Saturday, November 27, 2010

Snowy Saturday


Hope you all doing well and dandy!

So we had the first snow accumulation last night, about 3 cm but it was cold also. As my post from last night read I went to sleep rather late and woke up a bit later than usual. Right now my girls are out seeing their grandmother because she wants to give my little daughter her birthday present, even though her birthday is until next week and I think they're going to buy boots for my oldest kid.

Now that I've done all my Christmas shopping I'm starting to receive e-mails stating that my purchase has been shipped and will be coming this week. I do hope it comes around noon because there will be somebody here that could open the door otherwise I'll have to go to the patio door and ask the person coming out of the building if they were the ones knocking on my door, it's a hassle I know but what else can I do?

Next thing is I'm going to have to start buying food for the 24th of December, nothing fancy and something that everyone will enjoy. Reminds me, yesterday I was having some food and my oldest daughter asked me if she could have an LTT. An LTT? What the hell is that? She immediately replied it was her way of saying a try, so what does it stand for? A little taste test she said. Jesus Christ! When has the language suddenly change on me? I remember I used to have different words: cool, radical, Frankie says don't do it... But three letter acronyms?? OMG, WTF happened? I guess every generation has its own way of expressing itself, I just can't wait to hear my grandsons say their cool phrases!

The care hommies!

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