Friday, August 31, 2012



Oh my God Oh my God Oh my God Oh my Ga,ad…..

I’m screaming as a teenage girl at a Justin Bieber’s concert!!!!... I just got off the phone with the CMR, the people that provided me with the wheelchair, because I wanted an update on my new “turn on a dime” wheelchair and they told me I should be getting news on it next week! I feel so awsooome….. I think I even got a boost of energy!...

Seems things starting to come down the funnel….

Gone but not really gone


Greetings Earthlings….

So I’ve been absent for a couple of days but I was busy doing nothing… yes yes, the glamorous life of a guy with MS and a couple of daughters on the verge of a new school year… also, I had to “celebrate” my better half’s bday!! My God, she’s catching up to me!! Well nothing mayor was done, except that I did General Tao chicken wings for her with her…. I’m the brains of the cooking operation, she’s my hands… chicken wings came out a success…. She loved them and she’s a fanatic of wings… now I have that recipe nailed, next stop will be a carrot cake with white chocolate frosting….Besides my doing F all and cooking, my hands are shot and thus posting has become a very demanding job for me; so a bit of patience is appreciated…

Take care folks!!

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

I like a DNA test please


It was a quiet afternoon today, I did F all and I pondered all day about genes and genealogy… Yeaaaah.. you see when I’m gone I would like my kids to know where their origins are from; unlike me that had to dig to find the real truth about who I am. I was thrown half stories that I had to complete and correct at the same time… so where and who I come from are very important to me. Noticed i don’t care if they were royalty or stuff like that, no. I just want to know who they are…which lead me to the question of the day: I’m bald, what gives?

You see we’re 4 and 75% of us are bald as a bowling ball; and I know for a fact that on my father side there is hair galore among the Guzman men. Heck, last time I saw my dad he must have been 65 and he had an Elvis haircut!! For crying out loud, my grandfather on el Ruco (dad) side had hair when I left the country in 1976 and he was probably in his 70s…And on my mother’s side, well the 2 Aviles brothers both died with a full set of hair… my older male cousins all have hair…so are we three the fruit of forbidden love?... I always thought that my brother with hair was the odd one out, but now that I do the maths it all adds up! I think that the best looking of the bunch have a different dad!! Yeah!! I’m not calling my mother anything, she’s my mother and I love her; but logic dictates that she had fun… at least 3 times…. And I’m guessing it was a “same time next year” type of relationship….I know, I’m going to hell….See what free time on your hands does to you?

Take care folks!

PS Don't complain, at least you have hair....hope you sneeze one day and your hair falls off

Dealing with my life


Good afternoon…I know, I’m really late but, like always, I have excuses; and really good ones too…

I got my bath on time and just as I was starting to check my computer crap, the phone rang… my mother wanting to know what I was going to cook for my wife tomorrow… I told her I was doing chicken wings, General Tao style. She kept on snooping around, trust me I know when she wants to find out stuff; I was trained by her so it’s tough to hide it from me….but the thing is that I answered the phone, I tilted back my chair and just as I finished talking with her… WRACK!!! The tilting mechanism broke on my chair yet again… I was 90 degrees while my wife rushed to help me sit up to a normal position… then she put me on bed and I called the chair people…so I was flat for a while there…

Second excuse? Well since yesterday my hands seem to be out of order! I can type but I hit erroneous keys because I feel my fingers all numb….so I better buy that head set soon….

That’s my story, what’s yours?

Monday, August 27, 2012

Am I dead yet?


My apologies, yet again, for not posting that much today. My hands seem to have lost their Midas touch today and are not working properly; on this the day prior to the last day of vacation for my kids.. Yay!? Makes you wonder who’s going to take me out when I fancy the outdoors… Oh well, yet another year gone and soon it will be Christmas and… man, this world just goes round and round doesn't it?

Take care folks!

PS My previous post about the ill-dressed weather hot babe was written to make fun at myself and how I have lost my sex drive and have replaced it with a sharp eye for fashion…..Oh yes, it was also intended to make fun of Blomberg man….

I swear I like girls


Good something folks…

You know, prior to writing this post I like to apologize if anyone get offended by it… believe you me when I say I am not a homophobic person and God bless them for being there as they make the playing field a bit more fair for us ugly guys….

Acapulco between her legs folks!
So here’s my story, every morning I follow my usual routine: grill cheese, coffee, Canadian news followed by the Mexican news… why? I have no clue, I like to see somewhere where there are people having problems I guess…but that’s not my story here…. The story is that they have some super hot women and all I can do is criticize their attires or shoes or…or.. I like to pause them in the moment (PVR rules!!) to laugh (inside of me) at their disfigured faces…. An example, there is this woman who gives the weather, Aylen del Toro, and every normal men out there is probably drooling whispering “what a hot babe…”; but to me, the first thing that comes to mind is “…Look at that dress… it clashes with her shoes…”… That’s it I’m gay (Thus the apologies prior to my post)!! Geez, I need testosterones shots or something!... I’m turning into a regular FIFI!!! Where are my metaphorical balls?! What’s next, kissing Blomberg man (AKA Electromagnetic god; because I was planning on giving him that name before he went all Prima Dona on me)  on the cheeks to greet him?!.. Instead of drooling over the 40 degrees Celsius her figure brings to the tight clothes she wears, my wife and I admonishe the night club looks she brings to the weather….you’re a bad girl, a very very bad girl!!Yellow dress and reda shoes (GREAT! I'm going all Italian here...minga!)…really?!...

Take care folks!

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Doing the movie thing


Well it was a movie weekend for me, 1 chick flick –The vows-, 1 funny 21 jump street- and 1 long and wanna make you fall asleep film –Hunger games…

-          - WHAT?!

I know, I was surprised too by the pupu caca plot of the movie; plus I had miss encyclopedia running the play by play on how lame the movie was compare to the books; and how in the third book ***spoiler alert***…… the young sister of Petunia or whatever her name is will be killed by the girl’s friend… I don’t know what the whole fuzz was about, I’m glad I didn’t see it in the theaters….

That was my weekend….

The moon


Sunday folks and a sad one for me… The man who inspired thousands of kids to become scientists, astronauts, computer geeks died at the tender age of 82. The man on the moon, Neil Armstrong passed away and I feel that part of me died with him… I have very few heroes and Neil was onje of them… Thanks for the memories mr. Moon…

Take care folks!

Saturday, August 25, 2012

The wishi washi guy


Good day you all…

Don’t you wish life had a fast forward button or something so you can advance events to the part where it has been completed?...well it was one of those days..

Electromagnetic guru came and…wait, he doesn’t want that name anymore so I will call him Blomberg Man.. the name of the dishwasher he installed;  better than Viola, I’d say.. But on with my praise…

So he came to install my dishwasher machine and his response to my question if he had installed dishwashers before left me with doubts and incertitude of what was about to happen….so I I did something I hadn’t done in years… I prayed to the person that could help me in times like this…. The Lord…

-          “Dear Lord..” I said… “…please enlighten this mor…er…person who’s about to install my dishwasher. Make sure that even though he’s not a certified plumber, he knows what connections go where and..blah blah blah…pestilence to his house….blah blah blah Amen”

I was  secure in the fact that the big guy was going to guide him..And you know what?? Blomberg man did a decent job! I mean, sure there is leftovers pieces here and there but overall water and electricity are not being mixed; which is a good thing I guess… Don’t look at me that way, I’m a computer god not an electrician…..Thanks Blomberg man…

Take care folks!

Friday, August 24, 2012

The pain of sitting down


Well let’s recap my week; I hurt! You see folks, yesterday when I was going to go to the shopping center. I made a bad movement when they were going to put my t-shirt on because I was in pain! In real freaking pain!! I asked them to put me in bed and when they were doing this they started to tell me I was bloating…. Besides my usual fatness, it seemed like the left side of my body was bulging… WTF? CANCER?! THIS FAST?! Nah…. It couldn’t be, maybe it was an allergy to something; after all I just had finished the “angry whopper” that just came into the country…. Maybe I displaced my back and I will now have to blog in a state of pain all my life…And superman wasn’t helping either (wife), I swear, I am going to die and her majesty won’t believe I’m dying… What the hell could it be?! Well to make a long story short, my mother sent me some drugs for the back and I slept like a baby;  and this morning after a healthy bowel movement, it appears my bulgy side came back to normal…or so I have been told…guess they’re calling me full of shit or something but the pain still persist….thanks for asking…

Take care folks, happy weekend!

R2D2 is not fine


Good Friday to you all….

I am writing this on Thursday but publishing it on Friday, complicated I know, but Thursday I didn’t feel that well… I know, you are going to say “So why is he writing on Thursday if he doesn’t feel well?”… Physically I’m still the same, my body rotting away as usual, but psychologically I am not there today; Thursday…. I just got the big stick up the wazoo from my transport company telling me “nay nay” on the transport towards my brother’s place and school is here and even if in theory it supposed to be free for everyone, well…’s not! Plus to add to the expense of school comes the clothes, the shoes, the whatever the kid wants so she or he can returned acceptably to class… like a pair of $200 dollar shoes!!! I had my first pair of $200 dollar shoes when I was 17…I think. My youngest just suckered my wife into buying her that!!! I want to be a gay single guy now, without a care in the world….

I’ll see you later

PS and for those who are saying “Well that’s no excuse for not writing”, well……Phhht to you!

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

The driving game


Fck! Not so long ago I went to my oldest brother house in the boondocks and I had no problem with the transport. Now my brother is having a second get together to close the year in style, I called to reserve a bus and WHAM! "We’ll call you back to confirm reservation…" WTF?! Do you guys go there or not? Once again I called and the people I spoke to were newbies so I will probably call the ombudsman and have a bud with her or him… I swear, these people are nincompoops and should probably work at a McDs or something where they don’t have to think…No offense people who work there...

Take care folks!

The General Tao dream


Good thing to you all…

I’m a tad late but I went to buy some items at the food place to make General Tao chicken wings for my wife for her b-day…. It will be the ultimate food fest!!...

Hey you know that "PS" about me dreaming with my cousin on last post? Well it got her attention! It’s a Latin-American thing I guess, we all believe in dreams and what they mean. When I was a kid my older brother was sadden by the dream he had of my father killing me and he tells my momma; what does she do? Tells the little prick that it means a long life; he felt better. Long life for whom. my father or me? If it’s for my dad, it’s working, he is 70 years old!! Be more specific next time! Then there’s the dream that if you are falling in a dream and you don’t wake up before hitting the ground, you die!! Who the bleep came back from the dead to certify this?!...”Dude if you don’t wake up before you hit the ground in a dream, you die.”….. You know what I say to that? pupu caca!

Then there’s the one where I reserve judgment on because the two time that someone in the family dreams it, there is a death of someone close to us…. Dreaming with molars…. That’s right! If you dreams that you have a tooth ache or they are removing a molar, bad shit happens!!.. There is also dark water dreams, symbolising that people are talking bad about you or the happy crap dreams which means you’re coming into some cash and the ever popular fat guy in a wheelchair, which means hide your daughters because the fat man cometh…..

All I know is that my cousin’s curiosity got the best of her and maybe dreams mean something or they don’t. I dream I was dead this week and so did my wife (on the same day); am I going to die? Who knows, I prefer surprises…

Take care folks!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Go with the flow


Yes well, when you read my blog you have to go with what life throws at you…Today, unlike yesterday, my MS has gotten the worst of me; leaving me dead as a door nail with a lack of energy only a crappy battery gives… sucks being sick… Well the good news is that we got the dishwasher, the bad news is that we have to modify the kitchen cabinet to install the dam thing; and I know someone who’s going to be sad/mad/distraught/blue….you think it and she’ll be it…Sucks to be her…I’m also waiting for people from a medical store to take away the mattress they had lent me to test…it was okay, they will probably change my bed and give me another high performance crap…I think that’s the key word of the year: “High Performance”. The guy who sold us the dishwasher used it in his pitch, so I got an HP washer and dryer and now a dishwaher…. Just hope my pockets were like that…

Take care… maybe tomorrow…

PS It’s weird, I dreamt twice with my cousin… one dream was about someone dying in the family and the other she was at my place early in the morning but I would speak to her but she didn’t answer back, as if she was not there…. Dam coffee…

School is here!!


Good day…

12c, 12c! It is becoming fall…. I tell ya, wink and you will miss Summer….oh well, Fall has its wonders too…

So my oldest went to school to register herself; dear Lord how time flies! She will do this on her own, no more mother or father to speak with the people there, no she will do it solo; and she’s proud of that.  Next week my wife has to go and drop my youngest at school, in her case everything has been taken care of; she just shows and starts school…I am getting old!...

Oh well, I’ll be getting my place back for thinking…

Take care folks!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Post busters


So,….no no… those who easy get scared step away from this post…..

So my kid told us that one day, mmmmnnot so long ago, at the foot of her bed was a man, a ghost, sitting there with a sad look in his eyes…. He wasn’t a bad entity because she wasn’t afraid of it… - bitch if you get drag into the TV, I’m not coming to save you… where was i? Yes, so she saw an entity at the foot of her bed. So, I told her it was a dream but she categorically denied it and claim it was a man with sad eyes… why me Lord? Why?...So this brought me back years ago when I started with my wife and her beliefs that an entity would sit down on top of her and wouldn’t let her move or talk; she couldn't say  anything to me so I could wake her up… I explained to her that this was called sleep paralysis and that it happened to a lot of people including myself…with time and the Discovery channel, she understood….. But years later, it is our offspring’s turn to dwelled into the macabre…great!... I blame myself for this, fuck no!... it’s my wife’s fault with her “I wanna have the Biography channel” crap!.. Yeah!! You see folks, in the USA, this channel has these cool shows about killer kids and stuff, but here in Canada we get shows (at night) such as “Celebrity Ghost Story”, “My Ghost Story” and stuff similar to that… so I blame my wife for having kick start my kid’s career in ghost hunting…..Oh yeah, they believe the ghost is the father of my wife because he used to have a sad look….Let it be known that if ghosts come and wake me at night I will just point in the stairs direction and tell them that the bitches they’re looking for are up there….That or I will tell them to Google the address of little J's mom so they could go pay her a visit...

Take care folks…

PS BTW, my daughter has seen this ghost many times....

PS PS...!!!, I'm, it's been a while since I had so much energy to write my blog. Maybe I can walk now, hold on.....ah no, not working still...well at least I'm finish....

Saturnday a funday


Ad yes…. This Saturday was a “guarache” Saturday  and electro magnetic guru and I pigged out! I had 5 “guaraches” by the end of Sunday: 3 during dinner (Saturday), 1 for supper and 1 for breakfast (Sunday)…and the sad part is that we will probably be having another guaracheton soon as electromagnetic guru has to come over and install, with my wife, a dishwasher we bought….Yay electric dude!...My girls are all up in arms because I told them that it is a dishwasher for my plates and not theirs… I swear they are going to hate me when they grow up…

Take care folks!... sleep tight….Don’t let Tatiana bite, unless you’re into shit like that…

PS I change the name to electric magnetic guru because I will need him, otherwise is just electromagnetic guy or just simply "the guy"...Adios...

Still here


Good all y’all…

Ready to face another week full of excitement, woohoo! It’s beginning to feel like autumn, temperatures are in the low double digits and there is a disturbance in the force that makes you feel icky…. I’m going to be cocoon for another six months! But when I think about it, it’s not all that bad! I mean, in winter if they get me out of bed early enough, I can see people rushing out of my building running towards the bus stop; and in all honesty? I am glad it’s not me.

This morning I have a couple of things to iron out, but this afternoon I will come back with a couple of post. One is of my “guarache” actual pictures of what I was eating that day… and I had 5 all in all that day… now the other one is about my oldest admitting to us what every parent fears in their lifetime with teenage kid: Seeing ghost. Yup! Some of us have to deal with kids smoking, kids drinking, kids using drugs… and I have to deal with my kid seeing ghosts…great, just f_ing great!

I’ll see you later…

Saturday, August 18, 2012

A day like today


Good weekend people….

Got pulled out of bed early, wife’s family coming over for a “guarache” fest… I talked about it before, these things look like slippers; they are topped off with meat, chicken, cream, cheese… whatever you like… ummm food…It’s going to be yummy!!... What are you guys doing today?....Oh! sorry I forgot, apparently today is going to be a gorgeous day out there, not too humid. So I will go to the mall and buy something…. You know things… Well that’s my Saturday in a nutshell, hopping you have a good one too wherever you are….

Take care folks!

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Dear Abby crap


And I thought I had problems…my bath guy has problems! Here he is in his, what 3rd month of relationship, and he has problems?... Yup, he threw me a Dear Abby question out of the blue today and I had to answer it as best as I could; a relationship was on the line here, I did my best to save it.

He basically asked me if it was normal to find  flaws on someone you love. HA! A classic one, piece of cake… Being a flawless type of guy married to a Mexican girl I could answer this in my sleep... Phehp…you could find faults on that race even if you weren’t looking for them... I always tell my girls that they are lucky they share my blood… but back to my answer, I told the guy that it was normal, that just like he found flaws on his girlfriend, she probably had a ton of shit to say about him… You have to weigh the pros and cons and act accordingly, I said. She could piss you at some things but she probably pleases you in others; and freaking vice versa! And why did I get this question?! I’m a technician not a psychologist! All I know is that they better work things out, I’m not going through a break up again! All the crying, the “I’m forever alone” crap…I got a lot on my plate with this Kristen and Bob thing…

Take care folks!

A bitchy nurse


Good day…

F&$* everybody!... I am not in a good mood this morning, all it takes is one A_hole to start your day bad… and I got that one A_hole today… didn’t win the lottery but I got the A_hole out of 39 millions in Canada!!! What a lucky guy I am!... here’s my story…

I live on a main floor and almost evereryday somebody rings my bell because they want to come in the building and they forgot the apartment number where they are going or they think that it is the janitor’s place so they ring… but having a patio door I can always see who is ringing and decide if I know the person or not; and therefore ring back.

Well today there was a ring, my wife look and I wasn’t expecting anybody so we ignored the buzz. Minutes later I got a phone call, it was the CLSC nurse. She called me up to give me crap, yeah she gave me crap, because I hadn’t open the door!  She told me that when the bell ring you answer, I told her that I couldn’t physically ring back (true) and that she should have known this. I then asked my wife to open the door, the nurse came in all apologetic, but it was too late; my day and perhaps my week had been altered by her….

Take care folks!

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The unthinkable


Good mornaft…

Today is august 15th and with each day I draw closer to my wife’s birthday and the conundrum of getting her the perfect birthday gift…  I have bounced off ideas of her head and it always the same: “….t’s all right…”… It doesn’t matter what I proposed….I know, you people are going “surprise her puts!!”.. well you don’t know her. She’s the type of woman who doesn’t like surprises but she also loves them… yeah she’s complicated and I wish she would have come with an instruction manual when I first boug…er… started with her, but she didn’t so I have to make the best of it. So I know she doesn’t want cash, nor does she want a dishwasher (Yeah, romantic Chuck they call me), and me buying her a trip to somewhere is out of the question… so what should I get her?.... Well I am tilting towards a tablet with an Android operating system from Samsung… I think… but even there she has basically left the decision to me; and in all honesty? I suck when it comes to making decision! … so I don’t know what I am going to do…my life is complicated…

Take care folks!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

An example in life


Good day…

Argh… I hate it when something gets interrupted by something else… In this case it was my chill time having breakfast , watching TV Azteca (news from Mexico) and catching up with my better half on things going on with our lives. My bath people came extra early today because they had cancelations of lucky sick people that had taken vacations; so since I was in town, I paid the price….What can I say, at least I’m ready to face the day… hand shot and all….

You gonna eat that?
Hey!... my dog and my cat are getting closer every day. They are even sharing meals now! For the breakfast meal Hammer comes down meowing at the bowl of dog food so that it can be filed with a concoction of dry and wet food. Well my oldest or youngest fulfill its demands and no later she touches the bowl than Olivia appears to start eating with Hammer…. If only we could get along this good…

That’s my blog for the day folks….hands are dead at 9:38AM…

Take care folks…

Monday, August 13, 2012

The better of the best


Good day all….

Sigh, another Olympics gone.. I was sad and apparently I wasn’t the only one; My bath guy was also reminiscing about the past. What do you want, music takes you back to places and faces that are no longer there… I mean, the Spice girl?!...kidding, I was never a big fan of them, although I must admit I saw their movie; not proud of that one but then again I loved Ishtar…. Apparently the worst movie ever, but the part of the blind camel is hilarious….Fck, I also saw the Village people movie with Bruce Jenners… I really have bad taste in movies folks… GUILTY!...

Thank you for entertaining us
But besides my bad taste, there was music that made you wonder what the F happened to us? Where has time gone? My bath guy was moved by the aging of some of the rock stars that he idolized when he was a kid! I told him that everyone ages, it’s just that he doesn’t see those people on a daily base so that when he finally see them, it’s a shock….Then I made the mistake of telling him about Harrison Ford, yes good old Han Solo, I told him that Mr. Ford had shaved his head and had turned 70…. Dear Lord, I might as well have told him that he was going to die, he went ballistic on me and told me he didn’t believe me… So I had to look for a picture of him…. Time waits for no one people and I only wish I look as good as Mr. Ford when I turn 109….

Happy life folks….

PS BTW, he still didn't believed me and claim that it was Photoshopped...Oh TMZ, nobody believes me...

Sunday, August 12, 2012

A feast for a king



…and a good one to you all

Well, I’m about to have a “tamal” brunch, courtesy of my mama; you gotta love when she sends food. I will have 2 of them with cream, a cup of “Joe” and 2 slices of bread… Breakfast of champions! My “budin” recipe came out a winner, freaking crew ate all of it.. I did do a some minor changes to it by adding the zest of an orange; it sat fair,ly good with all except my oldest who claims it gave her headaches…. No, don’t “poor girl” the awkward teenage alien; this is the girl who will not have chocolates in the sun because she gets headaches when she does this… Her kids are going to have so much fuuuun….

Take care folks!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Budin 101


Good Saturday to you all..

So, this week I have made pasta with sauce made from scratch, I have made a killer pepper/vanilla stew (don’t ask) and today I will be tackling a classic that comes from my grandmother to my mom and now to me; Salvadorian “budin” …. It’s a bread pudding but Salvadorian style… I will try to make my ancestors proud…. I went out and got what I was missing and boy is it getting humid…Apparently it’s going to be like this through out the following days…. Oy vey….

Ok, won’t take more time from you… Have a wonderful weekend folks!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Hammer a class act


Aawww.. Hammer is so cute, she drinks water with her paws….. Yeah, you heard me, her paws.  You see, she has her own water bowl upstairs and when she drinks water there she drinks it like animals normally do, with her head bow down towards the water; but when she comes down here and drinks water from Olivia’s bowl, she puts her paw in and licks her paw… An aaaawwww moment, I know… look at the pics, I don’t lie…

I know, dog hair sucks

That's so cute

Have a good weekend folks!

PS Hey London (UK)… awesome games dudes, congrats and thanks...

PS PS... oh yes, I can cook... Stew is amazng!

Getting it done people


Went out and bought what I needed to make a mirepoix for my stew later today; I also bought some button mushrooms and beef broth. I cannot lie, I got my lottery ticket and a dream too…. As I was coming back, the rain started to fall but it stopped fairly fast, so I was ok…

Obviously it is my oldest that will be doing the cooking under my direction and hopefully she will not come up with silly ideas like yesterday… she wanted to put vanilla in the tomato sauce… Swear to God people! And when her mom came home she was telling her that I hadn’t let her take ownership of the sauce….. Her mom just looked at her in disbelief...

I want no pigeon dropping on my stew today, so I will keep my eyes peeled for that….

Take care folks!

PS And throw caution to the wind...vanilla it is... I'M COOKING PEOPLE!

Cooking up a storm


Good something to you all…

Bummer! The MS things that my friend’s sister was willing to give me didn’t materialized. Apparently when you live in an apartment and you make modifications to the place, whatever they put in becomes property of the owner of the building when you leave or you pass away… xnay on the equipment….

So what’s in store for me today?... well I will be going over to the shopping mall to buy add-ons for supper tonight. I will be making a stew; crossing my fingers here…. I have had a good streak, don’t get me wrong, but s stew sounds like a challenge. Yesterday I showed my oldest how to make a dish of pasta with sausages and tomato sauce made from scratch; my wife was impressed! Simple sauce really, crushed tomatoes, 3 cloves of garlic, oregano, sea salt, pepper, olive oil (just a tad) and what I think it’s thyme… the thing is in a no-name bag so I could only guess here…. I’m sure it wasn’t rat poison because I’m still here… hopefully I will be here tomorrow too…

Take care folks!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

It's all down hill from here


Well look at that! All shinny and new, about to have my meals on wheels… I’m going to be getting the special treatment the next couple of weeks because my Thursday bath guy lost a patient to holidays!!... so the guy is off to France and I will benefit from it in my bath guy coming 1 hour earlier…. Heck! I already had my meals on wheels while I was writing theses lines; I had lasagna today…

So all is well and dandy, right? No…not by a long shot! I just called my occupational therapist because the sister of my friend who passed away is giving me some MS related stuff. And the message I got was: “If you were a patient of what’s her name, please call this new and improved girl. As the other one is off indefinitely.”….???!!!.... A NEW ONE?!.... I have to start fresh all over again?!... fuck me!... I just can’t do this anymore…What about my modification plans?? … now I left the other girl a message and I’ll see where I go from here….

Take care folks!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Life in a single color


Sigh….one of those afternoons when I get drawn back into my past and dwell on it…double sigh…

The story is simple, really; I asked my daughter to put a piqué on my bed (a bed cover that people use to move me in bed), fairly simple task. Well she came with a white piqué and I was surprised. Usually they are two tonnes of colors on these things; green and white, blue and white, anything and white…. Oh shit, I exclaimed; your mother bleached the F out of the thing… my daughter concurred with the fact that the 2 tone piqué was no more. So this got me thinking about my beginnings with what’s her face…

Something like that except white now
You see, back in the days when I was single and still living with mommy, I probably put “metrosexual” on the map of the Earth. I used to do my laundry, comb my hair with a brush and mousse (sigh), dry clean (Yes dry clean) my working clothes, clean my bar and its little liquor bottles and once a month I would get my beard and hair groomed at the hair salon… Yes I was a metrosexual dude…. Then she walk into my life and slowly but surely she started to take space…. Soon I could see her discontent with me doing my laundry and bringing my clothes to the dry cleaner… so one by one my clothe items started to be washed by her and one by one they started to have bleach spots. First they were small and concealable, but then… they were the size of an apple and the items could not be wore again….. sigh… I think it’s a Mexican thing because J man is going through what I went through all those years ago; and I’m sure if I ask her mom’s boyfriend, he is going through the same dilemma….

I need speech rec, hands are shot and I haven’t even play Animal Crossing yet….

Take care folks!

Titiana, the bath giver


Good day people….

Doesn’t it sucks when you’re playing a nice game of Risk and the suddenly you are interrupted by a scantly dressed woman who wants to get your clothes off so she can put you in bed and give you a bath because you are a very dirty boy?... I hate it too, but who am I to disobey orders from Tatiana, the ex-sex worker?! My bath guy that usually comes with her didn’t show up because his back is gone. Once the summer vacay season is over and everyone is back, he will be re-assigned to a desk job… poor guy, I get to have a bath from Tatiana all alone….droooling….

Today is going to be a hot one, but every morning we wake up now… the smell of autumn is strongly present….. I don’t like it, no sir I don’t like it at all!!.. Summer flies by too fast… I’m going to be cocooned inside for the rest of the year….. Dam, I hate playing games to make a living…

Take care folks!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

A quick little hello


Hammer get off my bed!
It’s not that bad outside!... Just came back from the shopping mall and I found the weather to be nice; granted I’ve been inside all day long…. So I was kinda frozen stiff but now I’m thawed enough to have a BBQ later on. Sure my hands are shot but I think that this is part of the Animal Crossing game I play every day; I’m still the richest in the town and now my oldest wants to beat me, but she’s a few million bells behind….tsk…tsk…

Take care folks…

A washable dream


Good day people of this web world….(we might live in a multi web world, who knows)

Well I got my first bill for my super heavy duty, ultra-modern washer and dryer…. Only 35 more to go and I’m already thinking what new toy to buy… they got a Samsung tablet so Santa might be good to old Chuck here this Christmas… But you know what?! Even the landlord was impressed by them when he came by this weekend. Yeah, there was a water leak and we were blamed for it, apparently the machines were too powerful for the plumbing that dates back circa 1974; so the landlord came by. He went upstairs with some gadgets and gizmos and lo and behold: Problem solved… But while working he was drooling and savouring the moment, looking at my washer and dryer, asking questions; liking what he saw, liking what he heard…. He was converted, his washer and dryer needed to be changed!  I was given the thumbs up on the great purchase I had done and he went home with a mission to convert his wife into a front loading lover…. I tell ya, you want your partner or yourself to be happy when doing laundry? Get some high end washer and dryer that plays a melody when the cycle is finished and they will be in your “things to save in case of fire” list… just ahead of your kids….

Take care Folks!

Monday, August 6, 2012

The cat is in T house...


The street cat my daughters had taken a liking to has finally come inside our home! Yup! We mustard up $200 dollars and we took the cat to the vet where she was given the thumbs up and she lives with us now…. Her name was hammer but once she crossed he patio door, the name was dropped for a better one: Ryan…. (?!)… I know right!? It’s a girl, so why Ryan? Well my daughter claims she looks like a Ryan, so Ryan it is….

Who the fuck am I to argue with a 14 year old teenage drama queen?! Ryan it is!!

I don’t care, I had severall dogs name after me and one human. So you can call her George and I wouldn’t really care….

Any hoot, good to be back!

PS…. I just been told that the cat name is still hammer..;. nobody tells me anything here…

The Vault


My first Olympic rant….

Seeing that I am a man without a country, when the Olympics come around I usually cheer for the best of the group. The 100 meter dash brings out the Jamaican in me, the dive event has me speaking Chinese and gymnastics makes me sing God Bless America every time. So yesterday was the vault event in gymnastics and I was certain gold was going to be won by the Americans…BUT… I didn’t like NBC’s commentators putting down the other Olympians, so I was sure the vault was going to be jinxed. What happens next?... The butt fall follow by a better vault from the Roumanians…I saw gold passed never to be seen by the American vault athlete and I was pissed at NBC for having count the eggs before they hatched…. These people should be more reserved on their calling of the games. I am more of a “prove to me that your good and better than the others, then I will call you the best” type of fan and the calling from the NBC crew had jinxed written all over… I just hope they’ve learn from their mistake and let Gabby win her medal….

Take care folks…

PS... Spoiler alert!!! It didn't look good for Gabby....

Life goes on


Good day y’all….

No I have not forgotten you… it’s just I was a bit on a slump there with the death of my friend who had MS. Why did it hit me hard? Well, it was because he suffered from MS and his death was associated with it. At the end he was been fed by a machine and he he was breathing through one also. I know that MS 101 dictates that every case of MS  is different than each other, but nevertheless I couldn’t help see myself, perhaps, in a near future and it made me ponder my life in a nutshell…. But I am happy to report that I am back and that my blogging will now resume….


Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Wondering the obvious

Helter Skelter people!

.. Apparently the reports are that is really hot out there and that I shouldn’t go out… bummer! I so wanted to BBQ today, but I guess it will have to wait.

This Sunday we have been invited to a breakfast to celebrate my nieces birthday; it’s going to be right across my house at the shopping mall. I’m going to pig ouuut!...and while touching the subject of food…. I made a comment that goes for everyone that cooks out there: It’s normal that you guys are full when you sit down to eat the meal you just prepare.

With all the respect I owe my mother, my wife and all the Latino girls out there, you guys are like having a feast when you prepare the food in the kitchen. All that taste testing and adjustment that you do to the food; it adds up….. and the…Fuck it! You guys eat while you cook, you munch on stuff that you have in the kitchen, you chomp on shit not even related to the food you’re cooking! How do I know this? Well today while preparing my lunch for me my daughter was pigging out on rice, then immediately after she was having rice for lunch and she couldn’t figure out why she was full….!!! Really?!... and then they want to know why tey gain weight…. But that’s a complete different subject that should remain moot…..

Take care folks!

Hump day blues


Good day fellow bloggers…

Well, I just finished having a bath and it was a temp dude… My usual people were not there today, I guess they needed a break. The guy who came was an extremely nice guy but I hate when I have to tell them what my do’s and don’ts are…. But in general it went without a hitch…

My electric shaver gave up on me… battery doesn’t stay charged; this is the device that I decided to use between Monday and Thursday and weekends  so that my beard stays trim and I don’t have to suffer when they shave me…. I know, I’m slow; why didn’t I think of this before??... Sometimes I wonder how I’m still alive. I’m like the accidental human…. I was really a lucky shot from conception I guess… Another toy that I’ll have to buy…

Later folks!