one, Sunny, and blue skies! Now we are coming down to the end of this season and it has given me the strength to take on winter when it gets here. But I’m still pissed that they got me up so late…..

Other than that, I’m ok; got my wall, I’m acing
bookkeeping, counting down the days till Cannabis becomes legal here in Canada……...same old story! Maybe I’ll have new stories when I start doing ganja; who knows! But until those days are here, hope you have a good one, at least better than me.

No more illegal Mexican babes!

Take care folks!

PS I went to the museum....first in 42 years......

Had to be Pablito...

The Mexican girl...nah, but it looks like