Friday, December 31, 2010

My dream


2011 is at the door, are you ready for it?

Well today is the day when everything changes for me, my dream is coming to get me. Yes, I have a dream everytime lotto max reaches $50 million dollars and tomorrow is it! How do I know I will win it? Come on, I went over this already, the Castro brothers!

But what matters is that I must be ready for it with a plan of action, I'm there, here is my plan:

1- Pay my debts

2- Buy a solid gold wheelchair, ok I'll settle for a 4x4 wheelchair

3- Build a house that is adapted to my needs

4- Hire 3 nurses from the CLSC to attend me..has to be the prettiest ones

5- Hire 2 people from the CLSC to give me bath...girls and good looking ones

6- Buy an adapted car, a rolls could do the trick

7- Invest money in a busines venture

8- Get a Rolex watch

9- buy an iPad for my wife

10- Get a good lawyer, cause you always need one

That's my plan so far, if I don't win tomorrow I will be really really ticked off, it took me a while to recover from last $50 million dollars I didnt win.

I am going to zleep now, my eyes are shutting down...

Happy last day of 2010!!

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