Tuesday, November 30, 2010



Ready for Christmas??

Well November is over and thank to you the number of viewed pages was more than twice what it was last month!!

Tomorrow's blog is going to be a brakedown of the numbers what countries were involved and what are my plans for the future, nah just yanking your chain. There are no plans I got a WYSIWYG type of blog, for those who don't know what it means because they're too young, go ask your parents!

Thanks again

Have a good evening or a great day!



Well I'm here and I hope you guys are having a wonderful day.

I went to the "intervention" and basically they told me what I already knew about my daughter, she needs help. There was one principal, one teacher (her teacher), one speech therapists, one occupational therapist and one psychiatrists, oh and I almost forgot one psychologists. These are the same people I've been seeing for four years regarding my daughter's problems at school and they have always told me to give her time and perhaps by learning French and growing up she would fall into line. It's not the case so what's next?

They discuss with my wife and me the possibility of sending her to a special school where the classes would be giving by a special educator, a speech therapist, and the number of students would go down from 32 to 8 or 9. I told them that the only thing I care for was for my daughter's happiness and well-being and if this was going to make it better for her than by all means proceed. I did warn them that it was going to be hard because once my daughter gets used to something it's pretty hard to change her habits.

So the intervention in a nutshell Was that my daughter had to go to a special school and that I have to go and see the psychiatrist apparently not all my marbles are there! But you probably knew this by now...

Another school

So long folks, take care of yourself and your loved ones...

Monday, November 29, 2010



Hope your time on this planet is zooming along fine!

People, tomorrow I will be out all morning so you wont hear from me until the afternoon.

Got to go to an intervention, that's what the school calls it when your kid has problems in school. So enjoy your day without moi!

Later and thanks for the great month you gave the blog.




Good end or begining of day to you!

Well my daughter is feeling better, whatdid she have? Your guess is as good as mine, I just hope she has a good night tonight. But you know what, this chapter in my life was a good thing, I now know the appendix is in the right side not the left. So that's one less worry for me.

Now the other kid, thats a whole different ball game. My oldest is in the days where she knows everything and her parents are retards, she doesn't need them except when she wants something. But today something happened, just moments ago, that has my turn on my radar for her sake.

Dumb ass here present asked her lovely and smart daughter to start the night time routine: pills for the night, put him in bed and plug the whellchair to the electric outlet to charge.

Einstein answered back that she needed to wash her hands. I told her to dry them well I didn't want her to get electrocuted. She laughed at me and told me that this had never killed anyone before. REALLY!!!

Later days people!

Kid is sick


How are you doing?

Well my little brother installed the hard disk and I have made a backup of all my important information already, it's like 30gigs I used up in about two hours but I feel safe now.

On the homefront out of the blues I got a call from my daughter's school, she was in pain and the school suggested that she came home so my wife went to get her. Right now she's sitting comfortably on my bed playing computers but I'm keeping my eye on her just to make sure that the pain doesn't get worse.

Today my sister-in-law came to wash my ear with a mixture of peroxide and water, it made my ear hear better and suggested that I keep on putting baby oil on the ear and she was going to wash my ear on Saturday priors to my daughter's birthday pizzathone, my wife is going to make all sorts of pizzas: pepperoni cheese, Hawaiian pizza, meat lovers pizza and a spicy 911 pizza with lots of jalapeños peppers. It's going to be awesome!

My daughter says she's feeling a bit better but I still have to keep an eye on her, I don't wanted to be an appendicitis or something worse. Kids suffering is where I draw the line, I rather it be me than them. I know her sisters going to be jealous because this one had half a day off. Dumb kids, I hate it when they're sick.

Well have a nice rest of the day people!

500Gb of power


Yes, yes, I know I'm late this is why I'm blogging on-the-fly!

How are you guys? Korea, how was your day? USA and Canada, I hope you have a wonderful day. The rest of the world, greeting earthlings!

Obviously, the universe is conspiring against me today, the phone is ringing off the hook not letting me blog properly and I have "a ton" of things to take care of today because tomorrow I have to go and visit my youngest daughter's school. Apparently they want to see me to propose an intervention plan for my daughter, she's having some difficulties in French and in math. You know what? She can be a flying circus artists for all I care, if she's happy doing that then more power to her!

I know she's having difficulties, I had difficulties when I was in school, I'm pretty sure that a lot of us had. So today I have to cancel my bath for tomorrow, cancel my Meals on Wheels and tell my little brother of the changes that I must make with him since he's the one who's going to be putting me back in the house and feeding me at a different schedule.

So I finally got my 500GB external USB hard disk and I have to set it up, let me rephrase that, my little brother has to set up. They came relatively early today, rang on my door and delivered the parcel! I must say it is rather small, I was expecting something else, I was even making space for it. The 500GB hard disk is a 5" x 3" casing that looks like I have to be very careful where I place it.

I got the power!

Have a great day people, post you later!

Sunday, November 28, 2010



Good day!

And it's a very good day!! The provine of Quebec is the craddle of Canadian football, they showed that last year win of the cup wasn't a fluke. The sport chanel TSN ciuldn't have been more one sided if they tried, but it doesn't matter their team lost! Sorry, the Als won!

I hate it when chanels such as TSN takes side and thank God it wasn't Toronto, this would have been like if we were the Russians playing a hockey cup. What I have noticed with TSN is that when is Canada against the world they wave the maple leaf but don't let it be Canada against Quebec because it's going to be anybody but Quebec.

Maybe next year the maple leafs will win...right and Santa will be dropping by!



Good day lovely people of the world, how are you doing today?

Well half time is finish and on with the game! Yes, I am seeing the game. Apparently my wife and my kids are more into sport than sisi boy here and I played nose guard in a football team when I was younger. My nick name was the beast and I was proud of it.

Today my wife did the week's groceries and got me a surprise treat, instant kimchi. Uh? No that doesn't exist I said to her, no such thing especially not here.  She had gotten me this because she knows of my blog and how South Korea keeps on visiting my blog. Thanks but I told her that kimchi was a dish that takes time to make and it's not an instant dish. Plus there isn't such a thing as beef kimchi.

kimchi not!

What I had was spicy noodle soup, it was good but misleading.

Grey cup Sunday


How' life??

I'm watching the Redskins play the Vikings as a warm up game to the Gry cup trophy!

I am posting from my ITouch because my little one has taken over my computer playing flash games. Thank God she's going to be getting one for Christmas!

Yesterday night my arm was killing me, I was affraid my MS was getting worst. Today my leg is killing me and I hope it has nothing to do with my condition. This morning the on call nurse came to change my sonde because it was blocked and my blader was hurting.

What an end to the weekend!

Saturday, November 27, 2010

It's a Canadian thing


Good morning Korea, good evening USA! Hoping you have a great day/evening!

This post will have a Canadian twist today seeing that tomorrow will be the game that will determine who in Canada has the best football team: English Canada or us French speaking Canada with an English speaking team. Yes, it's the Grey cup! The equivalent of the super bowl with out the adds. We already dominated Calgary in the Vanier cup, is like saying we won the Rose bowl. Now if the Alouettes win tomorrow against the Roughriders Quebec will be the craddle of Canadian football, isn't that great?!! I think this is what separatist are waiting for, a big riot in downtown Quebec to blame English Canada!

For you foreign readers riots after wining an important sport event is an affair de rigeur, meaning it has to be done! Last time we had one of this things was when we won the Stanley cup in 1993, so I think it's time for some action to take place.

I don't really care who wins, I am rooting for Montreal but it doesn't really matter. I am not a fanatic, I will not paint my face with the team's color, nor will I light candles to saint Jude patron of lost causes. To me is simple, no funny commercials, no football for me!

I wish Saskatchewan good luck, they aregoing to needed!

Watch Montreal lose tomorrow because I am going with them and I bring bad luck!

Adios amigos!

Snowy Saturday


Hope you all doing well and dandy!

So we had the first snow accumulation last night, about 3 cm but it was cold also. As my post from last night read I went to sleep rather late and woke up a bit later than usual. Right now my girls are out seeing their grandmother because she wants to give my little daughter her birthday present, even though her birthday is until next week and I think they're going to buy boots for my oldest kid.

Now that I've done all my Christmas shopping I'm starting to receive e-mails stating that my purchase has been shipped and will be coming this week. I do hope it comes around noon because there will be somebody here that could open the door otherwise I'll have to go to the patio door and ask the person coming out of the building if they were the ones knocking on my door, it's a hassle I know but what else can I do?

Next thing is I'm going to have to start buying food for the 24th of December, nothing fancy and something that everyone will enjoy. Reminds me, yesterday I was having some food and my oldest daughter asked me if she could have an LTT. An LTT? What the hell is that? She immediately replied it was her way of saying a try, so what does it stand for? A little taste test she said. Jesus Christ! When has the language suddenly change on me? I remember I used to have different words: cool, radical, Frankie says don't do it... But three letter acronyms?? OMG, WTF happened? I guess every generation has its own way of expressing itself, I just can't wait to hear my grandsons say their cool phrases!

The care hommies!



Well how are we all doing??

I'm fully awake after having snoozed off for a bit, I'm almost certain that I'm going to be up for a little whie because of this.

This weekend there was less pageviews due to the US thanksgiving holyday. Friday I got 28 pageviews when in average I get over 50. The country that stay fairly stable is Korea. There is always the odd country that visits but the 3 places where the stream of reader comes is from the US, Canada and Korea.

Hey! My sister-in-law came back from black friday and she got a couple of good deals, the down side was when she came across the border she had to pay duty tax and it came out the same as buying here.

Monday I'm getting my new hard disk and I will be making my first general backup of my data, no more worries about losing something.

Well just wanted to say hi. Gonna watch a documentary about a guy who killed 48 women...

Friday, November 26, 2010

Shools are closed


How's your Friday/Saturday going?

Well I woke up to morning ring, it was my brother informing me that the school commissions was closed and that my daughters would not be having any school today. Oh? What's going on I asked. Apparently there was freezing rain and many roads had been closed as well as schools. Lucky them! It doesn't always happen but when it does is because it's really bad out there. So I had my wife checked the patio door to see how bad it was outside and to her surprise and mine it wasn't that bad outside.

So being the doubting Thomas that I am, I called the school and yes the school and the commission of schools were closed. I think they just wanted to have a day off today, even as I write the Sun has come out. So I think that some overzealous director decided to close the schools because he or she was feeling under the weather and wanted a day off.

What about you, what have you been doing today?

Black Friday


Hope you guys are okay and that your weekend is looking up.

Americans, you had a nice Thanksgiving? I had fun watching the football game between The Saints and The Cowboys, I was happy The Cowboys lost, they are the mortal enemy of my team The Redskins!

But turkey talk aside, did you go see if there were any deals at Target or anywhere else? This black friday thing has gotten big, specially right now that the Canadian currency it's almost at par with the US one. We Canadians love to cross border shop! I remember my childhood, every weekend was spent in Plattsburgh's shopping malls and we would often eat at Tijuana Jail!! I could never beat the Taco eating king of those days, something like 27 Tacoa, if you beat his record the food was free. But enough about my recollections, let's get back to how big black Friday has become.

Yesterday night, my wife and I were talking about it and she hits me with the news that her sister and her husband will be going to partake on the black Friday event! Wow, I asked my wife if her sister knew that the doors open as early as 3:00AM, she told me that everything was planned, her sister and husband would stay in a hotel and get up early in the morning to chase the elusive deals then comeback to Canada!

I wish them good luck and here's hopping they get the dissable fat guy something!

Happy whatever day of the week you're in!!

Thursday, November 25, 2010



Good whatever to you all!

As you read in my previous post, I am done shopping for Christmas presents on my side. Now I just have to prepare the presents for my older nieces and nephews but this will be done in time, no rush.

But I am posting because I did a very bad thing, something that could cost me my marriage! I'm not proud, but there is only so much temptation a man can endure. Now I feel guilty!

- "Enough already! Who's the other woman?"

Uh? No nothing like that! In a moment of temptation and specials of the week, I bought myself a 500Gb external USB hard disk. I'm finally going to make that general backup I've been talking about. Even if my kids don't eat, I will sleep soundly tonight.

Wife? What wife??



Wow that was tiring! I didn't know Christmas shopping could be so tiring. I went to the specific stores where my girls wanted something from and the stuff they requested. But for a guy with MS typing in his name, shipping address, billing address and credit card number is a pain in the ass! But my part is done now, I think, I hope! So all I have to do is wait for the merchandise to arrive, this is always the nailbiting part, not knowing if you're going to get your package on time, if the place you shopped at is kosher and if the right product will be shipped to you. well I'll keep my fingers crossed!

While I was at it I also paid my satellite TV/Internet/telephone bill and now I have to pay my cellular phone bill. You know, I often see these big deals in the states and I must admit, I often get very jealous if these deals are true. At this point three out of four of those bills I paid today go to the same company: Bell Canada! The other one goes to koodo mobile because I didn't want to have a contract with my cellular phone. Well at least I get "free" Medicare... No, I get more services than that, I can't complain about anything.

Well, time to wait for my bath.

Hope you're all having a wonderful day!

Xmas shopping


Hope all is ok with my homies today!

Today I take care of my part of xmas shopping! I will purchase anything that I can buy on line and be delivered at to my place. I will probably get something for me too, I've been a very good kid this year and I deserve it!!

But my list is quite short, I only got my 2 kids to purchase for. My oldest nephews/nieces want cash so QE2s for every one....Queen Elizabeth the 2, this is the face who adorns some of our currency.

We also have to work out the scheduel and plans for the diners we'll be having at my house. They are very civilized events, by 12:30AM everybody is going home, it's called getting old and having kids! Those who have kids understand me, those who don't will.

Well, I wish you all a plesent day, may it finishes fast so we can get a weekend started!

See ya...

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Im not normal


Good morning/evening everybody. Hope life is treating you well today.

So a happy holiday to my American readers and to whom ever celebrates anything tomorrow, anywhere in the world. I know that this is a big travel day for Americans and I wish them all a safe journey.

I was reading some blos today from other people and they post once in a while. I on the other hand post 3 or 4 times a day!! Am I a normal blogger?? Well I don't consider myself normal so therefore I am not a normal blogger. But maybe I should stop posting everyday to accumulate more ideas, have fresh views on issues that I had never considered before. Then again this is free therapie for me, why stop writing? Maybe the people who's blogs I read are normal persons and this is why they don't have to write. Maybe because writing everyday gives me a sence of nakedness of the soul, like I don't have to pretend that I'm somebody tham I'm not

Then again maybe is just the groupies!

Happy turkey day people!

Whopper Wednesday


Hope your afternoon/evening is a good one.

So it was a WW day!

- "Huh? You mean a WWII afternoon, right Chuck?"

No, a whopper Wednesday! Instead of having my usual sandwich, yogurt, fruit and water, I had a whopper with french fries and a Diet Coke. My little brother brought me some today, I think I will make it a custom to have some fast food once a week. So far my Mondays are sandwich Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays are Meals on Wheels, Wednesday and Friday are also sandwich days. I think I will give him 20 bucks a week to purchase "junk food" for three, my little nephew, himself and I. Add some variety to my week even if it kills me.

Don't tell me you don't eat fast food, if you're a worker you probably have it more often than what I do. But I think that I'll be having more MacDonalds Mondays or Taco Bell Tuesdays, don't ask me about freaky Fridays.

Before he left I asked him to put some drops inside my ears, I still have ear blockage and I can't hear anything on the right ear. The CLSC told me to keep on putting drops in my right ear and at the end of the week to flush my ear with water and if that didn't work to let them know so they can do something about it, maybe cut it off or something...

I was going to tell my little brother today to put me outside so I can go and wheelchair around, but he told me that it looked like a beautiful day outside but it was really cold., he said that it was probably -1° outside (Celsius). The day looks really beautiful but I'm not going to freeze my bunions just because the sun is out and it looks like summer. No thanks, I will just stay inside and watch the splendor of the sun.

Oh minga!! The wind is howling, looks like I did good not go outside after all!

Anyways, just wanted to say good afternoon/evening, I will probably listen to music or see a TV show and fall asleep.


Battered bastards of Brossard


Good whatever to you all, hope you are all having a wonderful day.

I have briefly seen the news this morning and there's still talk about the South Korea-North Korea issue. Well I wish that their leaders resolve the situation without any further bloodshed.

Bet you didn't see a difference there. While I was beginning to write my daily post out of the blue came the person that was going to give me my bath today. So now that I'm writing this it's a full hour gone, so let's keep on going.

So this morning there was a clash of the titans at my house, my oldest daughter was hiding some crappy exam she had and other school related stuff. Not to mention that she has "misplaced" her cellular phone, it's in her room somewhere but her room is more like a battle zone. So my wife trying to be helpful went to see if she could find the cellular phone, she didn't find it but she did find a geography exam and two booklets were she hadn't completed her work. Lordy Lord Lord! Understandably my wife was trying to find out why she had hidden these items from us and my daughter wasn't giving an inch, she was coming with all sorts of excuses: it's old work, it doesn't count on my grades, you saw them before... Etc.

Why do kids do such things? Just yesterday we were praising her for her school etiquette and how she was doing well at school. We were asking her what she wanted for Christmas, the sky's the limit! We were all happy and now we found out that she was hiding school stuff?!? She's already been grounded before, couldn't she learn from the experience? Right now she won't be able to use her iPod or the computer, it's safe to say that when she finishes school today she will have to clean her room up, look for her cell phone, take care of her homework and the nastiest of them all... Watch French TV! Why she doesn't like it, I have no idea, she's going to a French school, her friends are French, her dad speaks French, we live in a French province, it's a beautiful freaking language!

I'm sure that when my daughter moves out of the house she will remember herself as being one of the battered bastards of bastogne herself having fought the dark side of the force and having successfully won. Once again, I wish they resolve their issues without any further bloodshed.

Have a nice day people!

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Santa who?


How are you girls and guys today? Planning something for this weekend? I know that my neighbours to the south will be celebrating their thanks giving/black Friday. Here's hoping they have a good one with peace, love and great deals!

Their black Friday is like our boxing day here in Canada with the exeption that we only open the store doors at noon while they open thir stores at 3 or 4 o'clock in the morning! And in 30+ years that I have lived here I have never gotten a bargain during this "sell your mother" event.

Tonight I saw another Terminator movie, T-2 judgement day. My youngest has just discovered these movies and she's making them part of her xmas present list. My oldest present list is as deversify as she is: Dictionary, Itune gift card, plastiline (play dough), ITouch 4th generation and other offbeat thing.

Well will see what Santa will bring..

Have a nice one people!

Datura inoxia


Hope you're okay.

My day has been so-so after the incident at lunch time. I analyze the pros and cons of my life and I realized that I still have some poison left inside of me. I was thinking of things or persons that when the occasion arouse to step up to the plate they falter. I was ready to go all the way come what may, it was my chance to spit up the poison. I have been thinking of this for a long time now and I was ready to let it out.

But then a complete stranger sent me an e-hug, it was like putting the brakes on a speeding train. Although this doesn't eliminate what I feel inside it does stop me and knocks some sense into me. I will have to revisit my thoughts and see if it's really worth keeping this rage inside of me.

In what is Datura inoxia you ask?

Why is a poisonous plant that harvests a beautiful flower in the evening, a moonflower.

Thanks Leslie...

I hate dreams


Hope that if your day was a crappy one it has improved by now.

My brother and his family just came by, I was asleep on my wheelchair and I was dreaming that I could walk again. It was a really believable dream. My brother woke me up and threw out my feeding time I was quiet. I was still reminiscing about the dream, even if it was just dream I was happy, my brother kept on asking if I was okay. I would tell him yes but I wasn't, the jovial person that usually is here, after that dream, he is not!

At this point all I can say is I really hate my life!!!

Take care



How is everybody doing this fine day?

South Korea, I saw on the news what's happening over there. I'm really sorry that you guys are going through a tough time and I'm want to let you know that my prayers are with you. For those that are not aware, North Korea decided to scale up the political climate by attacking South Korea. This is the news that we are being told here, I don't live in that neck of the woods so I'm stating what I saw on the news and what I read on CNN.

Why are some people just freaking crazy? I have studied history and throughout it you have different persons that have done stupid things that let's you mind boggle. Why? How were these people as kids? Were they bullied? Molested? Last kid to be picked for a team? All of the above?? I don't know what the average age of people reading my blog is, but I remember in history the teacher telling us about Hitler, now there's a character! 6 million persons killed because he wanted a strong arian race free of parasites like myself. I have no beef with Germans, some of my ancestors are from that place and I'm pretty sure that most of them are put to shame when talking or hearing about this guy.

The same goes for other leaders, I have many names in my head but this post wouldn't be enough to talk about them. What I hope is that everything works out for countries in a similar situation such as South Korea.

Have a good day people!

Monday, November 22, 2010



How is everyone today?? Hope your day/evening is going great.

So tonight was my first xmas movie: Scrooge with Jim Carey. It's not the best version I've seen but it kick start your xmas spirit into first gear. To me it puts me in the giving mood, when I used to drive sometimes I would buy some groceries, go to my bank and drop the groceries in their basket for the needed.

Another one of my holidays mood was giving a gift to people that would make my life easier: mailman, bus driver, garbage people, anybody that provided me with aservice that would make my life easier. Last time I did this was about 3 years ago when I was still going to the office. I had purchase a booklet with cupons for Tim Horton's coffee, the best coffee in the world, I gave a $3.00 cuppon to each of those people. I knew they liked the coffee, I had seen them with paper cups of this place, so it was the logical choice. Plus they could get a bagel or a doughnut if they didn't like coffee. They were very thankful and it always made me feel good that I had made somebody's day.

I like xmas time, for a short period of the year people are nicer, including myself.

tally-ho chaps and chapettes!

Flu shot


How are you all doing today? I hope the beginning of the week has been a good one for you.

So the nurse came this morning, and she did everything that the book told her: changed my catheter, take my blood pressure, take my pulse, asked me if there was anything wrong regarding my health... Etc. Then she prepared the vaccine (flu shot) and with lightning speed she injected the medication into my arm. Well not exactly like that, first she asked me a couple of questions, are you allergic to eggs, have you ever been injected with a flu shot, are you pregnant, really she did ask me this! She was doing the vaccine routine, then she gave me a paper with all the side effects that may occur.


Look at the one I circle, death! This is only part of the document because at the end of the document it tells you that the person that administers the vaccine should be able to resolve these issues. I surely would like to see the nurse try to resolve the death one. Stupid speech recognition, it recognized one-word for published post.

Anyways, that ut my inspiration.

Have a great day people and a wonderful beginning of the week!

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Happy monday


Another week closer to the holidays. How are you guys?

Well I started the treatment for my blocked ear, it's called Murine. It's some drops that you put in your ears and then flush your ears with lukewarn water. So far I had 2 treatments and I haven't seen much improvement. The instruction say that you must do this for 5 days, I hope it gets better.

If this doesn't work, I will have to go to the next step, the doctor. Perhaps learn sign languages, oh wait, I can't use my hands! Well this is going to be a challenge.

So my nieces are here and so far it has been 2 Terminator movies and Toy Story 3, now they are up stair screaming their little freaking heads off and tomorrow they want to go to the park at -5 temperatures!!

See ya

Lazy Sunday


How are you guys? Getting ready for a new week? Well let's hope it's a good one.

Today I can blog in the morning and afternoon because my daughters and my wife are out buying winter jackets and getting Terminator the movie for my youngest one. So I will be able to post to you guys without the interference of noise around.

Today I feel a bit down, remembering past events and reminiscing about my walking years. It happens once in a while I think I'm getting used to it by now. We all these people coming and going from the building complex makes me remember when I used to go out not caring for the weather or what I had to put on when I knew that I was going to be taking the car anyways. These days I have a prepare myself accordingly and then some, if I go out and it starts to rain then I must know where the nearest shopping mall is so I can take cover. It's strange, today I don't really like thinking about the past but there's always something that triggers these memories something as stupid as my family going out and I'm staying here, blogging about it.

As I said this happens once in a while and I probably have the solution for it but I'm too lazy to execute it. Maybe one day I will and everything will change.

On another note my nieces are coming over at around six o'clock this afternoon, I know it's going to be noisy but this too only happens once in a while.

My leg is hurting today again at this point all I can do is tough it up and hope it goes away without any other consequences. Tomorrow the nurse is coming over early in the morning, this is the usual monthly visit that the CLSC does: diabetes check, blood pressure check and any outstanding medical issues that I might have. Then we say goodbye until the end of next month, my life has become very sedentary and nonchalant.

Okay people, well I hope you have a better day than I do.

See you in a bit



Yeah, wide awake watching TV enjoying the weekend to the fullest. Actually I coudn't sleep, I know I sound like a broken record, right? Well you guys benefit from it, I can type something quick while I wait for sleep to come.

I never told you what type of MS I have had in my life. I started with the R&R type, relapsing and remetting type. This means I would get a crisis such as facial paralysis on one side of my face then I would recover slowly back to normal. As time went by there was a %50 chance that I would get the secondary-progressive type, the one that shutt down your body. What luck, I got it. Not much you can do when you are in this stage. I can feel with my hands, I can't feel with my body, my bladder doesn't work, I cannot walk and I think I'm going nuts. Oh wait, I was always like that!

But I was lucky, I have a friend that went down to a wheelchair in a matter of months. So I do count my blessings. But I do hope that drug I posted about does make it to the general public and helps all of us that are affected by this silly thing called MS.

Well back to watching TV until I fall asleep.

Later world

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Objectives met


Good day Paris, good late morning Beijing! How are my bloggers today!

I was going over the stats of the blog and all of the objectives I wanted you guys to reach have been overpassed! Thank you very much, you make me feel like I am not alone. The last posts about multiple sclerosis put the blog past the goals that I had set in the Kampaï! Post. This makes me want to blog more because you guys read the blog. THANKS!

Now what? Well a couple of more days and the number of pages view will be over 1000 in one month!!! I don't know if I will be ever to beat that number, you guys have read who I am, why I'm always blogging, what is MS and much more. So I don't know what I will be blogging about the next months. Well I will make sure they keep you etertained.

Well people, thank you once again and have yourself a great weekend!



How you doing people? I apologize for not posting todau but my wife's family came by today. We were celebrating the return of the sister-in-law who was stranded in Cancun for 2 weeks, seriously! Tomorrow I am having my nieces over for a sleep over so it's going to be busy and noisy!

Today before my in-laws came by I got this a chance to look at the rHIgM22  solution for MS. I found an interesting article that I like to share with you.

So will check back with you tomorrow.

Have a great day!



How's my crew today?

You guys are really into thi MS thing, aren't you? Last night's post was regarding that and people ate it up.

It makes me happy! But we shouldn't dwell on thig too long. Trust me I have it and if I think too much about what I was able to do and who I am today I would be crying my ass off. I think I have learn to accept more or less who I am now, or maybe it's just a relapse and I will sunk back into a depression. I think MS has made me learn to take it one day at a time and as my very first blog says: Beep you life, beep you,

Moving on! Wow I must have had SCS last night (sleep catch up syndrom)! I fell asleep before 10PM! Don't laugh! I was real tired and needed to sleep. I didn't even say good night to the girls, plus I had weird dreams that I'm still trying to put back together and make sence of them...

That was some bad chimichangas I must have had...

Well on with our day, be happy folks!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Liberation death


Good evening Houston, good morning Melbourne.

Having a good time people?

Hey! Record day for the blog today. This is the day when the site has had the most hits. So what did I learn from this? Basically that people wanted to know about MS and what it was about. That post got the most hits today.

The same reader that sent me the MS link also sent me an article about the death of a person who went to Costa Rica to get the Liberation operation, here is the link

Well just wanted to say hi and good whatever.

The burger specialist


Well I'm back and have to tell you about my trip to my daughter's high school and her grades.

I got to the high school and we waited a bit outside, then they opened the doors. Surprise, surprise, surprise! Every single door had like a small thump that the wheelchair couldn't go through, "baby didn't you see that?". She answered negatively, she said that we had only told her to check for an elevator inside. She did. So I had to contact somebody inside to see how I was going to go inside a school, through the garage!

Once the hurdle of entering the school was overcome I was waiting for her grades, when I saw them I didn't say anything; who am I to judge her when I wasn't the sharpest tool on the shed myself. I did ask her why she had problems in French and geography, so I decided to go and see the French teacher and the geography teacher, what the hell I might as well see the math teacher also.

Well they all concur the same thing, she is doing well but she doesn't participate in class. I heard the teachers and came to the conclusion that she is okay in my books. Not a brainiac but with a bit of effort she could probably reach university and become a poet or something.  Yeah, I don't really care for school and I still made it far, I did go to university just to fall ill with MS. But my wife would like to see her become some one important in life, a doctor, a lawyer, a scientist, somebody that wouldn't have to rely on another person to be independent.

I really don't care, for all I care she could become a burger specialist as long as she's the best burger specialist and she's happy.

Besides, kids will always surpass their parents at whatever they do. Look at me, my mother never went to university because in her days she was expected to be a home maker, she even took a class for it and she manage to ace it. When my turn came, I went further than her, mastered English and French, went to university, got a nice job and now I am forcefully retired.

I am almost certain, nay I am sure %101 that my pumpkin will be ok and if she happens to flip burgers I want some of those...

Love you baby...

My baby's high-school

Friday morning


Good afternoon/morning?

Finally I got the link set up on that post about multiple sclerosis, very informative.

So today I go with my oldest daughter to her school to get her grades, let's hope she's doing okay. Besides that I expected to be a very quiet Friday with no appointments or visits from anybody. I know that this weekend I will probably get my sister-in-law come to my house with her husband and her baby boy (he is very cute) because they just returned from Cancun and I guess they want to share their stories with us. This weekend is also going to be  about getting a winter jacket for my kid and work on the pizzathon for my youngest daughter's birthday.

Yesterday night I had problems falling asleep, I forgot to take the sleeping pill, so I basically was up until about two o'clock in the morning. There was no signs of Angie and when I turn off the TV it basically took me about 15 minutes to doze off. I know my sister-in-law must be saying I told you so but I only had the TV on because I couldn't fall asleep.

I think this is the reason why this morning I feel tire and uninspired. But the blog must go on!

Have a good Friday and an excellent weekend people!

Tata for now.

Sleepless in Brossard


Well I can't sleep again! I forgot to take the Angie pill. Right now I don't know if it's insomnia or if I'm affraid of Angie popping out of that small hole and saying hi.

So you guys think that I'm pretty incompetent, first the podcasting fiasco and now the MS link issue? Honestly it's my iTouch, it doesn't work with the Adobe flash thing. Tomorrow I will fix it up and share that post again.

Right now I'm watching an astronomy me show that will, I hope, knock me off to lala land. Let's hope it works or it will scare me more and between black holes and Angie I wont sleep at all.

G'nite mates!

Thursday, November 18, 2010


Sorry people, it appears the link is not showing up because my ITouch. I will make a new post tomorrow from my computer when they sit me down on my share. I will paste the link here but I dont know if it will work.

Multiple Sclerosis and me


How goes it dear amigos?

Friday!! It's time to party you crazy kids! I am posting right now because I forgot that tomorrow I have to go to the school of my daughter to speak with her teacher and get her first report card, she has 4 of them a year. Let's see how she does.

So a reader got me thinking on how I babble on and on about MS taking for granted that you all know wha it is. He was kind enough to  provide me with a link that is very informative, I shall now pass it on to you. Here's hopping it will quench your thirst when it comes to MS and how I have to live with this dumb illness.

Happy reading!

Things of unimportance


Good evening NY!!

So Tuesday the CMR came and created a plan of action for the location of my desk. I told you guys about it but it didn't cross my mind that to you I was speaking Swahili! So it hit me today: "Let hem see what I mean!"

So this is a pic of how my desk is set up today. When the changes are done I will then take a pic of what it looks like.

Actual working area


The Angie incident I blogged about on how she had come in to my room via a hole that's in my kitchen, the hole I couldn't find?? Well there is one and Angie is a witch if this is the hole she used! I am now officially scare and I will have my crucifix near me from now on!!!


Bottom right, that's where Angie comes to visit, I guess!

Have a so so day people! Snow tomorrow morning!



So how's your afternoon/morning going?

I have heard the people of the world! Podcasting is out! My previous post was with a podcast and though I had a lot of hits nobody heard the podcast. So I will stick to writing from now on and to hell with my promising career as a broadcaster. So let's get it on!

I just finished having my lunch with my brother and we were talking and I realized that he needs help. He was telling me about his two favorite words in the English language, garlic and pathetic. Yeah, you heard me right he likes the way they come out when you say those words. So much so that he has come up with a word that mixes them both together, garlicly pathetic! I wonder where he would use these words, damn I should have asked. And I thought I needed help!

This got me thinking about last night, let me tell you the story about last night.

Last night I took a sleeping pill even though my sister-in-law said stay away from them because I might have hallucinations. Nonsense! So last night came and I went to sleep but this time I didn't sleep alone, Angie my next-door neighbor came to asked me if she could sleep with me. Angie, I said, how did you get in? She told me she had gone through the hole in the kitchen. I told her I was married and I had vowed to respect the woman I love. She told me that she just wanted to know how it felt to sleep with a guy that had MS and promised she was going to leave early in the morning. So I said fine and next thing you know I fell asleep. Morning came and I remember Angie, lo and behold as she had told me she was gone. The funny thing is that my next-door neighbor it's a 40+ Asian lady that I don't think she's called Angie and just to make sure I checked for a hole in the wall where a 5 foot "2 person could walk in I couldn't find one.

And this morning I asked my wife what was the program that she was going to be recording for my brother the lawyer. Guess what? There is no such program, my brother was never here last night a we never talked about TV programming.

So this afternoon I said to myself, I want to have an affair with Angie so beep it, I am taking one of those magic pills tonight to be able to see her again.

See you later people

New era


Good morafter everybody, how are you all doing?

- "WTF! Have you gone coocoo for coco-puffs Chuck?"

Well no, I'm just tired of saying good morning good afternoon seeing that I have two different hemisphere that read/listen to my blog; so I came up with a better word mixing good morning and good afternoon: moreafter. That way I am saying good morning to America and good afternoon to the Asian Pacific Rim or vice versa. Smart, no?

****Podcastin in progress*****

You see now that you've finished hearing my voice, when you read this it will no longer be the same experience. Instead of having a masculine voice reading back at you inside your head, you will now have a nancy pansy image of me. But what can you do? It's called progress get used to it!

Have a good day people or a good evening, damn I have to come up with a word for that one too.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010



How is the univers doing today?

Why the univers you ask? Well because at this moment in my life you are a very important part of my life. You're my confidant, the person(s) I can come to when I'm happy, sad, goofy or in whatever state of mind I am in.

Today, tonight, one of my readers suggested that I take writing seriously and perhaps get a job in this field. Time out...Time out...Time out! Like wake up early, meet deadlines, kiss asses? No, no, no! Maybe my writing has improved ever since I maintain a blog but Hemingway I am not.

But you know what? My reader is not the only one who has complimented the way I write, no, my brothers have also informed me of my "gift" and keep in mind that one of them is a hot shot lawyer.

So maybe I should act as an adult for once in my life and work at this writing thing. Who knows I could be the next big thing since Santa-Claus..

I smell Pulitzer price for best blog...

Greetings earthlings


How is every one today?

My usual morning post for Korea and good evening Caracas is here!

So let's recap my podcasting experience so far: Not a very good one! I am blaming this partly the instructions snd partly the language barrier, English is not my native tongue! Moronic computer user had nothing to do.

So my plan now is to have a mixture of podcasting and text. I don't know if people are ready to podcast only.

First of all, I got a nancy pansy voice. For those that have heard my podcast will probably never read my blog again because the sexy masculin voice has been replaced by my true voice. It's like if you read a book and then see the movie, the movie will probably be a flop.

That's my two cents on my voice...I mean about podcasting.

Well here is hoping I can sleep tonight!!

Have a good day people or a good night!!

Can you say sucks?


Happy days people, NOT!

- "Chuck, que pasa man?? What's wrong S?"

I'll tell yiu what's $&@ wrong! I have follow to the letter the instructions on how to podcast and zilcht...nothing...nada! It doesnt appear to be working!! So at this point I will stop shouting about podcasting until issue is resolved.

On the mean time, I have started on another pet project that for me is very demanding in energy and in time. I will let you know once it is completed.

Here's wishing you a pleasent afternoon or an early goodmorning!

PS the stats are off by 21 because I was looking into the freaking podcraping!!

Can you say morron?? I got it!!! Go check my previous post IT WORKS!!!

Intel inside, moron outside!


Hope you're all having a wonderful day.

I am really sorry for being so late, the person that gives me my bath on Wednesday was late also. But now that I got that out of the way I am ready to blog.

So what's my topic today? Well I like to give you a small heads up on what's going on with my life. As you know yesterday the CMR came over to measure and re-measure again the wall where they're planning to install the computer monitor. They want to make it so I only have the computer monitor and a joystick for a mouse in front of me, the actual computer and printer would be on the side of my desk. I know it's complicated, but I will take pictures of my current desk location so that at least you have an idea what it looks like today, after wards I will take a picture of what it looks like then so you can compare the two.

The podcasting fiasco. Yesterday I did my first podcast and I thought I had everything set up properly but late in the afternoon I wanted to test it by logging out of my account where I keep my podcast files, alarm.. alarm.. It doesn't work! So I was troubleshooting through my iPod to see what was wrong, after after 2 secs I saw the problem. It was an RTFM problem! Read the fucking manual, it was all my fault I immediately corrected it but I think he probably was too late. I mean Korea is 13 hours difference when it comes to time, now I will have to create another podcast to show everyone in the world that Chuck Guzman is no idiot.

In fact there's one right now!

Au revoir people!



Greetings Cancun, hope your doing well.

I decided to greet random cities of the countries that visit my blog and Cancun's turn came about.

As you can see I cannot sleep and I know that some parts of this world are up and enjoying their Wenesday. So I decide to post a little something. I have to talk to my doctor about nights like tonight when sleep is nowhere to be found, I think I will probably get prescription pills to knock me out. But I'll make sure that the side effects are not that severe. Last time I saw an ad about how the sleeping pill could affect you in such a way that you couldn't remember the day before! That wouldn't work for me, I like to remember my day to day. But we'll see what the doctor says.

Well here I go on my second attempt to doze off...

Sweet dreams

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

That's a wrap


Good morning Seoul, good evening New York!

So how was your Tuesday?? I had my schedueled visits and they were the highlights of my day. 

My friend came by and we talked about old times and what was everyone doing now. Seems they are all doing well, good for them. It is also weird because now my friend has become a grandparent!! Wow, I ain't going there! My daughters will be joining the convent when they reach 15.

Then came the visit from the CMR, the lady brought her measuring tape and measured left and right. At the end she came up with a plan on how my desk is going to be placed in the near future. It will be awsome, no more keyboard or mouse and my monitor will be placed on the wall in a tilted position....cool

So my first pocast came about and I had copied the wrong URL so I don't know how many of you got to hear my melodeous voice singing la cucaracha. But I promise that now that I know how to, I will podcast a post so you guys can hear me via RSS.

Well that's it from me in my bed with my Ipod putting my final touches on this post.

We'll meet again, don't know where, don't know when...

Pod casts testing


You guys doing okay?

Well this is my first try at podcasting, basically if you use Google reader according to the instructions you should be able to download a podcast of me talking gibberish.

I know, I know what a nerd, right? As I told you before I was in the computer world but I'm not exactly a 24/7 type of guy. I like to try things left and right and not only have my eyes glued to the monitor seeing what is there in the electronic world.

My first podcast is an introduction of myself and is basically an assertment that I exist. Also this is a test to see if podcasting would work for me, please be patient I'd don't have the radio personality voice but rather a high squealed voice that is often confuse with a woman's voice. Trust me, I suffered throughout my 20s and early 30s when I used to order at restaurants they would always tell me that it would take 30 minutes maam. So much for my cholo look.

Well here we go...

Pandora's box


I told you I would get a post in even if I had several things happening today! How are you guys, enjoying your week so far?

My older brother came and visited me yesterday late afternoon. It was odd because it was not visiting hours for him, usually he will pop in on weekends mot on a monday at 5PM; but he had a meeting to attend this side of the bridge.

Yes Montreal is an island and I live off the island, in the south shore about 10 minutes away by bus to the city. When I was a working guy I used to comute everyday, I miss those days but back to my post.
So my bro dropped by and he was intrigued about my pet project, the family tree. He was wondering where I had gotten so much information and how I could prove everything I say. I told him that I didn't make these things up. I cited my sources and we debated the truth about them. Guess what? I won!! I convinced a high profile lawyer to join my team, a guy that will make you believe you're wrong joinned my ranks!
We talked about how this affected our lives and how the people we held in such high esteem were really normal folks. I told him that it didn't change much our lives, I'm still Chuck Guzman the MS guy and he was still mr. Lawyer sir as for respecting the memories of those who came before us it was our duty to do so. I am not a judge and jury, I'm an observer of history.

He parted with the usual words of wisdom a $200 the hour managing lawyer gives:

- "Son you should be careful with the pandora box you've opened. Remember that your truth is not the same truth that others have."

That's it! This is the best advice you have for a man that's about to be excomunicated??!! Thank God the advice was free!!

Any hoot, he did praise me for the way I was tackling my tree, the way I was going about it and how I was keeping notes. He told me that maybe I should write a book....Ok so this is going to be my next pet project...

Thank you little people, I will remember you when I'm famous!!

Monday, November 15, 2010



Good evening America, good morning asia. How is every one today?

I noticed something weird today, if you don't blog properly for one day people stop following you. I think it's sad, I try to balance my life as much as possible. I am not hook on the computer 24/7 I think that it is good to have computers but I think that you should take care of other things, other people in your life.

Well I think people should do this, take care of the ones that love you because you don't know if the persons will get tire of this, give you the finger and move on. Let's hope that you can see this and remember my advice if you are this type of person.

Today I will try putting an audio excerpt on the blogg and if it works I will do it more often. Believe it or not, blogging is fairly new to me and I discover new thing every day. Please remember that Tuesday I have several things going on today, bath, get together with friend and a CMR appoinment but I will try to blog something in between.

Well that's it from me, take care people.



How's everything going so far?

So I was checking stats today and everything seems to be on the up and up. So I came to the decision I will set myself some goals to reach before the year is over. Nothing fancy, just what I expect that will happen eventually just at a faster rate, to build my moral up. Did you see the pictures I put on my last post? This is just the beginning in a couple weeks will be getting snow them when we least expected POW! First snowstorm, the car of my wife is ready: winter tires (it's the law), or will change, top up windshield washer fluid with winter liquid... She is ready for it!

So back to the goals, these are the goals that I know will be met and overpass by all of you. Next year, it's going to be the mother of all blogs type of year. As I said before, I will be posting a couple of pictures of the winter scenery, even a winter storm will be posted on my blog. Once spring comes around, I will also be taking a couple of snapshots so you may see the awakening of nature and come summer I will brave the hot temperatures to capture some pictures and perhaps even video for you guys. But enough said here are the goals:

The goals

Goal number 1: To go above 1000 pages viewed  < goal completed >
Goal number 2: The US to break 1000 pages viewed
Goal number 3: Canada to break 1000 pages viewed
Goal number 4: To break last month number of pages viewed

These are the goals that I have set for my blog and the way things are going these goals were surely be surpassed. Who would have thought that my blog was going to be almost as popular as Facebook, kidding there for a sec it is nowhere near what they had the first hour but I like the fact that people want to read what I put about a guy with MS and his everyday adventures. Thank you.

Evidence of autumn


Wow what a gorgeous day it was yesterday. I went for a ride around the hood taking pictures of the fall scenary and say thanks to nature for providing me with such a beautiful canvas.

-"Here we go again! Mr. Inspiration is in the house..."

Hold on skippy! It was nice compare to the rainy week we are going to have. Plus I don't go out much so when I do, I like to take advantage. Plus you guys benefit from my experience, I got pics I took with my cell. Granted it's only a 2Mb pixel camera but some readers who live in other parts of the world would get an idea what fall just before winter looks like. Maybe for winter I will be lucky and go for a stroll and take pictures, I will also ask to take pictures on a winter storm.

In the mean time enjoy the shoe, keep in mind that these pics were taken by a dissable guy trying to avoid dropping his cell on the ground.

The white garages keep the snow away from the cars and the ground.
Left overs. They were once green then red then yellow
One last hurrah!
A fall park

Not one leaf left on the trees

Sunday, November 14, 2010

XMAS is near


Sunday in Canada, Monday in South Korea and another week begins.

So it has been a very very boring weekend, I've lost part of my hearing I don't know why but I will be getting in contact with the Dr. tomorrow to ask him to drop by and check my ears. Let's hope it's nothing out of the blue that will leave me partially deaf, that's all I need it now.

My week is shaping up to be at tad busy. Tomorrow I will get in contact with the Dr. I don't know when he's gonna drop by. Tuesday I have an appointment with the CMR people, they will be coming in around 2:00 PM and I checked the weather and it's going to be a so-so week. Oh yeah, my ex-colleagues want to see me this week, you know get-together have some food and enjoy each other's company for a bit. At the end of the week my wife and I will have to start thinking about what we're going to for my little daughter's birthday, she's going to be the big 10! I think is going to be getting a very nice present this year, she wants a new computer and I'm planning on playing a joke on her: tell her that there is an apple on the table for her, she's going to run thinking that is an Apple Computer when in fact it's going to be a McIntosh apple. Boy will she be pissed off.

On my family tree's news, I found out a couple of things about my family. One of them being that I'm related to some music representative from Colombia who has worked with names such as Carlos Vives and has friends such as Alejandro Sanz. I still have to confirm this in theory it shouldn't be hard but being a person of such caliber he will probably ignore my request thinking that I am a crazy fanatic. I can tell you that he bears the name of his father which happens to be the uncle of my mother. I'll keep you posted on that one.

I haven't been out lately but I've been told that Christmas decorations are running wild all over the place. I don't really have to worry about buying presents my nephews and nieces like, preferre, cash. I won't even give them a Christmas card I'll just stick the money inside an envelope and wish them a Merry Christmas. I still have a couple of nieces and nephews that are underage and therefore they will get presents, but my wife takes care of this. Too bad I'm not a Jehovah witness, they don't believe in celebrations such as birthdays, Christmas or any other celebration that implies gift giving. At least this is what I been told, I just keep on ignoring them when they knocked on my door.

Okay people, I wish to all the best and hopefully you have a very beautiful week ahead of you.

Saturday, November 13, 2010



Good something tou all!

So here wher I am is 2:10AM and I can't fall asleep, serves me right for apping my ass off during the day. So why not blog to the people out there?

Prior to me blogging I did the usual check of my body to see what was going on, okay it has changed. What gives? Could this be the miracle I've been waiting for, after all these years sitting on my chair?? Nah, there must be a logical explanation for this! It just doesn't happen that one day everything changes. Should I call the doctor to show him what's going on? He is never going to believe me, nobody is!!

Not even my wife or family knows! They are going to be surprised. I am sure they will get exited when I tell them the news or maybe I should be silentt about it, perhaps it's not permanent. My daughters are going to be happy about this!

Just imagine!! Wow!! I don't believe it, I got tears of joy just thinking about it. Imagine what were the chances of my hair growing back!! I am going to look good in the wheelchair with my full set of hair!

What did you expect at 2:30 inthe morning??

Have a great day or whatever is left of it!

Friday, November 12, 2010

Phone is back


Well hurray for the weekend, hope you all have a wonderful one!

I told you at somebody was going to come if I didn't tell them about the phone. At 10:30 AM somebody came in and asked me if everything was okay. I told him that yes with the exception of the phone problem he then reseted the phone upstairs and I got my line back at around 10:45 AM because they couldn't find a phone.

But before that I had placed a call to Bell Canada, these are the people that take my cash when it comes to my phone line and my Internet. Boy was that 30 minutes of my life that I'll never get back! First of all, I had to wait for about 10 minutes then I talked to a bubblehead customer service representative that couldn't get what I was saying:

-"I like to know if I can forward my calls to my cell phone remotely?"

This is where she put me on hold for about 10 minutes while she got the answer for me. She must have been new because she didn't put me on hold but rather she put her head set down. That was fun, I was hearing the conversation between a customer service representative telling the customer that she had said what she said because the customer had been impolite with her. Then I heard her switchover to what appear to be the manager because she was kissing ass, I really got hooked on the story but then my customer service representative came back and she had the answer:

-"Let me get this straight, you want to know if you can purchase call forwarding for the phone down there that doesn't have the service?"

I had to interrupt her and tell her that she was wrong, that wasn't the question I was asking. I repeated my question and she put me down for a couple of minutes while "she consulted her technical notes". Then she got it straight, she told me that it couldn't be done remotely that I had to do it from the headset from my telephone line. Well thank you very much for making me waste 30 minutes of my life on this shit! Obviously I didn't say this, I'm a very polite person and will only swear when I'm comfortable with somebody or when I'm blogging.

See ya soon but if I don't have a wonderful weekend people!



How's my favorite people doing today?

Well I was going to blog about about my je ne sais quoi that I have with the ladies, especially married ones. But something happened on the way to the computer. In a way it has to do with MS.

I was about to call my mother to tell her good morning, don't laugh, but when I picked up the phone it showed that the system was busy. Usually this happens when somebody is on the line but here's the thing, I'm currently home and there's nobody else at the house. So what happened? Is my line being used by someone else? No, this morning my youngest daughter used the phone upstairs and she or her older sister left it unhook! So at this point I have to wait for my little brother to come by at noon so he can go up there and and put back the phone on its base so I could have my line back. I already turned on my cell phone and called the proper persons to explain the situation, if I didn't do this there would be people here in less than two minutes and I don't want that.

All of this to say that if I was able to walk I would just have to go upstairs and put the phone back on its base eliminating the problem right away. But no, I have to have MS and therefore my life has become more complicated than it used to be. Now I have to figure a way how to transfer the calls online from my home number to the cell. Oh shit! I haven't called my wife yet, better do that or she's gonna freak out thinking that I'm having phone sex with some hot patootie CLSC or CMR personnel. BRB!

Okay I'm back(note to self, never played joke on people anymore). What's that you ask? Well, when I called my wife I told her that if she wanted to get in contact with me she should call me on my cell. Obviously she asked me why. I told her I was on my way to the city to visit a museum and this is when it all went downhill:

-"But you didn't tell me a thing about this, I didn't know you were going out! why?!"

I told her that I wanted to be more independent and I was going to Montréal to change my ideas. She kept on insisting on what was wrong, why I hadn't told her. She kept on getting more and more exasperated but I just kept my cool. At the end I told her the reason why she had to call me on my cell. Let's just say that I'm happy she's working right now because it's going to take a couple of hours for her nerves to come down.

Right now going to call the company and see if I can forward my calls with them.


Thursday, November 11, 2010

MS adventures


Well today I was all squeaky clean and looking good and then it happened.

Argghh!! Dam you MS! I really don't like this situation where your body is kaput but your mind is clear.

I wanted to eat some chips that my brother had left me in a plate and WAMOH! Chips all over me and all over the floor. So much for the bath and looking good. I was really upset, I can't get used to me being so dependant on people for everything. Even washing my teeth is a complete ordeal to me.

I really felt down for the rest of the day. It was like somebody didn't want me to look good or to be clean....sigh...

Well tomorrow is a different day


Looking good


Here I am ready to roll! Bath done, food done I am looking sharp! But looking good has its price. When the guy shaved me today I could have swore he wanted to shave the skin off...

So I will suffer for beauty! Like in SNL, "It's better to look good than to feel good." I guess that sums up my life in a sentence.

How is your day going? Are we having fun?

I was seeing my next week calender and noticed I have an appointment with the CMR, these are the people that are setting my place up so it's more dissable lunatic friendly, at least they are coming here, so no going out.

Ok, well I'll let you be...

Have fun people

Thank you...


Good whatever citizens of this beautiful planet, how are you today?

Well I did it, no you did it. The 2000 page view counter was broken, I must admit that I pushed it a little bit. You see yesterdays post about Gen. José trigger a lot of page views this is because I e-mail cousins to come and see the pictures of their great grandparents and they did. I got hits from Costa Rica, from Guatemala and from El Salvador, these are the places were my cousins live now. I am happy that they saw the pictures and hopefully they were able to see their parents when looking at the pictures, I know I saw my mother and my cousin in Canada saw her son. I also hope that they put two and two together and figured out where the names of their parents from, I still haven't found out why my mother is named the way she is. But once again thank you for breaking the 2000 page view counter for me.

On another note, my foot and my leg are killing me today again. I think I will talk to the Dr. but I'm almost certain that the pain will be filed under MS in other words tough it up fat boy!

Today will be the last bath of the week for me and I will be shaved for the weekend. You got any plans for this weekend? Neither do I. Yesterday night I got confirmation that the tombstones pictures have never been altered in any way, that it is true that a tree branch fell on them and it broke some of them even sunk some of them into the ground but the dates in those tombstones are valid. I think I did mention it to you that I was doing this research because my mother was denying the dates. So everything regarding my family tree I have to check and doublecheck, but now I am certain of the tombstones being valid. Next step will be to prove that my grandmother was not recognized by her father and figured out why she carries his name anyways. It's a very complicated thing a family tree, you might hurt some people on the way so what I have done to avoid this is I just don't tell them about the truth.

Okay time for some R&R...

See you this afternoon, or evening or morning or whatever!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Clean your ears


The world treating you ok?

I am doing peachy thanks for asking. I mean besides sitting down all day talking to a computer wondering what part of my body will be acting out and having muscles spasms left and right, my world is fine.

I now, I'm very negative today but because my foot has been killing me all freaking day long...I really don't like MS.

Let's get blogging...

So I have had this discusion with my oldest about how she hears but she doesn't listen. I have said to her that she's missing a lot by doing this. I tell her that maybe some one needs help and she doesn't listen what he or she is asking for; or how maybe somebody is trying to make her life be easier and she doesn't listen to the advice she is being told. You don't believe me?? Ok the latest thing she did today, she put me in bed and I asked for my pillow... What do you think I got? My Itouch!! And she didn't believe me until my wife told her that she was wrong.

That's my morning post for Korea and by the way I know is South Korea I dont see Kim Jong II reading my blog...good morning South Korea

Live long and prosper \\-//

PS sorry cousins for changing the post.

General Jose


So has your day gone according to plan?

Well today I had Burger King instead of the normal sandwich, my little brother brought me a whopper trio. Not that I don't like sandwiches but I do like surprises once in a while. Other than that my day has gone the usual way it goes with the exception of my foot hurting a lot, I have to call my wife and remind her to bring some Tylenol over.

I worked a bit on my family tree today it's like looking for needles in a haystack, when you find something you scream for joy. I have approached different family members on both sides of my parents but up to this point I have been met with resistance, why, I have no idea. The one who has advanced my family tree a lot is a second generation cousin who also likes genealogy like I do, also I have been very lucky finding pictures or information at places least expected.

For example, my first degree cousin had a photo album with the picture of my great-grandfather. Now there's a story, my great-grandfather left my great-grandmother to have an affair with a lady who sold meat at the public market thus creating the family line of my cousin. It's very complicated, trust me, but the fact is that I have a picture of this gentleman who was a general in my country's army. If he wouldn't have had an affair my cousin wouldn't be here to talk about it and I wouldn't have a picture of that person. Thanks to my second generation cousin I have pictures of my great-grandparents on my grandmother's side and I'm still looking for information, apparently we come from Africa but then again so do you...


Arrivederci people!

PS check out the pictures of my great-grandparents.

Blogging rights


How's my favorite computer people doing this lovely day?

I just got my bath this morning/afternoon and I noticed that is -1° outside and the person who comes and gives me my bath is still wearing long shorts! This is nothing, the person that gives me my bath on Mondays still comes on his scooter even if it's really cold outside. Apparently he's a diehard and will only stop driving the scooter on rainy days or when there's snow. I guess they want to push back winter as long as they can, God bless them.

So this morning I got my usual corrections speech regarding last night post about my daughter being called a nincompoop by me and how I wasn't going to help my family in law should I receive insurance money due to my wife. First of all let me tell you that I wish nothing bad to anyone specially my daughters and wife, I was just kidding people! Why do I always have to correct myself the next day on my post? If anyone doesn't like my posts because I call that pigeon a freaking bird then don't read it. It's called freedom of speech and here we have some of it, so get used to it. Stick and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me, this is my motto.

Hey, I got some visitors from the United Kingdom and Sweden yesterday as well as one from Guatemala, I bet that person was confused after reading my blog. I know I'm going to do this, but I would like to break the 2000 page view before the end of the year. I am only about 50 or 60 page view away, so I take it I will be there by the end of next week. Thank you all for reading my blog and making me popular at least in my head!

Have a wonderful day people of the Earth.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010



Hope you're doing fine. Korea, you do know that this post is for your region seeing that yiu guys are 12 to 13 hours ahead us? Well good morning to you guys and good evening to the rest of the world.

I like to thanks the good old USA for reading my blog, they are currently number #1 with about 900 pages read follow closely by Canada.

So I asked my daughter to prepare some documents to mail and she put them in an envelope, licked it and then made a funny face:

- "This taste gross, am I going to die? Is the glue from the envelop poisonous?"

I told her it was safe that if she died from it I would sue the company and get lots of money. She told me to give it to the agencies who fought malaria.

With a smile I told her I would and she told me to pinky swear on that, so I did. My fingers were crossed you nincompoop little 12 year old, this is as good as when I promise my wife that if I collect insurance money because of her I wouldn't forget about her family! Get back in line people, first I'll buy a Rolls...

Happy trails, until we meet again.



So Christmas is coming soon! My daughters are already making plans on what good old Saint Nick is going to bring them and the wife is also working on it.

What?! It's that time of the year already? I wonder what they want? I know that if I was them I would be asking for world peace and love for my fellow man. Yeah right! I want a new computer, did you read this wife?? I know that before I didn't care about the information that I had on my computer but now I have done so many things with it, family tree, purchase iPod music, scanned very old photos and other things that have brought the value of my computer very high. At least to me, as I told you before this passing week I have already created an automatic off-site backup. I still need to do a full backup, it's just that is very time-consuming. As I am disabled now I don't really want much, I don't drive so no car, I'd don't use normal clothes like everybody so I don't need close, I'd don't, I don't, and don't.

I think this Christmas I will concentrate, again, on making my family happy. I know the little one lost her computer so she probably needs one, the oldest one came up with a freaking idea yesterday, she wants a French dictionary!! Really?

- "But you have one already!? What's wrong with the one that you currently have?"

- "There's some words that you cannot find. I want a different one, one that is more powerful."

Ay vey! Is she kidding me? Does it mean that she's already in a different phase of gift giving? Will she be asking clothes next year? That's it, it's over my daughter is growing up and she figured out her father is not made of cash. Thank you Lord!

- "Oh and I want something else, but I'll tell mommy about it."

Great! That's all I need.



How are we this morning

Today I'm going to be writing about the subject of education and how I find it that it has come down from when I used to be at school.

So yesterday evening my brother calls me and asks me if I could talk to his daughter because she didn't believe him when the Cold War took place, she believed that the Cold War took place in the era of Jesus Christ. Really? Are you jiving me? Okay, I will speak with her. I don't know how much attention my niece puts in class but I remember knowing this when I was in secondary one (7th grade). Then again, I have always been the odd kid: liking history, liking astronomy, liking archaeology... Liking everything that wasn't cool!

Okay here we go, baby the Cold War happened after WWII and it was a duel between the United States of America and the Soviet Union republic. It was called the Cold War because it wasn't an open war but rather it was always borderline incidents that could have triggered a nuclear holocaust. The Apex of the Cold War came with the Cuban missile crisis which basically was a potential nuclear war. But thank God it was averted thanks to the removal of the missiles from Cuba and the ones in Turkey.

This started my brain thinking that it wasn't only her but perhaps also my daughter. So I asked my daughter if she knew what the Cold War was. Guess what? Nope, she was like a reindeer caught on a headlights. She had no clue about it, makes me wonder if the education system of our days was better than the one the kids grow up on today. I then started to quiz my daughter on all sorts of different subjects just to find out that she was lacking knowledge of different things. Pitty, I thought humanity was going one pace forward all the time. When you think about it a lot of our physics breakthroughs and ideas still derive from the famous E=MC2. I'd don't know if there's been any great ideas lately, maybe the human race is up for renewal. If you don't know your history chances are that you might be repeating the same mistakes again.

It's not the school system but the kids! My niece and daughter are just not into history, if they only knew that we are here today because several people gave up their lives so that we may live. Should Hitler had won World War II I wouldn't be here to blog about it or you guys wouldn't be here to read my post.

Anyways, I would just like to say thank you to all the soldiers who ever fought a war. Specially the ones of World War II who fought the battles that permit me to blog freely today; to the younger audience don't forget to say thank you to the people who went to hell for you.

Happy days my friends, happy days.