Friday, November 30, 2012

Someone else's back yard


I had several visits this afternoon, my sister-in-law and my friend visited me at the same time. My in-law was to say happy birthday to my kid, seeing that she won’t be able to make it tomorrow and my friend came by just to say “hi” and to provide me with the opportunity to dig into her family life… Yeah, she too wants to find skeletons in her closet, I told her that you shouldn't wake up sleeping lions but she insisted….so, hey, her life not mine…

Well folks, it’s the end of another magical month and thus we begin the last month of the year. One that may or may not be cut short due to the stupid Aztec or Mayas or Pipiles, who the F knows…. I want to thank you all for reading my stories, lame as they can be and I promise next month will be full of other pathetic stories that I hope will make you smile…

Take care folks!



Well my first meeting came and went, she was selling insurance….eek!... if she would have tell me this yesterday I would have save her the trip; you see folks, I’m un-insurable! MS you know… So in she came all strong with her “I’m going to sell you something” attitude and off she went with her “stupid fat guy” look… I told her she should have told me what she was selling yesterday…poor kid…

So yesterday we were seeing the X-Factor and all I can say is: What the hell is wrong with you America?! Voting off Paige instead of Cece?! ‘you know how demoralized my wife was?!... she’s starting to lose faith on the show…Frankly I was a bit disappointed myself, it appears you guys are tone-deaf and don’t know what good singing is…I personally like Tate's way of singing, but I am almost certain that is going to be that 13 year old girl that is going to win…then again 3E seems to be pretty hot with the chicks…I really hate this type of show…. And don’t get me started on Project Runway….

Take care folks!

Friday's fantasies


Good day folks….

What a gorgeous day it is and I hate it!

Well, I’ll tell you why…. You see it’s days like today where my head plays trick with me, in my head I am going to go out for a stroll and enjoy the day… well it doesn’t happen like that, before I go out there I have check the weather, today was a balmy -15c, then when the superman in me believes he can tolerate such frigid temperatures… There’s a consortium of people that must give their approval; this morning it was a group made up of my oldest and my wife… “Looks slippery…NO!”… so their standards were not met, I could get hurt…. Dam! And here I was ready to defy nature and show her who was boss… not happening people, these are the days when I must stay inside for the benefit of mankind…sucks to have MS folks…anyways, guests are on the agenda this afternoon, so radio silence will be observed….

Take care people….

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Jibber Jabber

Helter Skelter people!

I know, one f_ed up song to start the day, but hey, had to be done…

So what’s new with you?...Me?... same crap different day… I had my bath guy perform his duties and I ate my meals on wheels… I have no clue what I ate, mbut I know it was dead and it must have been cooked in like a gallon of oil because it was dripping 10-40 when I started to swallow it.. Talk about YUCK!

So tomorrow I have and old colleague I used to work with, one of the rare people that still talk to me seeing that everyone that use to adore me has now stop talking to me…they probably think it’s contagious… the looser thing not the MS….

I think I’ll have a quiet afternoon and close my eyes for a sec or two… I am waiting for my Galaxy S-III with great anticipation…it’s always cool to get a new gadget…

Take care folks!

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Speech rec coming back


The weather outside is frightful….let it snow let it snow let it snow…

Yeah, we got some white stuff pooping on us… And Saturday? 5-10cm are expected, that’s like 2-5 inches of snow…I guess that’s why they call it winter.

In Xmas news, it appears I will be getting the speech recognition software Dragon Naturally Speaking as a store has it at half off the normal price… I'll be able to be more productive… yay!’s going to be cool, I get to create a ne profile and dictate all sorst of shit….any hoot… it’s my day people… I will see you tomorrow…

Take care folks…

Humping the day away


Good day people…

It was another “busy” day for me so far… I had the nurse that came and took some blood for exams, I didn’t know that this had to be done every month now, he also came to change the dressing on my wound…. And I just got my bath lady cleaning session done… so in a nut shell, my day is done….

So this weekend will be a double whammy one, with a breakfast on Saturday and a lunch on Sunday; all of these to celebrate my youngest hitting the big 12-O!!!... and the happ/sad part of this coming of age?.... The fat guy is dead! Long live the fat guy!....By fat guy I mean Santa has finally cease to exist for her… I am now the official Christmas maker round this house…I don’t think the tooth bitch still exists but if she does, I will invent that she ran away with Mr. Claus to Vegas where they both live happily ever after….

Take care folks…

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Go panthers


So, my daughter had her first swimming competition yesterday and, impressive, very impressive! She ended up 2nd place in her category and 3rd place in another competition…. So I am peacock proud of her, plus in a couple of weeks she will be attending another competition at her home turf…. So chances of me going to see her are pretty good…You go Mexican torpedo you, you go…

Take care folks!

Let's just kiss and say goodbye


What a morning…in a bad way…

I just canceled my appointment with the doctor, he pushed it until next week and I had to make several calls to different people regarding my MS  situation… I still have to deal with those….and what about yesterday!..

Sunday night I call my wife’s cell company to find out info on something with the bill… why did I call them?.... I am no good at this sort of stuff….not only did I got the required info, but I got a new cell phone!!... yeah,  a Galaxy III-S or S -II, the rival of the iPhone V… the guy was good, he could have been selling air and I would have bought it right away….but there was a draw back, I had to cancel my old phone and that didn’t go as planned… It’s like breaking up with a girlfriend, you try to find the right words but they insist that perhaps it could be different if you just give her a chance… I mean, they play the long term relationship card and everything, but at the end they eventually accept it….I hate changing mobile phone company

Take care folks!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Everything happens for a reason


I was thinking heavily this afternoon, really meditating my ass off when suddenly I was scared out of my slumb…er …I mean my meditation sequence by my Tuesday’s bath girl. She asked if she could come in and giggle her ass off on my sudden move from Delta waves into Alpha ones, I told her I was meditating and we left it at that… but she was here to give me a bath, again. Apparently someone at the CLSC schedule her and my normal bath guy to come and service Mr. Guzman the same day… I told her that I already had been taken care of but it was good she came because I needed to cancel her for tomorrow seeing that I will be going to the hospital in the morning. She had a better idea, she was going to come extra early and provide me with a bath instead of cancelling; she then took off with the smart aleck remark on how I could go back to meditating…..

Take care folks….

PS I hate it when shit like this happens... it's hard for me to meditate people....

November pain


Good start of the last week of November folks….make it count…

So, I finished with my daily formalities and I am ready to tackle my head… nothing major plan on my side, just inhale in and exhale…sigh…

My oldest has her first competition in swimming today and she left nervous to school. I told her to relax and to think nothing about the competition; it was just like seeing who was the fastest kid… just like when she would race her cousins… That relaxed her a bit; well she’ll be off until about 8:00PM tonight and I hope she had fun…

Other than that, nada people!... just enjoying my day howeber I can….

Take care folks!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

On a Sunday like today


Lazy Sunday people…

Well my day is going to be a slow one, but we’re already planning next weekend as it will be my youngest's birthday celebration and we are having a breakfast marathon…. Eggs, bacon, sweet beans, normal beans, toasts and platano macho… it’s a Salvadorian/Canadian breakfast… there will also be cream and cheese….Yum…

Hey in other news, hats off to National Geographic channel; they air a documentary on super storm “Sandy” (Super storm 2012) and that natural disaster that just happen a month ago. Wow.. I remember when it was months, nay years, before we would have a docu-show on stuff like this… my hearth goes out to those people who suffered….

My Sunday folks, I hope you enjoy yours…

Saturday, November 24, 2012

The Return of Yoda


I’m still up and posting….

I was seeing a marathon of Star Wars, seeing the new movies (which I really don’t care about) and the old movies… sigh to be young again… then suddenly the voice of doom and gloom came floating through the air : “I never liked those movies”… ??? … and I married this chick?!... So obviously I had to change the channel or she was going to be quiet playing on her tablet…(I Know, it wouldn’t have been a bad thing)… so “we change the channel to a docucrap show on a singer/song writer that I have never ever heard about, Ron Sextherapy or something,  something that was millions of times better than Star Wars….ZZZzzzzZZZ…. honestly, this is when suicidal should be legalize when you are force to watch crappy show… if it would be legal, I would have given her some cyanide to make it look like an accident…

Long live the Rebellion…

Skin is fine


Good day y’all…

And a “WTF WAS THAT!?” to you all!...Look I had a laugh when Jose or Miguel (my long lost nephews) called from Tijuana asking if I could spare some money… HA HA HA!... they are still waiting for the cash in some south of the border Western Union… and now, France is calling me to ask how my skin is …???!!!... Seriously!?! At 8:00AM some Jolie demoiselle called from the Laboratoires pupu caca (should be named like that) asking me about the health of my skin and how they could improve it…. She did have a sexy French accent but they should know that if I can’t spare pesos, I must certainly can’t spare Euros either…

Au revoir people…

Friday, November 23, 2012

Amazing how the brain works


A late afternoon to you all… I know, some of you are in club mode already but here is the afternoon…

You know, just as I was to start posting my day to you, the solution came to me…. I know, you’re probably wondering what I’m smoking and I respect that; just like I can respect people that dance “Gangnam style”…awkward mother fuckers if you ask me, but I digress here so let’s move on…So I found the solution! What is that word..? EUFUCKINGREKA!!  Let me explain, all afternoon I have been working on my Quantum wave theory in Excel, and I have been stuck on a calculation… not to mention grasping the stupid Excel logic of writing stuff… And now that I was about to post a dumb ass text about how lame life is, I found the way!... just have to test it to see if it works… Not tooting my own horn here, but I’m a fucking genious…That’s my Friday for you…

Enjoy the weekend…

PS Maybe I should try and dance Gangnam style on my wheelchair...



Good day all…

Well we are finally getting the oranges that we had purchased from my daughter’s school to help them do something….I’ll be seeing 80 pounds worth of fruit in my home and they will be gone in a jiffy seeing that my girls devour anything that is eatable….pigs…

I am going to miss these contribution campaigns that primary (1 to 6th grade) school have, my youngest is going to high school next year and these people barely make noise… so I think buying 80 pounds worth of oranges was worth it…. Now what the fuc is going on out side??...i hear moaning…here’s hoping for the best…I wouldn’t like a murder in my building…

Take care folks…

Thursday, November 22, 2012



A glorious day to you all…

Well it seems that “rush” and “early” are the key actions of this week and were they ever present today…

You see, my chair wasn’t completely charged this morning so breakfast was going to be served in bed to me; with a bit of reservation from my wife’s part a she had many things to do…poor her… Nevertheless my coffee was set on my hospital table and as I am about to start drinking it, the nurse is knocking at my patio door… rats!... Okay, the usual weekly get together… then, charge or not, I was put on the chair to complete my morning ritual, but all of this done with Damocles sword hanging on my head…what can you do when you live in a zoo…

Right now, I already ordered my monthly medical stash and it seems that with every new medication they try on me, my wallet gets emptier faster and faster; thank God for my lottery dreams that yesterday paid out the exuberant amount of $10,000 minus the last 3 “0”… so at least I get to play another day…Yay… any hoot bath guy cometh…I’ll see you later…

Take care folks…

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Monsieur Guzman and the crack of dawn


Good day people….

What's that thing called?
Yeah, I know, a tad, just a tad, late today but I have a good excuse…. Remember those appointments I talked about yesterday? Well one is done!! The wheelchair has been fixed and I am finally happy; but it came with a cost people…nothing is free in life… I was up at 5:30AM to take the freaking bus at 7:10AM so that I could be at the CMR greeting the workers because it was that freaking early…I OPEN THE FREAKING PLACE UP!!! THERE WAS NOBODY WHEN I GOT THERE!!! I was in the middle of a nap when I stared to hear “Bonjour monsieur Guzman…” over and over again!!... Yesterday when I reserved my bus they couldn't give me anything after 6:55AM, take it or leave it they said… well no, they didn't say that but I’m sure the little shit who reserved my bus was thinking it!... I’m probably ranting too much here, I really don’t think that she was a little shit… she was probably stressed because their computer system was down most of the day; all I know is that I was there real, I’m talking cock-a-doodle-doo time here, early and now I’m dead….soo cya…

Take care folks…

PS... my appointment was at 8:30AM..... F.U MS....

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Adjusting my life


Holly frijoles batman! WTF happened?...

Well, I got no clue but out of the blue life threw appointments at me that I wasn't mentally ready for; all of them at pathetically odd hours….

I got a call from my neurologist’s secretary suggesting that I go see him next week for a visit… needless to say that it falls at the nick of time because he has to fill up some paper work for the insurance company and I’m pretty sure he wouldn't do it if I didn't see him…. And then my chair people want to see me tomorrow at 8:30AM!! WTF?! I wonder if they know the time I will have to take the bus; it will probably be at 7:00AM…all of this because they have no room for me in the afternoon…so. I’ll be busy these coming days…

Take care folks…

PS… I think my kid’s teacher is doing drugs… I just got a call from her and she seemed very chatty, very positive, very high on life…perhaps even something else…

Rushashan Tuesday


Good Tuesday people….

A hectic morning, just a bit…

Today we are winterizing the car, tires, washing, er I think that’s it because oil change is until 56k and we are at 50 or 53… so wife is taking care of that…but it is the hustling of the girl, the eating fast because she has an appointment and I have a lady bath giver that will be here any freaking minute…. And later on, it’s such a beautiful day, we will be going to the big shopping mall… no problem for me, I’m on a motorized wheelchair, but my wife will have to walk to get there (one of the rare times she does); poor her…

And that’s my Tuesday for ya… I will see you later..

Monday, November 19, 2012

Hold on, we going for a ride


All’s quiet in the home front, nothing major to report…

Today I will be cooking with my daughter, seeing that she’s here, spaghetti sauce from scratch… no readymade stuff for us today, we got the meat, we got the tomatoes, we got the veggies… we are set!!... let’s hope for the best but prepare for the worst…

I’ve been on the quiet side hese days, thinking a lot… I don’t know what triggered this last episode of the thinking game, but nothing nor anybody is safe…nobody!... I guess I’ll ride this wave and see where it takes me….

Take care folks!

Barter king..sort of..


Good remainder of the day people..

Hey, I traded my way to a house!

I used to see the show where people traded stuff until they got what they wanted; in my case, I wanted a house. I started with a pin. I then went on to a pen followed by a chocolate bar. As I continued my hunt for my goal, I got a roll of toilet paper. This was a critical point in my wheeling and dealing since it allowed me to trade it for a 1965 Oldsmobile, poor guy couldn't hold it in any longer (thanks Ex-lax) ... I then went and drove the car around to be seen by potential swappers and it worked! 3 days into my riding game, some dude wanted to trade it for an AK-47 with a clip, next thing you know, I'm getting a freaking house!...with the help of an AK-47...

It’s all kosher, I don’t think the dude's going to come back and yell “foul”….that has only happened once in human history…

Take care folks….

PS Who says I'm not smart....

PS...Just kidding, imagine me trying to hold on to an AK-47...I think I would accidently shoot my wife and kids...just accidently ... 

Saturday, November 17, 2012

Sleeping at the CMR


Happy weekend people…

So my visit yesterday, how did it went… In a nutshell, bad. You see I got there and the guy who was going to work on my chair put me in a bed type mechanism; he took my chair and I was listening to this girl being pushed by her mom on a wheelchair while she (the girl) was wailing…I think she was affected by cerebral palsy… any hoot, the combination of her wailing, me in a bed, my mind in la la land made me fell asleep!  After about 1 hour the guy came all apologetic and woke me up with the story hat they had the wrong piece and hat they were going to put the original one back until hey get he proper piece…. So nothing really hqappen except a nap…

Coming back, I decided to stroll around as it was a beautiful day… so I did this until I realized that I had an appointment with the dietitian  so I rushed back and made the meeting… she’s coming back with a device to weight me folks…to paraphrase Socrates: Shit just got real…

Happy Saturday!

Friday, November 16, 2012

Test subject No.33


Good morning folks….well, for some of you…

I’m off to the CMR and as a double bonus, I have a meeting with my dietician this afternoon. Oh yeah, yesterday after posting my “where the F is my doctor” post. The guy came in saying how disappointed he was with the new medicine that he had prescribed…. He was giving me 3 more months with the current medicine and after he would make more blood exams; if the results were similar to those he had seen, he was going to put me in a new wonder drug that had just came out…. I’m starting to feel like a guinea pig here…maybe he’ll discover a cure for MS by accident or even better, my hair is going to grow back…Hey, dreams are still free…any hoot, wishing you a beautiful morning/afternoon….

Take care folks!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

In absentia


WTFD (What the F doctor) ?! You tell me that you will be there early in the afternoon and you aren't on time!? What do I expect from you next, a doctor’s visit?! You just F#$ed up my day, I didn't even napped properly for fear of you coming and finding me drooling!...actually, I did napped, just a little, but placed myself properly as to be hidden away from the outside…Even my daughters are starting to comeback home from school…

I better have something horribly wrong with me for you to have missed the appointment…

Take care folks…

Week in progress


Good day to you all…

Well, I am waiting for my bath guy to come over but I am on edge waiting for this afternoon already; why? Well, I got a really early call from my doctor this morning. He wants to come and talk to me this afternoon… To discuss my latest blood exam results… I hate shit like this, just tell me the news over the phone, I can handle it! At least, I think I can! No, he wants to make me sweat,  he wants me to repent, he wants me to change my ways!...fer crying out loud, what is it?!?……hold on….

Dam, I forgot it was Thursday and the nurse had to come to change the dressing on my wound….plus I got the flu shot… yay…off the yearly bucket list!

So now my bath guy, then the doctor and tomorrow the CMR…. What a life…

Take care folks!

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Nothing like the sun...


What a gorgeous day again people... just came back from the shopping center and the bus stop where my kid gets off... I'm telling you, nothing like this mild weather to recharge your batteries. Tomorrow i expect it to be a slow day until Friday when I shall be going to the CMR to fix my chair, once again; I wonder if I got a lemon?....Ha! Joke's on them as reparations are free...F_me, the week is done!!..oh well, might as well enjoy it....

Take care folks...

A whistling ghost


Good day people….

Ouf, that was a close one….

You see, a couple of months ago my daughter reported to her mom that she was seeing a spirit in her room, I think I even blogged about it. Then my wife told her mother and her mother after investigating how this spirit looked, she determine that it was the grandfather of my kid, meaning my wife’s dad…Hey, I got no “pedo” whit this; whatever paranormal shit happens up there, stays up there… I had no problems with Casper the friendly ghost…. 

But then a couple of weeks ago I was all alone in the house when I suddenly heard someone whistling upstairs….weird, I filed it under “getting old, hearing shit” label and went on with my life…. Then yesterday, I was relaxing on my chair when suddenly I heard someone whistling behind me… WTF?!?.... I looked everywhere and analyzed step by step what could it have been… after a long while, I came to the conclusion that it was the entity that my kid saw; so when my wife came home I told her my story and she asked her mom if his dad (my wife’s dad) use to whistle a lot, she confirmed that he would whistle quite often… Well, there it is… I am hearing ghost! This morning, my wife came and told me where the whistling came from…. Her freaking Samsung pad; every time she gets an email the stupid thing whistles a melody…so no ghost for me…as for my daughter seeing spirits, well that’s her problem…

Take care folks…

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

The end of an era is upon me


Good day to you all…

Please excuse my posting or lack thereof these days… what is happening on my side is something that will happen to all of us but it still hard to swallow and it is a hard situation to go through…

A couple of days ago I received an email from my brother stating the situation in which my mother is right now… it is a terminal one and time has cease to be a measuring unit for her as we don’t know when she will leave us. 

You go Zarzamora....

So as you can see I am not in a chatty mood….

PS My mom used to love singing that mom not me....

Monday, November 12, 2012

Digging dead peole


Jose is gone, but Antonio still there
It has been one of those super slow day today…had nothing better to do but to look for dead people… I found my grandmother’s brother… apparently he died when he was 91… stop breathing… I know it has a name; I am just giving you the translation…literary…. It was his son, who was beat up by the army, because they say he was a communist, that provided the info… imagine that… what a fucked up family, communist in one side and hard core capitalist murderers in the other… and I have enough time to dig into this mess and find documents little by little…

Take care folks…

Riding out the storm


Good day folks, it’s going to be +20c degrees (about) today… so beautiful day for strolling later on…

Although it is a gorgeous day out there today, in my place it felt like I woke up to a Nor'easter. It was rush rush rush, one girl off to her swimming practice, the other to the bus stop and the other to clean an office… all of this while preparing my lunch, sitting me down on my chair, giving me my morning pills and giving me breakfast…. It was a hurricane type of morning, with the probabilities of it happening all week long…

This week nothing major planed, seems all is quiet on my medical calendar. I will get a visit from the nutritionist come Friday and perhaps go for the wheelchair parts if they call, oh yeah: I will have to make an appointment with my neurologist because the insurance company wants to make sure I’m still sick…so…I will have to prove them once again that yes, I still got MS….

Take care folks!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

3 Amigos


Went, saw, ate my ass off… Service was slow, food was great, didn't have dessert and some busboy dropped the plates to which I started to cheer and scream “yeah” but then got bitched slap by my wife because I was going to make the guy feel bad…F that, I have done it all my life and I am not going to stop now! So I give my outing a 8.2… wasn't cold, food was good and plates got dropped…so it was a good night…

Take care folks!

PS The experience lost points because I had no coffee and dessert...

Incredulous....the word of the day


Good day y’all and WTF!!

Yeah I've been seeing incredulous movies since the morning light and why did God give me such an analytic brain that forbids me from enjoying such films!?

Twister, really?! There is so many crap there is not even funny… surviving a direct F-5?! Com’on people I know that is just a movie, but make me believe it…and then The Green Lantern! First of all I don’t believe that the guy is stupid enough to abandon Scarlett Johansson for the girl in the movie; day and night my friends.. And the movie, a super hero race that defends the universe from evil?! Seriously?! And the bad guy is a black cloud that basically toasts planets… is this for real?!.... Nope, not impressed….hope the chimichangas taste better…

Take care folks…

PS DON’T YOU GO DISSING INDEPENDENCE DAY… this is something that could happen in a potential future... don’t you dare make jokes about Will Smith! He will one day save your sorry asses from aliens.. 

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Gorgeous Saturday


To recap my Saturday: OUTSIDE!... strolling…

I went out to do the grocery shopping with my wife, then I stayed out on my patio and then I went strolling around my neighborhood; needless to say…I got lost…In my own freaking neighborhood!!! Talk about needing a GPS, I wonder if I could ask one from the CMR… After I came back in and played some Animal Crossing, chit chatted about this and that, then I shaved on my own… it’s something that I am able to do now, is not the perfect shave but it helps me out when the CLSC shaves me; doesn’t hurt as much. Tomorrow we are going “Ay caramba” with the rest of my wife’s family and then, the freaking weekend is finish…God it sucks…Hope you had a great weekend so far…

Take care folks!

An ordinary day


Good day…

Well, gorgeous day out there… but cold… I will go and do some shopping later on, nothing major, just food for the week. Today we had our first Christmas talk with my wife regarding what is going to be purchase for the kids this year…I don’t think we will do much as a celebration as my mother is on the down side and I am thinking that all of my brothers will be extremely busy taking care of her…. So here is hoping you have a beautiful day full of fun and surprises…

Take care folks…

Friday, November 9, 2012

The appointment post

Hello and happy weekend!

Got to make this fast…

Why fast? Well ever since I got my chair blogging has been a pain in the asteroid! The chair is taller so going under the desk to access the keyboard is a pain… thus I get tired quite fast…on with my blog…

So, winter is really here, I have made an appointment so they can put the winter tires on, it’s the law here in Quebec; It took a while, the lady manning the reception is all alone today, so service calling back sucked…poor her… Also, I’m about to make an appointment for the restaurant this weekend to celebrate my wife’s mom’s birthday…. We’re going “Mexican” with the 3 Amigos…I used quotes because it is a simile of what Mexican food is to most of the world, except Mexico….trust me I know Mexican food, I eat it often….it's like saying North-American Chinese food… nothing to do with the real thing…trust me, my kid has gone to China and has bragged about this subject many times…we are ignorant when it comes to this matter....

Any hoot, got to get this desk on higher grounds, somehow….Home Depot here I come…

Take care folks… don’t drink and drive or fly or have sex…

My aunt from Ahuchapan

Bonjur (that’s how I think English speaking folks would massacre Bonjour in an effort to sound French)!

Hope you’re having a lovely Friday…..

So this morning I was reflecting on the earthquake that hit Guatemala a couple of days ago. Life’s funny, I was hearing on the news that last major quake to hit that country was 32 years ago; and you know what? I was there in some sort of way….

You see folks, 36 years ago there was a quake and I was in Ahuachapán, El Salvador; a quaint little town near Guatemala. I remember this because, like almost every weekend between the months of January and September, I was at my aunt’s house -Doña Berta Gonzalez (RIP)- and the news of a relief effort being organized in this town took to the streets. As luck would have it, the relief effort was being organized in the park that stood meters away from my aunt’s home and we were going to participate in this brotherly effort. I don’t remember the facts exactly but I remember that my aunt sent someone; I want to say my older brother but don’t really recall, to add our piece of help to the cause. That lady (my aunt) was a saint; if it wasn't for her our weekends would have been atrocious during those days that were mark by the absence of my mother who had left the country to start something new in Canada. I will always remember her in a good way, as well as her daughters. Sigh…. There is still some memories in my head that will be spit out as I go along….God bless you always tia Berta…

Take care folks!

PS The quake of 1976 killed over 20 thousand people...

Thursday, November 8, 2012

It's a good thing...


Stupid hands, shot again…I really have to start doing speech recognition again…

So the CMR called, very apologetic, very pipiri nice (it’s a Salvadorian thing), very ipso facto (It’s a Latin thing)…

They are going to order the pieces right away, cancel my appointment and call me back so that I may go and fix this puppy… How long? Who knows, but I am willing to bet before the holidays as they wouldn’t want me to stay stranded during the holiday season…that would be bad…So hopefully they get the stuff next week and I go the following week…Yay CMR…

Take care folks!

Sex and the broken thing


Good freaking day folks….

It’s been a “busy” one for me, so far….

Remember I said that my nurse was coming over to change my catheter? Well he came and it was a bit problematic for him to change the dam thing… it appears that it was getting stuck to my skin; really! He had to pull a bit on the dam thing to be able to take it out and when he put the new one, he had to force a little… so not a pleasant experience this morning…Then while having breakfast….RING RING…The phone, private number; what gives?!? It was the CMR lady, she’s pregnant; what do I tell my wife now?! Okay, it might as well have been a call like that, but it was from the CMR…Remember that I had made an appointment to go and fix the wheelchair, again, because of the crack? Well they were sending someone over to investigate further; “Just to make sure I am safe…” were the exact words of the lady… W T F people!! A big “WTF?”… I was going to have a technician drop over the house to assess the situation…. Well he came and left and the news weren't pretty, the motor is broken already! He was going to talk to his boss so that they could rush a new motor and fix the situation ASAP as he didn't know how long this one could hold out.. he prescribe no big outdoors outing like the one of Tuesday and he strongly recommended sex; lots and lots of sex…I will oblige….

May the force be with you...

Wednesday, November 7, 2012



Where has the day gone? Where has the week gone!?... Tomorrow is Thursday already and I got my next appointment, again, for my wheelchair… stupid crack noise and broken parts that fell off…. I didn't mention that yesterday? Well when the chair went crack, 3 or 4 plastic parts came flying from the chair… today the CMR called me back and told me that I should bring the chair back for a checkup…so they gave me an appointment at the end of the month….let’s hope the chair will though it up…

Tomorrow I got the CLSC coming over and I will probably be late on my posting, seeing that I have to be in bed for this checkup…also, we are probably having a small gathering with my wife and her family at a restaurant on Sunday…celebrating the mother-in-law for her birthday…not to mention  pigging out at your local restaurant is always fun…

Sweet dreams people…

An earthquake a day...


Man, take a nap and shit happens… I just read that there was an earthquake near my country… The epicenter was in Guatemala but it seems that Mexico and El Salvador felt it quite a bit….. That’s the earthquake machine that the American military has… believe it or not, some people believe this… probably some of my readers too… hey, I got a bridge to sell you if you’re interested….

It was a strong quake, 7.44 magnitude, how do I know this?? I am one of those nerds who likes to receive alerts when quakes hit anywhere in the world… but as I can read on FB it appears the capital of El Salvador wasn’t really hit hard….that or my cousin put on a brave face or has a sick sense of humor the bastard…That’s it, I’m off to find more info on barnard 68….

Take care folks…

Tip toeing through the roads


Good day people…

So! Another 4 years with my compadre ‘bama…. Congrats to you Mr. President, hope you guide your people well… on with the show…

Montreal straight ahead..
Yesterday a took a relatively long stroll to the Champlain shopping mall… I “had” too, the iPhone 5 of my wife had arrived and it was going to be today or tomorrow… so “it” was decided that the day was too beautiful to waist and that I should go and test my cracked wheelchair to that mall, oh… and get her phone at the same time… Well I went and it was a gorgeous day for a ride, not that cold although I had been bundled up to go to Alaska for some reason, I probably looked like a fool, the chair handled pretty well, very comfortable, but I think it was too slow; so I had to be extremely patient… I got her toy and I stayed a bit…. And then got depressed, I mean sending someone to a mall without cash? Really?! You just don’t do that! There was so much crap I wanted to buy…not even funny…..Any hoot, I took a picture of when I was on the overpass and you can see the highway that leads to Montreal, sigh the memories of what I was….MS  sucks people, it really does…

Take care folks…

PS of course there's a guard rail, they don't want me to jump! 

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

I'm doing crack now...


I had the new chair for about six days already and I have been border line satisfied…and now that everything seems to be falling into place…CRACK!!...yeah you heard me, CRACK!...

I was tilted resting my tuckus when I decided to sit up in an upright position, just like in the planes when you’re about to land…suddenly: Yeah, the noise I describe before!... WTF MAN?!! I just got this puppy, it’s fairly new!! So I took the phone and called the CMR, I gave the voice mail a piece of my mind and told her that I hope for her sake that the tilt mechanism holds, otherwise I was really going to be disappointed….

Things are not looking good here… no sireee bob….

PS Could I have gain an extra pound or two??...nah, it's the freaking chair...

Tales from a creep


How’s life people?...

Well bath is done, waiting for my meals on wheels, reading news…. Elections in the USA, apparently the American North-East is not out of the woods yet since another storm is brewing, dishonor killing of a 15 year old girl in Pakistan because she was looking at a boy according to her parents who threw acid in her face and Halo 4 is out and my oldest is going to buy it today…. That is my life so far…. Not much to make you go “Wow! I wish I had his life…”… but this is the type of life the doctors suggested to my mother I should have… a very still one with no ups or downs…. Like a  zombie that has nothing better to do in life but eat brains….mission accomplish, my life is super still, border line boring and thank to this my MS has remain the same for the last 5 years…except I got a new wheelchair…. That’s my story so far…What's yours?!..

Take care folks!

Monday, November 5, 2012

End of day story..


Well day is done and here's hopping that the sites affected by hurricane Sandy are recuperating fast and steady... my heart goes off to you folks; especially NJ that I visited when I was younger.

So to recapitulate my day: I got my new chair fixed...and did F all for the remainder of the day... completely different than tomorrow when I will do completely nothing again...This is getting to be a habit... I know, "be careful what you wish for..."...But just once I would like something out of the ordinary happen,,,,something good....

Buenas noches amigos...

Back from nowhere land


Hey, I’m back and the chair is better…yay!... and it was starting to freaking snow when I was coming back!!! It’s winter people… so hibernation time for me, at least I got my new chair, my coffee and my Paneton to keep me warm throughout winter!!

Man was that bus full when I came back, it seems that everyone takes the special transportation at lunch time…dam handicap people!...well got to eat lunch now and make sure that I have the PVR (DVR) set to record my shows this week…

Hasta luego gente!

PS… music time… "Je pense encore à toi… de ces bout de ruisseaux qui deviennent des ports….."

Early riser


Good morning people…..and a happy Merhaba to you all…gad I love the Amazing Race…

So I’m up and at them already, had breakfast, almost completely dressed and going over in my head what changes I am going to be asking for… it will be a quick visit, maybe I can even catch my wife when I come back… who knows what her schedule looks like, she’s her own boss, so anything is possible…

It’s getting nippy here folks, today was the first day that the girls had to bring winter jackets and I will probably have to do this also… but in my case is probably going to be overkill since my jacket is design to withstand -35c temperatures without a sweater on… if I put one I would probably melt… my mother bought me this jackets about 8 years ago and you keep these babies for emergencies only, but it’s the last jacket I got so I have no choice….

Better get myself ready….so long folks! 

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Sunday's chit chat


Good Sunday people…

Well we changed the clock backward today and did I ever get fooled by it… On my iPod wich I thought would have changed the hour automatically, it was 8:30AM when in reality it was only 7:30! Here I was swearing at my wife because she was late for work and I was probably going to be rushed out of bed and into the wheelchair; perhaps without any breakfast!! I was wrong, she made me realized that wee had changed the clock and that we had 1 additional hour to kill….

So tomorrow I am off to the CMR once gain and I will not be here most of the morning, so you will have to deal by yourselves while I get my chair fixed…hopefully it will be last visit until next year…yay!...

Take care folks!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

The button issue


Good lazy Saturday to all…

Well, I went for my ride for my first time on my new wheelchair and it was disappointing… the chair does not go as fast as my old one and it always seem to be yawing to either side … I have to correct it axis all the time. And don’t tell me about the turtle and the rabbit.. I keep accidentally moving this freaking  button making go either fast or slow (this button makes your chair faster or slower within the chosen speed)….The only plus side of this chair is that it feels new, it contours my body so I don’t move freely when on the bus… and call me nuts, but I feel and I look sexy…at least this is what I was told by the CMR occupational therapist...

Happy Saturday folks!

Friday, November 2, 2012

Preparing Monday already

Hello again is you and me….

It was a slow day people, my day was spent organizing my music, backing it up and listening to songs I hadn’t visited in a while. I was also making final arrangements for my visit, again, to the CMR so that they can fix my arm rest and adjust my speeds; it’s too freaking fast! So I will be off on Monday...about an hour or so...Other than that, nada, not a beeping dam thing…shit!... I have to unlock the door for my kid… I hate this, I have to maneuver without breaking the freaking wall… wish me luck folks!

Happy weekend folks!!

The devil's wheelchair


Good day to you all….

Friday morning and all I keep hearing in my head is: “I’m on the highway to hell…”… obviously I replace the word highway by the word wheelchair….I guess the saying is right: be careful what you wish for…

I wrecked the chair already but my better half almost wrecked my place up… while she was testing it, and saying how cool the new chair was, she ran into my desk, my medical supply cabinet and if she wouldn't have stopped… she would have crushed my daughter’s foot… so yeah, it is a cool freaking destruction apparatus. 

So if anybody is looking for a demolition crew, we’re here for you…

Take care folks…

PS...I miss you...

Old faithful 2008-2012

Possessed  wheelchair 2012

Thursday, November 1, 2012

And the loser of the year is....


HEY!....I got a new wheelchair!!!....and I broke it already L…. Can you believe it?! I mean can you freaking BELIEVE IT?!!!’s nothing major, the arm rest, but just the fact that you have a new toy and you brake it the same day you get it, is like...ARGH…what type of a loser are you?!, the chair is super fast and the turning on dime thing…SUCKS!!... it’s like I have to learn how to drive again.. I have to go back next Monday so they can fix it… I’m such a loser… that’s why God gave me MS and made me poor so that I’m stuck in a wheelchair and can't afford a Mercedes Benz; can you imagine if I would wreck one??!... Well played God, well played…

Take care folks!

It's weird kissing her


GoOooood day to you all….

Anxiously waiting my bath because it means that I will be that much closer to my new toy!! I’m as happy as am astronaut waiting for an early morning launch… I can’t wait!

So, Movember is here, here in my neck of the woods we replace the ‘N’ by ‘M’ as an analogy to Mustache  To encourage men to grow a mustache in support of prostate cancer…. Well in my family all the men have a, sort of, mustache; so there isn't much we can do.. but I think outside the box, always, and I am trying to encourage my 3 lasses to grow one in support of this noble cause… maybe I can get the bearded lady (little J’s mom) to increase the volume of her, fine yet present, mustache.

So this is how my month is shaping up to be…."Moustache" growing bitches…for a cause…

Take care folks!