Thursday, August 4, 2011

They call me snake head


How are you doing folks?

Well I'm up already, I had breakfast, I already took the numerous pills and insulin that I need and now I'm blogging so I guess it's safe to say that I'm ready to start my day.

It's a much better day than yesterday morning, I'm still lost but in a brighter path. This morning I expect my Thursday bath guy to come over since he is back from vacation, I wonder if he did something special? Yesterday evening I called my brother and told him to bring his son, the hair guru, because I wanted a new look. Don't laugh, balding people also have desires! So they came, and I told my nephew that I wanted a Mr. clean look, you know, the one where he leaves you bald?! Yeah that one! So he shave my head and now I look like motorcyclists that used to belong to some Association. I was talking over about that with my brother, I think that the nurses at the hospital hit on me because they must think I'm a bad guy, a motorhead who is now paralyzed and has to rely on his souped-up wheelchair... I gotta get a tattoo with the word mother on it, this will make me look more authentic, oo, oo, oo.... let's not forget the cool name... Humm... snake head! I will be known as snake head from now on to you guys! And I used to belong to the killers! Yup, this was a real gang I used to belong too when I was a teenager, yeah.... we used to ride bicycles and do really really bad things such as, hang on!? I'm not gonna tell you what I did, you might come after me! Just let it be known that I'm now snake head and that yes I used to be in a gang called the killers, plus I used to play the drums in the group called Everest... I have done everything!

I guess I'll think a little about what I did...

Take care folks!

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