Monday, September 19, 2011

19 September 1976


Good something to you people...

I know I'm a bit late but my bath guy just finished doing his thing...

Wow! what a gorgeous day outside, makes me wonder what I will be like when I get my place adapted. Hey, I already said happy birthday to the people whose birthday fall today, but I'd like to reiterate this wish to anybody out there who's birthday is today. Why is today important? Granted, it's your birthday, but something happened 35 years ago that changed your faith and mine. Yes, 35 years ago my family and I came to this beautiful country, Canada, and we've been living here in peace and harmony ever since. I came to Canada the 19 of September 1976 and became a full-fledged Canadian in 1981. So happy birthday to my family and I! Imagine that, if I hadn't arrived in this country I would have never gone tol school here, never played football, never traveled to Mexico, never gotten my girls, never gotten MS and never ever would have met you! You guys would have never known of my existence, you guys would be probably missing something... It's amazing how one small thing could change everything! Well I'm here now, so tough it up cupcake!

I guess giving bath pays well! My bath guy came today with his new wheels, it was a Kia Soul. A very beautiful car from outside and my bath guy reassures me that it's also a very beautiful car inside. He's quite happy with it and like a new owner he's taking care of this baby really well.

Take care yourself and happy birthday to all those whose birthday happened to fall on the date I came to Canada.

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