Friday, September 16, 2011

My Friday's thoughts


Good morning to you or afternoon!

Well it's Friday, apparently this weekend the weather is going to be merciful and chances are then that I will be going out to breathe in some air. Hopefully I'll get to see the landlord sooner or later because I want to get the ball rolling on the adaptations of my place asap.

Regarding my surgery, I'm getting the heebie-jeebies as I don't find it natural to have a hole in your body that was man-made. Apparently I will need to have it cleaned twice a week and there will be some buildup of stuff around the tube that needs to be clean with some special Q-tips of nitratesomething. Oh yeah, the wound must always be covered and quite frankly I'm feeling awkward about this! It's kinda like when the doctors decide to leave a bullet in your brain because if they take it out, it could be disastrous. Oops gotta run, my sister-in-law is coming to help me because I forgot to have somebody empty the pee bag in the morning and I don't want it  to overflow... 2000 Ml is not enough...

That's my morning gone and what I'm currently thinking...

Take care folks!

PS I told you this was MS at its full nakedness...

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