Saturday, November 17, 2018

Life in winter

Hello!...and yay!

Why yay? I dunno, it’s the middle of November?

It was snowing with a 15cm snow “storm” expected. In my days our storms were 20 or 25cm, and temperatures were -25c or more. Now I laugh when they emit a weather alert. Seriously, I think people our days have been pussyfied….and fuck I’m starting to be the old people I used to hate: wanting to stay home, watch tv, hate the noisy kids outside….geez, soon I will start yelling my head off telling them to get off my property.

Anyhoot, just showing I’m alive..take care

Saturday, October 20, 2018

Day 2 of freaking specials....


How’s life?

Me? I can’t still go to the supermarket as they still have their special which means super crowded! I hate crowds; thus the blog, keeps me looking like a normal hip guy without meeting or touching anyone. I’m kidding, I can handle people or solitude, I’m good at both.

Did I tell you guys I will be getting a new wheelchair? Yup, my chair is obsolete and I will get a new toy next year for summer I think. Got to love this country, pot, specials, wheelcair…..what else can I ask for?


Friday, October 19, 2018

We got pot and potatoes..

Hi! Nice to see you all….

It feels rather festive today, I don’t know why. Maybe it’s the fact that we are a now a cannabis country or that 5 pounds bag of potatoes was $0.97! I dunno about the latter because it was so stressful getting “in” and “out” of that place. As for the cannabis, they didn't think this trough because as of today, Canada is dry! There is no pot in the stores, we ran out; no stock! I guess I’ll buy some well all this brouhaha has passed….

Take care!

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

A new job


Hope you had a happy hump day!

Do I really look like a bum looking for handouts? Listen to my story before you answer…

It has happened twice were somebody approaches me and tries to give me their change to help my cause.

I have a cause!?

It happened last year when I went to purchase something or other; a lady stretched her hand to me and asked me what charity she was giving money to. I refused her money and told her I was waiting for my bus. Well, it happened again! Yup, this past weekend I went to see a movie, “The Nun”, and afterward while waiting for my bus, again, this guy started walking towards me and speaking the words  ”Here you go buddy”. I immediately told him that I wasn’t asking for money, that I was waiting for my bus; the guy just laughed his head off and apologized for the mistake.


Do I inspire people to feel empathy toward me? Is this what my life will be like? If it’s so, then I better start organizing myself; I mean get 5 and up denominations instead of pocket change.

I have to come up with a plan

So long people and remember, give money to the fat guy on the wheelchair!!

PS. Come to think of it, I was given money by those kids on bikes so that’s 3 times such incidents have happened. All of them while waiting….I see a pattern here.

Sunday, September 2, 2018

September morn


Hi folks! Good Sunday September 2018 and, me lleva la chingada…..(life sucks!)!

Why does it suck?

I was just got up because my service was just given to me! It pisses me off when I lose half a day. I lost at least 4 hours of...of...rain today. It is one of the rare days this summer when we get water coming down on us. This summer was a beautiful one, Sunny, and blue skies! Now we are coming down to the end of this season and it has given me the strength to take on winter when it gets here. But I’m still pissed that they got me up so late…..

Other than that, I’m ok; got my wall, I’m acing
bookkeeping, counting down the days till Cannabis becomes legal here in Canada……...same old story! Maybe I’ll have new stories when I start doing ganja; who knows! But until those days are here, hope you have a good one, at least better than me.

No more illegal Mexican babes!

Take care folks!

PS I went to the museum....first in 42 years......

Had to be Pablito...

The Mexican girl...nah, but it looks like

Thursday, July 26, 2018

I'm running out of things to....


Another beautiful day in Wakanda!

How you doing folks? I am alive and kicking, I cannot complain.

I wanted to drop by and give you an update on a rather boring life; mine. Other than having become a regular, and probably "best customer" of the year at the taco place, I am studying to become a bookkeeper!  YUP! I don’t know what exactly they do but I am more than halfway through the course and soon you’ll have to call me Dr. Guzman….or add some other title to my name. It’s cool. Now I have different ways to demonstrate how broke I am; fascinating. I am sorry if I am repeating myself, I probably already told you about this, but it goes to show you that my life is boring AF; that there isn’t anything new under the sun for me. Thus the reason why I don’t blog as much as I used to.

So in a nutshell, I’m still here, still breathing, still living with my kids…..same shit different day! Boy! I bet you guys are going to have a heart attack when I have something new…..

Take care folks!

PS Store had a special on apples today….maybe that’ll spice up the room...

Saturday, July 14, 2018

Another one bytes the dust...


Greetings to you all….

What a wonderful time it has been for my ego lately, boost from blasts from the past…..

Late last month a friend and old girlfriend told me that she had used me as an example of a good guy to her daughter. Wow, I was honoured that she viewed our relationship back then as having been a good one; that I was a good guy. Thanks! It made me feel like I was once good….

A couple of weeks later, another boost! 

One of the persons from the local clinic came by and while shooting the breeze we conquered that we went to high school together; she recognized me and turned to my ex-wife who was here visiting our kids  -she’s always here visiting- and told her that if she was so happy to have come across me was because “I was one of the good guys back then”....thanks again! It felt good to be acknowledged as a good person for once!

And culmination to it all? I found the love of my life!

Take care Y'all!

PS...Just because you live on the main floor doesn't make you the doorman whenever electricity goes out in your hood....fucking Taylor...

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

My life, a labour of love...


Top of the afternoon to you….

So, it has been a weird month so far with highlights such as cops waking us up at 3AM looking for Bobby who was reported here, a couple of kids giving me money because they thought I was homeless, getting a degree online….. A bizarro type of month….

Oh, the degree you ask?

Nothing fancy like a Ph.D. or something, it’s more of a brain workout. I am becoming, like my grandfather before me, a bookkeeper! Yup, I am studying to get a certificate in that field. Hopefully, I will become a millionaire just before I crock…..

And that is a quick wrap up on what is going on with my life…

Tata folks….

Monday, May 14, 2018

I'll see you on isle 25


Greetings Earthlings!

So, I’ve been around cooking slowly my “white” skin...I love summer!

Just came back from Walmart and Lorde Lord Lord I am at a loss for words…

I have seen pics of people in the good old USA that basically….I wanna say white trash but who am I to judge. Well, Canada does not stay behind!

Don’t get me wrong, prices are amazing and the dude in front greeting you is like positiveness at its best, but there is this atmosphere of...of...sigh, I dunno what to call it. I know, I know: So what was I doing there, right? Well, it was suggested that I go there to purchase a gift for my kid’s bday; so I went. I was gonna go to Best Buy where the “normal” people go, but we normal people like to get screw when paying, sOooo….

Walmart here I am!
Besides my kid’s gift I also bought a stainless steel coffee maker, so fuck my superiority complex! I am now a Walmart shopper and I will start dressing like one!

Take care folks!

Monday, April 30, 2018

That was close


Good day to you all, happy May people!

So, what’s my beef today? People taking advantage of other people…

Seriously, just because there are certain things I cannot do anymore doesn’t mean I am less of a human and you should take advantage of me! I think I will try to do my things on my own at the supermarket or get help from their staff, I will not take shit from people there anymore. Here’s the scoop...

Last time I was there I politely asked a couple of elderly people if they could pass me a carton of eggs which was out of my reach. I was very thankful for it and kept on doing my shopping, not knowing that I had been marked and was being followed throughout the supermarket. My shopping having been completed, I checked out and began my journey home. Suddenly, a tap on the shoulder, I turned around just to discovered it was them; the egg couple! I asked if I could help them and they smirked back and as one was doing the lookout the other reached into his pocket and drew what looked like a gun, but it wasn’t. It was a JW pamphlet: Jehovah Witness!!! DANM!! These people look for needy or frail people like me to assist and then follow you to try and rob your soul to salvation…. Fuck me! I thought they had selfishly helped me. I was wrong, they wanted another brain to twist. Why is everybody and their mother trying to save me?? Let me be people, I need no help; help yourself. (I just need the egg cartons which they have placed too high for me)

Any hoot….

Take care and happy May folks!

Thursday, April 19, 2018

The Timbits chronicles



Whoever said that the art of conversation is dead has never met my kid and her vast range of..of...I zoom out whenever she is talking folks. She can never go from point “A” to point “B” directly. NOooo, she has to go through all 26 letters of the alphabet to get there. Yesterday, it was science vs God  -the creator…. Her vs my brother who seems to have switched from atheist to -almost- a hardcore believer.

My bro paid me a visit yesterday, I wouldn't be surprised if it's the last one, to have coffee and Timbits. Maybe it was the caffeine folks, but soon enough the conversation went south and we started debating: CREATION!

This side was being defended by my brother who, as a kid, used to go to churches and double doggy dare God to kill him. And when God didn’t do so, he would come out of there with the conclusion that the big guy didn’t exist. The other side -science- was being championed by my kid who is a pseudo-scientist who claims there is a mathematical formula that we haven’t stumbled upon yet that explains the existence and creation of the Universe. Boy was it interesting when my bro was arguing the point about the dinosaurs and other fake news and my daughter was explaining why planes fly and how this was proof that there is nothing after death. Yes yes, it lasted about 2 hours back and forth, name calling and shit…. My brother bitching to me about how I was raising a Neo-Fascist atheist and how I was letting her be that knowing full well that the bible states pagans and cats will burn in hell for eternity. I told him it wasn’t my fault, the kid was studying to be a scientist and that his mother had dropped him more than once on his head when he was a baby and that’s why he was such a hillbilly who believed in the tooth fairy; oops, spoiler alert.

In the end, we parted ways with the promise that there would be a part II to this discussion where there would be a bible and holy water to prove the existence of a creator vs a mathematical formula and a choo-choo train to prove the expansion of the Universe…..Very exciting stuff folks….

I do love the coffee and Timbits

Sunday, April 8, 2018

WHeelchair drama


Good April to you….

So just came back from a small shopping spree at my local supermarket and had a bit of a situation with some driver. It wasn’t bad or anything is just that when I was a driver myself I used to obey the silent rules of the road (ie you got first at a stop sign you went first) So today, I arrived 2nd at a stop sign and was willing to wait until the guy on my left went first; but he didn’t!

“WTF buddy? You got here first, go!” Nope, the guy waited until I went first! I was annoyed that he didn’t follow the rules, that he gave me the rightoway. I was thankful but it didn't sit well with me since I consider myself a driver while I am on the road and a walker while on the sidewalk. I know, I am messed up but what can I say…..morons will be morons…


Monday, March 5, 2018

The power of the chair...


Good afternoon people, happy first week of March!

As the title implies, this wheelchair has powers of all sorts.

I went to Maxi(my closest supermarket) and was buying stuff for my place. When I was on my way to pay/, this clueless customer cut me off to beat me to the cash register without paying attention, I almost ran her over. I yell out at her in a polite manner “Careful!” She looked back and gave me this look as if I was to blame. I went into berserk mode and told her “what!? Your fault...bitch” I swear if I was a walker she would have probably slapped my face off, but since I was in a wheelchair she just took it like an adult and moved on. She was being looked on by the other people in the store like if she was a common criminal. She basically bowed out of my lane and disappeared back into the store to “buy” more stuff…

It’s good to be the king…

Take care folks!

Thursday, March 1, 2018

History in a pic


How’s is life treating you so far?

Our humble beginnings
Gals/guys…. I am thrilled! I woke up this morning to an SMS from my brother with an old photograph attachment of when my folks got married. This was a pic that my brothers and I had never seen before; EPIC! I know, you people are going “Dude, that’s lame” Well, I have always been hooked on archeology, anthropology, genealogy, biology, pornography… anything ending with a “Y”... Getting this pic is priceless to us because when we left our country we left everything over there, including pictures, memories, everything… we started from scratch here in Canada! So any vestige that we get from our country connects us to our past, and I am the official tracker of it.

It was my cousin who sent the photograph to my oldest bro, and he in return shared it with the brothers….and now me, big mouth Chuck, is sharing it with you whimsical creatures...So I am an excited as a pig in the mud….

Take care folks…

PS Thank you cousin ‘M’, it is much appreciated on our part. Keep the old pics coming…….

Monday, February 26, 2018

The Movie House


How’s it going so far?

Okay, I know this movie is old but, believe it or not, I just saw it yesterday:  Batman vs Superman.

Where do I begin with this film? There shouldn’t be a battle between those two to begin with. Basically, you are putting a billionaire against an alien who can fly, has super strength, laser eyes, x-ray vision, other superpowers and, oh my God need I say it again? He can fly! Batman? Yes, Batman can buy all sorts of toys but one good shot from an R-15 and he is like the rest of us, dead as a doornail.

So there shouldn’t even be a question of who would win among those two, the logical answer here would be Superman!

Now WW(Wonder Woman), this lady should, correction, would kick the living caca out of Batman and Superman. Why? She’s the daughter of Zeus, she’s a goddess! I think that a god vs human vs alien is a no-brainer, the god would win every day of the week. At least that’s how I was brought to see life….

Then I realized that it was just a movie and then don’t take in consideration logic….c'mon it’s like saying Elon Musk vs Radiation...Bet you Musk would kinda be dead….Brr, I hate illogical films.

Take care folks….

PS Obviously, all of what I wrote can be annihilated by Dr. Reality, where none of this except Musk exists...

Friday, February 23, 2018

Umbilical cord cut


It’s Friday, so yaaay….

Well folks, the next step in my kid’s life has finally taken place. After 3 long years and many exams that were flunked, she finally got her license. Joyous moment for her and her co-pilot, aka my other kid, but a sad one for her mom. According to my kid when she got her license it was all praises and high fives but when came the time to take her car and drive off into the sunset, her mother and grandmother were all taken back by the moment. To my kid this is freedom, she can go as she pleases when she pleases. No more going with mom in one car to see her aunt or to see a movie, she can go and drive to the reunion and leave when she wants. It’s kindergarten all over again when she was taken to the bus stop so she could go to school and her mom would slowly wave her off…. I feel for her mom, for any Latin-Jewish mom, because my daughter has now flown the coop and will most likely push all sorts of limits with her mom…..all I can do is watch her grow and enjoy her ride….

To infinity and beyond….but buckle up...

Take care folks….

PS I feel a tear dripping off….sniff...sniff...

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Dum spiro...


How’s my people today?

Here, today we are having spring-like weather: mild and rainy. I’m okay with that, it’s just a sign that we are heading towards spring. I wonder what type of summer are we going to have…

On with the show….

Guys, I don’t know if I am going to hell or what but I do shit that is certainly helping me get there faster. The latest thing I do, and this because I was told by a delivery girl from the pharmacy that I could do when asking for my monthly medicine to be delivered, I ask them to bring me odd shit from there.: Aspirins, crackers, chocolates….yes chocolates! Today I called and asked them to bring me 2 chocolate bars because I sometimes have low sugar spikes (hypoglycemia) and I need to bring my sugar up. I am surely trashing the diabetic people's name down, but what can I do? I have a craving for Kit Kat bars right now…..

I will enjoy my moments in hell when I get there, hope they have Kit Kats...

Adios folks

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Cupcake dreams


Happy early ST-V’s day…

Yeah, I thought this day was over for me but...I got a surprise cupcake from an admirer. Yup, an old flame I went out with 30 years ago! Our affair lasted about 2 years or so and it’s a complicated one too; too complicated to go into details. But at this pace, it was mighty appreciated on my behalf to get something this yummy 1 day prior to “V” day. It was good too, raspberry mousse in a chocolate mold….ummm….she sure knows how to get to a man’s heart….thank you stranger, it was mighty kind of you and I’m touched you still remember our time together…(I hope you still do...I do)

Take care folks….

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Time flies....


Happy Thursday to you all…

Well, it finally caught up with me: time! I am today 50 years old, 50!!! W T F people, that is half a century! Cars nowadays last what, 10-15 years!? I am alive and relatively well...I mean, using my logic we can deduce that my body is newer than people my age. I stopped using my legs when I was around 38, so they’re practically new. I see and hear old geezers my age complain about aches and pains, hips, shoulders, backs; the list goes on. Me? Nope, I am fine and dandy, I mean sure can’t walk but overall I would rate my existence, both physically and mentally, at about 95%. I am grateful to the Universe for having put me out of omission all those years ago; I’m like a millionaire without the money.

On that happy note, take care people….

PS I even got a Jos Louis for my bday from the meals on wheels crew. Thanks again Universe. Jos-Louis is a chocolate pastry with cream inside….like the one on the pic

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Aim for the stars...


Good day all, happy stormy day!

I don’t know if you people follow “The Big Bang Theory” but if you do, you know that Sheldon has an enemy list that he keeps. Well, similar to him but with a more positive tone, I too keep a list of personal heroes that I have grown up to admire throughout my life. Personalities in sports, sciences, music etc… I thought it was pretty much close but yesterday somebody new made my list out off the blue; Elon Musk.

I saw the blast off of the rocket Falcon Heavy lift and I had goosebumps. Everything went without a major hitch, privatizing space exploration is a game changer and this guy is the Babe Ruth of this field; and other. I am pretty sure that if this guy went to Mars the colonization process of this planet will happen overnight and not centuries like Nasa predicts. I say we start a petition to get him on board of his rocket and lead the Martians into the future….

Go Falcon go!!

Take care folks….

PS I would go, but they only want blue-eyed people...

Sunday, February 4, 2018

Tales of a mad man...


So, what ya doing….?

Last night we had a small get together to celebrate my nephew’s birthday and… I feel old! The kid just turned 20, 20!!! I remember when I was that old, fuck, it seems my generation was completely different than his! At that age, I was traveling to Mexico by car with my little brother. I was getting plaster singing at the karaoke bar and going to strip joints...These kids are all looking down at their phones and education wise, zilch; nada! They live in the present, don’t care about the past and the future will be what it is. I’m kinda in awe of how they are so carefree and live in the moment. My kid is next to hit the big 20 and come December, no more kids...only young adults as my youngest hits 18.

Fuck, I’m gonna die!

You laugh but that is a topic that my brothers and I talk about now. I remember when it was “Who’s gonna have kids first” Now it’s more like "I got arthritis and holding water”. For the record, they believe I will kick the bucket first because of my MS. But little do they know, that I haven’t used my body for eons and therefore, it’s practically new!!

Sooo, I think I will be last…

Any hoot, take care folks…..snow is coming down today….tomorrow, Tuesday and to be me!

Friday, February 2, 2018

Another day in paradise...


Happy happy Friday!!

Just went out for a quick resupply mission of animal food, cat litter, and other stuff… and it’s freaking cold folks!! I hear tonight we will be hitting -20c, super freaking cold! You know, I noticed that as I grow older I am more precautious regarding my adventures out there; as I said before, it might be related to the fall I had late last year and the fact that I am turning 50. That’s half a century and no matter how many people are telling me that I look good and shit, I feel I need to be extra careful with everything. Kinda going with "Jesus take the wheel" attitude...

In other news, I got a $5 dollar bonus from the lottery company as a birthday present!Needless to say that I already spen.....eeerr.... invest it on tonight’s big draw of $33 million dollars. $33 million!! Well I don’t know about you, but I’m going to Disney…

Any hoot, happy weekend ppl!

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Mellow Yellow....


Top.of the middle of the morning to you….

So, today it is a bit, just a bit, snowy out there, so I’m staying inside just because. So, it’s just you, Netflix, Facebook and me. Saw the series The Drug Lords and it was good, makes you realize how lame your life is compared to other people. I mean, pretty sure Chapo is not fantasizing about my life. Mind you, I got a pretty mellow life, just like the doctors suggested…."You need a mellow life with your MS”... So here we are doc, almost 30 years later….

//1 hour later

Meals on wheels is losing its touch! 2nd time they are bringing food extremely late, 12:40 PM and the plate is half crushed; missing fruit. Thank God I always have a backup plan now: Super grilled cheese sandwich! Just like a regular one, except that they put refried beans, fried egg, tomato, salsa, avocado, margarine or butter…..kinda like a croque monsieur….so I’m good!

Any hoot, I will see you in my dreams….

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

The Thais have taste....


Good to be here, I hope you people are doing fine…

So what have I’ve been up to these days? Well, I’ve been lucky and the sidewalks and my passageway have been cleared enough for me to wander off to do essential stuff, like buy food and shit; still cold outside, so yeah. Also, I don’t know what I have been eating that I’ve been having some strange fucking dreams...strange!

On another note, my neighbour is silently competing against me for the title of San Francis of Assisi -the patron saint of the animals-. Bastard is now openly feeding the squirrels just like me, and like me, he is feeding the birds too. Damn people, that was my only job, now I got this little crazy dude to compete against. Mind you, I don’t care, the animals get to have more food and I don’t have to buy so much food anymore.

Any hoot, hope you have fun out there…

Peace out!

like that (Magen David...)
PS It is T-9 before the big 5 Ooooooo, I feel great especially since a 35-year Thai woman said that for a 50-year-old fart, I look good; well preserved were her words….great, I’m a fucking fruit decomposing slowly!....I can see myself dating a Thai chick...

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Little Siberia, really small...


Thursday is here people, enjoy it.

So what is my thang today?

Well, it is really gorgeous out there, but it is a mirage; it’s freaking cold! When everyone that visits me leaves with the same signature goodbye “Don’t go out there, it’s cold” you listen. We are currently hitting a windchill of -24c (-14c real) and it feels like your face is a solid block of ice….brrr… Besides that, the door needs to be repaired asap as the cold is filtering through and soon we will be at par with the outdoor temperature; a guy is coming this afternoon.

Oh, and my oldest is going for her drivers permit today, I wish her the best as it means lots and lots of McDs weekend breakfast!

Any hoot, that’s a wrap for now…

Later days folks...

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Wake me up when the Internet works


Good day folks and Oh what a night!

People, I lost electricity at 7:00 PM last night, I had one charge to get to bed and a pack of small bed movements to hunkered down for the night before my devices would be depleted; I was toasted. I thought electricity was going to come back as fast as it had gone
but no, it was a major electrical outage and electricity came back until 3 something AM. I saw myself making contingency plans for today, calling left and right to get appropriate help, selling my soul to the devil-yet again- so that I may wake up with that humming sound electricity makes….and well, here’s a post. So whether the big bad red guy or the boys at Hydro-Q made it happened, thanks; I get to live another day. Let’s face it, life without an Internet connection is not worth living; ask my kids, they abandoned me at the first signs of darkness to go to their mother. Little bitches are back because I got electric juice pumping through my place...else they wouldn’t be here….

Any hoot, Alive and kicking people, alive and kicking.

Have a good one.

Monday, January 22, 2018

Nice meeting the past again...


Happy last complete week of January folks!

I smell outdoors again! The big snowstorm that we are expecting is starting until this evening and I forgot a couple of items yesterday so I will go back out to the supermarket today.

I tiptoe through time yesterday when I talked to an uncle of my ex. This guy was a karaoke/drinking buddy eons ago. For a couple of seconds, I felt young again. It was a hoot talking to him. I will probably see him this summer and relive those days when I used to hang around his car parts store drunk out of my head or when we went to Acapulco and shop for striptease(drunk) that would let us in with a 15-year-old kid---surprisingly, they all were willing to let us in. How the fuck I survived those years, I have no clue, guess somebody up there likes me.

Any hoot, I wish you days with memories waiting to be created…

Take care folks...

Sunday, January 21, 2018

Out the door


Good lazy Sunday to you all….

A quick “Howdy” before I go out and have breakfast. Okay, second breakfast, I had a yummy piece of cheesecake with a glass of milk already; courtesy of my kid’s mom. Today after the restaurant I am planning to drop by the supermarket to buy stuff that I need: FOOD! Tomorrow is back to being cooped inside since we are supposed to be getting at least 15cm of snow…..but, there is a ray of light here. Tuesday is supposed to rain and the building has now a snowblower, meaning that theoretically I can go out next week..yay…

Got to run folks….enjoy your day…..

Saturday, January 20, 2018

This, that and other...


Happy days folks…

Yeah! Kill that thing...
Well it happened! Healthy fucking lifestyle whether I want it or not. Broccoli folks, scratch that---it’s the white color one, cauliflower with margarine has now made it to my food chain! WTF, the only vegetables I ate were french fries, fried green beans, onions rings; the good stuff. Now I have to have 2 heaping scoops of that “natural” crap, yuck folks, yuck with a chocolate sundae cherry on top….I was using canola oil when frying the veggies before, what's wrong with that? It was healthy, no?…..major disappointment.

On another note, it appears the episode of distress I had this past week was due to a virus (no shit Sherlocks!) so antibiotics are on the way...hopefully, this will put my health problems behind for this year.Tomorrow will be another mild day here so I will probably go and have breakfast with my ex and her family, and our kids of course….This will be possible because the landlords bought a snowblower so they have completely clear a path to the sidewalk...yay! However, my celebration will be a short one since this coming week we expect 30+cm of snow….guys guys guys, getting tired of this shit…

Any hoot, have a good one...

PS I did see some recipes for frying that white color vegetable, yummy!

Friday, January 19, 2018

Positively healthy


Nice seeing you above ground again….

Just like D. Trump had his medical exam recently divulge to his people, I feel that I should follow his footsteps and let my people know, all 6 of you, the results of my medical exams.

Angry but healthy
Lungs? Checked! Heart? Checked! Blood pressure? Flying colors! Cognitive functions?...meh...So as you can see, I more than capable to handle this blog and other things. I am feeling better and I am sure ‘twas but a scratch. So what’s next for me? Well, my girls are keeping a close eye on my diet and breakfast will never be the same again. I’m talking 1 toast, 1 piece of ham and coffee. I mean, I had to beg for a hard boil egg this morning….geez...I guess times are changing now….must adapt.

Ok folks, have a great day and an amazing weekend….expecting 30cm of snow this Monday coming soooo…..

Later days folks

Thursday, January 18, 2018

"That forgetting, embellishing, lying machine"


How are all of you doing?

Well, the last couple of days I’ve been TKO. Yeah had a close encounter with the grim reaper, or so I thought.

It started with a glitch in my blood pressure reading 185 over 110. High enough to raise awareness. I call the 811 number which is basically consultation with a nurse who will assess your situation and give you tips on how to solve the issue or concur with you that the spot that looks like ketchup on your belly it’s actually level 24 cancer and you should go to the hospital.

I was given some tips on how to lower the pressure down but that I shouldn’t go to the hospital; monitor the situation. Cool, I can do that...relax and monitor my situation. I did call my nurse to let her know of my situation; we were all on the same page. No problem, right? The following day...

RDI Image
215 over 110 blood pressure reading folks! Out of the blue, this is how I kick the bucket….had a good life I guess. The ambulance was called in, my final ride to the hospital where my demise would take place. I was expecting that they would come in flying with their stretcher and shit but no, two old country boys came in walking. They ask me what the problem was I told them, in an emergency way, my issue and how my head was hurting and how I was hearing voices and seeing lights. They asked me if they could take my pressure, I told them to go ahead. Obviously, in my head I was swearing at them because they were wasting valuable time that could be spent saving my life. The EMS guy looked at me and told me that it was high but not as high as my machine was reporting; 165/95. So yeah, I’m here alive and kicking fighting off a flu virus….

The shame folks, I had already given instructions to my friend about what to do after I was gone…..

Take care Y'all

PS Stupid blood pressure machine, I have to buy a new one or calibrate it.

Tuesday, January 16, 2018



Happy 2nd week of January!

Well today, surprise surprise: Landlord bought a snow blower machine! I can potentially go out more often; the city has now get his act together. Things are looking up….
Shit, fire alarm!...wait….

Ok….30 minutes after, error. I kinda lose the inspiration and the energy.

Tap you later...

Saturday, January 13, 2018

This s*#thole I live in....


Happy Saturday people…and a sucky one here in my neck of the woods…

I had someone take the pic
Remember that yesterday it was super mild and that snow had melted? Well, today is a full 180 and we got snow up to the wazoo and there isn’t a freaking way that I am going out there for at least 2 to 3 weeks. It is another snowmageddon...tsk, tsk, tsk...When the white man came to North America, they just should have kept on going South. Yeah, I know: “What an ungrateful bastard!” I know, I’m a giant crybaby:

In winter I’m all like “Waaaa! Too much snow!” and in summer “Waaaa! It’s hot out there!”

“Waaa! Netflix and chill is not working!” -It really doesn't guys

I am blessed, sure I cannot walk but I have food, shelter, protection, a plethora of services, TV; I got it all! So maybe I should just suck it up and enjoy the moment. So what if I’m going to be a couple of more days, spring is just 65 days away; I can do this….

Any hoot. I will see you in some other post folks…..

PS And now Facecrap is not working for me...

Friday, January 12, 2018

Notes from a fallen angel...


Top of the afternoon to you…

So, the last couple of days have been wet and warm. Sow has melted severely and we’ve been having spring-like weather. But, there is always a but, tomorrow all this water on the ground, this slush, will be turning back to ice; ice baby. Right now we are at a temperature of +9c but tomorrow we will be at -19c with a snow dump of +10 centimeters. It is going to be awesome!!!!!!!! You got to love this country.

Ok Google, give me a life
On a lighter note, Google music is cool! This app paired with Google Home is a thing; now I just have to purchase the smart home crap so I can control my environment with my voice….nice...welcome to the 22nd century Chuck.

On a lighter lighter note, I lied, there isn’t such a thing in my life. Either is black or white; no shades of grey, pastels or pupu caca colors. That’s my type of thinking and whatever I think is that color, I keep it silently to myself.

Take care people!

PS I did go out there and clicked a couple of pics…..

Thursday, January 11, 2018



Good to see you….

Another day in paradise, I know I was bitchy about being cooped inside yesterday but today I have given up on bitching, so I’ll just take it as it comes…..ça suce d'être moi….

Work in progress...
So what’s is new with my “life”....hmmm...interesting question. Well, with my life not much but I do have 2 crazy daughters that have taken up painting. Yup, they are buying paint supplies at the dollar store and picassoing  their life away, maybe they’ll be famous one day. All I know is that my last supper painting I had, has disappeared to make room for their latest creations: City Nights and Orange.

WTF, you only live once, right?.....I did my life, let them do theirs….

Later days folks…..

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Trap in a perfect gold cage.....

Last time I went out was December 31st, the freaking snow is being cleaned enough for regular losers that walk on 2 feet, not special losers that drive on wheelchairs. I’m up to my keister staying behind these walls! And this weekend? Another 10cm of this shit. I just had to cancel my appointment tomorrow for wheelchair reparation. At this point, I can’t wait enough to become rich and move out of this country or for climate change to completely invade us. When I was a kid my teachers would tell me stories how this area would become like Miami with time; I guess they were referring in millions of years and not decades.

Other than that, nothing new under the Sun….
Take care folks….

Saturday, January 6, 2018

We are but dust in the wind...


How’s it going??

Me I was just napping away near my exit door to the outside when suddenly: “SHIT LOTS BIG DATES COMING YOUR WAY CHUCK!” I have to blog I said to myself, where did the time go! Here’s a recap…

My nephew is turning 20; 20!! What the heck! I remember not long ago he was telling us that he would burn us then kill us; this kid was pre 9/11 so he was a terrorist before it was cool….sadly he ended doing coding in Java for some much for the terrorist thing!

My kid is turning 20! Another WTF! I remember yesterday she was running amok, getting into my drawers to “organize” my stuff...Asking me if I could see the images that she was seeing when listening to a song. Had to explain to her that people cannot see what other people are thinking. And now?! Well. she still a work in progress...She’s planning her 15 minutes in the limelight any second now.

My other kid, she’s becoming a full-fledged adult! Can I get an Amen here? I can literally show my kids the door and tell them to take it because Karma, her kids and I need the space….SOoooo, it’s “Goodbye and thankyou girls, you completed your task what more can I ask…” time! I did it! I should get a prize or something. At this point, I am grateful they turned out to be good humans being, sarcastic AF….proudly to report that’s all on me. This kid is probably the one who will accidentally be someone big and don’t even know it….enjoy your moment in the sun girl; enjoy.

Last but not least, MOI! Me guys, I’m turning 50!! FiFfuckingTy! I’m crossing the “let’s hope you wake up alive” line. I am a walking library full of anecdotes, innuendos and useless information… No more “when I grow up” crap, I’m done chasing dreams. Basically, I’m about to start closing shop, cleaning up messes to bring down the curtains….I had a good run but it’s time to “Vamoose”...Exit stage left type of shit. Then again, with my luck I’ll split this place when I’m 109 years old; fuck me.I’m still holding on to the idea that I will be picked to go and populate Mars….

But that’s my jam folks, see you soon...

Thursday, January 4, 2018

I say welcome!



So as I mentioned on my first blog of the year, shit is happening at my place; PARAFUCKINGNORMAL SHIT!

On the 31st of December, my ex came over with her bf. Just before she was about to start cooking she came into my room to tell me something or other; Exes don’t have to pay attention, ok? So, she’s in my room, kids and bf are in the dining room and nobody, but nobody is in the kitchen. Suddenly, a frying pan made a noise in the kitchen! We rushed to see what or who was the culprit and nada; I mean..Fck me! The stove is off, animals are on the upper floor….WTF….no potential energy anywhere waiting to become kinetic; NOTHING! And.....the stove was off...

 Then, I took that picture who, I was told, looked eerily similar to a photo of my mother that my oldest niece has….So at this point, we all concurred that my mom is in my house visiting…...shit just got real….

Any hoot, Happy New Year again!

PS... I don't even want to talk about the plant incident yesterday...The plant is a gift from my mother's good friend...Ay Dios Mio!

Monday, January 1, 2018

2018 here I am!


Happy 2018 Y'all….So, what are your plans this year? Me? Don’t really have any, I usually fly by the seat of my pants...  Adrenaline! Love that shit…