Monday, April 30, 2012



Good mid-morning….

It’s a so-so  day out there. It started out sunny and a bit cold and now it has gone to cloudy but warmer temperatures….make up your mind dumb weather!!!!

I just finished my bath already and my guy was in a very ``down with government” mood; he had a beef with everyone from the government! He was bitching, and quite justly, with the facts he had to pay taxes, he was complaining on how the government people get richer etc.. On his defence, we’re the most taxed province in Canada and there is always a new tax coming our way. Also, government official seem to always have it good with their bonuses and “losing” tax payer money and not being accountable for; this time there is $70 million dollars that have gone missing and nobody knows where it has gone… well, not in my pockets.. It has come to such extreme that my guy is thinking of moving to Ontario, the real Canada. Well I would go too but as soon as I cross the border line, there goes everything I have waited for, the wheelchair, the baths, the money, the everything….Oh no!!! Then we came to the conclusion that the Montreal region has the most beautiful women in the world and it would be sad that we lose the opportunity to date one of them, however slim the chances are… For the record, they will probably be taxed one day….

Take care folks!

PS Month is gone!! Thanks for reading my blog...

Sunday, April 29, 2012

The waiting game


I'm currently outside basquing in the shadow of the sun, at this time the sun doesn't hit my place, waiting to BBQ some burgers. My kids mom I out on a dog date with Olivia, then she'll be back to prepare the burgers. I know what your thinking, why doesn't he makes the burgers... Well MS is an ilness where you have to be patient, wait for your turn! Not only with my family but with everything in life; government papers, new wheelchairs, everything... And everything is out of reach at shopping stores... Milk, eggs, chocolates... Everything! I am not complaining but in this world if you can't do it on your own....take a number bub!

Take care folks!

Saturday, April 28, 2012

Sunny but cold


Happy weekend people…

I just came back from the shopping mall with my daughter. I bought the necessary stuff for a glorious BBQ…meat, salad, garlic paste….plus stuff for my secret marinade….it’s going to be great…If only it would get a bit hotter out there, right now is +5c and sunny…I just hope I can stay and BBQ  outside, I don’t want to be dictating orders from in here…

Happy trails folks!

Friday, April 27, 2012

Life lesson #54


I’m with one of my daughters here at home today and I asked her for a grilled cheese, my style, so I could have something warm for a change…. Little did I know it was going to turn into a life lesson for her…

So as she’s finishing my hot sandwich, I hear a loud thump followed by a “oh shit!” I asked her what was wrong and she told me that she had dropped the sandwich… “Well pick it up fast” …. She was bewildered with astonishment! I could see in her face that she wanted to know why, she needed to know why! So I told her: “when the food gets dropped on the floor, the faster you pick it up the better…”. She told me that it already had germs, I told her my theory on that and she told me that one day she would pass it on to her kids…

Take care!

PS I’m not cruel; I will pass on my vast knowledge to you folks:

- When food falls to the ground germs run away screaming for cover before realizing that it’s food that has fallen on the ground. So the trick is to pick the food up ASAP before the germs get a chance to get into your food, thus having a clean grilled cheese….

Knowledge is power folks…

PS PS PLEASE do not consume anything that it’s dropped on the floor… I’m a specialist and really don’t give a rat’s ass if I live or if I die… Scratch that! I really care whether I live or die, I’m just a pig…

Moving on


Good morning…

Chill, I got this!
Here I am writing my post providing you with whatever update or story I might have from my life and today nothing really changes. I know I cannot walk and my body is always numb but since yesterday I have noticed that my left leg is no longer there!! I touch the stupid thing and I might as well be touching a rock that is not attached to me whatsoever…. I cannot feel anything at all!! Before there was some sensation that would assure me that I still had limbs; now there’s an external device attached to my body and it feels weird!! Plus, I didn’t win the lottery last night and I was counting on that to buy myself a morale boobster… now I just got a foreign limb attached to my body + I’m broke!! What the hell!?! sucks!

Oh yeah, plus my landlord wants to speak with the people attached to my modification project so she can probably do the work herself seeing that she will be doing extreme modifications to the outside…. This doesn’t smell good!

Take care folks!

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Electric red


Greetings earthlings…

Well I came back from my CMR visit and before I start narrating my adventure, let it be known that RTL drivers are pigs!! Coming back the driver was farting his ass of like there’s no tomorrow! I know this because there was only 2 people on that bus, him and me…. And I wasn’t farting, so it had to be him…

On to the visit, well I was schedule to meet the people at 9:00, well rhet were freaking late! The occupational therapist saw me at 10:00AM…my bus was picking me up at 10:15…Well, whatever she had to do was going to have to be quick and accurate… it was! Mew chair, same dimensions with side thingies to keep me in place, with a stronger tilting mechanism, new control device and….very important here… Electric red!! I will have an electric red colored wheelchair… I’m going to look cool! So in 4 months I should be having a new electric red wheelchair with all available gizmos and with turn on a dime technology!!.....I’m happy…

Then waiting for the bus driven by fartman, I started to take pictures of the surroundings and who do I fall onto? The nice French orthosomething…..we exchanged updates on our life and I even took a picture of her….. Well I will probably chat with her again in 4 

Still looks like winter

The breath in breath out girl

Take care folks! 

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Cellphone stories


Well I have lost count; all I know is that wife+cellphone+water don’t mix!!  As I speak to you her cell is in a rice bag recovering again. Poor phone, I feel for the apparatus…

On a happier note, I went out to buy lotto tickets… $2.00!! and I bought another poker ticket hopping to win millions even though the jackpot is a $100.000….

Take care folks!

Hang in there...2 more days!


Good hump day….

It is actually sunny out there witch patches of clouds getting into the picture once ina while… guess the weather man was off by a tad… I do not hope he’s wrong for the weekend: Sunny skies with a 100% chance of BBQ! Oh yeah, got to start to browse to my recipe notes to see what victuals I will work on…. But before tackling the weekend I have to go to the CMR for the wheelchair visit as well as the re-programing of my RT-54; I want them to change some telephone numbers as well as program the thing for my TV provider… I went from Hell…sorry Bell to Videotron, remember?

Crap! The weather man seems to have gotten right, it’s getting cloudy again!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Chuck 1 Weather 0


Said and done people, said and done…. I went to the shopping center under a bit of rain and came back just when the hail came down on us…. I got a few meters worth of it… But I got my lottery tickets and I’m sure I will win more than the two bucks I won on the instant lottery tickets…. Also the dealer left a ticket that I have no clue what it is but being the honest guy that I am, I  will have to return it this weekend….

Thus my day ends like this…. Take care folks!

Going out there


Even though is windy, cold and will probably be raining, I will go to the shopping center and get this week’s lottery tickets… beside some fresh air will do me some good; that is if I don’t get sick from wondering in such weather… I still have to go out there on Thursday to the CMR for my new chair, can’t miss that meeting…JC! The wind is howling out there!!!...

I finished putting some order on all the genealogical records I have found and have make partial backup of these precious records. Next week I have to call my contacts in my country to confirm a couple of dates and then I will have pretty much finish all the known genealogy that I know about, meaning my grandmother, great-grand parents and my great-great-grand parents, I will the venture off into people that I haven’t heard about… that my mother hasn’t heard about! I’ll keep you posted on these developments as I get breakthroughs….

Take care folks!

The fight continues


Good something folks…

Sorry for the delays, I was having a bath then I went on to calling my cell company to find out if my cell phone bill could be reduced because it was sky high last month…well the below is my story, that’s not really mine, it’s my wife problems, yet I’m stuck in there somehow….

Last month my wife went on a “vacation” to Mexico….It was the christening of her nephew…. Well as destiny has it, her sister went as well; shit happens people, it happens a lot around here. Her sister was intervened medically and well my wife had to use her cell to call Canada back and forth… 76 minutes of roaming charge that amounted to $570 dollars…plus the girls lines, I am looking at a $860.00 cell bill! WTF?! We’re not going to eat this month!! Well her sister, little J’s mom, is married to the king of negotiators in the province of Quebec…. This guy puts extreme couponers to shame, he talks himself into get out of jails all the tme, so when he heard what our bill was…. He was insulted! “Fight them!” He said, you will have your bill reduce by half…Guaranteed!!

Well Electromagnetic guru guy, it didn’t exactly go as plan. Yeah sure, I have a credit of $500+ dollars but it cannot be applied to this bill…. So $860 dollars still have to be paid so that my crew can still talk on their cell phone… I guess it’s all in the genes, I can get the girl while he gets rebates galore… he should have been a lawyer…

Take care folks!

Monday, April 23, 2012

Love for sale


Well the lady left Olivia spick and span….she looks good my dog. She also told me that her friend is giving away a puppy same race as Olivia and I call 2 of my sister-in-laws to see if they would want it but they couldn’t; one because of her husband’s allergies (get rid of the guy) and the other because like me they rent and she doesn’t think the landlord would let them have 2 dogs… On my side I am almost 1001% sure that my landlord will refuse, unless I provide her with the usual sexual services I do to get favors from her…. Watch me get kicked out of the building…

That’s my day! (unless something out of the ordinary happens)

Don't trust whitey


It’s been a flat Monday… nothing to do, nothing to say, just waiting. I waited for my non-conformist bath guy who still lives in the 70’s and believes the establishment is out to get him… I swear the dude is on mushrooms or peyote because he has deliriums of persecution; unlike me that believes the Universe has it against me…. I am now waiting for my dog lady to come and trim the heck out of Olivia because she needs her hair to be short for the coming Sumer months; seeing that is going to be hot out there… let’s hope….

I will now leave you with a question who’s answer will shock the pants off the normal folk…. It did mine… here’s the question: How much do you think 76 minutes roaming time from Mexico is worth? The answer will send chills dow your spine… 76 freaking minutes… 76!!!...

Take care folks!

Raindrops keep falling on my head


Good day folks….

It had to happen…!! Weather warning. Abundant rain for the 514 region…. It is also damping our town seeing that we’re so close to YUL!! There’s a couple of rain puddles in front of my patio door! Plus they didn’t tell us about this but it is on the threshold of freezing point out there; we’re at +1c!!! I think our Summer already pass and it was 5 days! Thank God that I had purchased my BBQ during those days and I was able to Q every one of those days….it was a beautiful Summer … I know I know, I’m being an asso (no it’s not a spelling mistake) with my pessimism and that we still got several months ahead of Summer, but when you’re coop inside most of the year, you want the good times to come ASAP….so far we had about 4 days of crappy weather; even little J’s folks canceled the poor little bugger’s birthday party.. and honestly, I would revisit that cancelation because I saw a big giant sun for this coming Saturday…I’m just saying *wink* *wink*….

Take shelte… people!

Sunday, April 22, 2012

I rule my kingdom


All freaking Sunday my youngest and her mom have been moving rooms, so there’s been a lot of noise upstairs while they swap rooms… I have had the below quarters all to my self! My oldest is at the library with friends, I personally think that she’s getting interested in somebody; but I will not tell her. All the signs are there: shower out of the blue, over perfumed persona, and not the cheap type trust me; santa brought her the eau de pew and it was expensive… but no telling her she loves boys otherwise she might change team and start liking her GF Jessica or something…….

Take care folks!

A million miles, a thousand minds...


Another fine crappy day out there… rainy/cold/cloudy….

I was watching Shawshank Redemption for the x time and it’s weird to see these actors who are now grandfathers be so young and carefree… obviously it started me thinking that time stops for no one, I myself probably look like crap today compare to the young stallion I was…… I know you probably thinking “Oh great! He’s gonna go all philosophical on us!” Well don’t worry! I was just commenting that people change in a wink of an eye; now geology, astronomy, sexology scratch the last one… it’s billions of years before anything happens….take a look at the big rift happening in Africa right now. It will take 250 million years before we see that continent separate itself!... So kinda makes you put things into perspective,  what we think is a long time, it’s nothing more than a walk in the park!... now I’m feeling depressed….

Take care people, happy Sunday!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Hairy fairies no more


Well the girls, my daughter and her mom, will be both getting laser hair removal for the legs…. Now don’t go making a face of some sort! All you gals are pretty hairy bitches, my pose ain’t different; plus we got a good deal from one of them discount sites like Living social. We’re just paying $400.00 dollars for both sets of legs…. And I know it’s kosher, it is thanks to a dog’s mom that my wife befriends that we were able to get such a good deal…. Otherwise it would have cost us 6 grand per set of legs… I have to say thank you Toby for befriending my Olivia and getting the two moms together….

That’s my Saturday!

Saturday on the blog


Happy wet day to you all….

So what have I done so far? Well, I had breakfast and watched flipping houses show, play some games and I got my wife or daughter a laser hair removal for the legs.. and this still pending until they come back from the beauty salon… remains to be seen… otyher then that a pretty dull morning…oh yeah, I registered my daughter for a casting call for kids Gap…. Who knows, maybe I’ll stop working… as if…

That’s my day so far!

Friday, April 20, 2012

The lonely person in me


Dam, here we go again…vacation time for everybody but me!

The girls are planning to head for Vegas again and I recent them because of it. I know it’s not their faulst but I feel they don’t do enough thinking about including me on a vacation… kinda like I am not part of their group, their family. I understand that they need to step away from this MS shit, but frankly?! It distances me from them…

Take care!

End of week report


It was an interesting afternoon. Did some genealogy, browse through some BBQ ideas, killed time successfully again…….Now tomorrow is supposed to be a crappy/rainy day again, I think we will rent movies and do F_all this weekend…At least I don’t expect myself to go out there, it’s +6c and I’m wearing shorts, so… no.

BTW, I didn’t tell you how my pork chops came out with the recipe from my Tuesday’s bath persons: The pork chops were good! And such a simple dressing, white wine, about ¾ cup maple syrup, some lime and some salt…it was good… Today my wife wants to do some sausages, but it’s more of a warming up food cause they’re already cooked…oh well, I will come p with something whenever we have good weather.;.

Take care folks, have a great weekend!

PS We bought the girls the season passes for the amusement park…guess my wife will have to be going there most of her weekend…

A hopeless romantic


I don’t know why some people, including my other ¼, don’t like the TV show Castle…. I mean, besides having odd ball crime scenes with your dumbbell cops, there is always the tension of the forbidden love affair, the impossible dream. Well by now you must have guess what I was doing, yup, I recorded Castle on ABC on Monday and as luck has it, I was saving it for a rainy day like today! I love that show and today didn’t disappoint me. Why doesn’t either of them just walks up to each other and say it: “Beckett (or Castle) I’m madly in love with you.”

That would make my day…. Make the impossible happened! I did! Granted it was eons ago and it was probably a one way scenario but people can’t never say that I settle down with my second place; no I’m with the one that almost got away…..Sigh…. I love Castle….

Now onto Quantum Mechanics and a nap…first I’ll check my lotto numbers to make sure I didn’t win.

Take care folks!

Changing the day


Guten morgen menschen….

Well what a beginning of a day, rainy, cold and without inspiration! Just looking out there makes me want to go back to bed and sleep; thank God I got a couple of shows recorded on my PVR so I have something to do, so I have something to fall asleep to…

Next week is my meeting at the CMR for the new wheelchair. It’s at freaking 9:00AM in the morning! The bus is probably going to pick me up around 7:00 and I shall be back here at around 12:00PM! I had to displace my bath guy for a later hour that day and now I have to call my nurse and tell her that I won’t be here next week so she has to come before or after…. I’m not giving up my new wheelchair for nobody….

Take care folks!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Pharmacy shopping


I’m back from the great outdoors, did my shopping on my own at the pharmacy and got back just in the nick of time to see Family Guy… I like that show….it’s funny! Something happened at the pharmacy today, I usually bring a black bag where I put the merchandise I am going to buy… so it looks like I’m border line shoplifting. Well the pharmacy pays this security people to walk around the place and follow people around… well I got followed today and I made it a point to put stuff inside the bag in front of the guy.. well when I was coming out he followed me until the cash register to make sure I paid….what a moron!! I do it all the time, maybe I should complain to the manager or something…maybe I wont buy there anymore….

Take care folks!

Nada is good


It’s been a quiet week. That brawl that I thought was happening outside was my Arab neighbour having a laugh with his buddy… but it sounded like a fight.. I have to learn Arabic… Other than that, I got a delivery of something I am almost sure they are medical supplies…

Maaannn trying to get a cookie has become hell round here! It just took me 10 minutes tilting, backing up, going frontward just to get a chocolate piece of paradise.. she sure is making it hard for me! Today when my oldest comes back from school I will go to shop for some supplies  at the mall, I even made a list so I don’t forget what I want.. I got a crappy memory…Sometimes I wonder where I am and what am I doing here.. just wish I could remember how to walk…

Take care folks…no BBQ storie today…

My time starts now...


Good afternoon e-world…

Nope, not ignoring you, not depressed, not anything! Just a busy beginning of day and now that I have been nursed, bathe and fed… I am all yours!! The nurse came this morning and changed my wound dressing, she also brought a shit load of supplies and asked me a bunch of questions related to my health. Then it was my Thursday bath guy's turn to provide me with his gossip of the day… once again he’s fed up of being number 1, the loneliest number out there… he got no one to "service" him or feed him or understand how tough it is to be him!!...poor fellow, I wish him well... and seconds ago I just finish eating my meals on wheels, guess what was the side dish?...... Asparagus!!! I’m saying this because this week it’s been BBQ asparagus left and right…..I know, it’s my wife’s fault….

Yelling outside….let’s see what’s going on….

I love living in a building….drama everywhere…keep you posted…

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Yippie ki-yay


Well my little brother came by and told me the news: Your taxes have been completed and sent! Alright! I of course asked him if I didn’t have to pay anything and to my surprise I am actually getting cash back!! Not a lot like the old days but enough to put a smile on my face… Aaaah the old days when it was customary to get $4000 dollars and it was gone before you even saw the check…It’s good to be the king…

I was told yesterday that my original Tuesday/Wednesday bath guy is coming back in a couple of weeks; I’m happy he’s doing better but feel sad for my bath lady. She’s cool and I like to have the perspective of a woman vis-à-vis life… plus it makes me feel less of a homo sapiens when she’s washing my unmentionables….

Take care!

Life unnoticed


Good day to you all…

Just finished having my bath and thinking about what I am BBQing today. Actually, I was getting a recipe from my bath people for the pork chops I’m going to be Qing. It will be done with maple syrup, white wine, lime and salt… Apparently it’s very good… Now what can I make as a side dish for such a sweet plate?? Got to check my cooking box to see….

Hey, so next week I got a meeting at the CMR to talk about my new wheelchair. It’s going to be a bit larger, with turn on a dime technology, a better control mechanism and I don’t know what other fancy gadgets I will get with it… My week will finish off by me going to the birthday party of little J all the way in the boonies…. According to the special bus people, they go all the way over there; let’s just hope we have merciful weather… Also today, as soon as I finish this post I will fire off an email to the construction supervisor to see where I’m at regarding my modifications…wow! A new chair in a new place, it will be a heck of a year for me….

Take care folks!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012

When a nap counts


Yuppers, I absorbed some Quantum Mechanics in the form of some much needed Zzzzz. Yesterday I was able to doze off until about 2:00AM  and then I needed to wake up at 6:00AM; so sleep was not an issue last night… There wasn’t any!! So having a quick nap was an OK thing today!!

I started to work on a Genealogy document seeing that the last one I know of was written by a son-in-law of my granduncle. I am going to bring it up to date with new information, new facts and like every Latin soap opera, new stories to this mix I call family…it is on like Donkey Kong…

Take care folks!

PS I have lost all my stats!!!

A Quantum nap


Good day people….

What a night!! It was freaking hot/humid/windy!! I had my wife take out a fan so I could fall asleep; it didn’t work! The stupid wind was wreaking havoc with my BBQ! Thank God it is attached with a chain to the wall otherwise I’m pretty sure it would have flown off just like the cover that I bought for it (BBQ)….  And tonight?! STEAKS!!! Yesterday I Qed shish kebabs so we could make some yummy souvlakis on a pita bread….dam, I love BBQing!!!!

I know what you’re saying to nyourself:  “Hey?!! What is the fat guy doing around here? Didn’t he have an appointment with his Neuro?!!”

Yes I did!...and… And I canceled the appointment because of “chair problems”!... My chair woke up in a fowl mood this morning and will probably rest while watching a Quantum Mechanics show later on…. I swear I will wake up one day being a fully certified physicist because of all of the shows I sleep to…fer crying out loud! I know what a quantum leap is people!!....That’s sad… A disabled physicist… no pun intended mr. Hawkings….

Take care folks!

Monday, April 16, 2012

MS and the heat


I was defaeyed by the heat, the humidity, the wheelchair…thus the reason why I didn’t blog this afternoon; MS got the better of me! It sucks, we still haven’t set up the air conditioning cause it still not hot enough. Today was a freak day when we hit +29c and I felt I was mealting…MS really sucks people!!

Well nothing major  happened this afternoon and tomorrow I have to go see my doctor… Oh yeah, just right now my neighbor was going to beat the crap out of somebody for parking in his spot… Temper temper dude….

Take care!

The Neurologist and the burger


Good Monday to you folks…. up and at'em!

It’s going to be a so-so day today, +29c with cloudy and sunny periods; and tomorrow that I have to attend my Neurologist visit, it’;s going to be a stormy one. Yeah, I have to go and see the doctor again, I have no clue why; I mean, it takes me longer to get there than the time he spends with me…at the end is not like he’s going to tell me that I am better now and I should be able to walk in a couple of days, no I’m stuck here and according to what my MS is called now, Degenerative Progressive, all these sensations of me getting better are just fake… it sucks folks…big time!

But I’ll tell you what doesn’t suck, BBQing!!! I love to cook outside. I think it’s the primal inner human that comes out in us. Hunt the food (supermarket), make fire (turn the butane on and press the button), cook the food so the tribe eats… I’m a F_ing caveman; I LOVE IT!!! I mean since Friday we have gone through 2 cows, 1 chicken and I don’t know what's inside the weiner hot dog…But it has been awesome!! I think I’m running out of butane already..How long does a tank lasts anyways?! I will probably not BBQ today because my oldest is getting tired of preparing the food and cooking it, basically doing everything that I’m supposed to be doing…gad I hate MS!! But I am thinking of making burgers this coming weekend… oh yeah! And they are going to be fresh, I will hunt the brontosaurus, kill it, make fire and BBQ it….gota love Summer…

Take care folks!!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Q weekend


Good weekend people…

Hope you are all having a wonderful weekend. I’ve been BBQing my ass off since Friday and today we’re doing chicken: Beer style. It’s the juiciest chicken you’ll ever taste! It has to be cooked with indirect heat and in low heat.. it takes a couple of hours but it’s worth it.

My hands are shot so I will keep this short and sweet, I will have breakfast cause I just been sat on the chair and I will go outside and hunt the freaking chicken so I could have my daughter prepare it and we could start cooking the dam rooster….

Take care folks!

Friday, April 13, 2012

Oui oui, oulala!


Well, I took a nap while watching a program about Quantum physics….Zzzzzzz… pretty fascinating. I woke up just in the nick-o-time for the conference with the school special-ed folks and it went well… I blamed myself for her having missed her homework. In general there is an improvement with her, but they believe that she should go to bed before 10PM as she often seems tired when she gets to school…. BEFORE 10PM?! ARE YOU F_ing kidding me?!...She looks tired because she doesn’t like school!!! Then this orthosomething or other tells me she is sure that if we keep on going with the intervention plan my daughter will do fine because I have an “impeccable” French (her words, not mine) and I have a very peculiar accent she has never heard before…. BLUSH…. I know, when I speak French it’s like God talking to you….I’m cool….Dam, I wish I would have learned the trick about speaking sophisticated French earlier… I should get a radio show in French….

Now there’s a towing truck in my parking spot…strange… I hope their not here to attach it to my BBQ and rip it off its chains…..that would be bad. I’ll take as much information as possible to describe it to the cops…

Take care people!

The conference call


Good something to you…

Another Friday down the hatch of life and I thought I was going to have it easy… No way Jose!..I got a conference call with the team of specialist that help my youngest one at school.. Something about updating the “intervention” plan for her (my kid). I was game until my daughter made me read a note that her motor mouth teacher sent me about my kid not doing her homework and how she was going to bring this up in the conference call They want to know why she didn’t do any work during the long weekend.… WTF is this an inquisition?! I am game about the plan they want to talk about, but don’t push my buttons about homework and my kid. I will slam down anybody who I think is crossing the imaginary parenthood line…  It was a long weekend and my kid got sick…deal with it you special ed bimbo! What a loser, really!.. Now I have to come up with a nice way to brush her off, maybe I’ll fake a heart attack or something or perhaps she’ll forget about it….I hate school…

Take care folks!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Redemption happens...


I talk too fast sometimes. Seconds after I posted my last post on this blog, my phone rang! BBQ technician!! He was here, he had come to assemble and installed my new BBQ, it’s a bit bigger than what I saw in the store; I hope he didn’t bring the wrong one and that they will call me to take it back. Once it is installed I will have to go and purchase a chain and lock to make sure it doesn’t get stolen; I would be royally pissed off and would probably move away from this area….At least I got my Q, check it out…

The technician

The process

THE Q!!!

Take care people!

PS It's cool when you have all the tools... 35 minutes to build..

The missing Q


Yesterday in my day of darkness there was a glimmer of hope; BBQ gods were casting their light upon poor me!! They were coming to install my new BBQ today, this morning…. I was thrilled! Something good was happening in my life finally!! Well ladies and gentlemen, it is 12:35PM as I write and those bastards have not giving me a call as the dispatcher told me they would… My BBQ is no where to be seen. At this point I don’t know if they are going to come or if they stole my Q or if I was dreaming my head off yesterday in the state I was….Argh…I hate it when this happens, I guess I will call to find out what’s going on….

Take care!

Armageddon is nothing


Good whatever people…

Quiet!! Stop asking questions about why I wasn’t here yesterday…it was a horrible day…let me begin…

As most of you who follow my blog know, I went to the CMR to get my wheelchair fixed yesterday… but my tragic story began there. I got there everything was fine and dandy, they transferred me over to a temp chair while they fix my chair and then… All hell broke lose! As I’m getting comfortable on the temp share I noticed that the bag attached to my catheter has come undone.. no sweat, I will clamp it back to the catheter and problem solved… boy was I wrong! The stupid bag was not staying put; F_ME, the catheter was broken. MAN! That was all I needed, a broken catheter… then the bag started to drip urine on me! F_ME times2!! The bag is also broken!! What luck, these people have my chair for 1 hour and I’m all alone here… I’m going to be drench in urine by the time they come back!! Luckily there was an occupational therapist that was passing by and I told her abolut my problem; surely she’ll know what to do… “We’re not equipped to help you here…” GREAT!!! I couldn’t get mad with her, she’s the one deciding on my new chair…..But then the receptionist came by and M/cGyvered the whole situation. I waited for the bus about 1 hour because they had forgotten me, came home, took my clothes off and went to bed to wait for a nurse to come and replace my catheter and bag… and thus was the reason why I diedn’t blog yesterday….what a day!!!

Take care folks…

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Kinda like tire, kinda like bleu…


So tomorrow I go to the CMR so they can fix my chair and on the 26….drum roll… MEASUREMENTS FOR A NEW CHAIR!!! Yay…well I have to get excited about something, when I think about it, it’s not normal to get thrilled about something like that…It’s not freaking normal to have this shit every day, day after day: wake up, you can’t move… go to bed, you can’t move.. I CANNOT FEEL PEOPLE!!...Seriously, why the F did I get this?!? I don’t know what will happen in my future, sometimes I feel like saying F_off to everybody, just shutdown….Arghhh….

One of those mornings


Good something folks…

Here I am bathe and all ready to tackle this work day… I say this because yesterday was an off day for most people including my girls and my bath person… So yesterday doesn’t count!

It was a hectic beginning of a day for us… and the phone is ringing wait a sec….. Okay, like I was saying it was busy busy busy…. First, my youngest one is sick so no school for her today and maybe tomorrow, second, my dog is sick! WTF?! What the hell man!! What is this?!! I personally blame my oldest girl for having brought back a virus from China...although it could be related to the flu, who knows. But illnesses aside, it was also the telephone going off with different issues, while having my bath…. It was quite awkward having your private parts washed while talking to the wheelchair people, followed by an ass rubbing and speaking to your brother that informs you that he cannot file your taxes electronically…..what a morning!!!

And it’s just the beginning….

PS And tomorrow I got an appointment with the chair people's going to be one of those weeks...

Monday, April 9, 2012

Life in a chair can hurt your butt


I called the place where I bought the BBQ and they told me that the people who build the BBQs would go there on Thursday and that’s when they will probably called me back to schedule  something…. I hope is this weekend…..

The water tank has been changed, took about a couple of hours for them to do it; thank God that my daughters were here because they were able to take care of the dog….enough said today, my little niece is over here today, she wanted to come and play with my youngest one….

That’s it, butt is hurting too much…goto go folks!

Posting without water


Well I asked my daughter to put me in bed because it's a gloomy type of weather, I feel like staying in bed anD my ass is killing me... I never knew how important that tilting mechanism was until today.... It alleviates your ass from the tremendous weight it must endure all day long.... Stupid CMRis close so I have to endure thebroken chair.

Hey had a French oriented breakfast this morning withFresh croissants and a chocolatine... Amazing.... My wife made us some grilled cheese with croissants instead of bred and I had a coffee with a chocolatine; 'sokay, my sugar levels were at 7.4... That is a normal level people reading people....

They're coming to change the water tank...2 hours without water....great!!

Take care folks!

Easter Monday


Good morning…afternoon or night…

Had a shrimp fest yesterday, my mother-in-law got the shrimp recipe down to the jalapeños… I had 2 cups full of shrimp cocktail and a dish called Entomatadas.. Real good…now to deal with this broken chair; I wonder if the CMR offices are opened today… Got to call them up and star stirring shit up…

MY BBQ is not here yet! That’s what I get for buying it during a long weekend… But once I get it, I will throw a Q party!!! Okay, get together… I also have to call this place up, maybe they’re open…

No bath today… legal holiday, so expect a couple of more post….

Take care!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Easter Weekend


Happy Easter weekend folks…

I bought a BBQ!!... I even paid extra so they can deliver it and assemble it… Me likes!!! I will take a picture when I get it and it’s assembled… That’s the good news, the bad news is that my chair broke again and the tilt mechanism is not working propely; this on a long weekend!! I will have to call and report the issue… perhaps this will push my demands for a new wheelchair faster…

Got my wife’s family coming over tomorrow for a get together, they believe that meat doesn’t have to be consume this weekend so there’s a lot of shrimp and gallons of booze; okay a 24 pack, but it’s still a lot when there’s only 2.. maybe 3 adults that will be drinking.. electromagnetic guru guy won’t be able since it’s not kosher…..

Take care folks!

Friday, April 6, 2012



Good Friday folks….

I know some of you will shy away from my post today because of the subject at hand… I’m pretty sure that little J’s mom is blushing and that electromagnetic guru guy is pissed that I’m talking about my nuts, but I will always write the truth about me, my life and its sexual innuendos…so here’s my issue with my nuts…

Nuts…I will talk about my big brown nuts….yeah… she goes all the way to China and gets her dad a pair of thinking nuts, the type you put in your hands and turn them around and think…Seriously!? I cannot even turn the freaking things in my hand because I got MS…. This kids is crazy, she didn’t bring me a mug that says China because they weren’t real..???!!!

Take care!

Thursday, April 5, 2012



I wasn’t going to blog anymore but when morons do stupid things…I must point them out to you so that you can be aware of these idiots….

It has to do with my girls flight back.. here I was a father checking the status of her flight on Delta airlines when suddenly I noticed that it was no longer going to Chicago but to Atlanta…!!!!!... and it was coming in at 7:20AM TOMORROW!!!!!!! WTF?!! I got to call the airlines and give them a piece of my mind… Argh… I was royally pissed off….

So I called the Delta people… I was calm and collective, but my hanger was slowly rising…then the gentleman asked me for the flight number…. What a fucking moron…. There’s only one flight coming out of Shanghai!! I opened the document that was sent to me to double check the flight number and I let him have it:

-          “ Look my good man, it says here that flight xxx from United….. Uh oh….”

I was calling the wrong airline company!!! What a  Moron with a capital “M”!  I tell you folks idiots like me shouldn’t be allowed to procreate… sorry Delta!!

Take care!

Long day


Finally…some “me time”….

Howdy folks…

Had a couple of visits today regarding MS crap but now I am all yours!

One of my meetings  was with a nurse so she could change my gauzes and everything went without a hitch, or so I thought… when she left she disconnected my pee bag from the catheter… major disasdter folks!! I had to call my sister-in-law so she could help me….. What a day…

Well my eldest will be touching down in Chicago in a couple of hours, I know her plane landed in Honolulu without a problem and that it schedule to land in the continental US at 5:30PM; then she has to wait until 9:xx for her connecting flight to good old YUL airport…. I expect to see her until 1:30AM…. A killer of a trip people….

Okay… I will rest now and see you tomorrow….

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Summer passed already


My ass +9c!! Just came back from purchasing my lotto tickets and it’s freaking cold out there!!! When I came back there was a lady waiting for someone and she told me I was loco for not wearing a hat or gloves… You know what? She was probably right!!!... I didn’t stay out at all, fack that, I want to be inside where it’s warm and cosy….

Take care!

PS I think tomorrow I will have a busy schedule with MS related crap…Oh yeah! Apparently there is going to be a giant earthquake that will change the face of the Earth...some Italian dude predicted this last century; so take care of yourself and if I don't see you, nice knowing you....

Patricia and me


Well it took time but I got my bath…..the usual lady wasn’t there so they sent a replacement… a girl named Patricia…. Just like my original sex-ed teacher when I was 5 years old…. And this one was just as “friendly” as the one from my past…..oh yeah!.... the first thing she did was compliment me on the size…. Big, she said…. Not a very common thing in Latin-American males.. I was just made this way I told her… I am not a freak nor am I an animal, although I have been compare with one before…. You would probably break me….. I found that the sexual tension between the two of us  was getting out of hand and something was about to happen…Aaaah fuck!!!...I thought I was writing my porno movie, I’m sorry!.....Hope  I didn’t get you all excited there…

The girl that came to give me my bath was short and her name was Patricia; she’s been living in Canada for 15 years. Yes, she did say I was a big man for a Latin-American guy because in general they are pretty short and skinny people.. And yes, I have often been mistaken for a bear or an elephant or a whale because I am so big…….

Now to write her into my porn movie…

Take care perverts!

Waiting for a bath


Good day all….

I hate it when things don’t go according to plan! I would have assume that I would be dressed by now, unfortunately my bath lady is nowhere to be found!! I am half naked waiting for my bath and it’s 10:16AM; also I think my adventure out there yesterday may have given me a cold… I’ve been sneezing like crazy…. When one thing goes wrong, everything goes wrong….

I got an email from the teacher that’s travelling with the kids in China, they are getting ready to comeback tomorrow/Friday…apparently they will touch down in Montreal at a very/early hour of Thursday/Friday……. And God I suck at time travel… Well I hope she had fun and that she is ready to return to reality….

Got to run… I think bath lady is here…Take care….

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

A short visit outside


I was outside and I had all the energy in the world, I was ready to start blogging and the it hit me… IT’S FREAKING COLD OUTTHERE!!! I was freezing people, my daughter made me go outside with no sweater on because she said it was too warm for a sweater…. People were giving me crazy looks like saying to themselves “what a fruit cake!”…. I think I lasted 25 minutes and then call my girl to put me inside…. It was hell but in a cold kind of way…

So long…

PS Maybe I'm getting old..



…welllll, it’s getting to be a lot like summer. I am waiting for the response from the government to see how much cash I’ll get for renovations, my landlord will probably do the work she wants outside and….. and I am dying to buy a BBQ!! I think I will go this weekend and buy one; it has to be small, but if I find one on special….I will buy the mega-q of mega-qs!!! I too will fill the skies with the odors of bbq meat, I too will put a Mexican spin to the great outdoors, perhaps hold piñata parties throughout the summer season ending the summer with a tequila rendezvous…. I will claim the outdoors every weekend and have mariachis serenade the hood every month….You gotta love sumer…

Take care!

PS I will snap a picture of my new BBQ when I buy it to brag…sorry…to blog about it…

All the way to China without a camera


Happy late day to you folks….

Gorgeous day again out there….I will go out again in the afternoon to take the sun for a bit…

So my daughter send me an email after I told her to take lots of photos…. Guess what??? Go ahead gues!..... “Daddy, I dropped the camera and now it doesn’t take pictures anymore”….. WHAT?!!  The camera I purchased for her trip, the camera I paid $180 dollars so that she couldmbring back beautiful photos… Gone…. Just like that!.. She destroyed a new camera…. I don’t know what else to say but…fuck….just the best word to describe the whole situation…fuck…!  That was 3200 Yuans!!! Really!? I hope you have some photos that were saved in the memory card…. That was my evening…got to let you go as I am titrd…MS SUCKS!! Oooo, but I did have interesting dreams with old colleagues and jackpots to play the lottery….

Take care! 

Monday, April 2, 2012

FFF and me


I’m on the down side of life right now…L…I made a FFF and now my game doesn’t work.. L… Oh! Sorry, FFF stands for Fake Facebook Friend! You see the only freaking game I play in FB is aviator; I was missing 1 friend to be able to get the super plane… I got the money, I got 3 friends, I am level 11 and if I wanted to get the top of the line plane, without paying real pesos, I needed 1 more friend…So I created 1 and now my game doesn’t work…. L ….. I will try later, maybe by being log as different persons from the same PC fucked up the game… I’m such a loser… L

See ya tomorrow folks…. L

18th of December


What a day, WHATN A DAY….gorgeous…

Folks, remember when I played detective regarding my genealogy tree? Yeah you know when I got all huffed and puffed about a document stating that my great-grandmother didn’t know how to write just to find out that she had lost a kid when she had her last daughter and this was the reason why she didn’t registered her daughter but someone else? Well find the post and read it if you don’t remember…

But all of this to let you know that I’m playing detective Chuck again!! Here’s the scoop…read on…

All family members on the side of my mother seem to believe that my grandmother was born December 18th 1899 when I have the papers that disprove that;  she was born July 25th 1899…So, what gives lela? Why the change of date?? If she would have taken years off I would understand, she wants to be youger for my grandfather who was born in 1905…So no, it wasn’t this… so why, why?!...Then it hit me!! My grandmother wanted to honor her mother!!!! When my grandmother’s mom passed away my grandmother was only 15… And nutzoid as the family is, she took it upon herself to keep the memory of her mother alive and well until I discovered the truth!! I’m waiting for confirmation of this from my sources in El Salvador as well as my own research that I do everyday…

I love playing good cop/bad cop!

April and its glory


1st week of April people….

Got mail from my daughter in China, she’s having fun and she’s sad it all it’s coming to an end and she will have to come back and  go back to school. I’m happy she’s coming back and that she got to travel to China… it was one of my fantasies when I was a kid; that an marry an Asian girl… but life had other plans for me, I got to marry a simili-Chinese person from Mexico and this because I lost a bet….I’m kidding, I love my wife and I don’t know how Jennifer is going to take this…

I’m off to wait for my bath…