Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Seat backs and tray tables are in their full upright position....


….Yes, it was a scene of shock and awe!

My doctor came to visit me because, her words not mine, “I haven’t seen you in 2 years and I need to update your dossier” In other words: “I have to justify my job to you”

Everything was same old same old until she asked me if I had talked to somebody about my first line intervention. ???....I answered no and proceeded to ask her wtf was that.  She informed me that it was basically instructions on what to do if I had a cardiac arrest or anything that could TKO me

 ….???????.......??????...????.............I answered with a surprised facial expression: “I'M ONLY 49!!! PLEASE  BRING  ME BACK FROM WHEREVER I'M AT!!!” I told her laughing…….nervously….

Geeez, talk about your questions, I’m not like some people I know that dream about going into the eternal slumber head first. Fuck no!  I want to die knowing why I am dying, too awesome, too cool, too handsome; stuff like that. I mean, maybe one day I will change my mind but for now, they can insert a broomstick up my ass to try to reanimate me; as they say: “Too ugly to live too weird to die”...

Adios mortals….

PS I will instruct my older brother (the lawyer) the opposite of what I have told my doctor so they can battle it out...scratch that, my brother would probably win...