Sunday, October 31, 2010

Chupa cabra??

Hola! Bonjour! Hello!

So how's it going? Miss me?

So what's on my chest today? I tell you what's on my chest, I was caught in the battle of vampires vs werewolves.

- "Daddy who do you prefer Edward or Jacob?"

WTF? Even my wife got in the act! She likes Edward, seriously?!? Are you kidding me?? okay hot shots, let's talk real vampires. I think that team Lestat would kick both of little J and Small E's ass off.

- "Lestat?? Who is that daddy?"

Well that's the original imaginary vampire! Everyone knows that if umpires were to exist, Lestat would be right up there. As for werewolves, they are nothing but street alley dogs. Even your uncle believed that he was Lestat and that he could fly. Needless to say that ketchup bottles kept on disappearing in those days.

And then I crushed their little dreams.

Guys, there are no vampires or warewolves! These films are fiction, they are make believe! Edward, Jacob or Lestat do not exist, the films are just made to provide you with a good time and to let your imagination work. So let's not get all hyped about Edward having little bats with Bella or Jacob having it doggy style with her. No, not even Lestat will have a pseudo love affair with the queen of the dam.

So keep it real ok? It's not like it's the chupa cabra! Now there's a real blood sucker my friend, but I won't touch the subject because it has a lot of fans in the world and they just might want to bite me!

Happy trails fledglings!

PS if I was to be a vampire or have the powers of a vampire I would have the powers of Jane. She's wicked!



Greetings good people of the world. Hope you had a fine weekend.

So I just came back from having brunch with my family and boy was it ever noisy. My nephews and nieces are growing day by da, I feel so old when I see them interact together. I like this, I like this a lot. I tell you why I like it, when I was a little boring my brothers and I never had a relationship with our cousins. My mother and her brothers and sisters were always fighting and they brought in the kids between them. I know that we have like a silent golden rule that we were not put our kids between us. To this day the relationship between some of my cousins and I, and us, are very distrustful. So we made a point that even if we fight among ourselves our kids will not be affected by it.

Also, everybody was talking to my wife about her experience yesterday with the holdup. My wife played it cool saying that she just obeyed orders and went to the back of the pharmacy. Everybody was telling her that she did good not playing a hero. Then we pigged out!

Later on, I will watch an NFL football game, my girls will go trick-or-treating and I will examine the candy to make sure that they are not tamper with. Obviously, I will take my taxes.

Have a nice day!

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Oh what a night


> Hello!
> Ok, so my wife went to buy candies for tomorrow and you woouldn't believe what happened?? The store got robbed! She called me after it happened! She called 911 (emergency) so she had to wait for the police....
> You know it was going to be my first chocolate in a long time and God sent a couple of robbers to annoy my night!
> Curse you destiny!!

Hello world


How has your weekend been so far?

I'm about to go to sleep and start my weekend in a few hours. Like I mentionned today on my earlier post, this Sunday will be spend at my niece's birthday brunch and in the afternoon I will go with the family to close the amusement park for the season.

I hope to take pictures as I know there is going to be creepy music and dressed up people. At night my girls are going trick or treat, you know that I'll have "check" those candies to make sure they are safe. I don't understand why the chocolate bars seem to always be the ones that have been tampered with! Oh well, got to suffer for my kids!

See ya folks!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Happy after all


Are we having fun yet?

Well I had a bit of a nap this morning and I'm feeling much better. I know that everything in life is relative and relatively speaking I have it well. When you think about it I don't miss any food, any shelter, any medical resources, my kids go to school and I live in a relatively safe city. I'm writing this because I saw on the news other places where lack of certain things are very common. Also there are places where war is always looming, as an example South Korea is being hit by fire from North Korea. How bad is this? I have no clue but I wish them well.

Here let me show you where I live, at least the skyline.

And night time is twice as fun or so I've been told

Oh yeah, for those who are asking themselves if what I write is true or not, if I'm really in a wheelchair or is it a gimmick to get babes I have attached a picture to this post showing off my 8 x 10 cell in which I live in 24/7. Well is not actually a cell but I am almost always here, writing my blog and seeing TV this is what my illness is all about.

That's me tilted at about a 40° angle. Oh and that thing you see hanging from the ceiling that's the thing that lifts me up from my bed every freaking morning. So as you can see, I am a certified disabled person and not an imaginary one.

Well it was just a quick post to let you know that I'm okay and that I pray for every single one of you so that you too can have a happy and boring life like me.


It's all in your head


Fri___day! Or Saturday depending where ever you are.

So what's on my mind today? I'll tell you what's on my mind today, me myself and I!

- "WTF? What are you talking about Chuck?!"

I'm kind of in a gloomy mood today. Why? I don't know maybe because the weekend's here and there's not much I will do? But then again I think of what it was like when I was able to walk and my weekends were not exactly thrilling either. I think that now that I'm on this chair I have a tendency of wanting to do stuff that I see people doing on TV. What do you know publicity really does work. But I think there's more to this stupid illness, last couple of days I've been having a lot of spasms and today my right leg is hurting like there's no tomorrow.

Did I tell you what I tried to do last night? Well old Chuck here thought that MS was a thing of mind over matter so he was planning on sitting down on the bed. That didn't go well thank God my daughter was there to rectify the Situation. What exactly happened you ask, I'll tell you what.

I was lying on my bed when suddenly I said to myself: "you don't really have this you know. Just turn sideways and push yourself up to sit straight on the bed"

I was never the sharpest tool in the shed! So I've turned sideways and somehow got my feet off the bed, then I started to push my body up and I suddenly I found myself sliding away towards the floor and not being able to get up. My daughter came in just at the right second yelling at me what the F I was doing. I told her it was a spasm and I was glad to see her. She grabbed my feet and put them back in the bed, I've then push myself slowly to the top of the bed but my escape plan had been foiled by reality.

I think that a combination of lack of sleep, wondering mind and reality have made my day today. Not much to talk at, my brain is working overtime wondering what the future holds for me. But to end this post on a positive note, Sunday I will be going over to celebrate my nieces birthday at a restaurant for brunch and then I will be attending the closing ceremonies of the Six Flags park.

Any hoot, have a nice weekend people!

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Good morning!


I wanted to greet you the followers of the other side of the world. My hard core Korean friends, 좋은 아침! 아침에 김치 한 그릇 준비 됐나? 농담이야. 좋은 하루 되세요.

Chill the rest of that region, I know there are other countries that read me but Korea has been a fervant follower of my blog since the begining, they hold 3rd place overall and they are about to pass the 100 hit mark.

I know this doesn't seem much to you but having over 1400 hits on a blog that just talks about my adventures or misadventures is ok on my book. Plus you should see the babes go mad when I tell them I have a blog...

- "You have a blog? Can I give you my number so we could have lunch together?"

Yup! I'm a blogger and I blog anywhere. I blog on table, on my chair, suspended on the ceiling, in bed while now. I am a sexy blogger, do you want to know what I am holding?? That's right my IPod.

Have a nice day other side of the world people!

Thursday post


Greetings people, how are you all doing today?

Well here's a bit of a fallout of yesterday food fiasco, let me explain.

Being the nice guy that I am, I told my little brother yesterday to bring me two double down sandwiches. I was going to have half of one and the other one was going to be split between my daughters half-and-half. Well I didn't finish mine, not even half was consumed. My family was going to be happy eating their pretty little brains out or so I thought. When they walked in they looked at the sandwiches and they immediately started to criticize them: too small, too yucky, I don't like it etc...

So much for being benevolent! To top this off, my little brother is looking for me like spare change on a sofa. Apparently those freaking sandwiches are expensive! It seems that each one costs about eight dollars and change, honestly I don't think they should be priced so high. And get this, my wife heard this morning on the radio that these sandwiches are a hot commodity these days. What gives?!? Why? As I mentioned yesterday they are rather salty and I couldn't even find the bacon. So this is to close the loop on yesterday's food critic 101. On to better news...

Montréal, yes that's how we write it here and for some reason this is how speech recognition wrote it, was awarded first place when it came to public transportation. Apparently we have the best company in the world, okay maybe not the world but the continent. And who are we against in this competition? All of America! To be honest, this doesn't say much. America is a mixture of poor little countries south of the US border and the United States of America where I don't think people know what a bus is. I'm kidding here you know that, but you guys have cars galore. And Canada, well Montréal is one of its three biggest cities so we were bound to win; between you and me, Toronto sucks and Vancouver has the same problems as the US....too many cars, nah I don't know I've never been to Vancouver.

Well that's it for me today unless I get another jolt of inspiration later on.

Have a nice day!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Food critic 101


That's it!?!? Wow, it was a let down. The taste was good but the size was a let down. Nothing compared to what they show you on the TV, I guess publicity works. I couldn't find the bacon and if you want my opinion it was like having cheese, a salty sauce and bacon in between a couple of Kentucky fried chicken's chicken breast. I didn't eat it all due to the high content of salt and my high blood pressure but at least I can say that I tried it and I know now that my picture will be posted on American most wanted.

- "Reward, $10,000 dollars for any tips leading to the capture of Chuck Guzman. The putz dare to eat the double down sandwich from KFC and thought he was going to get away with it. Let's help America stayed thin and put this idiot behind bars or a healthy diet!"

You don't believe me?. Here's another picture of me and the double down. My little room, my hospital bed, in the background you can see a post that holds the machine that can lift 450 pounds and this is what my wife uses to transfer me from my wheelchair to the bed and from the bed to the wheelchair. It's kinda lonely I sleep in this little room by myself at night... Great, now I'm sad. Thank you very much!

Yes I know I have no hair! But that's another story, the point of this post is to let you know that I did taste the double down sandwich and I survived it.

Nice..real nice


Greeting good folks how are you today?

So this morning I was ready to write a post about how yesterday I had worked my ass off blogging and I only had 14 hits at the end of the day. So what gives I asked myself, why is it that some days I see regulars coming to my blog day by day and gobbling up the stuff I write. This morning I looked at the stats to see if he had improved and to my amazement I had visitors from Australia and Guadalupe! It wasn't only a one hit wonder but lots of hits from these places, so I knew it wasn't a fluke. So hello to Australia Guadalupe thank you for dropping by and reading my everyday life.

Australia, the top 10 poisonous snakes live here, as well as spiders, jellyfish, dingos and Australia's next top model. To think that my mother when she wanted to relocate and move to a better country to raise her kids, wanted to go to Australia! I have seen all the National Geographic shows on this country and is a very beautiful country with very beautiful people but I don't think I would like to live there, I think that you have to be 6 foot 2", minimum, with the strength of 10 bodybuilders and the beauty that has never been seeing on earth yet. No seriously guys! I mean these people get bitten by a black mamba and they don't freak out, they'll just ask you to amputate the arm so they can keep on going; another one is going to grow anyway. As for beauty, don't ever let me meet an Australian Sheila because that day Chuck Guzman will be single and fatherless!

Guadalupe, what gives? This is a place where it's always Sunny and the temperature is always right. I don't think there's a Canadian that doesn't wish that he was born in such a beautiful place. Here in Canada we are about to have winter, you know that white stuff that looks like sugar and can be found in your freezer? Yeah, well we are about to get several hundred feet. So don't tell me that there are people in Guadalupe that are envious of this country. It's true, we have free health care...Free is a big word, we get taxed left and right here but is a nice place to live in.

That being said, today is the big day. The day where I Chuck Guzman will sink my teeth into a double down Sandwich from Kentucky fried chicken and as I mentioned I will blog about it to let you know how good or not the Sandwich is.

I'll be seeing you, I hope.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

My machiavellic plan


Greeting good folks how are you today?

Well as you can read on my earlier post I had a rough beginning of a week but I expect it to get better as we go on. So this Sunday that just passed I got in touch with my little brother and asked him for advice. I told him that I couldn't live like this anymore that it didn't matter if my wife divorced me, took the cars, took the kids, in fact took everything. I couldn't hide like this forever, I was going to come out in the open and tell her what my real feelings were and I didn't care if she found out through this blog about the torrid love affair I was having.

- "Chuck, don't do this! You're bigger than that.."

Shut up You Stupid Voice, You're Not Even Real!

- "Oh yeah?! Go fuck yourself Chuck!"

stupid voice.

A man's got to do what a man's got to do. So without further delays I like everyone to know that tomorrow my little brother is going to bring her to me at lunch time. In fact I am going to have her for lunch, those two juicy breasts with cheese and bacon and that special sauce. It doesn't matter that it has 1300g of salt or that it will probably kill me, I have to have her especially since my daughter said that it was only here for a limited time. I know that my face will be poster all over healthy food places, that I will be looked down upon by society, that my wife and kids will probably leave me. But this is stronger than me, I have to have her; don't worry I will definitely blog about it afterwards letting you know how tasty it was or how it was all a big mistake.

So today before you go to sleep keep me in your prayers, you don't know if I'll be here tomorrow afternoon or how my life would have changed by then. It's not like this can cure something or what if the 1300g of salt has a miraculous effect on my MS and by tomorrow afternoon I will be walking again... You never know!

Here's hoping to me surviving tomorrow!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Update on my life


Good day folks, just thought I'd let you know that my wheels have been fixed and I am now mobile again. There was a gentleman that came with the new mortar for my tilting device and now I am sitting in my chair posting again.

I forgot this morning to tell you about my weekend. This weekend my sister-in-law was planning her daughter's birthday bash at a restaurant it was going to be a breakfast, a brunch. So it was agreed that Sunday was going to be it, then something came up and she changes for next weekend. She told me about it so I left it at that. Sunday came and I get a call:

- "Chuck, where are you guys?"

Dude! What's up?

- "We're here waiting for you guys for the breakfast birthday party."

Man! Weren't you told that the party has been moved for next weekend? You guys went to the restaurant? I could hear laughter behind in a clear yes came through the line. Dude might as well order breakfast and have fun, you guys were not told I guess. That or you didn't read the e-mail.

Apparently my sister-in-law had only told me about the party happening next weekend instead of the one that just passed.

Sucks to be them! So I guess tomorrow I will be posting since my appointment was canceled due to my hardware malfunction.

Have fun!

I've lost my legs


Update to my day. I have lost my wheels! The tilting mechanism broke while I was tilted contemplating the ceiling. My little brother had to rush over and put me in bed. I had to cancel my Neurologist visit, I called the wheelchair people so they can send someone to fix my legs and I had to cancel my bus. I am now on my hospital bed posting. What a life!!!

So for now I am running around the house :-(

Hasta tomorrow people

Power to the people!


People of the Earth, how are you this morning, afternoon, night?

As you know I have installed a counter, a flag counter, in my blog. I was seeing it yesterday and today, I noticed that there were only visitors from Canada and the US appearing on it. Was this? I asked myself. Has the rest of the world forgotten about me? It cannot be! So I log-in to the stats of were my blog is written from and I noticed that it wasn't the case. I had many visitors from many places hitting my blog. So what the beep is going on?? Maybe the counter is not compatible with the company that hosts my blog. Let's investigate.

I went to the site where the counters is from and faster than you can say get a life, I noticed the problem. To be able to get the other flags from different countries I have to dish out $30 dollars a year! What?? This is highway robbery! Why do I have to dish out $30 dollars? Nonsense, I will remove the counter from my blog. I will not belittle any country that is not Canada or the US. Don't get me wrong, I love these countries this is where I'm from. But other people from other countries such as Korea, Slovania, Saudi Arabia, Sweden and many other come and visit my blog. It doesn't matter that they're not the bulk of my readers but they are still taking the time to drop by my blog and read my stupidities. So I will only leave one counter on my blog the one that shows you how many hits I gotten and not the one of the flags.

What I'm going to do is keep on looking for free counter that can illustrate the diversity of people that visit my blog. I apologize for having misslead the world into thinking that it was only the US and Canada that follow me.

That being said I wish you all a great morning, afternoon, or night.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Un samedi soir sur la terre.....English version


Happy weekend people of Earth. How is everybody doing today?

So I stopped by today to see how my new blog page is doing. As you can see I added a counter, I know I've been tracking the stats on my side and to be honest it's quite depressing seeing the few numbers I can observe on the webpage. I should have done this long time ago so it could reflect what I can see in the background. Nevertheless, I will be patient and see how many hits I get over the months.

On another note, a nephew of mine sent me a whole bunch of pictures from the past. I was still in bed waiting for people to get me up and I started to see the pictures, I will not lie to you I cried a bit. What do you want me to say? Is a shocker when you see yourself one way having fun and now you see yourself on the mirror and the reflection doesn't match the way you feel. I guess with time you guys are going to find out also, but I found out today.

It's hard! I used to have a lot of hair and now I don't. What? You thought I was talking about me walking and now I'm in a wheelchair? No man, that's okay I got used to it. But seen myself with hair and now not having any is a shocker! Okay, okay, it is a bit hard to see me walking, standing up straight, sitting down with the boozing eyes, now... Well I'm always sitting down and I guess I can always have the boozing eyes with the exception that I won't be getting up but rather they would lift me up and put me in the bed. Yup, it's the hair that made me cry a bit.

Any hoot, just wanted to blog about it and wanted to see how my counter was working.

Have a wonderful weekend people!

PS maybe one day I'll put some pictures up of when I was walking.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Paperless printer


Good afternoon, how's it going so far?

So my printer setup, ready to roll except one thing: no freaking paper! I used to keep a reserve of plain white paper on my desk but since my other printer conk out I had no more use for, so I stopped buying it. Now I have a new printer but I don't have any paper to print on. I guess I will scan some pictures. Hang on! The freaking photos are up there inside a closet, I won't be able to get them until tomorrow! That's just great. I get a new toy but I can't use it.

It's just like me to do something halfway, like the trainee of yesterday. I could have asked more information about her, I don't know anything. ANYTHING!! Stupid social animal, why do you do that to yourself?

On another note, my cousin found a couple of pictures of my great-grandfather on my grandfather's side. I will be able to scan them and put them in my family tree album.

- "You still working on that shit?"

Yes I'm still playing around with my genealogy. You have to give me credit on this I have dug up all the way to 1845. I love archaeology, astronomy, genealogy and anything that studies something that goes back a while. Plus there's the stories that come with pictures, for example this great-grandfather left my great-grandmother to start something with a market lady. This lady gave birth to someone that gave birth to my cousin. I know, I know, it's complicated but I understand all the nuances of my family now. I guess you have to love this sort of stuff and I do. It fascinates me and I got a shit load of time nowadays.

Bon weekend people!!

PS note that next Tuesday I will be at a meeting with my neurologist therefore my posts will be late.

Morning update


Good day folks, how's everything going today?

Today is going to be an easy peasy lemon squeezy type of day. My daughters have no school so they're up there somewhere seeing TV, playing computer, doing whatever they like. I know that if I need them I just have to scream out their name and they will be coming down to assist me.

So last night I got a surprise from my mother, she got me a printer, scanner, copier, fax machine. Plus it is wireless! So until about eight o'clock I was setting it up with my daughters and wife. The printing, the copying,

the scanning and that was it I was real tire. So this morning I continued setting up the wireless part of it, it was a piece of cake. My Lexmark P-208 is working properly. Thank you mom, I needed that. Now I have to set up the other computers to be able to use the printer wirelessly.

Yesterday night I wasn't able to sleep until about 3:30 in the morning, I don't know what it was maybe it was the excitement of having a new toy; or maybe it was the afternoon bath that made me question my whole existence.

Naaa... it was the excitement.

This morning I already scanned an old picture of my mother's wedding and this afternoon I will be probably be setting up the rest of the computers so they can use the printer.

Well that's it for me this morning.

Hope you have a great day!

Thursday, October 21, 2010

She came from Venus


- "Holy shit Chuck, what type of title is that?"

I'd don't know I'm still shellshocked from the whole situation. Here's the story:

It was 11 o'clock and my regular guy who comes and gives me a bath wasn't showing up. Okay, this is not normal I said to myself. So I call his supervisor telling her the story about my guy not showing up for my bath. She apologized and told me that he didn't work there anymore and if I would be okay if I got my bath tomorrow. Sure I said, I already had three this week so I'm okay. That's where I left it at. Moments later my door is being knocked on. Who is it? A sweet melodious voice floats over to my ears, it's your bath for today. WTF??? Hang on please.

Low and behold! Is this some sort of practical joke? I must be dreaming, I'd died and went to heaven and this is what angels look like! Standing at the door is either a movie star working on her next movie or a spoiled brat paparazzi seeking babe. Hello Mr. Guzman she said, I will be giving you your bath today. Okay I said in a soft sexy voice or at least that's what it sounded like to me. Will you be the one replacing my usual guy, I asked. No Mr. Guzman, I'm a trainee in I will just be doing this week. Let's get you naked and start washing you.

Curse you heavens! You always do this to me. Some fantastic babe comes and builds up my self-esteem, my courage, my manhood and you take them away from me. Forget about what I said on my earlier posts about being naked, I could get used to this.

I've must have been a really bad person and I'm now paying for it. All I got was her name, Denise.

You will forever be in my dreams...

Miscellaneous post


Hello people of the earth!

Well the weekend is upon us and I'm thinking what am I going to do? At this point I know it's gonna be a shitty Saturday and with rain and all. But we'll see...

So today my mother calls me out of the blue in the morning and tells me she's going to be buying me a knowing one inkjet printer. It prints, it stands, it's faxes, I'd don't know what else it does but I'm going to have to set it up. Apparently it is a wireless printer, it will be the first one I ever done I hope it's easy.

So I checked the stats yesterday and I'm happy to say that I'm on the way to overpass last month's hits. So far I got 300 and something and last month was 398, with Canada and the US leading the pack. But this month I have gotten many hits from different places, Sweden, Latvia, Slovakia, Germany, Japan, Brazil and many others. I know the ones that are really reading my blog are Canada, the US, Korea, Mexico, El Salvador, France, Denmark and maybe I'm forgetting a few but I'm still thankful. How do I know this? Well when you look at the stats you see that some countries are reoccurring constantly. So I guess they're all having a good laugh at the stupidities's I write. In the stats I have also noticed that my blog gets more hits if I use the word sex or mobile in my posts. So I take it this one's going to be a popular one.

Having given a big thank you to the masses I will now move on.

- "So what have you been up to Chuck?"

Not much really, besides the nurse coming yesterday I have been very quiet working on my genealogy tree. I have made several discoveries that have left me perplexed. Also my cousin accepted my friendship invitation on Facebook so I will probably get more information on her side above our family. Oh yeah, my oldest daughter screwed up her first exams provoking my wife's fury. She got a punishment that I think is rather cruel: she has to watch French TV!

Wait, wait, wait! Before you get all insulted about me not liking French TV let me explain.

It doesn't matter to me if it's French or English TV, I understand both languages. What I do hate is when there are English shows being dubbed to French. I can't stand people's lips moving differently that what I'm hearing and the audience applauding at the wrong time. I rather have real French TV, shows that are made in French and the lips and voices are synchronized. This goes either way, I also hate when a French TV show gets dubbed in English. But my daughter seems to like this so I don't think the punishment fitted the crime. I told my daughter that next time she has an exam she better get good grades or the punishment would be chosen by me. I'm not willing to tolerate another week of bad French TV.

I'll post later, I got several visits today and I like to see the tube before it's too late.

Happy trails!

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Mobile posting II


I wanted to make a small nuance about my earlier blog. I am not bitching about getting improper service, I was remarking how the social animal in me has to be strong to overcome human nature. My heart goes out to all the people doing a job like the nurse this morning, I have heard horror stories from them. Usually men hitting on them or making sexual advances on them. I sure wish they are making good money and I hope people out there learn to tame their animal instincs.

Have a good one

Awkward moments


Hello people of the earth!

Sorry I'm late, it was the monthly visit from the nurse and once again I had to get naked. When I was young and single this was a dream getting naked in front of a woman now I have dropped my trousers so many times it's not even funny. The visits lasts about half an hour and it always ends up with the usual "call me if you need anything". It sounds like we had a date, a one night stand and she's letting me know that I can call her again if I want to get naked. What's worst I'm naked with my wife standing in front of me and her, I feel we should have a threesome or something. You know play doctors and nurses, I used to do this when I was younger. I also used to play cops and robbers, the breathalyzer test, the judge versus you and many other fun games. Nevertheless I feel like I'm being use, like getting naked is a natural thing and I should be used to this by now. But I don't feel that way, call me old-fashioned but I believe that getting naked should only be done with the woman or man you plan to have a moment with.

At this point while my body is doing one thing and my brain is thinking something else we are talking like everything is fine and dandy. It's not! Women, you have a naked man in front of you! Man, this woman is playing with your we-we. There is something really really wrong with this picture, at this point I can really say it's not you it's me. I'm really thankful for every service I get from the CLSC (local clinic) but I'm not used to this. I must control the male in me every time someone asks me to get naked. How would you feel if someone walks into your room and asks you to get naked? My point exactly!

Besides that everything is going hunky-dory. I have a very mellow life, I think my biggest highlights is when I go out to the movies or somewhere. I know that if I get worse there's nothing that can be done about it and if I get better it's probably a remission and I would likely fall back to where I was or perhaps worse.

Thank you everybody for providing me with services that make my life easier but asking me to be naked is just something that doesn't sit right with me yet.

Have a wonderful day people...

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The frightened side of me


Hello people of the earth! My second post today...

Today I realized something, I'd don't know if it's part of growing old or if it's just me being alone in a wheelchair all day that has triggered this thing. I'm talking about fear. It seems that I'm afraid of everything and everyone now, for me and for my family.

Today an old lady came and knocked my at door, what did I do? I actually talk to this person behind the closed door without it being open until I was certain that there was no immediate danger and I could open the door and speak with this person, making sure that the door was slightly open only. This is not me! When I was able to walk, stand up, I would fling open that door and speak with people no matter what. Now it seems everything and everyone makes me feel like I should be careful with them, afraid they can harm me. You know how bad it has gotten? When my daughters go to school I always make sure they have their cell phones with them. I'm always telling them what to do and what not to do, who to trust and whom not to trust. My oldest daughter laughes at me as if I'm over exaggerating. I was like that too! But now that the man of the house can no longer take care of his family, he slowly but surely shutting down.

I think my disability has taken away from me my independence and this has made me distrustful and afraid.

Later days people, later days.

Guru Chuck


Good day people, hope you have a wonderful day today.

So this weekend we saw a couple of flicks and then some TV at night. Granted the films were not exactly the best I have seen. Ironman two, frozen, bounty Hunter and Robin Hood. I have told my wife that next time I will be the one going to choose the films or I will teach my daughters how to choose proper films. They were all either ridiculously dumb or the ending was a let down.

But I'm not here to talk about films today but rather about me being a film/TV wizard of some sort. Yeah! Apparently I know everything that happens on the films or on the TV shows. At least this is what my wife and kids think.

Every time we see a film it's always the same thing whether is my daughters or my lovely and dear wife:

- "Why do they do that?"

I don't know... Maybe they want to save the world from destruction? I don't know what he's thinking! Should I know this? Will you feel better about it if I do know it? Why don't we see the film and see what the outcome will be. Maybe he's tickling the big gorilla so that he laughes out loud and spit the banana that will hit the button to stop the bomb from going off thus saving the world.

The best questions come from my daughter:

- "Why do cars have four wheels?"
- "why are oranges that color?"
- "Can you see electricity?"

Come on! She's way past two or three! She should know that there are some questions where the answer really doesn't matter. Like why is the sky blue? Well no, that's a bad example. If she would ask me such a thing I would tell her the reason why. But I know it's just a matter of time before she comes back and asks me again. Even the car question was a valid one but I got a feeling that my oldest girl is just getting to be a smart Alec like her father was at that age. I sympathize with my mother now because this is only one I still got another one on the works.

But you know what? I found out the best answer there could be! Whenever a question comes my way I always have the same answer now:

- "Why were you born in El Salvador? wouldn't it be weird that you were born somewhere else?"

- "I don't know dear. But why don't you google it and find out."

Google! The best Internet place for answers. It helps parents everywhere around the world! Thank you God, thank you very much. I got my daughters questions cover, as for my wife's questions regarding the films, I'll just have to think of something.

- "Why is he killing the bad guy?"

- "It's part of the movie contracts dear. Every hero has to win."

Anyway that's my blog! How a wonderful day.

Luv you honey!

Monday, October 18, 2010

Stay away from me


Hope you all had a great weekend and may your week be a pleasent one.

So what's on my chest today?

- "wait don't tell us. A bird crapped on your head and you became inspired and wrote a f&*$!ng poem in French?!? Am I right?"

No I think the inspiration last week was a bad guacamole inspiration this morning. But what I did come to the conclusion is that I'm a jinxer! I put this as my status this morning on FB and Twitter. I always suspected this but I confirmed it this weekend. Let me explain.

This weekend my 2 teams were playing their sport this weekend. The Canadians a hockey legend club and the Washington Redskins my football team I learned to love since my teenage days, back when I used to play this sport and I was so good at it I got a cool nick name: The Beast.

So Saturday night came and went and I miss the Canadians Canadiens or Habs game. Nevertheless, I found out we had won 4-3 against the Ottawa Senator, in the dying minutes but a win is a win. Okay, everything is good with the world.

So SNF (Sunday Night Football) came by and I was ready to cheer on my football team. It's gonna be a piece of cake I said to myself. Lo and behold, a they score we scored type of game, very exciting until the end when we were trailing by three points and had possession of the ball; one touchdown and we would win it. On one of the last plays of the game, we made a long pass that would have score the touchdown we needed to win, alright! No!!! A one-handed interception by the adversary team! Shit! We lost!! Im-freaking possible! That can't be right, they're probably going to review the play and determine that the guy took steroids or something. They will give us back the ball and call a 20 yards penalty putting us 1 inch before the touchdown line. Nope! The Colts have the ball, the freaking dude intercepted that ball with one hand! So until next weekend when probably someone will intercept the ball with their mouth and piss on my parade.

Then I started thinking about all the games from any team I have ever seen. Nope, not a coincidence. Every time I see a game of my favorite team, we lose. No freaking way! It's true, even when I used to follow the Expos they would lose and where are they now? In freaking Washington DC! And to solidify my theory, the city's football team won yesterday, clinching their division title. I don't really follow these guys!

I really didn't swallow that lost yesterday very well. I thought I had solid teams this year but every time I see a game my teams loses. I don't know if I'll ever see any sports again because I would like my teams to win all the way to the cup. Maybe I should see the last final second when we are about to win 100 to nothing, this way I would really be sure that they are going to win.

At this point I consider myself to be a jinxer to any team or anyone that I would like to win in a game or in life.

A great day people! And like the French say A+!

Friday, October 15, 2010

A French tickler


Good day people, hope you're all having a wonderful day.

I'm here, I'm here! If you read my post from yesterday you would have known that today I was going to be late. Just got back from the CMR and I got new footrest and new headrest.

So these days I've been waking up with inspiration, today was another day and I had a poem in my head. So after I finish blogging I will use my Itouch to write in French and then edited.

- "French?! Come on Chuck! Why French? The only French I know is when you spell french fries."

What can I tell you? This is the language that I was brought up with, I got a very complicated life here. I speak English yet I like to read and write in French. My motto is, the more languages you know the better. So far my daughters have three of them and I expect then to acquire many more during their lifetime. But here let me write what I was thinking this morning:

J'aimerais vous dire une chose
Pas une rime, pas une prose
Je voudrais vous dire je t'aime
Je sais, vous  êtes dessous  la trentaine

Et pourtant avec mon âge
Je devrais être un plus sage
Vous été et moi automne
Il faudrait qu'on me pardonne

Mais je relève le défi
Faudrait mettre mon képi
Je ferais cette grande guerre
Car la vie est éphémère

- "Chuck! Come on man! What happened to sex drugs and rock 'n roll? Get with the plan dude!"

- "Mais?! Il est mignon ce petit gros!!"

Look my life is very complex. As I told you I been getting all this inspiration in the morning and I don't know where is coming from! I love my wife and my kids, but I think I have fallen in love with someone else. This is bigger than us and I don't care if my wife finds out through this blog that there's someone else in my life now.

- "Chuck you doublecrosser you! Is she blonde? Brunette?"
- "Pauvre cocue!"

Come on guys, nothing like that. I have fallen in love with life again. I think that every day you take a breath you should be thankful. A falling leaf, a drifting snowflake, the smell of dog poop in springtime... I think that from now on I will learn how to appreciate them more. I would suggest you do the same.

On another less existentialisimist note, yesterday I looked at the stats and boy was I surprised. There was a spike yesterday, I don't have an explanation for it but the numbers for France and Korea were really high! Korea has now a solid hold on third place and France the overpass China which I think is monitoring my site as not to let idiotic ideas infiltrate their country. Bravo! I just hope it keeps on going. Oh by the way, the US has a firm grip on first place followed by the Canadians.

Anyway that's my blog! Have a wonderful day people.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Update 87


Good day people, hope you're all having a wonderful day.

Well another medical update has to be done today. I have to tell you this because this is what my blog is about, my life and MS is part of it.

So this morning I asked my wife to touch my left arm and then touch my right arm. Nope, I wasn't dreaming or I hadn't smoked pot. My right arm is less numb and I hope it stays that way, better yet I hope it keeps on getting better. I don't like to make a big fuss about things like this because you never know with this illness, some days you're up and some days you're down. Lately I've been going up a lot so I don't want to jinx it.

After analyzing today's events, I realized it that this is something that has been happening for the last three days. Three days ago my right arm was itching all over the place, usually Mexicans believe that this means that you're gonna be getting a shit load of money, but I know better. Yesterday I had a pain on the arm, oh no not a heart attack! No not really either, this morning I just noticed it out of the blue. It's not completely 100% but it feels much better than several weeks ago and hopefully it keeps on going.

Tomorrow I have to go and see the people of the wheelchair, the CMR. They have to give me some stuff they had order for me, a new footrest and a headdrest.

These are all my appointments for the week, next week nothing is planned yet.

Oh yeah, today my daughter has an appointment with the eye doctor it seems she's been having problems with her eyes when seeing the blackboard. I hope she gets glasses, can't wait to call her four eyes.

Anyway I just wanted to put this on my blog today to keep you guys updated on my health situation.

Have a good day!

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Goodbye fellow bloggers


Good day people, hope you're all having a wonderful day.

So this morning it was six o'clock in the morning and inspiration was coming out of my ass. I wrote a poem on my Itouch and e-mail it to myself to correct it and safe guarded. Why? Because I'm sure it's just a matter of time before some rich guy on the Internet is going to approach me and offer me the deal of a lifetime. Selling out!

Don't think that I don't have this type of dreams, that I'm a saint and will never sell out. Trust me, if the right deal comes along I would be selling hamburgers faster than you can say your mama. Imagine, some extravagant rich guy comes along and tells me that he's willing to offer me a job writing for his magazine. I would then tell him that I have a blog and that I probably didn't have the time to do it. He would get insulted and tell me that he would buy my blog off for $1 million dollars. $1 million dollars?!? I would be insulted! Anybody can make $1 million dollars in our days. I would turn him down and tell him that my blog is worth more than that, that my readers mean everything to me. He would then offer me the magic deal: $5 million dollars for your blog and a $250,000 dollars a year job writing for his Magazine!

Holy frijoles Batman!!! Yes, I would become gay for you. You tell me drop your pants and I will ask what time and where. For that type of money I would tell him what he wants to hear.

- "But Chuck what would happen to the blog? What would happen to us?"

Stop being a crybaby, I tell you what would happen to the blog, I would use a nom de plume. This way I will not lose any and could probably sell out again in a future date. I would use the name Ryan Goldman Gomez and I would title my blog "life after Chuck". I'm not just a pretty face guys, I think about these things night and day. There is such thing as a proper way of selling out without selling out. I will probably write a blog about it and make more money.

In the meantime, I'm still waiting for Mr. or Mrs. right to come along and buy me off.

Think happy thoughts!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Please be my e-friend??


I had to post today because I, Chuck Guzman, just discovered that I'm a cyber-bully!


Yes me! I am the lowest of the low. But let me explain the reasons why I did what I did and you will agree with me that I'm not such a bad guy. Maybe crazy but not bad. Let it be known that is not the first time I'm being accussed of being a bully on the web. But i can assure you that I am not a bully or a cyber-bully. Let's get back to my cyber-bully story.

A lot of my family and my wife's family are also my cyber-friends, so a couple of months ago I put several of them to the test: unfriend them in Facebook and see how many notice this. I can tell you that 2 of my nephews noticed it right away and they inmediatly corrected the situation. Good for them, they will be remember in my last will.

So time passed by and I forgot about the experiment. But it didn't forget me!

Today I was told that some one had gotten upset because I had black ball them as a friend on FB!!! I was told that this person didn't understand why I had done this. They were really upset and brought it up to my wife's attention. So I will send this person an invite to be my friend I just hope they accept it.

As for the other bully accusation, I got the guy to admit that I wasn't a bully when I was young. He didn't like the fact that I didn't defended him against people that were bullying him.

If you're not my friend on FB please don't get insulted. You're still important.

No hard feelings??

Medical update: the finger!


Good day people, hope you're all having a wonderful day.

So I got a little medical update for you today, I know I don't like to talk about it because I might jinx it. But my right arm, my right leg and my torso seems to be getting a bit stronger. I can now officially give you the finger with both hands a thing I couldn't do in the past. This is a big accomplishment for me, here's the story.

Back a while ago, one of the first things I showed my neurologist was that I couldn't do the finger. It's true! He looked at me funny and and brushed my comments aside. But it has been two years since I couldn't do the middle finger, flip the bird. So for the longest time if I wanted to insult somebody I had to vocally say it: F* you, F* it, F* me.... F. F.. F.. F.!

So there was obviously some tension there, I would pick up fights left and right. So I started to insult people in my head: fuck you, fuck them, fuck all of you... This wasn't good it wasn't relieving the tension and the people who were doing something to me would be getting away with it. So two days ago, I flipped the bird! At first I did it when I was alone, not bringing attention to it in case it was temporarily and would soon go away. But then, I did it again! Then suddenly, I was using my two hands: fuck you! The tension was suddenly alleviated. Now I can silently show the finger to somebody near or far. I don't have to scream or think bad thoughts. I can basically show him or her the finger while not facing them. I will be able to relieve the tension that's been building up inside of me and perhaps maybe smile about it.

Think of all the possibilities I have now, I can point at something with my middle finger. I can use my middle finger to tap on the keyboard, like now! I'm a free man, this is something that I'm going to bring up with my neurologist next time I see him. Maybe show him the finger.

Also on a minor note, today while having a bath I was able to turn more at ease in the bed. I know, I know, this is not as big as giving you the finger but it's still a positive improvement in in my illness.

Happy days are here again!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Thanksgiving résumé


Well Thanksgiving is over, next big holiday is Christmas. We still have remembrance Day, a time to say thank you to everybody who has lost their lives so that we can leave ours in peace.

We had a great supper, big ass turkey sandwiches with pop, fruit salad, chips and chocolate cake. My brothers came, my cousin came it was great fun. Until, everybody left and we started to see a movie called Frozen. This is probably from the same people who made canyon the movie, real bad movies.

First of all let me start by saying never let your mother-in-law or wife go alone to pick up movies. The canyon was a movie that was selected by my mother-in-law, and it was horrific. Frozen was a movie that my wife selected and boy did I want to kill myself.

Canyon is about a couple of city slickers that go on a trail to visit the Grand Canyon and they get lost. I was always thought that when getting lost you backtrack to find your way out. These people don't, they go all the way to the end of the Grand Canyon when they have to climb a 50 foot rock wall instead of taking the left side where there's only a small mountain. Obviously, all of this is being done while on the lookout for wolves.

Frozen, what do you think that frozen is about? Well it's about the city slickers once again that get trapped on a chair lift after hours. Are you kidding me?? They're about 15 feet away from the ground and when one of them decides to jump to going get help, both his legs are broken by the fall. What happened next? The wolves eat him!! Then his buddy decides to go out for help, he too gets eaten by wolves.

I'm pretty sure that it's the same production company that made both movies. Also, I'm also certain that this is the same people who made that movie about the couple to get stranded while scuba diving in the ocean.

So I had a so-so Thanksgiving when you take the entertainment into consideration.Next line, I'm going to get the movies.

Have a good week!

Saturday, October 9, 2010



Here in Canada it is a long weekend, we have 3 days off instead of 2. This is due because we are celabrating thanksgiving. Not only that, today I will be going to la Ronde with the kids. What is that you say?? It's an amusement park! I'm going there before it closes for the winter season.

Oh yeah, plus I got like 6 DVD movies to watch over this weekend, they are all action pack. So if there's no sign of life from me it's because I will be celebrating, stuffing my face with turkey, drinking booze, ok you got me, drinking pop, watching movies and seeing my kids amuze themselves at the park.

For all you Canadian fans, happy Thanksgiving! Have fun this long weekend and don't forget to say thanks to the universe(Your God) for giving you all the blessings you have in your life. To my American friends, your turn will come next month.And to my Sweedish followers:

Jag meddelanden naken och hålla något i min hand ... min bärbar enhet

Something about posting while naked with something in my hand..

Happy Thanksgiving Canada!!

Friday, October 8, 2010

The him factor


Sweden, Belgium, Germany?!! Alright!

[Romantic music]
[sexy manly voice]

Ladies! Hello, welcome to...

[Stop music]
[normal voice]

Pay No Attention to the fat guy in the Wheelchair.

Where were we?? Aah yes.

Ladies, welcome to the love blog. Here your most wildest fantasies will come through. -Pay no attention to them either, that's just my sister and her kids. I help them by letting them stay in the house, what am I saying the mansion.

Boy am I gonna get it today when my wife.... my sister comes back home with her kids.

All I want to say is that I'm getting more countries reading my blog, I appreciate your patronage. I am happy I'm not alone, welcome to the love blog.

So what will I talk about today? First I'm going to try and stop that faucet from tripping. Believe it or not, I was successful! So let's get it on.

You know how a couple of posts ago I talked about ghosts? Well, old Chuckster came up with an idea. I got Dragon speech recognition software, I got a microphone and I got lots of time; so why don't I try to see if I can capture some voices with this technology. You know, just to make sure that ghost really don't exist. So I did. My results were inconclusive, I did capture something but it wasn't what I expected. I will now share the results with you.

So I made sure the television was off, that there weren't any high-volume apparatus working, that speech recognition was turned on in that my microphone was on. I capture what I believe to be a warning sign called "him".

-" Him him him him him..."

This went on for several lines. So are the ghosts warning me about something I'm not seeing? I started to wonder what could it be, it was him that took my Rolex watch or was it him that slapped me in the back of the head, then I realized it: My Wife Is Having an Affair with Him!

Why God? Why? I loved him like my brother. Now, next time I see him I will have to kill him.

-"Wait a sec Chuck. What if the ghost is trying to warn your wife about you having an affair with him?"

What? Don't be silly, I would never do that to her. Besides I'm a Homo erectus, I love women, I love my wife and kids. On my left arm I have the names tattooed of all my ex-girlfriends leaving no space for any other name except perhaps a three letter name.

-"There you go Chuck! Bob, that's a three letter name. I'm pretty sure you like the guy."

Yeah, Bob... Wait a sec! I just told you I don't do that!

After going back and forth debating the meaning of him I realized that it was my fish tank pump that was causing the him factor. The software was recognizing the water dripping of the pum in the fish tank as him. I should get a Noble prize for blogging or something. So no affairs are going on in my household and no ghosts were detected by Dragon speech recognition system. But I like to make a remark here, while writing this post my computer did crash twice. Is this a sign of the afterlife?

Now I'm freaking scare

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Jesus the mechanic


Just came back from the CMR, I been approved for an RT 64. I'll just have to wait till they make one and then they'll be coming over to my house to set up that thing. Also, I'm going to be getting a joystick instead of a mouse. Today I went and tried the position and the virtual keyboard that they're planning to implement on my system.

Now where did I left off?

Aah yes, my mother.

So the lady has gotten news that I am writing a blog. She's very proud of that, she likes the fact that I'm not wasting my time frying my brains with TV. Then she commented that when she was younger she used to write spiritual texts. I guess that was blogging back then. She asked me if I could show her some of my blogs, no can do! My blogs are in English only mom. So she didn't like that, I told her it wasn't my fault that the speech recognition on my computer works only in English. I did tell her what my blog was about, on how at the beginning I was rather dark and pessimistic about my illness and how as time went by I started to blog about everyday things that happen to me. I did send my older brother an e-mail telling him to show a couple of my blogs to my mother, I know that he will choose wisely and will traduce properly. It's not that I don't want to blog in French or Spanish but speech recognition on my computer only works in English. I wonder if I can add on French and Spanish?

You should know by now that I can fluently speak Spanish, French and English as well as writing it. Heck, I can even speak Mexican.

No Mexicans don't speak Spanish, they speak the lingo that is very hard to understand for most of you. But I've been with Mexicans all my life, I even married one. So it's second nature to me. They use words such as que chingas, que paso, orale, carnal, ve te a la chineada..... okay not chineada but something else. All of these words cannot be found on a Spanish dictionary but select a Mexican dictionary and they are all there. You've gota love those silly Mexicans, they make life more colorful.

Anyways, we ended up the conversation, actually she ended up the conversation by telling me that I should write something spiritually once in a while. She told me: "you know, something about Jesus"


It's not that I don't believe in him or I do, rather I find this point to be very personal. I don't know how she's going to react to my theory on black matter. But I did promise that I was going to mention his name on a post sometime soon. So I might as well do it now.

Jesus is my wife's cousin.

There I said it, you are all witnesses. What I stated there is a fact so don't write an e-mail to me. Jesus is a cousin of my wife, they're Mexicans for crying out loud. I don't make up their names. If they want to be known as Proculo that's their problem.

All of this to tell you that I'm back home and that sooner rather than later I'll be more Robocop than ever.

Have a great day!

PS. I know I'm going to get it because of the title... what can you do?

Mobile posting


Mobile posting right now. I will be out for half a day today. Going to see the wheelchair people until about noon. I will post in the afternoon Canada time,a bit late for Korea; so just for them: 죄송합니다. I wonder if what I write in Korean is kosher? What that word says is sorry. I'm telling you this so that I don't get an email about my mother again.

Have a nice half a day with out me!!!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Let's call it a draw


And I thought the Internet was a free speech type of land!

So yesterday evening I got an e-mail from an irate reader telling me how insensitive I am because I ditched the bi... terminated my relationship with a ghost believer.

To address these charges let me just tell you that maybe it was meant to be. What doesn't tell me that the girl became a famous ghost hunter with her own TV show and making gazillion dollars a year! All I can tell you is that a ghost, a woman and a man in the same house is too close for comfort. Even now living with a zombie and two ghouls is cutting it. Plus last time I saw her, she was the same old happy single person that I met. She wanted us to get together for a coffee sometime, I had to decline. I told her I was studying to be a missionary in the divine blood seminar and I was going to be leaving for Africa the next day. So I told a little white lie, but I said it so that she would feel better about herself. Besides didn't you just read above? She's now a famous and rich ghost hunter, what the hell would she want with me? she would like to study the paranormal activity?

Look what I'm saying is that I am sharing with you my stories, my theories, my anecdotes, my life; you don't have to like what I write, it's a free world you can bypass my blog any time. But every time I have something that doesn't suit people I have to be apologetic about it?!? So I think this will be my last post regarding and negative e-mail. From now on I will ignore them.

That being said...

Friday my post is going to be a bit late seeing that I have to go and talk with the CMR people. These are the people that gave me my chair and that will adapt my chair so that I can control my environment.

Today I will be working on my family tree, I'm working on a website that I'll share with my family members so that they can see where they come from. So if you don't hear from me it's because of this.

Have a great day

PS. Why is it that the hottest girls you've ever seen in your life want to be your friend in messengers?? I'm an average type of guy, okay I'm right down ugly. But I checked my messenger today and I had like 15 invitations of extremely hot ladies. Could it be that these are followers of mine? Nah!
So why do I have these invitations? It's probably a scam you say, I don't believe this. I believe that these are girls that really liked guys were funny, sensitive, responsible, you know everything that a woman wants. Check, check, check! That's me! I think this is the reason why I have so many
invitations from beautiful women and while I'm at it I'll ask Santa for a new car.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Ghosts and ghouls


I was thinking of the past and my heart was beating fast... No, no this is John Lennon's song but it comes in handy, the guy is dead and Since the subjects I'm about to touch today are ghosts, psychics and people who can predict the future John Lennon is all right.

Do you believe in ghosts? I don't know if I do but I will tell you these 2 stories that I have lived.

A couple of years ago my brother move into his new place on the day of his birthday. The next day I asked him how he was, he told me that he was awoken by a voice telling him happy birthday and that he had bruises on his arms. The place has ghost! I was skeptical, I told him that his brain was a very powerful tool and he might have subjected himself to this. What about the bruises?! I'd don't know if my brother was into S&M that period but I had not lived the experience and therefore cannot confirm the existence of ghosts.
A couple of months later I was at my girlfriend's place. We were having a nice dinner and she asked me if I wanted to cuddle near the fireplace. I told her yes, so she went down to the basement and got blankets to lay on the floor. When she was coming back up the stairs I saw her face changed from a smile to fear. I asked her what was wrong. She started sobbing and telling me that someone had pinch her buttocks. Ghost!! I told her that no, there was no such thing as ghosts. I held her in my arms and told her that this was a spasm, an involuntary movement of the muscles. I had a book and had read on it, the next time I would come over I would bring her the book so she could read on it also.

- "Aaaah Chuck, you're so romantic."

Sadly to say that next time never materialized.

- "She passed away?!?"

No! I ditched the bitch. I'm not going to have a crazy lunatic blaming ghosts for everything that goes wrong in her life. Plus, I don't want to tackle the ghost she has in her basement!! Who do you think is going to get up in the middle of the night if she hears a noise in the basement?!? It's certainly not going to be you, is it? So fuck that. Once again I didn't see the ghost and I skedaddle out of there before I did.

To this day I don't know if I believe in ghosts. If my wife ever tells me that they're is a ghost in my daughter's room I will probably move out of the house and divorce her. Avoiding the ghosts and therefore denying their existence. Problem solved
Regarding psychics and people who can foretell the future, why does it always have to be fussy?

I was seeing a show called psychic witness, this show is about cops hiring psychics to solve old cases. But it's always fussy.

If I hire a psychic to find out who killed my hamster I want her to tell me where exactly is the body. I don't want to know that she has this energy source coming out from the forest in the middle of nowhere. I want her to tell me:

-"Chuck, your hamster remains lie at the bottom of Lake Titi Caca in Peru."

Then I would definitely go wow she's good!

As for the Nostradamus personas, it's also always fussy. Don't get me wrong, when I was young I bought a book on Nostradamus and his prophecies. I was amazed on how right he had gotten it and feard for the future. But as I grew old I realize that it wasn't Nostradamus that talked to me and told me all these things but someone who had written the book and interpret his thoughts. Once again I had gotten secondhand information, so I cannot confirm nor deny the events that had taken place. As for the future ones, how do I know that Nostradamus really meant that??

Looked, life has teached me to become a nonbeliever believer. This means that unless I personally lived it I will not believe in it until proven wrong.

Monday, October 4, 2010

What gives?


So this morning was a busy one, okay at least for my wife. She had to get me up, prepare breakfast, drop the kids, drop the car for service. I also know that this morning I have an appointment with the occupational therapists, something about devices to make my life easier again.

But since I am more Zen now I will concentrate on this blog and not my future appointment.

So yesterday night my youngest daughter asked me a question that I had to think about the answer so that her curiosity would be satisfied.

- "Dada, why are you so fat?".

Good question! I could have brushed her off by telling her that I would answer that only if she told me why she was so ugly. But that would have lead into other questions and accusations of DNA plus I was still on a high due to the movie Independence Day the previous day. Also, my oldest daughter was hanging around just waiting for me to answer as if I was going to reveal the meaning of the universe. No, I'm smarter than that!

You know baby, daddy wasn't always like this, she gives me the dumb puppy look. No, before you and your sister came along the word fat didn't apply to me. Back then daddy was known as phat, that's P. H. A. T. do you know what it stands for?

- "No".

Well baby, it stands for Pretty Hot And Tempting. Yeah pumpkin! Your daddy was a hot commodity back in those days. Your sister and you made me what I am today. I used to have hair, I used to dress sharp, I was all muscles plus I was really really good looking. -And then people ask why kids are all messed up these days-

the oldest one being more mature quickly asks:

- "Well, where are all the pictures?"

My dear child, back in 1998 we had a mini ice age here in Québec. Unfortunately we lost all the pictures of how mommy and I used to look. But we were a site to see. Then you two came along and it was all downhill from there.

-"So what happened to all your muscles?"

Well sugar, with time and inactivity due to MS they became relaxant. This basically means that they are there but they're kinda sleeping. So if one day daddy decides to wake them up, it will take only a couple of days before Mr. muscles would show up again.

Where do I come up with these answers? I'm good!

If my kids end up being like calamity Jane or Thelma and Louise it's their mother's fault. If they somehow end up being famous and rich I probably had something to do with it.

As for my answer, I'm almost certain that they didn't believe an ounce of what I said but it was worth a try.

So much for good weekend

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Weekend dream


I hope you guys had a great weekend like I had. Weekends are usually pretty boring on TV, nothing really to see. But this one was different, Saturday I vegetated in front of the TV and the computer all day long. So what was so good on the TV?

My favorite movie of all times was playing, Independence Day!

This movie was filmed in 1996 and I have probably watched it over 20 times already. Why? Basically because I'm a sucker for fights between us and them, meaning aliens versus humans. Also, the pep talk the president has with the pilots before they go on and kick aliens ass. I kind of made it my life motto since I watched it. So it started my brain thinking:

- "what would I do in case we ever get invaded and they want to annhiliate us?".

I tell you what, through this blog I want the world to know that even if I am disabled I am volunteering my soul and body to any organized subversion against a destructive alien invasion. What does this mean? It means that any army of the world who wishes to use me in any military campaign against an alien invasion, is more than welcome to do so.

-"Well what can you do Mr. Guzman?".

I tell you what, they can fix up my wheelchair with machine guns and voice command so that I can attack any alien spaceship.

-"Mr. Guzman, you will go at the corner of Rome and San Francisco and blow up that alien spaceship."

I can see myself doing this:

Me: "Destroyed that alien spaceship."
Machine: "was that destroyed rat with kids?"
Me: "no destroyed that alien spaceship"
machine: "sorry was that destroyed truck with three?"
Me: "no"
machine: "was that a yes?"
Me: "no"
machine: "was that a yes?"
Me: "NOOO!"
Machine: "thank you destroying truck with black sheep."

My career as a potential hero would be over and I would be remembered in history as the most useless soldier that ever was and the world would have lost six black sheep, a black truck and a human. Aliens 1 humans 0.

Speech recognition has made very big advancements but it's still not perfect, trust me I worked with this for several years. Dragon has made my life much much easier when it comes to using the computer but before you read my blog have to spell and re-spell my post.

So all in all to say that I had a good weekend watching TV and seeing TV on the computer.

-"can they placed a nuclear bomb on it so you can drive it to a spaceship and blow it up?".

Yeah wait, what?!? No, no, no! I will not be made a martyr. Now I will stop blogging about Independence Day all I can say is that I will not go quietly into the night, I will not vanish without a fight, I am going to live on! MS will not take over my life.

Plus the dog whisperer is coming on and I'm working on a plan on how to use his techniques for dogs on humans. I'll be able to say quiet to my wife and kids and they will have to obey me or say sit.

Have a Wonderful day

Friday, October 1, 2010

Aztecs... Catholics... Chinese


Good whatever to all of you except that person that sent me a nasty e-mail yesterday regarding the double beef burrito from Taco Bell. Let it be known that my mother had nothing to do with it. So my blog is about to start and it's going to show that person that there are different theories regarding the origins of Mole.

So yesterday I got a nasty e-mail telling me that I should read about the subject before writing on it. This person was dissatisfied with the description I gave about the Mexican dish mole. I was chastised and given a historical lesson on that savory dish. Apparently mole's origins were Catholic. I'm writing this blog to inform that person that there are two theories when it comes to this dish.

First theory

The e-mail writer is correct. Hundreds of years ago there was a convent in Puebla that was going to get a visit from an archbishop. The nuns were freaking out because they had not prepared food for his visit. A nun created a concoction that included chocolate, different peppers, bread and other condiments and gave it to the archbishop with turkey. The archbishop was pleased and the nun had created the first mole dish ever.

Up to now I cannot dispute that the origins of mole came from Catholicism. Good old nuns, they were good for everything: teaching, nursing, cooking... Jack of all trades! But now comes my second theory.

Second theory

Apparently (I use this word a lot), when Cortez came to Mexico Moctezuma prepared an Aztec dish for the European crowd thinking they were gods. This dish was called “milli”,Nahuatl for sauce, mixture or concoction. Plus they knew about chocolate, so chances are that they used it on their food.

So what if the theory is that a nun came into contact with mole and made it famous by serving it to the archbishop.

So as you can see my little fat friend, I don't make these things up. I know about them, I married a Mexican Aztec. But it doesn't matter, for all I know this is probably a Chinese dish! Yeah! What if Marco Polo when bringing home pasta from China also noticed an obscure dish called 痣 that the Chinese brought over to Mexico thousands of years ago when supposedly used to rule the seas. The Aztecs looked at it and called it “milli” because there was no other name for such a dish. Came the Spaniards nuns and serve the dish to the archbishop making it famous in the old continent.

So friend, don't get your feathers all ruffled up for nothing. You probably didn't know about the second theory or the third. I hold no grudges against anybody and I hope you don't either.

Have a great day people