Monday, May 26, 2014

North of Chibougamau

Hello! (again)

I couldn't sit idle while crimes against kids were being done at this day and age… let me elaborate…

I mentioned a while ago that little J’s family had gone off the grid now; moving completely off the grid. I’m talking GPS coordinates as oppose to an address here people. My wife came back after strolling down the highway, paddling a canoe and repelling down from a chopper into a no man’s land barrio. She was met by little J’s dad with his horse drawn carriage (because they traded their 2014 Pathfinder due to the lack of roads) who rode them into his new acquired “home”.

It was going to be a special night, the J’s family was receiving their neighbors over for a meet and greet get together; not to mention to discuss hunting strategy for this season caribou’s run. So my wife met the neighbor, Jacob and Mary, and she couldn’t stop looking at Mary who approached my wife to comfort her and reassure her in her conundrum. Mary told my wife that what she (my wife) was going through was normal. That it was common for women in that part of Quebec to grow a beard on…. That explains my little daughter’s comments about how her aunt’s (J’s mom) face looking weird and how it felt shaggy when kissing her…

So it a nutshell, they are back at being creatures of the land who believed that electricity is the devil’s work and that kids should run around with little axes instead of toys…

Putting back the fun in fundamentalist, I guess…