Thursday, January 15, 2015

Je suis Target


What the hell people!? What...The....Hell!?

You will be missed
Here I was going to write about my mini iPad not having a flash and how it was dissatisfying to my taste, but now I have to do a 180 because I just found out that Target is closing its stores here in Canada! What gives?! I thought we had something good going on.

Apparently we were a mistake!

What am I going to do now? We still have Walmart but that's it! The chain of stores following that one is the Bay, but they have different prices and different quality of items. Last time I went to Walmart I had to return the same product twice. At the Bay once you buy something you're stuck with it for life! Ask me about my umbrella that I've been carrying for about 15 years; go-ahead ask me. I bought the umbrella 15 years ago while going to work and it was raining cats and dogs that day; I paid $40 for the umbrella back then, I even got shit from my wife because I had spent so much money on a dumb umbrella. The freaking umbrella still there, my wife and I will probably fight over it if we get divorced.

If you ever going to buy something at that store be prepared to dump it in the garbage, sell it in a garage sale or toss it in the back of the closet and take it out when you need it.

Target closing?! I'm pretty sure that some people saw that coming a mile away, I on the other hand saw the glass half full....

Oh Siri, don’t say you’re leaving me too girl, I would just shoot myself right then and there...

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