Good something to you people!
Well I'm a bit stiff today, maybe it has to do with the weather that's been crappy all week, maybe I'm getting some sort of MS crisis, I don't know but even my bath lady noticed it this morning. We'll see what my life gets dragged into next.
Today hopefully I will complete the scanning of the pictures, I have already made a partial backup of them and once I'm done with it I will make a full backup. I was wondering why I do these things, eventually I'm the one who likes genealogy and looking at old photos, but who says that my daughters are going to like it? Maybe they won't give a hoot about it and all this family tree shit I've been doing won't matter to anybody after all. I mean I backtracked all the way to my great great grandfather and grandmother, that's about 160 years ago! Perhaps I have to reevaluate my life, again, maybe I should start writing that book I've been talking about or perhaps go back to school, life is complicated people...
That's it for me, at least for the morning.
Have a nice day folks!
PS I think I'm going to call the domain people as my web page is not ready yet...
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