Monday, August 22, 2011

Monday's problems


Well my insurance issue was solved before I even got to called them, my pay was there this morning.

Onced that was solved, on its own, they put me on the chair just to find out that the machine that lifts me is not working properly! I'd don't know if it's the machine itself or the charger, you see when you connect the charger it doesn't seem to be doing its job, meaning it doesn't charge. So I placed a 911 call to my occupational therapist to let her know that my thingamajig wasn't working properly. She did what she had to do, she placed a call to the repair center who will hopefully send me some one to check this out before the end of the day. Keeping my fingers crossed here...

I'm still a bit stiff as mentioned on my post this morning but I have hopes that I will get better as the day progresses...

Take care folks!

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