Thursday, September 1, 2011

Who invented what?!


Good something to you folks!

Well September's turn to fly by then it will be October, November, December and a new year will be upon us...

This morning I turned on the news, Canada AM, and I saw and heard that there was a Canadian Cancer breakthrough, obviously I was a bit proud not because it was a Canadian thing, it didn't hurt either, but because cancer was being beaten once again. So I left it at that and then I started to watch the news from Mexico, Primero Noticias, and in the segment about technology advances and so on they reported the cancer thing. Oh great I said to myself they are going to say it was a Canadian innovation. Next thing I heard is the lady saying that it was a firm from San Francisco who had made the breakthrough. WTF?! I just heard it was in Canada, Ottawa to be exactly, now you're telling me that is in San Francisco? The freaking Dr. was interviewed on the news, I went on the web and it's still being hailed as a Canadian breakthrough! So what gives? Who's right? Who's wrong? I obviously went to look for this person and I tweeted them with the link about the news I had heard. I don't know if they're going to answer back or rectify or tell me I'm a loser and point me to the right direction but it's not the first time that this happens but it's the first time I tweet them about it.

I have to start keeping track of this, I mean could this be a conspiracy?

Take care folks!

PS I couldn't even find the Mexican article regarding the news on Cancer....bath time

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