Friday, December 20, 2019

2019 in reeview, my life in review

Hi folks!

Good day internet readers...I am doing super great and I hope you are too.

So, 2019 is over and it was a year where I grew leaps and bounds...Boy, I have come along way since that dreadfull 2015 year, the year of my separation. I have gone from a depressed 322 pounds to 4 years later to a new positive charge person and who just found out that he is at the lowest weight he ever been since high school, 270 pounds!!! Yay me!

So that you guys understand, I have always been big. I was born at a whopping weight of 12 pounds and was 23.62 inches in height. Since then I have always been big, until today! This comes after my biggest weight ever was 427 pounds... I had to be weighed on a special scale, now I could be weighed on a normal scale but I am in a wheelchair and cannot stand up. But from 427 to 270, it is amazing and next year will be a great one!!

So yes, I am living proof that change is what you make of it...

Here is wishing you a Happy 2020 full of happiness and a Merry Christmas...

Love you all!

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Porto Bello

Hello folks!

I told you I was going to be blogging more. Rightht now I'm blogging from the shopping centre.

Technology it'smazing, I am using voice recognition because I really hate the keyboards on the cell phones they make me feel old.

What am I doing you?
Well it's part of the whole plan of becoming a new me again. I don't want to be on Facebook all my life and as my guy said last night in five years you are going to look back and go like "wow I wasted so much time". So today I have started to make changes again, there's also an old friend of mine on Facebook that keeps on asking me to get help mmm, maybe he's right. I'll just need to readjust my life v reality.

Any food this is probably a short post because I used to not see how much I have everything on a cell phone.

Have a great day folks!

December to remember part II

Good morning folks...

Happy December!

Well, it's the last month of 2019 and how has it going for you? It was rather a roller coaster year for me however it's coming together fine.

I'm still very popular on Facebook although after a conversation with somebody yesterday I realize that I have to get out there again. Interact with normal people, open up again. So I'm finally going to write that novel that I've been working on for so many years. But it's going to be more a philosophical essay since I have always loved philosophy.

And I'm getting my place ready for Amy, my friend from Facebook that's coming over for the holidays with her daughter. It's going to be awesome! Her daughter has never seen snow so for me, it's going to be fun seeing someone that looks at something that I don't like magically. I'm going to go buy some Christmas stuff to decorate my apartment, I will make this the Christmas that changed me. Who knows, I might even invite my brother's over to my place, it's a completely new world out there people... I have become a host for events and I don't know how I feel about that.

Anywho I wish you all a lovely December and as part of my stepping back into society, I've decided to blog more often. So either way, it's beneficial for all of us for me to get back into reality.

Well, I have a good one folks and hope to see you soon again!