Friday, September 2, 2011

Friday, looking for something to do


So what did I do this afternoon?

Well besides napping I decided to for an activity that I may be able to take, a hobby or to study something. I started to look in the astronomy but the courses that are available are pretty far from here, I'm talking about an hour drive away and Montréal University has some courses but it requires me to have a physics background and good old Chuck here didn't like school very much back in the days, I still don't. So I will keep on doing my research to find out something that might be interesting to me.

The weekend is here people, hopefully I'll get the rest of the pictures today and may be scan some for Monday, I'll have something new to post. I think that Monday I will start working on that book I've been talking about since I started the blog, I mean why not? I would like to be recognized as an author and get a fan group and perhaps even some crazy ladies that will throw their underwear at me when I'm in a bookstore signing books, that would be awesome...

Well I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

My country home

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