Saturday, October 24, 2015

Letting go is hard to do


WTH people, some people have a tuff time letting go….People, let go; life goes on, don’t wait for something that is no longer there. Summer is over, give it up…

Snow, what snow?!
I have gone out yesterday and today and I have observed that some people, including myself, are having problems moving on; I gave up my sandals today. Yesterday I saw the UPS man still wearing Bermudas; and it was -2! Today I saw a guy; it’s always guys for some reason, in a Ford Mustang cabriolet with the roof down!! 

Two things could be happening here, either they are nuts or I’m getting too old for this shit….

Later…see you after my nap…

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

H1N1 revisited


Well I was (still am) debating the issue that I had H1N1 and that I had gone to the hospital and gotten Tamiflu, the anti-viral medicine given cases like that. My oldest and her mother are saying otherwise and I have hit my blog to find a trace of such incident and I have Dec 23 2010…wow I have been blogging since then! Obviously you go through the emotional ups and downs, back then my oldest was 12 and I was still hitched with someone that I held in the highest of all places… well shit happens and we moved on.

But for the record, I did find a clue of when it happened but these bitches won’t be happy with it………

The search continues…..

Sunday, October 18, 2015

The sunny side of me



I know, I know…”What’s wrong with you?”….Well I’ll tell you what the beeping hell is wrong with me!

One of the rare times that I see my team in action on cable and some idiot, like always, is ringing at my door. "Who is it and why" are not valid questions. You see when you live in a building full of retards, yes I said the “R” word so sue me, they have friends who are also retards and will ring the first apartment on the buzzing board so that they can be let into the building… today I lost it and went out through my private entrance and gave a piece of my mind to the idiot who was ringing my door; I told him to call his friend and ask what freaking door to ring, and I didn’t care he did not know how to speak English, French or Spanish! Learn the ways of western society you demented person and tell your friends about the senile guy who lives in the apartment with the white door……..and likes to watch football on Sundays; prick head

Take care….

PS Stupid Redskins, they don’t know how to play football…..

Friday, October 16, 2015

Moody Friday


Maybe I am program to be in a bitchy mood on Fridays, but today is another one of those days when I want to kill everybody and their mother. Why? I don’t know, I just want to start fights left and right, just analyzing my “life” and it sucks…. A rotten hand my brother called it and it seems that it fit my existence perfectly. The worst of it all is that I still believe it is going to get better; that it is going to change and it is not.

Started by me being diagnosed with high blood pressure (hereditary), follow by MS, get divorced because of my MS and now I am waiting for the other shoe to fall….maybe I’ll get decapitated, who knows… All I am saying is step away from the Chuck today, he is cranky…..


PS Must fight urge to slap my doctor when she comes...

Tuesday, October 13, 2015

I saw a star.....she was bright....


Guys, guys, I saw God today… seriously…

The Von Stâr
There are losers and then there are losers… I am the second type of loser. Why? Well because in one of her pictures she claims that “if she calls you a loser she probably likes you”. I am not that lucky…Guys this kid is a potential super model… She even has a circle on top of the letter “a”; something like “å”. How hot is that? Her gene pool is flawless, she has a “Von” in her family name, I got a “G” and that’s it! I cannot even tell her thanks for liking my post because of her privacy settings on FB; even if I could what do I tell her “…I……not worthy…thank you your majesty.” With a name like hers she is bound for royalty.

Well that’s my 15 minutes of having been touched by a star of some sort….


PS Ah please, don't tell me you don't go and check who liked your Well I do....

Solitude oubliée


Me voici entrain de te dire je t’aime. Je voudrais et je pourrais passer une vie avec toi. Tu es la dernière image de ma journée, la dernière pensée qui passe par ma tête; la première respiration qui prend mon être. Aujourd’hui je me sens faible en pensant à toi, que fais-tu? Penses-tu à moi encore? Moi. Je t’assure, je ne t’ai pas oublié; tu es là où tu m’as quitté voilà déjà quelques années.

Peut-être maintenant que le tout a changé ont pourras enfin essayer à nouveau….

Allez, donne nous une chance….


Sunday, October 11, 2015

Vacuum fiasco


Here I was thinking I had nothing to write about when suddenly it hit me: “Little J’s mom stiffed us!”

Julie, my kids mom, bought a vacuum cleaner from her and apparently it was top of the line and shit, but now my oldest is trying to use it and it's a fiasco! Apparently nothing works! And she’s asking me all sorts of questions on how that demonic thing works…. I don’t know how it works; I didn’t graduate in vacuum specialist… Call your aunt, get your money back….better yet, get a broom!

I swear everyone here thinks that I know everything…


PS I do know everything but I keep it to myself..

PS PS Suggestion to J's mom, maybe provide a course on how to use a vacuum would be good...

Saturday, October 10, 2015

Thanksgiving Canada 2015


Good day all. About to celebrate Thanksgivings Canada/Mexico…. The mother of my kids, her mom, her sister and electric magnetic guy are coming over for some Mexican food that they prepared… I guess I’m thankful for that…

See you soon…

PS and to my nemesis, can’t wait to see you so we can discuss the terms of your surrender to me…

PS PS Don’t mind my gibber jabber folks, I’m loco in the cabeza..

Friday, October 9, 2015 Française.


Je suis comme un mourant qui divague ses derniers mots avant de s’enfuir, comme un clochard qui cherche les rues pour trouver un endroit où se reposer la nuit. Tu me manque et je ne sais pas comment te trouver. Aujourd’hui j’ai prié au Dieu du ciel, aux étoiles de l’Univers que tu sois dans ma vie. Je sais que j’avance notre rencontre et que peut-être cet enfonce me trahira à la fin. Mais tu vois, je sens que le temps presse et je songe à tes caresses où je trouverais un abri.

Voilà, c’était ma note il faut maintenant que je quitte car tu es surement un mythe qui garde mon cœur au chaud….


What now?!


Ladies and gentlemen, I feel that the Universe is pushing me in a new direction that I have written about it here in the past: A book!

Early this week I was having breakfast with Julie and the phone rang; area code 802, that’s funny. I told her to pick up the line to see who it was. I overheard her say the word book and she had this “wtf” look in her eyes. Once she hanged the phone I asked her what was the call about. She told me that it was this person asking if I had finished my book. WTH?!.... The only thing I can think of here is that a long long time ago I filled up a questionnaire about what I was hoping for in life and I put “write a book”… now I feel it is my duty to write a book…

I wish that the Universe would send clear signals, like “ok this stage of your life you have to write a book…”, but no it always has to be encrypted…

Stupid Universe

Take care folks…

PS I guess sharing articles or blogging doesn't cut it for the Universe...

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Carlos the tapu person


Happy to see you all…

So yeah, what’s up with me and people?... it’s like they will get close to me but then suddenly and without warning stop talking to me. Do I smell bad? Some wicked e-BO? Am I repulsive? I really wish they could be upfront with me and tell me that they’re only planning to say “Hi”, talk about the weather and then move on…

I have noticed this the past week where I have basically been very charming, like I am usually, but then it’s like everyone but me is bi-polar and won't give me the time of day! I think this is the main reason I don’t have friends, I basically am a passing distraction that may or may not return into some one’s line of site…

By this post I probably offended half the Internet population and will be shun by you and your Amish parents….

Take care folks…

PS Granted, I am somewhat of an asshole but even they will not accept me into their groups…

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Lettre à un fantôme


Je m’ennuis de vous, je m’ennuis de toi…

Ça fait une éternité que je ne t’ai pas écrit en français; tu me manque et je ne sais pas comment te le dire, comment te le faire savoir. Maintenant que je suis seul à nouveau, je vois tes photos, je relie tes lettres et puis je pense à toi. Tu es un fantôme qui ne m’a jamais quitté, que même si je t’ai repoussé au fond d’un abime d’où j’ai cru que tu resterais oublié, tu commences à remonter petit à petit dans la surface de ce qui est denenue ma vie aujourd’hui.

C’est fous come on reste encré aux choses du passé que nous croyons disparues….


Thursday, October 1, 2015

Survivor or scorpion candy or exlax


Did I tell you what Julie and my kid brought me back from their trip to L.A via Dallas? Lollipops…Lollipops with a scorpion in them!... Survivor time! After a meeting I will shortly have with a CLSC person, I will chow down on a scorpion or two to see what’s the whole “Yuck” thing about eating bugs. I don’t think much of it really except that they are probably crunchy. Can’t wait to taste them..

Can you see it?

I will let you know of the aftermath…..

PS My kid told me not to eat too it is not because I'm diabetic but because they seem to act like a laxative...

PS PS,,,, Yess! some of my favorite words: RE-SCHEDULE!!! ... tasting time!