Wednesday, June 19, 2019

That's life!


I know, “WTF Chuck?!”. But it’s just that is summer and I am out all day and I help these people like me that are going through emotional problems and since I feel I’m doing better, I help others.

So what has been happening with my life? Lots!

Remember I am living with my girls? Well, about to make history here….I am downgrading! Going from a 5 ½ to a  3 ½! Rent wise I am dropping over 500 smackers! That's just rent, there is electricity, food, heating… it will be around $700 bucks saved every month! It’s not me, they want to move with their mom in her new place… More power to them! I am slowly shutting down shop and I will go out with a bang!!

That's what is happening

Take care folks