Friday, February 14, 2020

Once upon a winter...


Howdy strangers! Happy Valentine’s day…

Super cold here in my neck of the woods, we’re talking -22c(-7.6F) but super sunny too and the sun has begun to warm us up and melt the snow… the groundhog appears to have nailed it this time as spring is quickly coming. So, we are almost at the end of February and the beginning of March, the beginning of the beautiful weather. I got a feeling this is going to be a great year…

So what are my plans today?

Nada! Today is freezing outside and I will stay home watching TV, relaxing and polluting FB with my memes and inspirational post. Yup, that is basically my everyday routine now; and people love me for it. I feel good because I make people feel good even if it’s for a little bit. I have accumulated 5k friends and a whole bunch interact with me.

Any hoot, just wanted to say hi and take a break from FB.

Have a good day folks!

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Yeah Science!


Goood morning to you all! How is your world this morning?

So, being the curious monster that
I am, I am now the proud owner of an Alexa device.Yes yes, one of them devices that plays music, controls your smart home and basically replaces your better half…. I don’t have one so Alexa is my better quarter. Why quarter? Cause I also have a Google home product too! I bought Alexa to see what is the difference between them both. At this time I started to play with it and it seems more sophisticated than Google, although knowledge-wise it cannot compete. Google knows its shit, literally, Amazon can do more stuff like read your messages and stuff. I still have to dig more into it.

I really bought it because when you ask Google home why was Corn Flakes invented, Google will tell you without any filters:  “Hope that plain food would help people stop masturbating…” Honesty! I like that….Amazone? Nope, it doesn’t provide you with an honest answer but rather a PG one about nutritious either Amazone doesn’t know or it is sugarcoating the answers.

Amazing what curiosity makes us do.

Have a good day folks!

Wednesday, February 5, 2020

Snowmageddon part 2


Welcome to February people, this is my month. My birthday is in a couple of days and I'm finally going to be 52. I know, I'm getting old. And such a nice relief do know that your kids have grown up that they are good citizens and that they're making their own life now. Also, I like the fact that I want to have to answer to anybody anymore. Freedom.

The here has been spring-like, but apparently, we are getting hell tomorrow and Friday. Snow, freezing rain, hail, firestorms...the whole 99 yards! We’ll see what happens as Saturday my brother wants to get together to celebrate all the Aquarius birthdays which I am part of it. I may not be able to go out, tho the new modifications on the chair have left me impressed. They have set the torque to full power so I am basically doing jeep commercials with my wheels.

Well till we meet again folks!

See you soon...