I told you I would get a post in even if I had several things happening today! How are you guys, enjoying your week so far?
My older brother came and visited me yesterday late afternoon. It was odd because it was not visiting hours for him, usually he will pop in on weekends mot on a monday at 5PM; but he had a meeting to attend this side of the bridge.
Yes Montreal is an island and I live off the island, in the south shore about 10 minutes away by bus to the city. When I was a working guy I used to comute everyday, I miss those days but back to my post.
So my bro dropped by and he was intrigued about my pet project, the family tree. He was wondering where I had gotten so much information and how I could prove everything I say. I told him that I didn't make these things up. I cited my sources and we debated the truth about them. Guess what? I won!! I convinced a high profile lawyer to join my team, a guy that will make you believe you're wrong joinned my ranks!
We talked about how this affected our lives and how the people we held in such high esteem were really normal folks. I told him that it didn't change much our lives, I'm still Chuck Guzman the MS guy and he was still mr. Lawyer sir as for respecting the memories of those who came before us it was our duty to do so. I am not a judge and jury, I'm an observer of history.
He parted with the usual words of wisdom a $200 the hour managing lawyer gives:
- "Son you should be careful with the pandora box you've opened. Remember that your truth is not the same truth that others have."
That's it! This is the best advice you have for a man that's about to be excomunicated??!! Thank God the advice was free!!
Any hoot, he did praise me for the way I was tackling my tree, the way I was going about it and how I was keeping notes. He told me that maybe I should write a book....Ok so this is going to be my next pet project...
Thank you little people, I will remember you when I'm famous!!
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