Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Midterm elections


What gives? Not a lot of people today, aaaahhh capito!

Is the midterm elections in the US, I had forgotten completely about that. I'm not going to hide the fact that the US is where most of my readers come from, followed by Canada and third-place Korea. There are other countries such as Sweden, Australia, Guadalupe and so on. But the Americans not being there today hurt my statistics but I completely understand that they have to vote to elect their representatives. I wish them all the best.

In the news there is big talk of California's election seeing that they're going to be voting on proposition 19 (legalization of marijuana). I hope they are satisfy with the results. I am not against marijuana nor am I for it, I don't mind people smoking it near me... Well not that near either. It's their life and if they want to destroy it so be it. I personally think that marijuana is harmful to your system just like any other drugs but I also think that out of all drugs it is the less harmful. I hope my kids don't do it when they grow up, I didn't do it and I don't regret it either. So I wish Californians good luck on their decision.

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