Saturday, November 27, 2010



Well how are we all doing??

I'm fully awake after having snoozed off for a bit, I'm almost certain that I'm going to be up for a little whie because of this.

This weekend there was less pageviews due to the US thanksgiving holyday. Friday I got 28 pageviews when in average I get over 50. The country that stay fairly stable is Korea. There is always the odd country that visits but the 3 places where the stream of reader comes is from the US, Canada and Korea.

Hey! My sister-in-law came back from black friday and she got a couple of good deals, the down side was when she came across the border she had to pay duty tax and it came out the same as buying here.

Monday I'm getting my new hard disk and I will be making my first general backup of my data, no more worries about losing something.

Well just wanted to say hi. Gonna watch a documentary about a guy who killed 48 women...

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