Sunday, October 30, 2016

Wandering warriors..


Good day folks, happy 30th of October….it will never come back...ever…

Why am I in such a “positive” mood? I’m not depressed, it’s just that yesterday some high school buddies and I went to “The Rocky Horror Picture Show” show. Basically, it’s actors wannabe acting up the movie for you while it is playing in the background and some kid changes the script of the movie as it’s being played. It’s been going on for ages, I went with a person that once played a role in such event...obviously, now she is practically a grandmother...sorry Magenta….This is what I did yesterday….but it triggered my existence…

We've aged gracefully

Life doesn’t stop for anyone! I remember once being young as the people yesterday and going to the show and interacting with the movie...Throwing toasts (real ones) in the air when Rocky proposed a toast or throwing toilet paper in the crowd when it needed to be done so. Yesterday, I tried to throw a toast in the air but was not able too, I basically hit this young man or woman 3 rows in front of me with a wicked direct curved ball...The same happened when throwing the TP! And just then looking at my friends and thinking: “Wow! What time has done to us!? Seems just like yesterday we were in the sun not thinking of today!”...and soon, these kids will be going through the same! But just then this young girl gave me a quick blink and made a gesture complimenting me on the color of my beard….I wanted to tell her that I hadn’t colored it for the occasion, that it was real and I had the scars to prove it; that time had done its coloring with it, with me.

Folks, I’m 48! And in two years I will be 50!!! Time flies when you don’t give a fuck….I know I’m not alone, I have old high school buddies that are going the same way, we are just a bunch of old souls looking for places we knew before….

Take care folks!

Monday, October 24, 2016

Old faces, same places...


Happy last week of October…

So I went to Montreal today. I went to see my oldest brother at his office and grab some food with him. It was nice to see downtown again at a leisurely pace...I think I will make this a thing now; grab a bite with him and have locker room conversations with him After all, he is getting pretty old the guy and having gone through the tragedy of losing two members of my TV show, TWD, you never know when you’re going  to kick the bucket….

I had a good time today telling him all that is happening with my life and what seems to be the probable turn it will take next year….You cannot know about it yet folks...soon. He also gave me a couple of old photos from my grandmother and her brother and sister….And as a bonus, I got a rare photo of my grandfather….He was good looking compared to my brothers and cousins..not me, I am good looking people, I am probably adopted….


Any hoot, have good day folks…

Sunday, October 23, 2016

My fall 2016


Happy last week of October folks! Make it count….

The last couple of weeks I’ve been strolling in the park near my house taking pictures of the foliage and its changing color… Happy to live in a country where there are 4 seasons and you can appreciate the beauty of mother nature; sometimes all the seasons are on the same day… It is funny, now that time has passed, kids are getting old and are fairly independent, I have time to wonder about and snap photos of life…. I have to upgrade my phone and get gadgets to help me snap a proper photo because with this illness it’s almost impossible to keep the lens focus on the subject I want to take a picture of.

Fall 2016
Tomorrow I will go to have lunch with my brother at his work; downtown Montreal. I will bring my tablet since it has a better camera and I can upload the photos on the fly. Hopefully, he will snap some good ones… I don’t know if to take my selfie stick…I like to snap a good photo of my brother and me.

One old SOB!

Any hoot, have a good end of Sunday and an amazing week ahead….


Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Cha Cha Chaing through life...


How are we all doing??

Great great…

Well here we’re going into the fall season big time! Leafs are and have fallen, the temperatures have dipped dramatically and there’s a whole bunch of disabled people running amok the streets of my hoodd!

What gives?! I don’t appreciate this at all

This is my house! And you know what them Packer boys say about that:

(Sadly they lose to Dallas...sooooo…) But what I am saying is that ever since I moved to the hood I’ve been seeing a lot more of them! Where is Trump when you need him?! Maybe I need to empty my bladder all around around here so they know this is my territory….And the sad part is that they have better toys than me. Some even come in their adapted cars; either driven by them or somebody else….

There should be a law limiting the numbers of wheelchairs in a neighbourhood...

Take care folks...