Saturday, November 27, 2010

It's a Canadian thing


Good morning Korea, good evening USA! Hoping you have a great day/evening!

This post will have a Canadian twist today seeing that tomorrow will be the game that will determine who in Canada has the best football team: English Canada or us French speaking Canada with an English speaking team. Yes, it's the Grey cup! The equivalent of the super bowl with out the adds. We already dominated Calgary in the Vanier cup, is like saying we won the Rose bowl. Now if the Alouettes win tomorrow against the Roughriders Quebec will be the craddle of Canadian football, isn't that great?!! I think this is what separatist are waiting for, a big riot in downtown Quebec to blame English Canada!

For you foreign readers riots after wining an important sport event is an affair de rigeur, meaning it has to be done! Last time we had one of this things was when we won the Stanley cup in 1993, so I think it's time for some action to take place.

I don't really care who wins, I am rooting for Montreal but it doesn't really matter. I am not a fanatic, I will not paint my face with the team's color, nor will I light candles to saint Jude patron of lost causes. To me is simple, no funny commercials, no football for me!

I wish Saskatchewan good luck, they aregoing to needed!

Watch Montreal lose tomorrow because I am going with them and I bring bad luck!

Adios amigos!

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