Wednesday, November 29, 2017



….It sounds good okay….

So, here is my week so far….

I got a Google Pixel 2 for my kid
and I don’t know what to think. The voice assistant seems to be far superior to Siri on my Iphone7. I mean, it can read you stuff vs Siri’s annoying habit of “I found something on the web” crap. You can basically ask “Read me the news” and it will start reading the news to you…..Siri?! I have to do the reading… Call me lazy, but a valid scenario would be your driving and you want to hear the latest gossip on Ben Affleck and his new sexual orientation. Google will read the juicy results to you, Siri? It will find a plethora of articles that you will have to go through them….As the lady said, “Ain’t nobody got time for that…” But what really irks me is the fact that when you ask Google to take a selfie or a picture, the phone will actually do it! Siri? -NO-....not now, not ever…. I called Apple directly and they told me it didn’t take the picture; deal with it fat guy!

Ça suce d'être moi…

Arrivederci people!

PS Another kicker from Google? Voice biometrics to unlock the phone and it can determine where it needs to be locked. Ça suce d'être moi encore….

Friday, November 24, 2017

Signs of life...


Good day to you all….

So….. I’ve been grounded!!

It is not that there has been snow or something like that, no, it has rained and it’s been cold; home arrest it is.

Don’t get me wrong, I’ve been out for medical purposes but it has been relatively.brief, Plus I think I am suffering from seasonal blues! It’s a thing, ok?When you get up and there is a  lack of sun, you kinda get loopy.

-Rant of the day-

Why is it that when you want to make a payment they drill the bejesus out of you?  Jackie Chan is right, who else would call to pay my bill!? “Name on acc. -Postal code -Name of mother -DOB -Shoe size….” Guys, just take my money and b`e happy; geez!

Don’t get me started on how slow Itunes is on Windows 10….

-we’ll be here all day….

Take care folks

Saturday, November 18, 2017

Uncertainty principle

Hell -O-!

Yes, it will apparently be hell here today….

The first freezing rain of the season is here and people, old enough to remember, were out and about gathering supplies just in case; just in case. Last big freezing
rain we had, Quebec was in the dark, we lost electricity for about a month. So people get nervous around here with news of that stuff…. 1998, never again!

Needless to say that having gone through that time I too was up and about gathering supplies….I got meat, got bread, got this, got that….got everything. This is the same storm that hit parts of the US yesterday but here we are going to get snow and freezing rain, with the exception that we won’t cry about it because we know how to drive in such leave it to us Canucks.

Oh yeah, remember that I unsubscribed from all those emails? My email box was quite empty this morning….

Well here we go hunkering down, ready to Netflix and chill. Here’s hoping that we have light and TV while this "bad and mean" storm comes through our town….freaking wussies…

Take care folks...

Friday, November 17, 2017

Samba Friday...


Top of the morning to you!!

I am posting early today because it’s freaking cold out there; the only reason.

So being cooped up inside with nothing better to do, I decided to tidy up my place; my electronic place that is. Yes, I went through every single email that I receive, daily, and unsubscribe from them. I’m talking from the NY Times to Tuango (Local deals in my area), bypassing through Gocoupons and P&G. I cannot wait to see the end result tomorrow morning….I feel like I shed 10 pounds….

In other news, I’m probably going to be jumping ship from Apple to Android. Nothing personal, it’s just that my kid screwed her phone, again-she gets this
from her mom-, and I will jump at the opportunity to either get a Pixel 2 from Google or a Samsung S7. I heard the Google phone has the best camera that any cell phone out there but people on the web are recommending the S7….we’ll see...I will keep you posted on this one…you know how photography has become important to me….

Any hoot….have a great Friday folks….

Tchau Tchau...

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

I chose.....poorly!


One for the road, they say….

I cannot lie folks, it has been a very mild Fall so far. Heck, today I went out to the park to “meditate” on what my future is shaping out to be. I also went back on my life and pondered what if I had chosen differently. Where would I be now?! I could have been anything I wanted to be (as that song from the movie say), astronaut, doctor, priest, cop; anything.
And then, just then, when my reflexion had run its course I came
to the conclusion that I would have loved to be a city worker!

Come on! Those guys have it all!! Good salary, unionized, flexible hours; the works! Imagine me plowing the snow away with my iPod blasting cool music as I willingly dump the snow on cars and the citizens can’t do diddly squat about it. That’s the dream…..Yeah, if I would have known that being a city worker was where the fun and money was, I would have studied to become one….sigh…

Are these guys having fun or what?!

Take care people….

Tuesday, November 14, 2017

Falling in Fall

Hello folks!

...Yes, we are deeply in fall, autumn, the purgatory just before descending that steep hill into winter’s arms…

So how am I doing?

Same old, same old. Going to the supermarket every other day and taking pics left and right. Hell, I even took a pic when I fell. Yup, the wheelchair guy fell in Fall! It was spectacular, I fell under a shadow of a tree, with a slight breeze hitting me in the face and basically not far from immediate help. I called 911 after
That's me on the ground!
a person asked me if I needed help. She basically snapped me out of the dream state I was in; sigh. Do you know how long it had been since any part of my body touched the grass; the ground? More than 10 years! I took the fall as a blessing, finally something out of the ordinary, out of my routine of breathing oxygen in and out.

Other than that?

Nothing big, just a move on the horizon. Changing latitude and longitude will do me just fine...schedule for 2018. I got all the info today and it is something that has now become feasible…

Any hoot, I will write more often; fingers crossed.

Have a lovely day...