Wednesday, November 7, 2012

An earthquake a day...


Man, take a nap and shit happens… I just read that there was an earthquake near my country… The epicenter was in Guatemala but it seems that Mexico and El Salvador felt it quite a bit….. That’s the earthquake machine that the American military has… believe it or not, some people believe this… probably some of my readers too… hey, I got a bridge to sell you if you’re interested….

It was a strong quake, 7.44 magnitude, how do I know this?? I am one of those nerds who likes to receive alerts when quakes hit anywhere in the world… but as I can read on FB it appears the capital of El Salvador wasn’t really hit hard….that or my cousin put on a brave face or has a sick sense of humor the bastard…That’s it, I’m off to find more info on barnard 68….

Take care folks…

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