Wednesday, December 28, 2011

One hundred thousand


Peace on Earth and may your god bless you...everybody except that mother-fer who called at 2:20AM today announcing the jubilant news that I had won $100,000.00 dollars!!! Seriously?! Dude!!! A couple of things went wrong with your're actually dumber then those Mexican calls I get from nephews that need my financial help and that I always leave hanging... First of all you were thrown off at me answering in French and not in the pathetic Spanish you were talking to me in, second 2:20 in the morning- seriously?! No government office is opened at this hour....ON THIS FREAKING SEASON!!!! Christmas dude! shouldn't have bargain the prize when I told you I didn't want it...a good answer would have been "sorry sir I cannot take it" you were so dumb that you would only take half! Now look what you made me do!! You made me brake one of my resolutions for next year....I had promissed I was going to be more gullible next year and here you go waking me up from my slumber and annoying the F out of me, making my cynical side come out....

And I'll bet you whatever you want that come next week when I start blogging again I won't have any cool stories to tell you folks! Oh well que sera sera...

Wishing you and yours a Happy New Year...

Saturday, December 24, 2011

A wish

A Merry Christmas to you and yours!

Take care folks!

Thursday, December 22, 2011

What I've been doing

My new favorite singer

Je suis venu te dire que je m'en vais

The bitchlaxing face


Argh! I hate it when other people are right about something! In this case is the nice French girl from the CMR who told me I wasn’t going to be able to keep my big mouth shut……….. Well I have a lot of stuff that happened over this week and if I didn’t share it with someone I was going to have a catatonic breakdown….

The Xmas experience

That’s right; I had an adventure in the shopping mall buying Christmas shitt.  Let me first say that I have finished my shopping online therefore avoiding lines and the hassle of “I saw it first!”, but my wife drag me to the shopping mall to purchase some last minute things…  Not a good sign people, not a good sign.  There was a huge crowd buying stuff and fighting over 50% discount stuff; and the lineups?  OMG!  I used to do this before?!  Well thank God for MS; I’m really happy that I am on the wheelchair!

To mini ice storm and the car

*   Yesterday afternoon we had a bout with freezing rain.  Guess what?  Freezing rain won!  There was a lot of slip sliding away, small accidents that people had and many persons fell on their buttocks!  But wait, there’s more!  It was late evening when my wife returned from doing her last Christmas shopping and she walked in with a bitchlaxing face, obviously there was something out of the ordinary happening here, and I just needed to know what. Ah!  That was my reaction after she told me the story; she was driving the car when she pushed on the brakes and they didn’t work!  The car kept on sliding until it came to an abrupt stop…  Because she hit something!  That something seemed to have damaged the wheel rim but we were not going to be sure about it until the next day, meaning today, so I prayed all night to the car god.  There is a Santa Claus Virginia!  The rim was OK it was just a minor fender Bender that destroyed the hub cap…

My kids exist

And the last thing I'm going to talk about today is the provincial government!  This people have nothing better to do than to bug people like me with their cockamamie about proving the existence of my kids.  They send me a letter on the 19th of December asking me to get some letters from school proving that my kids had attended school between the years 2009 through 2011.  They ask me this on December 19th?!  And they want the documents before December 23rd?!  Really?!!  People, this is the time when people are busy buying Christmas stuff, shipping stuff, taking holidays...  No freaking way that I'm going to get the documents and ship them to Quebec City in ordered that they get there before the 23rd!  Nevertheless we did the impossible and I was just told that the documents will get there by tomorrow…  That "by tomorrow" cost me $30.00 dollars!!  Kudos gov't people, you suck!

So as you can see my week was a hectic one and I couldn't keep these entire things bottle up inside of me because I would have exploded…  TMI people!  TMI…

Take care folks!

PS this time I promise I will not bug you until later on…

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Year end post 2011


Well folks…  This is it, my last post of the year and it goes dedicated to all of you who read my blog and get a chuckle out of it.

I'd like to start thanking the department of the CMR with takes care of my chair, without them I would surely be stuck in bed.  Second, I'd like to thank the department from the CMR that tried to help me in becoming more efficient at using the computer, saving physical energy and a big thank you to ortho something or other -that nice French girl who I will never forget-.  I would also like to thank my bath personnel without whom I would be stinky and I would be missing stories to tell you guys...The nurses, the occupational therapists, the shit load of people that have interacted with me this year..

I would also like to thank the most important people who read my blog, you guys: USA, Canada, UK, Russia, Mexico, Italy, South Korea, France…  God I feel like I'm accepting an award or something…  Australia, India, China, Malaysia…All those countries that have come and read my blog, I appreciate it very much, you make me feel, in a twisted way, special.

This is the last post of the year for me because I’d like to take a break...  You guys have vacations, so I'm taking a small vacation, no blog for three weeks and hopefully when I come back, I will have fresh stories to tell you about my life…  Or I will kick the bucket who knows…

In the meantime, I'd like to wish all of you who believe in this holiday a merry Christmas and a stupendous, fabulous, freaking awesome New Year!

They care folks!

PS I posted this a tad late, the nurse came to harass me again....

Doomsday Thursday


Good Thursday o you all….

That’s it I’m losing it! I woke up at 4AM today because I heard a dog bark…stupid Olivia!!!! Nope, it wasn’t her, seems it was all in my head because I couldn’t find her in the premises; even after turning the light on! It seems my mind is playing tricks on me….

Today looks like the end of the world out there, wind howling, rainy and dark grey skies, half naked man typing on a keyboard while waiting for his bath and a nurse to come and visit him…..real apocalyptic scene….I hate days like this! Makes me want to  go back to bed and sleep all day long….I hope the day goes fast..

Any hoot, I will chat you guys later,

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Olivia and her habits


Yes I know, I failed you for only having posted once today….But there’s an excuse!

It’s called Olivia! Today super early in the morning, 3:38A-FREAKING-M, Olivia went out for a walk with my wife. That’s ok, they went and came without a hitch. When they came back in my wife went up to her room and Olivia went to drink water…..No f_ing water, so what happens then? She started to silently bark,, this is a bark that she does when she’s missing food or water and only people near her will hear it….smart dog…Nevertheless her plate of food and water is near my bed so she woke me up at 3+ AM this morning! My wife filled up the bowl with water and went back to sleep, so did Olivia.  Did I went back to sleep? No way!! I was wide awake and didn’t catch some ZZZZZZZ until about 5:20AM, a whole 40 minutes before the girls get up for school….so I was sleep deprived and I slept most of the day today….that’s my excuse…

Take care folks!

The Push2TV incident


Good hump day people…

Well yesterday it was a fantastic moment for a second, I received the package I was waiting for all week long; the streaming thing for my computer.  I was happy, excited, thrilled!  Then my wife came and helped me set it up, it didn’t work!  I called Dell for support and after about half an hour they told me that the product was not compatible with my computer.  I told them I had informed the salesperson on the type of machine I had and what I wanted to do; she was the one who proposed the product! She was the one who told me that it would work!  The guy told me that they would gladly take it back and that I could buy another product that would work, I was so depressed that I told them I would think about it.

This morning the first thing I did when I got out of bed is that I called Dell and ask for a return, they put no hassle and e-mailed me a Purolator sticker so that I can call them up and have a pickup arranged.  I really hate salespersons that don’t know what they’re talking about…

That has been my morning so far…

Take care people!

PS Now to organize a get together for exchanging gifts with my brother

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Genealogy tantrum


I worked most of my day in my genealogy tree….I haven’t found anything on my maternal grand-mother’s family, it’s like they’ve never existed! I consulted the book of birth year as well as the year before and the year after.....nada; but I did found her brother in law! A distinguish gentleman who came from a good family and was the director of a prestigious school in my country…cool, no?

Well I called my mother to tell her this news and it was a her word against mine and the news paper clip!! She claimed that he was the owner of the school, I told her this wasn’t truth that a news paper of the time informed the people about him becoming director of the school….she claimed that somebody was probably filling my head with garbage, that the man was the owner and who ever told ne this lie was wrong! It’s a freaking news paper!!! They printed the story!!! Arrrrrgh!! At the end we agree to disagree before we started a full fledged war .

I should listen to my brother and never share information like this with her!!! I will let her believe what she wants to believe.....Grrrr..

Take care folks!

About today...


Good day folks…

So as mentioned on my blog last evening, I accompanied my daughter to the library; this was for her tutoring class. It was a gorgeous day all day and the evening was a super one too. The sky was cleared, nothing but stars and planets in the sky….sigh, it was a beautiful end of a day. Today??? Crappy, crappy, crappy! No sun, rain will probably present itself later on…no snow yet and my girls are getting wrestles because of this; they have snow suits but no snow….it will come girls…it will come.

My day today? Mmmmmm….well I canceled my neurologist appointment today….I was sick…cough…cough….is not like he’s going to cure me! I’ll make another appointment for after the holidays, besides next week I will have to go to the JGH (Hospital) so they can change the catheter.

Take care folks! 

PS Rain is here...I will probably do genealogy and listen to music...

Monday, December 12, 2011

Great outdoors


Oh boy oh boy oh boy!

It's 3 degrees out there, still some sunshine and I'm going out to drop my kid to the library for he tutoring!! Yay Summer! I can feel you in my bones, isn't it great?!

I know...I know, we still have 3 months of winter to go through....but I'm going out, so I don't care. It was a quiet day today, if I didn't have my stuff to do I would have probably nap my head off. Tomorrow will be a crappy day compare to today and the rest of the week we are playing it by ear so we'll see. Did I tell you I bought a gizmo so I can stream my computer to my 47" TV? Yeah, it has to get here first then I have to set it up, then to stream stuff on the TV. What am I going to stream? stuff....neat stuff that people like....don't slander  my gizmo!? I am sure I will have gobs of fun....

Got to run folks..the great outdoors calls me!

I'm late, so very very late


Well my days it’s done!  Everything I had to do I did, now I have to call the pharmacy and get some insulin, also…  Shit, I forgot what else I have to do.

There was a minor breakthrough with my bath guy of Monday’s, he actually had something to say today!  He was actually accusing some big shot music name here about stealing one of his songs, not the complete song but some parts of it.  Apparently this happen 20 years ago and since then he has never trusted anyone in the music world…  Sorry J.B, my bath guy won’t be able to help you on your next tune.

Well the day seems to be getting longer slowly but surely, and this is because as of December 21st the earth’s orbit around the sun would have changed and days will be getting longer little by little…  Summer’s back!

Take care folks!

Busy day ahead


Good morning world...

Posting from my bed right now, my day is starting and I have a couple of calls in the agenda; got a couple of things to take care of.

I am waiting for my second bid for the modification to my place to come in this week. Once it does I willsend it to the building inspector and it will have become his turn to weight in my life and make a decision on who gets the contract...I should be able to go out on my own by Sumer, cross my fingers...

That's it for now. Take care folks!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Updating the massses


Well, it's Xmas time and I guess this is part f the deal....all freaking day on my own while the masses are out and about doing Christmas things...sweet! It's a hell hole out there people, I wouldn't recommend it! Now I have to do a bit because I need to find some wireless headset for my youngest's iPad...go to call Dell or some place they are familiar with this type of question....hands are tired, see you tomorrow

I tried


How is your Sunday going?

Well, it’s a lazy kinda Sunday for me and today more than ever I want to find that dragon naturally speaking CD.  You don’t know what a pain in the ass this speech recognition application has been!  Maybe it is because it’s at the beginnings where is learning everything but boy is it stupid!  I got to ask where my bag with CD is…  I’m not a very patient man!

Yesterday we saw the movie “Limitless” and it was good, I wish that such a pill existed so that I could write my book and make gazillions of dollars so I could retire somewhere nice…  F_it!  I will not use this speech recognition crap anymore!

Take care folks!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Doritos and I: A torrid love affair


Well the day went to the dogs, it actually started snowing; what a surprise.  It became the type of afternoon where you like to think, at least I do.  You know, asking myself existentialist questions: “why can I walk?”, “what am I doing here?”, “are there any Doritos left?”…  Jackpot!  There are some…  So I had my youngest give me a small bowl full of them and now I am doing a voice recognition post and I cannot eat any of them because of this…

My wife came back from the store and I had visioned it, the stores were full!  My wife came back and promised to return tomorrow early in the morning.  OK people, those chips are calling my name, I don’t care if I have a story to tell I’m digging into the bowl and having me some Duritod….  Too late I am already having some….

Take care people!

My bee workers


Before I start playing senseless and forget about reality, let me post a thought....

Ok, so not a thought but a "what is happening in my life".and granted I blog because 140 characters is not enough for me...

My girls are about to go shopping for Xmas stuff and then Olivia has a play date with a dog..I was planning to go out but the inspiration went away. oh!!! I forgot to mention that my oldest went to work today but she only lasted 1 1/2 hour; she called us because she was feeling "sick"....she better married a rich guy because unlike her mother that puts work above everything, this one is lazy!

Happy cinco de Mayo!

PS only 5 months left until Mayo

Saturday hangovers


Good Saturday people!

It's a keyboard post this morning, beautiful days make me feel strong and today the sun is out and it looks good out there.

So how was your Friday night? Back when I was in the helluva of it, my Fridays were always my pit stop of the week, maybe I would drink a little but not much Saturdays were the days when I would go nuts singing and drinking some good shish taouk afterward...this is a Lebanese "sandwich" that is a killer, I used to eat 3 or 4 of them when I was sauced....Aaaah the days, I miss them. My advice to you guys? Enjoy every second of your youth because it goes fast...and if you are passed that age enjoy it too because you made it safely to the other side of that tumultuous era....

Happy  days folks!

Friday, December 9, 2011

I fell asleep...


I am sorry for being so late, I was actually napping and when I woke up I started to play a game called “virtual city”.  For those that have played games such as civilization or any other type of game where you have to manage a city/a country you would like this game.  It’s a small game that cost me six bucks but it’s worth it.  When I start playing this game I could basically go on for hours, not even thinking that I have to eat; it is that addictive to me.

So not much activity going on in the social world, my Facebook friends are quiet and I’m not much of a Tweeter guy.  Nonetheless I should post something to remind myself I exists because I blog.

Apparently tomorrow is going to be a beautiful day due to the sun but temperature wise, it’s going to be nippy.  Maybe I’ll go out, maybe I won’t!  Next week I have an appointment with the neurologist and the following week I have my last appointment of the year with the urologist; he will change the catheter and the CLSC will take care of this duty the following times.

In the meantime I like to wish you all a happy weekend and if you party, drink tequila!

A fat Friday


Happy Friday folks…

It’s one of those days today when you don’t want to do anything, cloudy, cold and creepy.  Even my wife is late for work today; we had breakfast, watched the news and basically she dragged herself to work.  But before she left she was telling me about her Christmas list that she’s about to start tackling tomorrow…  Good luck!

In the Mexican news this morning they were talking about this guy, most likely from Chile because of the way they talked, who is getting fine because of his….  Anti- fat remarks he has written on the web.  Now I have made remarks about fat people before but this is because I know where I’m coming from.  Unlike general perception, I’m not the hunk guy you think I am, no, I’m what you call morbidly obese…  But I blame it all on MS because I used to be all muscles…  Seriously!  No, I’m yanking your chain.  I was always fat but I really didn’t care.  You see I’m also very strong, OK I was also very strong and I’m 6 foot two; so if you were to meet me in a dark alley, chances are that you would be shitting bricks.  So you didn’t want to fuck wish me.  In a nutshell this guy got caught because he was writing stupidities about women and how ugly they look if their size is over 36; God I wish I was a 36, I haven’t been that since I was in high school I think.  Any hoot, the guy got fined I don’t know how many dollars, I have tried to find the link on the web but I haven’t been able to so you just have to trust me on this one…

Take care folks!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

That simple?!


Hello boys and girls, I just had a mathematical epiphany...Seriously!  Why didn’t we go this way when I was a kid learning the multiplication table?!  I mean, click on the link below and you will see how the Egyptians and Chinese did this a Gazillion years ago and it wasn’t multiplying numbers but adding them.  In fact, according to this guy who is now my favorite mathematician in the world, computers use this technology now! here, go look at the link now and comeback and tell me that your brain wasn’t amazed by such simple computing…

You see what I mean?!  Freaking simple!  I’d like to take this moment and apologize to my daughters to whom I yelled my freaking lungs off; and to all math teachers out there: Did you guys know about this?!

So baffle was I that I decided to create an excel document that does exactly what the Egyptian and Chinese did back when then....when we were smart.  I know, what good was my excel spreadsheet for?  Well, I got lots of time…  So I’m planning to reteach my kids mathematics…

Just thought you wanted to know about what the man has been hiding from us…


The idea


I just finished having my bath and there was information that was exchanged left and right between my bath guy and me.  I was listening to him talk to me about how lonely he is and how he’s probably going to start placing ads on the newspaper.  I told him that this was a good idea but that he had to be careful because there was a lot of fruitcakes out there.  I then started to present my idea to him and now I am presenting it to you guys…

Basically it has to do with the services that are provided by the CLSC, the baths.  I told him that the person providing this service could, at the end of the bath, offer additional services that would not be covered by the government and therefore must be paid.  You know the type of service, kinky stuff! You know that we guys are sick and if we get proposed with something like that we would jump at the occasion; so there is a market for it. The problem would be when the government hears of this and to solve this dilemma they would either put us in jail or would create a tax to benefit from this racket.  This of course is if some other organization doesn’t tax us first or bashes our heads in a way to start their own thing…  Hell’s angels *wink wink*…

Well we had a laugh and even suggested as asking for money because we would be the ones controlling the situation and dispatching the CLSC personnel where they would be needed…  Just an idea to make an extra buck during the Christmas season…Ho Ho Ho!

Take care people!

The Universe & me


Good day people…

Only a couple weeks before Christmas, have you guys finished all your shopping?  You better hurry up!

Oh I forgot, some of my readers do not participate in the Christmas thing.  Some because of religion and others because it has become too commercialized…  But I love this season.  Mind you it’s not a perfect Christmas season, we’re still missing a blanket of snow; once we get this we’ll be OK!

But this is not what I want to talk about this morning, yesterday like every normal person in North America; I was watching the X factor.  There was a remark that was made by Paula Abdul regarding the universe.  She said something about the universe always getting it right…  Liar!!  I’m living proof that sometimes things don’t work out that way.  I know you may debate me on this but I got some pretty hard evidence that the universe doesn’t always get it right…  All I have to do is look in the mirror where I can see a middle age (I hate the sound of that) guy sitting on a wheelchair, strip naked every day of the week-sometimes by beautiful women-, working on a book, blogging all day long, getting paid for doing nothing…!!!...  Come to think of it, may be the universe does work adequately …  Maybe Paula was right, I lost my train of thought….  Sucks to be me!

Take care people!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

To Bell or not to Bell


Why can’t they be like this all the time?!

I’m talking about Bell and how some rotten apples spoil the fruit basket, let me elaborate on the subject.  A couple weeks ago I received five small boxes where Bell wanted me to return something called a downed transmitter or something in that nature, I called Bell to let them know I didn’t have such things.  After much debate they told me they were going to send someone over to show me what the beep I had to return.  OK, I’ll tell him the story I again!  The guy came and right away understood my dilemma; he even left me an official note stating that I had no such thing because my connections were all “S.F.U” ….  I like this guy, he’s more technical than the other people on the phone.

Well moments ago I called Bell to see if they had added the note to my file, well once again I received extraordinary service today.  The lady who picked up the phone was on the English side, the other times I had called I had gone through the French side, maybe I’m onto something here.  Long story short, the lady sent an e-mail to the person who was the point of contact regarding my returns stating that I had never had those things because I used to own a dish of my own.  So how do you think I feel now?  That’s right!  I feel like a first class heel for having left the company seen that they’d give such great service, then again maybe this is just a front to get me back…

Take your folks!

Hump day stories


Good hump day to you people…

Well it was snowing little tidbits of white flakes this morning but it has stopped and now all that remains is a wet ground…  Oh well, we’ll get some snow sooner or later.  Oh, I forgot to mention this is another speech recognition post, I find it to be much easier now seeing that I’m used to it.

I forgot to mention that I got my first estimate for the work that needs to be done on my place so that I can go out on my own.  The total that this company wants to charge the government is $16,000 dollars, what a bargain.  I am missing the other estimate so I can send the papers to the building inspector and he can give me the go ahead to fix the place up…  Only a couple of hurdles left!

Well Christmas is coming fast, thank God I finished all my shopping, there’s only a couple of gifts left but this is going to be a cakewalk since I ain’t doing the shopping!  We haven’t gotten any plans yet as of what we’re going to do that day, evening sorry, but it will probably be a dinner with gifts exchange for the kids…  This is what happens when you get old people!

Take care folks!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The sky is blue but I cannot see it


Yes…  It seems that I am a bit rough on the edges and that my microphone is kaput!  I have my daughter to thank for that as she was the one who was using my headset all this time, now I have to get a new one, I guess.

So what did my daughter got for her birthday?  Well…  Gobs of money and a silly game that both her and my oldest like to play, “Just Dance 3”.  It’s fun seeing them play the game but it takes up most of my space, so when they play I have to sit pretty until they are finish…  Boy does it suck being me!

It seems the French poetry is coming out of me again except that my poems are a bit darker and somehow it always tends to reflect my departure, somewhere, sooner than later…  Boy does it really suck being me…

Take care folks!

Speech recognition post again


I connected my headset to the computer and I started to use speech recognition again. Mind you, I installed the speech recognition application that comes with windows 7, it is more powerful than the one that came with Vista.  Just finished having my food and it was good, now I am going to see what I'm going to do the rest of the day, maybe I'll listen to some music or do something useful for humanity and work on some project or other. I just wanted to let you guys know that I'm using speech recognition again because my hands are numb lately and thank God my microphone still works.

Take care folks !

Moderation is not for me


Good Tuesday to you....

No no...I hadn't givrn up my blog. I was just recovering from Sunday's taco and tequila birthday party. It was... awesome!! I had a funtastic time and even little J had a bowl of fun, plus the food was great! First of all we had a guest that made us shrimp cocktail, custard pie (Flan); we also had tacos, cake (tres leches) which my wife nails it every time now and of course we had tequila flowing left and right...okay I had 3 shooters, but I was comatose by the second double shooter that was thrown my way by my daughter. Needless to say that in between tequila shooters there was the constant ebb and flow of beer passing left and ri...okay I had 4 beers and I was singing the cucaracha!

Shame!! I'm just a shadow of the man I used to be....thanks Freddy....Even electro magnetic guru beat me at the silent friendly taco eating competition we had. I told him I had a 12oz shrimp cocktail glass ---it's true--- plus 6 tacos. The guy tried to beat me but I think he stopped at 6...Hey electro dude, I only had 4; your wife was right...but you didn't have the shrimp cocktail, so I won!....I swear that kid's going to balloon up real nice...

Take care folks!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Saturday's allright for blogging


Yup, live from my bed while watching a French show from France on TV5...thinking of the one who got away...

It was a lovely day, my girl had fun with her friends and one of them made me feel thankful and sad. Thankful because compare to her my kid is normal, sad because I could only imagine what the parents are going through with her. Here's another kid to whom time doesn't exist and she has the same peculiarities as my kid does...sad it's all I can say, real I'm looking forward at drinking tequila tomorrow...

Take care folks!

Saturday in hell


Happy Saturday....

T-a couple of hours the festivities of my daughter's birthday star...oh yeah and the bell guy is coming soon to check things around, I smell a fight brewing over these things I don't have but bell believes I got them..

And the cleaning crew is out and about making sure that all is spic and span for today and tomorrow and I am cut in the middle not knowing what to do or where to go while they dust, they broom, they mop, they order me left and right....I hate parties

Take care!

Friday, December 2, 2011

MS, MS and more MS


well if the universe has his way I shall be using speech recognition again, soon....bummer! You see since yesterday I have had this pain in the arm and when this happens usually it's the sign of an MS crisis and a part of my body will cease to work. Man and I was having so much fun....well here I go into the unknown...mind you, could be old age and humidity....yeah...hopes up..hopes up!

Take care!

A Purolator type of day


Yay me! The Purolator guy came and delivered the last package I was we are all set for Xmas, except for the nieces and nephews.....But they want cash, so next pay check will take care of them. The good news about this delivery is that the guy also bought my old PC so I got cash out of his visit....Cash is good...always good! Come this time of the year when your late on payments......ALRIGHT ALREADY RO RO! I'll give you your birthday gift, stop calling me!

Other then that, my wife spend over $500 dollars in food and stuff for tomorrows get together and I will be purchasing the pizza, I think 10 large ones will be fine, my relatives eat like pigs....Oh yeah and Sunday is a Taco Sunday with my in-laws... spicy Tacos with tequila and beer!

Ta ta folks!

In the news....stupid wacky world


A glorious day to you all....

So today I'm listening to the news and on the "Offbeat" part of the show they mention a tidbit about the main Toronto Santa Clause and how he has now been modernize to the point as to not be in the shopping mall (This is  the Santa that Sears pays for his parade). Instead when you walk in the mall you are greeted by commercial signs encouraging you and your kids to Skype Santa...It's true! Ho, Ho, Ho mtoher f_ers, it's cut back time! I don't like it, what if I want a picture with the fat guy?? Kids are going to grow Santa only exists on the net and he will put a virus on your computer if you were naughty....what a scam!

And hearing the same news, I picked up on the girl who had been raped and went to jail because she didn't want t married the guy who raped her!!! WTF???! I'm happy I lived in Canada...What a world!!

Take care folks!

Dumb dog...


This is the second time that Olivia wakes me up in the middle of the night because she's thirsty and she barks so that someones attends her...she barks and the first one she wakes up is me and I have to call upstairs so that they can come and add water to her bowl. Obviously everybody goes back up and falls asleep again...well I DON'T! Now I'm wide awake and I don't know when I'll fall asleep again; thank you, you useless mutt!! I really had to catch up on my nocturnal blog...

'night folks or g'morning!

Thursday, December 1, 2011

The age game


Got it! I am ready for Xmas.....

On another subject...

Today is the birthday of one of the oldest cousins on my mother's side and it kinda makes you wonder...Half a freaking century!! WTF!? It is insane! And when I think of my oldest brother, he's just 3 years shy!! My youngest bro is about to turn 40 AND I have a cousin who's a grandmother already with the oldest cousin clicking in at 57!!`s smells like old farts in here! My oldest aunt who is going to be 85 is already a great grandmother.....scary shit! People, I`m having an existentialist moment here! All these people are going to die one day, I won`t I`m immortal....I will not die!

Well happy half a century cousin...enjoy your Geritol!

A waiting game


Well I've been waiting here for my daughter's Xmas gift to arrive. According to the Purolator site the package was on the guy's truck to be delivered today, I just hope it's before the girls get here. Also my final payment for the China trip is about to be done, so my oldest is one step closer to Shanghai....lucky her!

Now the other one has her bday party on Saturday and the main gift was given already, she just have to pick up envelops with money over the weekend.

Other than that, nothing major to report; my bath was okay, my bath dude showed me pics of naked college girls he gets from some friend...yeah the guy is desperate and he probably beating the monkey every other day...poor fellow...I wished him luck...

Take care  folks!

The water boy


Goo day to you all, here's hopping that your day is a good one.

So yesterday I left you off in a suspense state of mind because of the doctor call. Well it is bad news and I must make changes in my life once again. Why do this type of shit always happens to me?! Here I was minding my own business and wacko!! The Uni_freaking_verse strikes again!! Aaaagh!!!! And I have a birthday party to prepare here, no time to deal with this shit...Oh well, even though I hate the solution to my my new health problem, I must deal with it like a man.

Okay, 16 days ago I had some urine exams done at the JGH and someone finally called me today. Apparently I have a bacteria. Funny I have no symptoms whatsoever, no chills, no fever, no pain...except my ass that hurts of sitting so long on this air cushion...The lady was surprised that I was doing okay, I didn't tell her I was immortal...Well she called me again this nurse/secretary/who the fuck knows what she is and told me that the doctor decline to prescribe antibiotics, that he wanted me to drink at least 4 litters of water a day and the bacteria would go away....!!!!????.....what type of doctor is he??!! Voodoo? Naturalistic type?? He wants to drown the stupid bacteria?? Right now I had 2 litters so far and I have to do more this afternoon...I really hate the taste of water now!!!

There you're up to date with my pathetic life!

Love you all, except that red hair kid in the back. Hey kid! go play in the freeway...