Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Battered bastards of Brossard


Good whatever to you all, hope you are all having a wonderful day.

I have briefly seen the news this morning and there's still talk about the South Korea-North Korea issue. Well I wish that their leaders resolve the situation without any further bloodshed.

Bet you didn't see a difference there. While I was beginning to write my daily post out of the blue came the person that was going to give me my bath today. So now that I'm writing this it's a full hour gone, so let's keep on going.

So this morning there was a clash of the titans at my house, my oldest daughter was hiding some crappy exam she had and other school related stuff. Not to mention that she has "misplaced" her cellular phone, it's in her room somewhere but her room is more like a battle zone. So my wife trying to be helpful went to see if she could find the cellular phone, she didn't find it but she did find a geography exam and two booklets were she hadn't completed her work. Lordy Lord Lord! Understandably my wife was trying to find out why she had hidden these items from us and my daughter wasn't giving an inch, she was coming with all sorts of excuses: it's old work, it doesn't count on my grades, you saw them before... Etc.

Why do kids do such things? Just yesterday we were praising her for her school etiquette and how she was doing well at school. We were asking her what she wanted for Christmas, the sky's the limit! We were all happy and now we found out that she was hiding school stuff?!? She's already been grounded before, couldn't she learn from the experience? Right now she won't be able to use her iPod or the computer, it's safe to say that when she finishes school today she will have to clean her room up, look for her cell phone, take care of her homework and the nastiest of them all... Watch French TV! Why she doesn't like it, I have no idea, she's going to a French school, her friends are French, her dad speaks French, we live in a French province, it's a beautiful freaking language!

I'm sure that when my daughter moves out of the house she will remember herself as being one of the battered bastards of bastogne herself having fought the dark side of the force and having successfully won. Once again, I wish they resolve their issues without any further bloodshed.

Have a nice day people!

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