Tuesday, November 9, 2010



How are we this morning

Today I'm going to be writing about the subject of education and how I find it that it has come down from when I used to be at school.

So yesterday evening my brother calls me and asks me if I could talk to his daughter because she didn't believe him when the Cold War took place, she believed that the Cold War took place in the era of Jesus Christ. Really? Are you jiving me? Okay, I will speak with her. I don't know how much attention my niece puts in class but I remember knowing this when I was in secondary one (7th grade). Then again, I have always been the odd kid: liking history, liking astronomy, liking archaeology... Liking everything that wasn't cool!

Okay here we go, baby the Cold War happened after WWII and it was a duel between the United States of America and the Soviet Union republic. It was called the Cold War because it wasn't an open war but rather it was always borderline incidents that could have triggered a nuclear holocaust. The Apex of the Cold War came with the Cuban missile crisis which basically was a potential nuclear war. But thank God it was averted thanks to the removal of the missiles from Cuba and the ones in Turkey.

This started my brain thinking that it wasn't only her but perhaps also my daughter. So I asked my daughter if she knew what the Cold War was. Guess what? Nope, she was like a reindeer caught on a headlights. She had no clue about it, makes me wonder if the education system of our days was better than the one the kids grow up on today. I then started to quiz my daughter on all sorts of different subjects just to find out that she was lacking knowledge of different things. Pitty, I thought humanity was going one pace forward all the time. When you think about it a lot of our physics breakthroughs and ideas still derive from the famous E=MC2. I'd don't know if there's been any great ideas lately, maybe the human race is up for renewal. If you don't know your history chances are that you might be repeating the same mistakes again.

It's not the school system but the kids! My niece and daughter are just not into history, if they only knew that we are here today because several people gave up their lives so that we may live. Should Hitler had won World War II I wouldn't be here to blog about it or you guys wouldn't be here to read my post.

Anyways, I would just like to say thank you to all the soldiers who ever fought a war. Specially the ones of World War II who fought the battles that permit me to blog freely today; to the younger audience don't forget to say thank you to the people who went to hell for you.

Happy days my friends, happy days.

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